/************************************************************************************ Copyright (C) 2013,2016 MariaDB Corporation AB This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA *************************************************************************************/ #ifndef _ma_odbc_h_ #define _ma_odbc_h_ #ifdef _WIN32 # include "ma_platform_win32.h" #else # include "ma_platform_posix.h" #endif #define ODBCVER 0x0351 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct st_ma_odbc_connection MADB_Dbc; typedef struct st_ma_odbc_stmt MADB_Stmt; typedef struct st_ma_odbc_error { char SqlState[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1]; char SqlStateV2[SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; char SqlErrorMsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1]; SQLRETURN ReturnValue; } MADB_ERROR; typedef struct { char SqlState[SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; SQLINTEGER NativeError; char SqlErrorMsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1]; size_t PrefixLen; SQLRETURN ReturnValue; MADB_ERROR *ErrRecord; /* Order number of last requested error record */ unsigned int ErrorNum; } MADB_Error; typedef struct { SQLUINTEGER TargetType; SQLPOINTER TargetValuePtr; SQLLEN BufferLength; SQLLEN Utf8BufferLength; SQLLEN *StrLen_or_Ind; void *InternalBuffer; /* used for conversion */ } MADB_ColBind; typedef struct { SQLSMALLINT InputOutputType; SQLSMALLINT ValueType; SQLSMALLINT ParameterType; SQLULEN ColumnSize; SQLSMALLINT DecimalDigits; SQLPOINTER ParameterValuePtr; SQLLEN BufferLength; SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr; void *InternalBuffer; /* used for conversion */ } MADB_ParmBind; typedef struct { /* Header */ SQLSMALLINT AllocType; SQLULEN ArraySize; SQLUSMALLINT *ArrayStatusPtr; SQLULEN *BindOffsetPtr; SQLULEN BindType; SQLSMALLINT Count; /* TODO: In IPD this is SQLUINTEGER* field */ SQLULEN *RowsProcessedPtr; /* Header end */ } MADB_Header; typedef struct { SQLUINTEGER BindSize; /* size of each structure if using * Row-wise Binding */ SQLUSMALLINT *RowOperationPtr; SQLULEN *RowOffsetPtr; MADB_ColBind *ColumnBind; MYSQL_BIND *Bind; SQLSMALLINT Allocated; } MADB_Ard; typedef struct { SQLLEN ParamsetSize; SQLUINTEGER ParamBindType; SQLUSMALLINT *ParamOperationPtr; SQLULEN *ParamOffsetPtr; MADB_ParmBind *ParamBind; MYSQL_BIND *Bind; SQLSMALLINT Allocated; SQLLEN Dummy; /* dummy item to fit APD to ARD */ } MADB_Apd; typedef struct { MADB_Stmt *stmt; SQLULEN *RowsFetched; SQLUSMALLINT *RowStatusArray; SQLUINTEGER FieldCount; SQLSMALLINT Allocated; MYSQL_FIELD *Fields; } MADB_Ird; typedef struct { MADB_Header Header; #if (ODBCVER >= 0x0300) SQLUINTEGER *ParamProcessedPtr; #else SQLULEN *ParamProcessedPtr; /* SQLParamOptions */ #endif /* ODBCVER */ SQLUSMALLINT *ParamStatusPtr; SQLSMALLINT Allocated; MADB_ParmBind *Parameters; } MADB_Ipd; typedef struct { SQLINTEGER AutoUniqueValue; char *BaseCatalogName; char *BaseColumnName; char *BaseTableName; SQLINTEGER CaseSensitive; char *CatalogName; char *ColumnName; SQLSMALLINT ConciseType; SQLPOINTER DataPtr; SQLSMALLINT DateTimeIntervalCode; SQLINTEGER DateTimeIntervalPrecision; SQLINTEGER DescLength; SQLLEN