/* Meanwhile - Unofficial Lotus Sametime Community Client Library Copyright (C) 2004 Christopher (siege) O'Brien This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _MW_CIPHER_H #define _MW_CIPHER_H #include #include "mw_common.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* place-holders */ struct mwChannel; struct mwSession; /** @enum mwCipherType Common cipher types */ enum mwCipherType { mwCipher_RC2_40 = 0x0000, mwCipher_RC2_128 = 0x0001, }; struct mwCipher; struct mwCipherInstance; /** Obtain an instance of a given cipher, which can be used for the processing of a single channel. */ typedef struct mwCipherInstance *(*mwCipherInstantiator) (struct mwCipher *cipher, struct mwChannel *chan); /** Process (encrypt or decrypt, depending) the given data. The passed buffer may be freed in processing and be replaced with a freshly allocated buffer. The post-processed buffer must in turn be freed after use */ typedef int (*mwCipherProcessor) (struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwOpaque *data); /** A cipher. Ciphers are primarily used to provide cipher instances for bi-directional encryption on channels, but some may be used for other activities. Expand upon this structure to create a custom encryption provider. @see mwCipherInstance */ struct mwCipher { /** service this cipher is providing for @see mwCipher_getSession */ struct mwSession *session; guint16 type; /**< @see mwCipher_getType */ const char *(*get_name)(void); /**< @see mwCipher_getName */ const char *(*get_desc)(void); /**< @see mwCipher_getDesc */ /** Generate a new Cipher Instance for use on a channel @see mwCipher_newInstance */ mwCipherInstantiator new_instance; void (*offered)(struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwEncryptItem *item); struct mwEncryptItem *(*offer)(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); void (*accepted)(struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwEncryptItem *item); struct mwEncryptItem *(*accept)(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); mwCipherProcessor encrypt; /**< @see mwCipherInstance_encrypt */ mwCipherProcessor decrypt; /**< @see mwCipherInstance_decrypt */ /** prepare this cipher for being free'd @see mwCipher_free */ void (*clear)(struct mwCipher *c); /** clean up a cipher instance before being free'd @see mwCipherInstance_free */ void (*clear_instance)(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); }; /** An instance of a cipher. Expand upon this structure to contain necessary state data @see mwCipher */ struct mwCipherInstance { /** the parent cipher. @see mwCipherInstance_getCipher */ struct mwCipher *cipher; /** the channel this instances processes @see mwCipherInstance_getChannel */ struct mwChannel *channel; }; struct mwCipher *mwCipher_new_RC2_40(struct mwSession *s); struct mwCipher *mwCipher_new_RC2_128(struct mwSession *s); struct mwSession *mwCipher_getSession(struct mwCipher *cipher); guint16 mwCipher_getType(struct mwCipher *cipher); const char *mwCipher_getName(struct mwCipher *cipher); const char *mwCipher_getDesc(struct mwCipher *cipher); struct mwCipherInstance *mwCipher_newInstance(struct mwCipher *cipher, struct mwChannel *channel); /** destroy a cipher */ void mwCipher_free(struct mwCipher* cipher); /** reference the parent cipher of an instance */ struct mwCipher *mwCipherInstance_getCipher(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); /** reference the channel a cipher instance is attached to */ struct mwChannel *mwCipherInstance_getChannel(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); /** Indicates a cipher has been offered to our channel */ void mwCipherInstance_offered(struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwEncryptItem *item); /** Offer a cipher */ struct mwEncryptItem * mwCipherInstance_offer(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); /** Indicates an offered cipher has been accepted */ void mwCipherInstance_accepted(struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwEncryptItem *item); /** Accept a cipher offered to our channel */ struct mwEncryptItem * mwCipherInstance_accept(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); /** encrypt data */ int mwCipherInstance_encrypt(struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwOpaque *data); /** decrypt data */ int mwCipherInstance_decrypt(struct mwCipherInstance *ci, struct mwOpaque *data); /** destroy a cipher instance */ void mwCipherInstance_free(struct mwCipherInstance *ci); /** @section General Cipher Functions These functions are reused where encryption is necessary outside of a channel (eg. session authentication) */ /* @{ */ /** generate some pseudo-random bytes @param keylen count of bytes to write into key @param key buffer to write keys into */ void mwKeyRandom(guchar *key, gsize keylen); /** Setup an Initialization Vector. IV must be at least 8 bytes */ void mwIV_init(guchar *iv); /** Expand a variable-length key into a 128-byte key (represented as an an array of 64 ints) */ void mwKeyExpand(int *ekey, const guchar *key, gsize keylen); /** Encrypt data using an already-expanded key */ void mwEncryptExpanded(const int *ekey, guchar *iv, struct mwOpaque *in, struct mwOpaque *out); /** Encrypt data using an expanded form of the given key */ void mwEncrypt(const guchar *key, gsize keylen, guchar *iv, struct mwOpaque *in, struct mwOpaque *out); /** Decrypt data using an already expanded key */ void mwDecryptExpanded(const int *ekey, guchar *iv, struct mwOpaque *in, struct mwOpaque *out); /** Decrypt data using an expanded form of the given key */ void mwDecrypt(const guchar *key, gsize keylen, guchar *iv, struct mwOpaque *in, struct mwOpaque *out); /* @} */ /** @section Diffie-Hellman Functions These functions are reused where DH Key negotiation is necessary outside of a channel (eg. session authentication). These are wrapping a full multiple-precision integer math library, but most of the functionality there-of is not exposed. Currently, the math is provided by a copy of the public domain libmpi. for more information on the used MPI Library, visit http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~sting/mpi/ */ /* @{ */ /** @struct mwMpi */ struct mwMpi; /** prepare a new mpi value */ struct mwMpi *mwMpi_new(void); /** destroy an mpi value */ void mwMpi_free(struct mwMpi *i); /** Import a value from an opaque */ void mwMpi_import(struct mwMpi *i, struct mwOpaque *o); /** Export a value into an opaque */ void mwMpi_export(struct mwMpi *i, struct mwOpaque *o); /** set a big integer to the Sametime Prime value */ void mwMpi_setDHPrime(struct mwMpi *i); /** set a big integer to the Sametime Base value */ void mwMpi_setDHBase(struct mwMpi *i); /** sets private to a randomly generated value, and calculates public using the Sametime Prime and Base */ void mwMpi_randDHKeypair(struct mwMpi *private_key, struct mwMpi *public_key); /** sets the shared key value based on the remote and private keys, using the Sametime Prime and Base */ void mwMpi_calculateDHShared(struct mwMpi *shared_key, struct mwMpi *remote_key, struct mwMpi *private_key); /* @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _MW_CIPHER_H */