Blame docs/README.TRST

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Tabular Support for Simple Tables
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Some definitions first:
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* NO table support
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  What it says. :)  Table related tags are treated like other
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  completely unrecognized tags.
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  Only listed for completeness, this does not describe Lynx.
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* MINIMAL table support
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  Table related tags are recognized, and are used to separate
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  the contents of different cells (by at least a space) and rows
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  (by a line break) visibly from each other.
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* LYNX minimal table support (LMTS)
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  The minimal table support as implemented by Lynx up to this point,
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  also includes the way ALIGN attributes are handled on TABLE, TR
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  and other specific tweaks (e.g. handle TABLE within PRE specially).
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  LMTS formatting is briefly described in the Lynx User Guide, see
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  the section "Lynx and HTML Tables" there. (The Users Guide has not
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  yet been updated for tabular support.)
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* TABULAR support for tables
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  Support for tables that really arranges table cells in tabular form.
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* Tabular Rendering for SIMPLE Tables (TRST)
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  Tabular support for some tables that are 'simple' enough; what this
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  code change provides.
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One basic idea behind providing TRST is that correct tabular support
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for all tables is complex, doesn't fit well into the overwhelmingly
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one-pass way in which Lynx does things, and may in the end not give
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pleasant results anyway for pages that (ab-)use more complex table
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structures for display formatting purposes (especially in view of Lynx
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limitations such as fixed character cell size and lack of horizontal
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scrolling; see also emacs w3 mode).  Full table support within Lynx
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hasn't happened so far, and continues to seem unlikely to happen in the
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near future.
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The other basic idea is the observation that for simple tables, as
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used mostly for data that are really tabular in nature, LMTS rendering
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can be transformed into TRST rendering, after parsing the TABLE element,
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by two simple transformations applied line by line:
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- Insert spaces in the right places.
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- Shift the line as a whole.
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And that's exactly what TRST does.  An implementation based on the
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simple observation above is relatively straightforward, for simple
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tables.  On encountering the start of a TABLE element, Lynx generates
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output as usual for LMTS.  But it also keeps track of cell positions
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and lengths in parallel.  If all goes well, that additional information
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is used to fix up the already formatted output lines when the TABLE
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ends.  If not all goes well, the table was not 'simple' enough, the
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additional processing is canceled.  One advantage is that we always
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have a 'safe' fallback to well-understood traditional LMTS formatting:
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TRST won't make more complex tables look worse than before.
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What are 'simple' tables?  A table is simple enough if each of its TR
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rows translates into at most one display line in LMTS formatting (excluding
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leading and trailing line breaks), and the width required by each row
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(before as well as after fixup) does not exceed the available screen size.
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Note that this excludes all tables where some of the cells are marked up as
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block elements ('paragraphs').  Tables that include nested TABLE elements
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are always specifically excluded, but the inner tables may be subject to
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TRST handling.  Also excluded are some constructs that indicate that markup
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was already optimized for Lynx (or other browsers with no or minimal table
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support): TABLE in PRE, use of TAB.
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The description so far isn't completely accurate.  In many cases, tables are
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not simple enough according to the last paragraph, but parts of each TR row
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can still benefit from some TRST treatment.  Some partial treatment is done
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for some tables in this grey zone, which may or may not help to a better
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display, depending on how the table is used.  This is an area where tweaks
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in the future are most expected, and where the code's behavior is currently
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not well defined.
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One possible approach:
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- The table is 'simple' according to all criteria set out in the previous
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  paragraph, except that some cells at the beginning and/or end of TR rows
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  may contain block elements (or other markup that results in formatting
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  like separate paragraphs).
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- There is at most one range of (non-empty) table cells in each row whose
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  contents is not paragraph-formatted, and who are rendered on one line
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  together by LMTS, separate from the paragraph-formatted cells.  Let's
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  call these cells the 'core' of a row.
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Fixups are then only applied to the text lines showing the 'core' cells.
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The paragraph-formatted cells are effectively pulled out before/after
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their row (no horizontal space is allocated to them for the purpose of
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determining column widths for core line formatting).
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This is expected to be most useful for tables that are mostly
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simple tabular data cells, but with the occasional longer
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text thrown in.  For example, a table with intended rendering:
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     |  date  |   item no.   |  price  |       remarks        |
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     | date-1 | item #1      |   $0.00 |                      |
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     | date-2 | item #2      | $101.99 | A longer annotation  |
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     |        |              |         | marked up as a block |
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     |        |              |         | of text.             |
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     | date-3 | long item #3 |  $99.00 |                      |
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It may now be shown by Lynx as
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      date    item no.    price  remarks
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     date-1 item #1        $0.00
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     date-2 item #2      $101.99
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     A longer annotation marked up as a block of
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     date-3 long item #3  $99.00
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As can be seen, this is still quite far from the intended rendering,
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but it is better than without any tabular support.
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Whether the code does something sensible with "grey area" tables is up
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for testing.  Most of the typical tables in typical Web pages aren't
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used in a way that can benefit from the TRST approach.  Parts of such
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tables may still end up getting shifted left or right by the TRST code
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when that doesn't improve anything, but I haven't seen it make things
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really worse so far (with the current code).
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TRST and Partial Display
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[ Partial display mode is the feature which allows viewing and scrolling
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of pages while they are loaded, without having to wait for a complete
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transfer. ]  During partial display rendering, table lines can sometimes
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be shown in the original formatting, i.e. with horizontal fixups not yet
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applied.  This is more likely for longer tables, and depends on the state
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in which partial display 'catches' the TRST code.  Sometimes the display
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may flicker: first the preliminary rendering of table lines is shown, then
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after loading is finished it is replaced by the fixed-up version.  I do
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not consider this a serious problem: if you have partial display mode
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enabled, presumably you want to be able to see as much data as possible,
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and scroll up and down through it, as early as possible.  In fact, the
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approach taken keeps Lynx free from a problem that may graphical browsers
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have: they often cannot render a table at all until it is received in full.
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To summarize:
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 - TRST is a solution that works in many cases where lack of tabular support
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   was most annoying.
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 - TRST doesn't implement a full table model, and it is extremely unlikely
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   that it will ever be the basis for that.  Keep on exploring external
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   solutions, or perhaps waiting for (better: working on) a more fundamental
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   redesign of Lynx's rendering engine.
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Klaus Weide - 1999-10-13