DisplaySize; SQLSMALLINT FixedPrecScale; SQLLEN *IndicatorPtr; char *Label; SQLULEN Length; char *LiteralPrefix; char *LiteralSuffix; char *LocalTypeName; SQLSMALLINT Nullable; SQLINTEGER NumPrecRadix; SQLLEN OctetLength; SQLLEN *OctetLengthPtr; SQLSMALLINT ParameterType; SQLSMALLINT Precision; SQLSMALLINT RowVer; SQLSMALLINT Scale; char *SchemaName; SQLSMALLINT Searchable; char *TableName; SQLSMALLINT Type; char *TypeName; SQLSMALLINT Unnamed; SQLSMALLINT Unsigned; SQLSMALLINT Updateable; unsigned long InternalLength; /* This to be used in the MYSQL_BIND. Thus is the type */ char *InternalBuffer; /* used for internal conversion */ char *DefaultValue; char *DaeData; SQLULEN DaeDataLength; /* Doesn't seem to be used anywhere */ my_bool PutData; my_bool inUse; my_bool TruncError; } MADB_DescRecord; typedef struct { MADB_Header Header; SQLINTEGER DescType; /* SQL_ATTR_APP_ROW_DESC or SQL_ATTR_APP_PARAM_DESC */ my_bool AppType; /* Allocated by Application ? */ MADB_DynArray Records; MADB_DynArray Stmts; MADB_Error Error; MADB_Dbc * Dbc; /* Disconnect must automatically free allocated descriptors. Thus descriptor has to know the connection it is allocated on */ MADB_List ListItem; /* To store in the dbc */ union { MADB_Ard Ard; MADB_Apd Apd; MADB_Ipd Ipd; MADB_Ird Ird; } Fields; } MADB_Desc; struct st_ma_desc_fldid { SQLSMALLINT FieldIdentifier; SQLSMALLINT Access[4]; }; struct st_ma_stmt_methods; typedef struct { SQLLEN MaxRows; SQLLEN MaxLength; SQLLEN KeysetSize; SQLUINTEGER CursorType; SQLUINTEGER ScrollConcurrency; SQLUINTEGER RetrieveData; SQLUINTEGER UseBookmarks; void* BookmarkPtr; SQLLEN BookmarkLength; SQLSMALLINT BookmarkType; SQLUINTEGER MetadataId; SQLULEN SimulateCursor; } MADB_StmtOptions; /* TODO: To check is it 0 or 1 based? not quite clear from its usage */ typedef struct { char *Name; SQLLEN Position; SQLLEN RowsetSize; } MADB_Cursor; enum MADB_DaeType {MADB_DAE_NORMAL=0, MADB_DAE_ADD=1, MADB_DAE_UPDATE=2, MADB_DAE_DELETE=3}; #define RESET_DAE_STATUS(Stmt_Hndl) (Stmt_Hndl)->Status=0; (Stmt_Hndl)->PutParam= -1 #define MARK_DAE_DONE(Stmt_Hndl) (Stmt_Hndl)->Status=0; (Stmt_Hndl)->PutParam= (Stmt_Hndl)->ParamCount #define PARAM_IS_DAE(Len_Ptr) ((Len_Ptr) && (*(Len_Ptr) == SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC || *(Len_Ptr) <= SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC_OFFSET)) #define DAE_DONE(Stmt_Hndl) ((Stmt_Hndl)->PutParam >= (Stmt_Hndl)->ParamCount) enum MADB_StmtState {MADB_SS_INITED= 0, MADB_SS_EMULATED= 1, MADB_SS_PREPARED= 2, MADB_SS_EXECUTED= 3, MADB_SS_OUTPARAMSFETCHED= 4}; #define STMT_WAS_PREPARED(Stmt_Hndl) (Stmt_Hndl->State >= MADB_SS_EMULATED) #define RESET_STMT_STATE(Stmt_Hndl) Stmt_Hndl->State= STMT_WAS_PREPARED(Stmt_Hndl) ?\ (Stmt_Hndl->State == MADB_SS_EMULATED ? MADB_SS_EMULATED : MADB_SS_PREPARED) :\ MADB_SS_INITED /* Struct used to define column type when driver has to fix it (in catalog functions + SQLGetTypeInfo) */ typedef struct { SQLSMALLINT SqlType; my_bool Unsigned; SQLSMALLINT Nullable; SQLLEN OctetLength; } MADB_ShortTypeInfo; typedef struct { unsigned int ArraySize; my_bool HasRowsToSkip; } MADB_BulkOperationInfo; /* Stmt struct needs definitions from my_parse.h */ #include #define