specify posix.deprecated: - before: socket, getaddrinfo, close = posix.socket, posix.getaddrinfo, posix.close AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_UNIX, AF_NETLINK = posix.AF_INET, posix.AF_INET6, posix.AF_UNIX, posix.AF_NETLINK SOCK_STREAM = posix.SOCK_STREAM - describe connect: - before: connect, typeerrors = init (posix, "connect") - context with bad arguments: | badargs.diagnose (connect, "connect (int, table)") examples { ["it diagnoses wrong family types"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family=false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "family", "boolean")) expect (connect (42, {family=-1})).to_raise.any_of { "bad argument #2 to '?' (unsupported family type -1)", "bad argument #2 to 'connect' (unsupported family type -1)", } end } examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_INET field types"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family=AF_INET, port=false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "port", "boolean")) expect (connect (42, {family=AF_INET, port=9999, addr=false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "string", "addr", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_INET fields"] = function () expect (connect (42, { family=AF_INET, port=9999, addr="", flags=false })).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "flags")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_INET6 field types"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family = AF_INET6, port = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "port", "boolean")) expect (connect (42, {family = AF_INET6, port = 9999, addr = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "string", "addr", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_INET6 fields"] = function () expect (connect (42, { family=AF_INET6, port=9999, addr="::", flags=false })).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "flags")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_UNIX field types"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family = AF_UNIX, path = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "string", "path", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_UNIX fields"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family=AF_UNIX, path="/tmp/afunix", port=9999})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "port")) end } if AF_NETLINK then examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_NETLINK field types"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family = AF_NETLINK, pid = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "pid", "boolean")) expect (connect (42, {family = AF_NETLINK, pid = 9999, groups = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "groups", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_NETLINK fields"] = function () expect (connect (42, {family=AF_NETLINK, pid=9999, groups=9999, port=9999})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "port")) end } end - it returns true on success: fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ait = getaddrinfo ("www.lua.org", "http", {family = AF_INET, socktype = SOCK_STREAM}) expect (connect (fd, ait[1])).to_be (true) close (fd) - describe bind: - before: bind, typeerrors = init (posix, "bind") - context with bad arguments: | badargs.diagnose (bind, "bind (int, table)") examples { ["it diagnoses wrong family types"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family=false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "family", "boolean")) expect (bind (42, {family=-1})).to_raise.any_of { "bad argument #2 to '?' (unsupported family type -1)", "bad argument #2 to 'bind' (unsupported family type -1)", } end } examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_INET field types"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family=AF_INET, port=false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "port", "boolean")) expect (bind (42, {family=AF_INET, port=9999, addr=false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "string", "addr", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_INET fields"] = function () expect (bind (42, { family=AF_INET, port=9999, addr="", flags=false })).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "flags")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_INET6 field types"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family = AF_INET6, port = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "port", "boolean")) expect (bind (42, {family = AF_INET6, port = 9999, addr = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "string", "addr", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_INET6 fields"] = function () expect (bind (42, { family=AF_INET6, port=9999, addr="::", flags=false })).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "flags")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_UNIX field types"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family = AF_UNIX, path = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "string", "path", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_UNIX fields"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family=AF_UNIX, path="/tmp/afunix", port=9999})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "port")) end } if AF_NETLINK then examples { ["it diagnoses wrong AF_NETLINK field types"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family = AF_NETLINK, pid = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "pid", "boolean")) expect (bind (42, {family = AF_NETLINK, pid = 9999, groups = false})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "int", "groups", "boolean")) end } examples { ["it diagnoses invalid AF_NETLINK fields"] = function () expect (bind (42, {family=AF_NETLINK, pid=9999, groups=9999, port=9999})). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, nil, "port")) end } end - it returns true on success: fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) expect (bind (fd, {family = AF_INET, addr = "", port = 13457 })).to_be (true) close (fd) - describe exec: - before: exec, typeerrors = init (posix, "exec") # posix.exec takes a string or non-empty table as its second # argument, followed by zero or more strings only if the second # argument was a string; since we can't express that with # `badargs.diagnose` do it all manually again... - context with bad arguments: - 'it diagnoses argument #1 type not string': expect (exec (false)).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (1, "string", "boolean")) - 'it diagnoses argument #2 type not table or string': expect (exec ("cmd", false)). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "?string|table", "boolean")) - 'it diagnoses argument #3 type not string': expect (exec ("cmd", "cmd", false)). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (3, "string", "boolean")) - it diagnoses too many arguments: expect (exec ("cmd", {}, false)).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (3)) - describe execp: - before: # redirect output to /dev/null dup2, fork, open, wait, O_WRONLY, O_APPEND = posix.dup2, posix.fork, posix.open, posix.wait, posix.O_WRONLY, posix.O_APPEND P_CHILD = 0 function child (...) quietly = open ("/dev/null", bor (O_WRONLY, O_APPEND)) dup2 (quietly, 1) execp (...) expect ("not reached").to_be (true) end execp, typeerrors = init (posix, "execp") # posix.execp takes a string or non-empty table as its second # argument, followed by zero or more strings only if the second # argument was a string; since we can't express that with # `badargs.diagnose` do it all manually again... - context with bad arguments: - 'it diagnoses argument #1 type not string': expect (execp (false)).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (1, "string", "boolean")) - 'it diagnoses argument #2 type not table or string': expect (execp ("cmd", false)). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (2, "?string|table", "boolean")) - 'it diagnoses argument #3 type not string': expect (execp ("cmd", "cmd", false)). to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (3, "string", "boolean")) - it diagnoses too many arguments: expect (execp ("cmd", {}, false)).to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (3)) - it overwrites the running process with a shell invocation: process = fork () if process == P_CHILD then child ("date", "+[%c]") else p, msg, ret = wait (process) expect (table.concat {msg, " ", tostring (ret)}).to_be "exited 0" end - it accepts a table of arguments: process = fork () if process == P_CHILD then child ("date", {"+[%c]"}) else p, msg, ret = wait (process) expect (table.concat {msg, " ", tostring (ret)}).to_be "exited 0" end - "it sets argv[0]": - describe openlog: - before: openlog = posix.openlog - context with bad arguments: | if openlog then badargs.diagnose (openlog, "openlog (string, ?string, ?int)") examples { ["it diagnoses invalid options"] = function () expect (openlog ("log", "cp*")).to_raise.any_of { "bad argument #2 to '?' (invalid openlog option '*')", "bad argument #2 to 'openlog' (invalid openlog option '*')", } end } end