Meanwhile - Unofficial Lotus Sametime Community Client Library
Copyright (C) 2004 Christopher (siege) O'Brien
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _MW_SESSION_H
#define _MW_SESSION_H
/** @file mw_session.h
A client session with a Sametime server is encapsulated in the
mwSession structure. The session controls channels, provides
encryption ciphers, and manages services using messages over the
Master channel.
A session does not directly communicate with a socket or stream,
instead the session is initialized from client code with an
instance of a mwSessionHandler structure. This session handler
provides functions as call-backs for common session events, and
provides functions for writing-to and closing the connection to
the server.
A session does not perform reads on a socket directly. Instead, it
must be fed from an outside source via the mwSession_recv
function. The session will buffer and merge data passed to this
function to build complete protocol messages, and will act upon
each complete message accordingly.
#include "mw_common.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct mwChannelSet;
struct mwCipher;
struct mwMessage;
struct mwService;
/** default protocol major version */
/** default protocol minor version */
/** @section Session Properties
for use with mwSession_setProperty, et al.
/** char *, session user ID */
#define mwSession_AUTH_USER_ID "session.auth.user"
/** char *, plaintext password */
#define mwSession_AUTH_PASSWORD "session.auth.password"
/** struct mwOpaque *, authentication token */
#define mwSession_AUTH_TOKEN "session.auth.token"
/** char *, hostname of client */
#define mwSession_CLIENT_HOST "client.host"
/** guint32, local IP of client */
#define mwSession_CLIENT_IP "client.ip"
/** guint16, major version of client protocol */
#define mwSession_CLIENT_VER_MAJOR "client.version.major"
/** guint16, minor version of client protocol */
#define mwSession_CLIENT_VER_MINOR "client.version.minor"
/** guint16, client type identifier */
#define mwSession_CLIENT_TYPE_ID "client.id"
/** guint16, major version of server protocol */
#define mwSession_SERVER_VER_MAJOR "server.version.major"
/** guint16, minor version of server protocol */
#define mwSession_SERVER_VER_MINOR "server.version.minor"
enum mwSessionState {
mwSession_STARTING, /**< session is starting */
mwSession_HANDSHAKE, /**< session has sent handshake */
mwSession_HANDSHAKE_ACK, /**< session has received handshake ack */
mwSession_LOGIN, /**< session has sent login */
mwSession_LOGIN_REDIR, /**< session has been redirected */
mwSession_LOGIN_ACK, /**< session has received login ack */
mwSession_STARTED, /**< session is active */
mwSession_STOPPING, /**< session is shutting down */
mwSession_STOPPED, /**< session is stopped */
mwSession_UNKNOWN, /**< indicates an error determining state */
mwSession_LOGIN_CONT, /**< session has sent a login continue */
#define mwSession_isState(session, state) \
(mwSession_getState((session)) == (state))
#define mwSession_isStarting(s) \
(mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_STARTING) || \
mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_HANDSHAKE) || \
mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_HANDSHAKE_ACK) || \
mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_LOGIN) || \
mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_LOGIN_ACK) || \
mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_LOGIN_REDIR) || \
mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_LOGIN_CONT))
#define mwSession_isStarted(s) \
(mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_STARTED))
#define mwSession_isStopping(s) \
(mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_STOPPING))
#define mwSession_isStopped(s) \
(mwSession_isState((s), mwSession_STOPPED))
/** @struct mwSession
Represents a Sametime client session */
struct mwSession;
/** @struct mwSessionHandler
session handler. Structure which interfaces a session with client
code to provide I/O and event handling */
struct mwSessionHandler {
/** write data to the server connection. Required. Should return
zero for success, non-zero for error */
int (*io_write)(struct mwSession *, const guchar *buf, gsize len);
/** close the server connection. Required */
void (*io_close)(struct mwSession *);
/** triggered by mwSession_free. Optional. Put cleanup code here */
void (*clear)(struct mwSession *);
/** Called when the session has changed status.
@see mwSession_getStateInfo for uses of info field
@param s the session
@param state the session's state
@param info additional state information */
void (*on_stateChange)(struct mwSession *s,
enum mwSessionState state, gpointer info);
/** called when privacy information has been sent or received
@see mwSession_getPrivacyInfo
void (*on_setPrivacyInfo)(struct mwSession *);
/** called when user status has changed
@see mwSession_getUserStatus */
void (*on_setUserStatus)(struct mwSession *);
/** called when an admin messages has been received */
void (*on_admin)(struct mwSession *, const char *text);
/** called when an announcement arrives */
void (*on_announce)(struct mwSession *, struct mwLoginInfo *from,
gboolean may_reply, const char *text);
/** allocate a new session */
struct mwSession *mwSession_new(struct mwSessionHandler *);
/** stop, clear, free a session. Does not free contained ciphers or
services, these must be taken care of explicitly. */
void mwSession_free(struct mwSession *);
/** obtain a reference to the session's handler */
struct mwSessionHandler *mwSession_getHandler(struct mwSession *);
/** instruct the session to begin. This will result in the initial
handshake message being sent. */
void mwSession_start(struct mwSession *);
/** instruct the session to shut down with the following reason
code. */
void mwSession_stop(struct mwSession *, guint32 reason);
/** Data is buffered, unpacked, and parsed into a message, then
processed accordingly. */
void mwSession_recv(struct mwSession *, const guchar *, gsize);
/** primarily used by services to have messages serialized and sent
@param s session to send message over
@param msg message to serialize and send
@returns 0 for success */
int mwSession_send(struct mwSession *s, struct mwMessage *msg);
/** sends the keepalive byte */
int mwSession_sendKeepalive(struct mwSession *s);
/** respond to a login redirect message by forcing the login sequence
to continue through the immediate server. */
int mwSession_forceLogin(struct mwSession *s);
/** send an announcement to a list of users/groups. Targets of
announcement must be in the same community as the session.