STMT_STRING(STMT) (STMT)->Query.Original struct st_ma_odbc_stmt { MADB_Dbc *Connection; struct st_ma_stmt_methods *Methods; MADB_StmtOptions Options; MADB_Error Error; MADB_Cursor Cursor; MYSQL_STMT *stmt; MYSQL_RES *metadata; MADB_List ListItem; MADB_QUERY Query; SQLSMALLINT ParamCount; enum MADB_DaeType DataExecutionType; MYSQL_RES *DefaultsResult; int ArrayOffset; SQLSETPOSIROW DaeRowNumber; int Status; MADB_DescRecord *PutDataRec; MADB_Stmt *DaeStmt; MADB_Stmt *PositionedCursor; my_bool PositionedCommand; enum MADB_StmtState State; MYSQL_STMT **MultiStmts; unsigned int MultiStmtNr; unsigned int MultiStmtMaxParam; SQLLEN LastRowFetched; MYSQL_BIND *result; MYSQL_BIND *params; int PutParam; my_bool RebindParams; my_bool bind_done; long long AffectedRows; unsigned long *CharOffset; unsigned long *Lengths; char *TableName; char *CatalogName; MADB_ShortTypeInfo *ColsTypeFixArr; MADB_BulkOperationInfo Bulk; /* Application Descriptors */ MADB_Desc *Apd; MADB_Desc *Ard; MADB_Desc *Ird; MADB_Desc *Ipd; /* Internal Descriptors */ MADB_Desc *IApd; MADB_Desc *IArd; MADB_Desc *IIrd; MADB_Desc *IIpd; }; typedef struct st_ma_odbc_environment { MADB_Error Error; CRITICAL_SECTION cs; MADB_List *Dbcs; SQLUINTEGER Trace; SQLWCHAR *TraceFile; SQLINTEGER OdbcVersion; SQLINTEGER OutputNTS; } MADB_Env; #include typedef struct st_client_charset { unsigned int CodePage; MARIADB_CHARSET_INFO *cs_info; } Client_Charset; struct st_ma_odbc_connection { MYSQL *mariadb; /* handle to a mariadb connection */ CRITICAL_SECTION cs; /* mutex */ MADB_Env *Environment; /* global environment */ MADB_Dsn *Dsn; struct st_ma_connection_methods *Methods; MADB_Error Error; Client_Charset Charset; Client_Charset *ConnOrSrcCharset; /* "Source" here stands for which charset Windows DM was using as source, when converted to unicode. We have to use same charset to recode from unicode to get same string as application sent it. For Unicode application that is the same as "Charset", or in case of ANSI on Windows - defaulst system codepage */ char *DataBase; MADB_List ListItem; MADB_List *Stmts; MADB_List *Descrs; /* Attributes */ SQLINTEGER AccessMode; my_bool IsAnsi; SQLINTEGER IsolationLevel; /* tx_isolation */ SQLULEN AsyncEnable; SQLUINTEGER AutoIpd; SQLUINTEGER AutoCommit; SQLUINTEGER ConnectionDead; SQLUINTEGER ConnectionTimeout; unsigned long Options; char *CatalogName; SQLPOINTER EnlistInDtc; SQLUINTEGER LoginTimeout; SQLUINTEGER MetadataId; SQLULEN OdbcCursors; SQLUINTEGER PacketSize; HWND QuietMode; SQLUINTEGER Trace; char *TraceFile; SQLINTEGER TxnIsolation; SQLINTEGER CursorCount; char ServerCapabilities; }; typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PromptDSN)(HWND hwnd, MADB_Dsn *Dsn); typedef struct { void *LibraryHandle; PromptDSN Call; } MADB_Prompt; SQLRETURN DSNPrompt_Lookup(MADB_Prompt *prompt, const char *SetupLibName, MADB_Dbc *Dbc); int DSNPrompt_Free (MADB_Prompt *prompt); int InitClientCharset (Client_Charset *cc, const char * name); void CopyClientCharset(Client_Charset * Src, Client_Charset * Dst); void CloseClientCharset(Client_Charset *cc); /* Default precision of SQL_NUMERIC */ #define MADB_DEFAULT_PRECISION 38 #define BINARY_CHARSETNR 63 /* Inexistent param id */ #define MADB_NOPARAM -1 /* Macros to guard communications with the server. TODO: make it(locking) optional depending on designated connection string option */ #define LOCK_MARIADB(Dbc) EnterCriticalSection(&(Dbc)->cs) #define UNLOCK_MARIADB(Dbc) LeaveCriticalSection(&(Dbc)->cs) /* Enabling tracing */ #define MAODBC_DEBUG 1 /* Macro checks return of the suplied SQLRETURN function call, checks if it is succeeded, and in case of error pushes error up */ #define RETURN_ERROR_OR_CONTINUE(sqlreturn_func_call) {\ SQLRETURN rc= (sqlreturn_func_call);\ if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(rc)) return rc;\ } while(0) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* SQLFunction calls inside MariaDB Connector/ODBC needs to be mapped, * on non Windows platforms these function calls will call the driver * manager function instead of our own function */ SQLRETURN MA_SQLAllocHandle(SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE InputHandle, SQLHANDLE *OutputHandlePtr); SQLRETURN MA_SQLBindParameter(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ParameterNumber, SQLSMALLINT InputOutputType, SQLSMALLINT ValueType, SQLSMALLINT ParameterType, SQLULEN ColumnSize, SQLSMALLINT DecimalDigits, SQLPOINTER ParameterValuePtr, SQLLEN BufferLength, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr); SQLRETURN MA_SQLFreeStmt(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT Option); SQLRETURN MA_SQLGetConnectAttr(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER BufferLength, SQLINTEGER *StringLengthPtr); SQLRETURN MA_SQLPrepare(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, SQLCHAR *StatementText, SQLINTEGER TextLength); SQLRETURN MA_SQLCancel(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle); SQLRETURN MA_SQLGetDiagRec(SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE Handle, SQLSMALLINT RecNumber, SQLCHAR *SQLState, SQLINTEGER *NativeErrorPtr, SQLCHAR *MessageText, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength, SQLSMALLINT *TextLengthPtr); SQLRETURN MA_SQLGetStmtAttr(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER BufferLength, SQLINTEGER *StringLengthPtr); SQLRETURN MA_SQLSetConnectAttr(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); SQLRETURN MA_SQLSetStmtAttr(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); SQLRETURN MA_SQLAllocConnect(SQLHANDLE InputHandle, SQLHANDLE *OutputHandlePtr); SQLRETURN MADB_GetBookmark(MADB_Stmt *StatementHandle, SQLSMALLINT TargetType, SQLPOINTER TargetValuePtr, SQLLEN BufferLength, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_IndPtr); SQLRETURN MADB_StmtColAttr(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT FieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER CharacterAttributePtr, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength, SQLSMALLINT *StringLengthPtr, SQLLEN *NumericAttributePtr, my_bool IsWchar); SQLRETURN MADB_StmtColAttr(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLUSMALLINT FieldIdentifier, SQLPOINTER CharacterAttributePtr, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength, SQLSMALLINT *StringLengthPtr, SQLLEN *NumericAttributePtr, my_bool IsWchar); #endif /* _ma_odbc_h_ */