Hacking on the Meanwhile Project
- a brief guide by siege
Table of Contents
1 Coding Style
1.1 Indentation and Line Width
1.2 Block Style
1.3 Function and Variable Naming
2 Abbreviated API Guide
2.1 Sessions
2.2 Messages
2.2 Channels
2.3 Services
3 Patch Submission
1 Coding Style
In general, just make it look pretty.
1.1 Indentation and Line Width
two-space tabs/indent, < 80 char wide lines, with the continuation
under the last containing statement.
1.2 Block Style
sexy braces on the defining line, not after
1.3 Function and Variable Naming
2 Abbreviated API Guide
2.1 Sessions
2.2 Messages
2.3 Channels
2.4 Services
3 Patch Submission
Patches must be submitted through the sf.net tracker. Patches must be
in the `diff -ud` format, and should be relative to the base sandbox
directory (the directory containing this file). One topic per patch
submission, eg: no bugfixes along with new features (unless they are
mutually inclusive).