Blame examples/memkind_allocated_example.cpp

Packit Service 7f3b24
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
Packit Service 7f3b24
/* Copyright (C) 2014 - 2020 Intel Corporation. */
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#include <memkind.h>
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#include "memkind_allocated.hpp"
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// This code is example usage of C++11 features with custom allocator,
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// support for C++11 is required.
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#include <iostream>
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#if __cplusplus > 199711L
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#include <cstdlib>
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#include <new>
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#include <string>
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//example class definition, which derive from  memkind_allocated template to
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//have objects allocated with memkind, and have alignment specified by alignas()
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class alignas(128) memkind_allocated_example : public
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    std::string message;
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    //Override method for returning class default kind to make objects be by default allocated on High-Bandwidth Memory
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    static memkind_t getClassKind()
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        return MEMKIND_HBW;
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    memkind_allocated_example(std::string my_message)
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        this->message = my_message;
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    void print_message()
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        std::cout << message << std::endl;
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        std::cout << "Memory address of this object is: " <<  (void *)this << std::endl
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                  << std::endl;
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int main()
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    memkind_t specified_kind = MEMKIND_HBW_HUGETLB;
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    memkind_allocated_example *default_kind_example = new memkind_allocated_example(
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        std::string("This object has been allocated using class default kind, which is: MEMKIND_DEFAULT") );
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    delete default_kind_example;
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    memkind_allocated_example *specified_kind_example = new(
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        specified_kind) memkind_allocated_example(
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        std::string("This object has been allocated using specified kind, which is: MEMKIND_HBW_HUGETLB") );
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    delete specified_kind_example;
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    //examples for using same approach for allocating arrays of objects, note that objects created that way can be initialized only with default (unparameterized) constructor
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    memkind_allocated_example *default_kind_array_example = new
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    delete[] default_kind_array_example;
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    memkind_allocated_example *specified_kind_array_example = new(
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        specified_kind) memkind_allocated_example[5]();
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    delete[] specified_kind_array_example;
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    return 0;
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#else //If C++11 is not available - do nothing.
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int main()
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    std::cout << "WARNING: because your compiler does not support C++11 standard,"
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              << std::endl;
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    std::cout << "this example is only as a dummy placeholder." << std::endl;
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    return 0;
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