/************************************************************************************ Copyright (C) 2017,2018 MariaDB Corporation AB This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA *************************************************************************************/ /* Code allowing to deploy MariaDB bulk operation functionality. * i.e. adapting ODBC param arrays to MariaDB arrays */ #include #define MAODBC_DATTIME_AS_PTR_ARR 1 static BOOL CanUseStructArrForDatetime(MADB_Stmt *Stmt) { #ifdef MAODBC_DATTIME_AS_PTR_ARR return FALSE; #endif return TRUE; } char MADB_MapIndicatorValue(SQLLEN OdbcInd) { switch (OdbcInd) { case SQL_NTS: return STMT_INDICATOR_NTS; case SQL_COLUMN_IGNORE: return STMT_INDICATOR_IGNORE; case SQL_NULL_DATA: return STMT_INDICATOR_NULL; case SQL_PARAM_IGNORE: return STMT_INDICATOR_IGNORE_ROW; /*STMT_INDICATOR_DEFAULT*/ } return '\0'; } BOOL MADB_AppBufferCanBeUsed(SQLSMALLINT CType, SQLSMALLINT SqlType) { switch (CType) { case CHAR_BINARY_TYPES: /*if (SqlType != SQL_BIT) { break; }*/ case WCHAR_TYPES: case SQL_C_NUMERIC: case DATETIME_TYPES: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void MADB_CleanBulkOperData(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, unsigned int ParamOffset) { if (MADB_DOING_BULK_OPER(Stmt)) { MADB_DescRecord *CRec; void *DataPtr= NULL; MYSQL_BIND *MaBind= NULL; int i; for (i= ParamOffset; i < MADB_STMT_PARAM_COUNT(Stmt); ++i) { if (CRec= MADB_DescGetInternalRecord(Stmt->Apd, i, MADB_DESC_READ)) { MaBind= &Stmt->params[i - ParamOffset]; DataPtr= GetBindOffset(Stmt->Apd, CRec, CRec->DataPtr, 0, CRec->OctetLength); if (MaBind->buffer != DataPtr) { switch (CRec->ConciseType) { case DATETIME_TYPES: if (CanUseStructArrForDatetime(Stmt) == FALSE) { MADB_FREE(MaBind->buffer); break; } /* Otherwise falling through and do the same as for others */ case SQL_C_WCHAR: case SQL_C_NUMERIC: { unsigned int i; for (i= 0; i < Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize; ++i) { MADB_FREE(((char**)MaBind->buffer)[i]); } } /* falling through */ default: MADB_FREE(MaBind->buffer); } } MADB_FREE(MaBind->length); MADB_FREE(MaBind->u.indicator); } } Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize= 0; Stmt->Bulk.HasRowsToSkip= 0; } } SQLRETURN MADB_InitIndicatorArray(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, MYSQL_BIND *MaBind, char InitValue) { MaBind->u.indicator= MADB_ALLOC(Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize); if (MaBind->u.indicator == NULL) { return MADB_SetError(&Stmt->Error, MADB_ERR_HY001, NULL, 0); } memset(MaBind->u.indicator, InitValue, Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize); return SQL_SUCCESS; } SQLRETURN MADB_SetBulkOperLengthArr(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, MADB_DescRecord *CRec, SQLLEN *OctetLengthPtr, SQLLEN *IndicatorPtr, void *DataPtr, MYSQL_BIND *MaBind, BOOL VariableLengthMadbType) { /* Leaving it so far here commented, but it comlicates things w/out much gains */ /*if (sizeof(SQLLEN) == sizeof(long) && MADB_AppBufferCanBeUsed()) { if (OctetLengthPtr) { MaBind->length= OctetLengthPtr; } } else {*/ unsigned int row; if (VariableLengthMadbType) { MaBind->length= MADB_REALLOC(MaBind->length, Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize*sizeof(long)); if (MaBind->length == NULL) { return MADB_SetError(&Stmt->Error, MADB_ERR_HY001, NULL, 0);; } } for (row= 0; row < Stmt->Apd->Header.ArraySize; ++row, DataPtr= (char*)DataPtr + CRec->OctetLength) { if (Stmt->Apd->Header.ArrayStatusPtr != NULL && Stmt->Apd->Header.ArrayStatusPtr[row] == SQL_PARAM_IGNORE) { Stmt->Bulk.HasRowsToSkip= 