Blame cache.h

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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
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#ifndef CACHE_H
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#define CACHE_H
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#include <pthread.h>
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#ifdef HAVE_UMEM_H
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#include <umem.h>
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#define cache_t umem_cache_t
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#define cache_alloc(a) umem_cache_alloc(a, UMEM_DEFAULT)
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#define do_cache_alloc(a) umem_cache_alloc(a, UMEM_DEFAULT)
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#define cache_free(a, b) umem_cache_free(a, b)
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#define do_cache_free(a, b) umem_cache_free(a, b)
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#define cache_create(a,b,c,d,e) umem_cache_create((char*)a, b, c, d, e, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)
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#define cache_destroy(a) umem_cache_destroy(a);
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#ifndef NDEBUG
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/* may be used for debug purposes */
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extern int cache_error;
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 * Constructor used to initialize allocated objects
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 * @param obj pointer to the object to initialized.
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 * @param notused1 This parameter is currently not used.
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 * @param notused2 This parameter is currently not used.
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 * @return you should return 0, but currently this is not checked
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typedef int cache_constructor_t(void* obj, void* notused1, int notused2);
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 * Destructor used to clean up allocated objects before they are
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 * returned to the operating system.
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 * @param obj pointer to the object to clean up.
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 * @param notused This parameter is currently not used.
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 * @return you should return 0, but currently this is not checked
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typedef void cache_destructor_t(void* obj, void* notused);
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 * Definition of the structure to keep track of the internal details of
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 * the cache allocator. Touching any of these variables results in
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 * undefined behavior.
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typedef struct {
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    /** Mutex to protect access to the structure */
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    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
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    /** Name of the cache objects in this cache (provided by the caller) */
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    char *name;
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    /** List of pointers to available buffers in this cache */
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    void **ptr;
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    /** The size of each element in this cache */
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    size_t bufsize;
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    /** The capacity of the list of elements */
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    int freetotal;
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    /** The current number of free elements */
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    int freecurr;
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    /** The constructor to be called each time we allocate more memory */
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    cache_constructor_t* constructor;
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    /** The destructor to be called each time before we release memory */
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    cache_destructor_t* destructor;
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} cache_t;
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 * Create an object cache.
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 * The object cache will let you allocate objects of the same size. It is fully
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 * MT safe, so you may allocate objects from multiple threads without having to
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 * do any synchronization in the application code.
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 * @param name the name of the object cache. This name may be used for debug purposes
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 *             and may help you track down what kind of object you have problems with
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 *             (buffer overruns, leakage etc)
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 * @param bufsize the size of each object in the cache
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 * @param align the alignment requirements of the objects in the cache.
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 * @param constructor the function to be called to initialize memory when we need
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 *                    to allocate more memory from the os.
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 * @param destructor the function to be called before we release the memory back
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 *                   to the os.
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 * @return a handle to an object cache if successful, NULL otherwise.
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cache_t* cache_create(const char* name, size_t bufsize, size_t align,
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                      cache_constructor_t* constructor,
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                      cache_destructor_t* destructor);
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 * Destroy an object cache.
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 * Destroy and invalidate an object cache. You should return all buffers allocated
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 * with cache_alloc by using cache_free before calling this function. Not doing
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 * so results in undefined behavior (the buffers may or may not be invalidated)
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 * @param handle the handle to the object cache to destroy.
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void cache_destroy(cache_t* handle);
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 * Allocate an object from the cache.
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 * @param handle the handle to the object cache to allocate from
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 * @return a pointer to an initialized object from the cache, or NULL if
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 *         the allocation cannot be satisfied.
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void* cache_alloc(cache_t* handle);
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void* do_cache_alloc(cache_t* handle);
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 * Return an object back to the cache.
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 * The caller should return the object in an initialized state so that
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 * the object may be returned in an expected state from cache_alloc.
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 * @param handle handle to the object cache to return the object to
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 * @param ptr pointer to the object to return.
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void cache_free(cache_t* handle, void* ptr);
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void do_cache_free(cache_t* handle, void* ptr);
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