Blame makew32.bat

Packit f574b8
@echo off
Packit f574b8
rem $LynxId: makew32.bat,v 1.5 2012/07/05 23:34:52 tom Exp $
Packit f574b8
Packit f574b8

Packit f574b8
rem Check if GW32_ROOT is defined, and if not, fill in a default value.
Packit f574b8

Packit f574b8
	if not "x%GW32_ROOT%"=="x" goto exists
Packit f574b8
	set GW32_ROOT=c:\app\gnuwin32
Packit f574b8
Packit f574b8

Packit f574b8
	if exist "%GW32_ROOT%" goto doit
Packit f574b8
	echo ? %GW32_ROOT% does not exist
Packit f574b8
	goto finish
Packit f574b8

Packit f574b8
Packit f574b8
rem	if     exist %GW32_ROOT%\bcblibs set PATH=%PATH%;%GW32_ROOT%\bcblibs
Packit f574b8
rem	if not exist %GW32_ROOT%\bcblibs set PATH=%PATH%;%GW32_ROOT%\bin
Packit f574b8
	set PATH=%PATH%;%GW32_ROOT%\bin
Packit f574b8

Packit f574b8
rem Borland C
Packit f574b8
rem    -m                Displays the date and time stamp of each file
Packit f574b8
rem    -c                Caches auto-dependency information
Packit f574b8
make.exe -m -c -f makefile.bcb %1 %2
Packit f574b8
REM make.exe -m -c -f makefile.deb
Packit f574b8
REM make.exe -f
Packit f574b8

Packit f574b8
Packit f574b8