@param s session to send announcement from
@param may_reply permit clients to reply. Not all clients honor this.
@param text text of announcement
@param recipients list of recipients. Each recipient is specified
by a single string, prefix with "@U " for users
and "@G " for Notes Address Book groups.
int mwSession_sendAnnounce(struct mwSession *s, gboolean may_reply,
const char *text, const GList *recipients);
/** set the internal privacy information, and inform the server as
necessary. Triggers the on_setPrivacyInfo call-back. */
int mwSession_setPrivacyInfo(struct mwSession *, struct mwPrivacyInfo *);
/** direct reference to the session's internal privacy structure */
struct mwPrivacyInfo *mwSession_getPrivacyInfo(struct mwSession *);
/** reference the login information for the session */
struct mwLoginInfo *mwSession_getLoginInfo(struct mwSession *);
/** set the internal user status state, and inform the server as
necessary. Triggers the on_setUserStatus call-back */
int mwSession_setUserStatus(struct mwSession *, struct mwUserStatus *);
struct mwUserStatus *mwSession_getUserStatus(struct mwSession *);
/** current status of the session */
enum mwSessionState mwSession_getState(struct mwSession *);
/** additional status-specific information. Depending on the state of
the session, this value has different meaning.
@li @c mwSession_STOPPING guint32 error code causing
the session to shut down
@li @c mwSession_STOPPED guint32 error code causing
the session to shut down
@li @c mwSession_LOGIN_REDIR (char *) host to redirect
gpointer mwSession_getStateInfo(struct mwSession *);
struct mwChannelSet *mwSession_getChannels(struct mwSession *);
/** adds a service to the session. If the session is started (or when
the session is successfully started) and the service has a start
function, the session will request service availability from the
server. On receipt of the service availability notification, the
session will call the service's start function.
@return TRUE if the session was added correctly */
gboolean mwSession_addService(struct mwSession *, struct mwService *);
/** find a service by its type identifier */
struct mwService *mwSession_getService(struct mwSession *, guint32 type);
/** removes a service from the session. If the session is started and
the service has a stop function, it will be called. Returns the
removed service */
struct mwService *mwSession_removeService(struct mwSession *, guint32 type);
/** a GList of services in this session. The GList needs to be freed
after use */
GList *mwSession_getServices(struct mwSession *);
/** instruct a STARTED session to check the server for the presense of
a given service. The service will be automatically started upon
receipt of an affirmative reply from the server. This function is
automatically called upon all services in a session when the
session is fully STARTED.
Services which terminate due to an error may call this on
themselves to re-initialize when their server-side counterpart is
made available again.
@param s owning session
@param type service type ID */
void mwSession_senseService(struct mwSession *s, guint32 type);
/** adds a cipher to the session. */
gboolean mwSession_addCipher(struct mwSession *, struct mwCipher *);
/** find a cipher by its type identifier */
struct mwCipher *mwSession_getCipher(struct mwSession *, guint16 type);
/** remove a cipher from the session */
struct mwCipher *mwSession_removeCipher(struct mwSession *, guint16 type);
/** a GList of ciphers in this session. The GList needs to be freed
after use */
GList *mwSession_getCiphers(struct mwSession *);
/** associate a key:value pair with the session. If an existing value is
associated with the same key, it will have its clear function called
and will be replaced with the new value */
void mwSession_setProperty(struct mwSession *, const char *key,
gpointer val, GDestroyNotify clear);
/** obtain the value of a previously set property, or NULL */
gpointer mwSession_getProperty(struct mwSession *, const char *key);
/** remove a property, calling the optional GDestroyNotify function
indicated in mwSession_setProperty if applicable */
void mwSession_removeProperty(struct mwSession *, const char *key);
/** associate arbitrary data with the session for use by the client
code. Only client applications should use this, never services.
@param session the session to associate the data with
@param data arbitrary client data
@param clear optional cleanup function called on data from
mwSession_removeClientData and mwSession_free
void mwSession_setClientData(struct mwSession *session,
gpointer data, GDestroyNotify clear);
gpointer mwSession_getClientData(struct mwSession *session);
/** remove client data, calling the optional GDestroyNotify function
indicated in mwSession_setClientData if applicable */
void mwSession_removeClientData(struct mwSession *session);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _MW_SESSION_H */