1; continue; } if (OctetLengthPtr != NULL && OctetLengthPtr[row] == SQL_NULL_DATA || IndicatorPtr != NULL && IndicatorPtr[row] != SQL_NULL_DATA) { RETURN_ERROR_OR_CONTINUE(MADB_SetIndicatorValue(Stmt, MaBind, row, SQL_NULL_DATA)); continue; } if (OctetLengthPtr != NULL && OctetLengthPtr[row] == SQL_COLUMN_IGNORE || IndicatorPtr != NULL && IndicatorPtr[row] != SQL_COLUMN_IGNORE) { RETURN_ERROR_OR_CONTINUE(MADB_SetIndicatorValue(Stmt, MaBind, row, SQL_COLUMN_IGNORE)); continue; } if (VariableLengthMadbType) { MaBind->length[row]= (unsigned long)MADB_CalculateLength(Stmt, OctetLengthPtr != NULL ? &OctetLengthPtr[row] : NULL, CRec, DataPtr); } } return SQL_SUCCESS; } /* {{{ MADB_InitBulkOperBuffers */ /* Allocating data and length arrays, if needed, and initing them in certain cases. DataPtr should be ensured to be not NULL */ SQLRETURN MADB_InitBulkOperBuffers(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, MADB_DescRecord *CRec, void *DataPtr, SQLLEN *OctetLengthPtr, SQLLEN *IndicatorPtr, SQLSMALLINT SqlType, MYSQL_BIND *MaBind) { BOOL VariableLengthMadbType= TRUE; MaBind->buffer_length= 0; MaBind->buffer_type= MADB_GetMaDBTypeAndLength(CRec->ConciseType, &MaBind->is_unsigned, &MaBind->buffer_length); /* For fixed length types MADB_GetMaDBTypeAndLength has set buffer_length */ if (MaBind->buffer_length != 0) { VariableLengthMadbType= FALSE; } switch (CRec->ConciseType) { case CHAR_BINARY_TYPES: if (SqlType == SQL_BIT) { CRec->InternalBuffer= MADB_CALLOC(Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize); MaBind->buffer_length= 1; break; } case DATETIME_TYPES: if (CanUseStructArrForDatetime(Stmt) == TRUE) { CRec->InternalBuffer= MADB_ALLOC(Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize*sizeof(MYSQL_TIME)); MaBind->buffer_length= sizeof(MYSQL_TIME); break; } /* Otherwise falling thru and allocating array of pointers */ case WCHAR_TYPES: case SQL_C_NUMERIC: CRec->InternalBuffer= MADB_CALLOC(Stmt->Bulk.ArraySize*sizeof(char*)); MaBind->buffer_length= sizeof(char*); break; default: MaBind->buffer= DataPtr; if (MaBind->buffer_length == 0) { MaBind->buffer_length= sizeof(char*); } } if (MaBind->buffer != DataPtr) { MaBind->buffer= CRec->InternalBuffer; if (MaBind->buffer == NULL) { return MADB_SetError(&Stmt->Error, MADB_ERR_HY001, NULL, 0); } CRec->InternalBuffer= NULL; /* Need to reset this pointer, so the memory won't be freed (accidentally) */ } return MADB_SetBulkOperLengthArr(Stmt, CRec, OctetLengthPtr, IndicatorPtr, DataPtr, MaBind, VariableLengthMadbType); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MADB_SetIndicatorValue */ SQLRETURN MADB_SetIndicatorValue(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, MYSQL_BIND *MaBind, unsigned int row, SQLLEN OdbcIndicator) { if (MaBind->u.indicator == NULL) { RETURN_ERROR_OR_CONTINUE(MADB_InitIndicatorArray(Stmt, MaBind, STMT_INDICATOR_NONE)); } MaBind->u.indicator[row]= MADB_MapIndicatorValue(OdbcIndicator); return SQL_SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MADB_ExecuteBulk */ /* Assuming that bulk insert can't go with DAE(and that unlikely ever changes). And that it has been checked before this call, and we can't have DAE here */ SQLRETURN MADB_ExecuteBulk(MADB_Stmt *Stmt, unsigned int ParamOffset) { unsigned int i, IndIdx= -1; unsigned long Dummy; for (i= ParamOffset; i < ParamOffset + MADB_STMT_PARAM_COUNT(Stmt); ++i) { MADB_DescRecord *CRec, *SqlRec; SQLLEN *IndicatorPtr= NULL; SQLLEN *OctetLengthPtr= NULL; void *DataPtr= NULL; MYSQL_BIND *MaBind= &Stmt->params[i - ParamOffset]; SQLULEN row, Start= Stmt->ArrayOffset; if ((CRec= MADB_DescGetInternalRecord(Stmt->Apd, i, MADB_DESC_READ)) && (SqlRec= MADB_DescGetInternalRecord(Stmt->Ipd, i, MADB_DESC_READ))) { /* check if parameter was bound */ if (!CRec->inUse) { return MADB_SetError(&Stmt->Error, MADB_ERR_07002, NULL, 0); } if (MADB_ConversionSupported(CRec, SqlRec) == FALSE) { return MADB_SetError(&Stmt->Error, MADB_ERR_07006, NULL, 0); } MaBind->length= NULL; IndicatorPtr= (SQLLEN *)GetBindOffset(Stmt->Apd, CRec, CRec->IndicatorPtr, 0, sizeof(SQLLEN)); OctetLengthPtr= (SQLLEN *)GetBindOffset(Stmt->Apd, CRec, CRec->OctetLengthPtr, 0, sizeof(SQLLEN)); DataPtr= GetBindOffset(Stmt->Apd, CRec, CRec->DataPtr, 0, CRec->OctetLength); /* If these are the same pointers, setting indicator to NULL to simplify things a bit */ if (IndicatorPtr == OctetLengthPtr) { IndicatorPtr= NULL; } /* Well, specs kinda say, that both values and lenghts arrays should be set(in instruction to param array operations) But there is no error/sqlstate for the case if any of those pointers is not set. Thus we assume that is possible */ if (DataPtr == NULL) { /* Special case - DataPtr is not set, we treat it as all values are NULL. Setting indicators and moving on next param */ RETURN_ERROR_OR_CONTINUE(MADB_InitIndicatorArray(Stmt, MaBind, MADB_MapIndicatorValue(SQL_NULL_DATA))); continue; } /* Sets Stmt->Bulk.HasRowsToSkip if needed, since it traverses and checks status array anyway */ RETURN_ERROR_OR_CONTINUE(MADB_InitBulkOperBuffers(Stmt, CRec, DataPtr, OctetLengthPtr, IndicatorPtr, SqlRec->ConciseType, MaBind)); if (MaBind->u.indicator != NULL && IndIdx == (unsigned int)-1) { IndIdx= i - ParamOffset; } /* Doing it on last parameter - just to do do this once, and to use already allocated indicator array. Little stupid optimization. But it's actually even a bit simpler this way */ if (i == ParamOffset + MADB_STMT_PARAM_COUNT(Stmt) - 1 && Stmt->Bulk.HasRowsToSkip) { if (IndIdx == (unsigned int)-1) { IndIdx= 0; } for (row= Start; row < Start + Stmt->Apd->Header.ArraySize; ++row) { if (Stmt->Apd->Header.ArrayStatusPtr[row] == SQL_PARAM_IGNORE) { MADB_SetIndicatorValue(Stmt, &Stmt->params[IndIdx], (unsigned int)row, SQL_PARAM_IGNORE); } } } if (MADB_AppBufferCanBeUsed(CRec->ConciseType, SqlRec->ConciseType)) { /* Everything has been done for such column already */ continue; } /* We either have skipped rows or need to convert parameter values/convert array */ for (row= Start; row < Start + Stmt->Apd->Header.ArraySize; ++row, DataPtr= (char*)DataPtr + CRec->OctetLength) { void *Buffer= (char*)MaBind->buffer + row*MaBind->buffer_length; void **BufferPtr= (void**)Buffer; /* For the case when Buffer points to the pointer already */ if (Stmt->Apd->Header.ArrayStatusPtr != NULL && Stmt->Apd->Header.ArrayStatusPtr[row] == SQL_PARAM_IGNORE) { continue; } if (MaBind->u.indicator && MaBind->u.indicator[row] > STMT_INDICATOR_NONE) { continue; } switch (CRec->ConciseType) { case SQL_C_CHAR: if (SqlRec->ConciseType != SQL_BIT) { break; } case DATETIME_TYPES: if (CanUseStructArrForDatetime(Stmt)) { BufferPtr= &Buffer; } } /* Need &Dummy here as a length ptr, since NULL is not good here. It would make MADB_ConvertC2Sql to use MaBind->buffer_length by default */ if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(MADB_ConvertC2Sql(Stmt, CRec, DataPtr, MaBind->length != NULL ? MaBind->length[row] : 0, SqlRec, MaBind, BufferPtr, MaBind->length != NULL ? MaBind->length + row : &Dummy))) { /* Perhaps it's better to move to Clean function */ CRec->InternalBuffer= NULL; return Stmt->Error.ReturnValue; } CRec->InternalBuffer= NULL; } } } return MADB_DoExecute(Stmt, FALSE); } /* }}} */