--[[ POSIX library for Lua 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3. (c) Gary V. Vaughan , 2013-2015 (c) Reuben Thomas 2010-2015 (c) Natanael Copa 2008-2010 ]] --[[-- Lua POSIX bindings. In addition to the convenience functions documented in this module, all APIs from submodules are copied into the return table for convenience and backwards compatibility. @module posix ]] local bit = require "bit32" local M = {} -- For backwards compatibility, copy all table entries into M namespace. for _, sub in ipairs { "ctype", "dirent", "errno", "fcntl", "fnmatch", "getopt", "glob", "grp", "libgen", "poll", "pwd", "sched", "signal", "stdio", "stdlib", "sys.msg", "sys.resource", "sys.socket", "sys.stat", "sys.statvfs", "sys.time", "sys.times", "sys.utsname", "sys.wait", "syslog", "termio", "time", "unistd", "utime" } do local t = require ("posix." .. sub) for k, v in pairs (t) do if k ~= "version" then assert(M[k] == nil, "posix namespace clash: " .. sub .. "." .. k) M[k] = v end end end -- Inject deprecated APIs (overwriting submodules) for backwards compatibility. for k, v in pairs (require "posix.deprecated") do M[k] = v end for k, v in pairs (require "posix.compat") do M[k] = v end M.version = "posix for " .. _VERSION .. " / @PACKAGE_STRING@" local argerror, argtypeerror, checkstring, checktable, toomanyargerror = M.argerror, M.argtypeerror, M.checkstring, M.checktable, M.toomanyargerror -- Code extracted from lua-stdlib with minimal modifications local list = { sub = function (l, from, to) local r = {} local len = #l from = from or 1 to = to or len if from < 0 then from = from + len + 1 end if to < 0 then to = to + len + 1 end for i = from, to do table.insert (r, l[i]) end return r end } -- end of stdlib code --- Check permissions like @{posix.unistd.access}, but for euid. -- Based on the glibc function of the same name. Does not always check -- for read-only file system, text busy, etc., and does not work with -- ACLs &c. -- @function euidaccess -- @string file file to check -- @string mode checks to perform (as for access) -- @return 0 if access allowed; nil otherwise (and errno is set) local access, set_errno, stat = M.access, M.set_errno, M.stat local getegid, geteuid, getgid, getuid = M.getegid, M.geteuid, M.getgid, M.getuid local function euidaccess (file, mode) local euid, egid = geteuid (), getegid () if getuid () == euid and getgid () == egid then -- If we are not set-uid or set-gid, access does the same. return access (file, mode) end local stats = stat (file) if not stats then return end -- The super-user can read and write any file, and execute any file -- that anyone can execute. if euid == 0 and ((not string.match (mode, "x")) or string.match (stats.st_mode, "x")) then return 0 end -- Convert to simple list of modes. mode = string.gsub (mode, "[^rwx]", "") if mode == "" then return 0 -- The file exists. end -- Get the modes we need. local granted = stats.st_mode:sub (1, 3) if euid == stats.st_uid then granted = stats.st_mode:sub (7, 9) elseif egid == stats.st_gid or set.new (posix.getgroups ()):member (stats.st_gid) then granted = stats.st_mode:sub (4, 6) end granted = string.gsub (granted, "[^rwx]", "") if string.gsub ("[^" .. granted .. "]", mode) == "" then return 0 end set_errno (EACCESS) end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.euidaccess = function (...) local argt = {...} checkstring ("euidaccess", 1, argt[1]) checkstring ("euidaccess", 2, argt[2]) if #argt > 2 then toomanyargerror ("euidaccess", 2, #argt) end return euidaccess (...) end else M.euidaccess = euidaccess end --- Open a pseudo-terminal. -- Based on the glibc function of the same name. -- @fixme add support for term and win arguments -- @treturn[1] int master file descriptor -- @treturn[1] int slave file descriptor -- @treturn[1] string slave file name -- @return[2] nil -- @treturn[2] string error message local bit = require "bit32" local fcntl = require "posix.fcntl" local stdlib = require "posix.stdlib" local unistd = require "posix.unistd" local bor = bit.bor local open, O_RDWR, O_NOCTTY = fcntl.open, fcntl.O_RDWR, fcntl.O_NOCTTY local grantpt, openpt, ptsname, unlockpt = stdlib.grantpt, stdlib.openpt, stdlib.ptsname, stdlib.unlockpt local close = unistd.close local function openpty (term, win) local ok, errmsg, master, slave, slave_name master, errmsg = openpt (bor (O_RDWR, O_NOCTTY)) if master then ok, errmsg = grantpt (master) if ok then ok, errmsg = unlockpt (master) if ok then slave_name, errmsg = ptsname (master) if slave_name then slave, errmsg = open (slave_name, bor (O_RDWR, O_NOCTTY)) if slave then return master, slave, slave_name end end end end close (master) end return nil, errmsg end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.openpty = function (...) local argt = {...} if #argt > 0 then toomanyargerror ("openpty", 0, #argt) end return openpty (...) end else M.openpty = openpty end --- Exec a command or Lua function. -- @function execx -- @param task, a table of arguments to `P.execp` or a Lua function, which -- should read from standard input, write to standard output, and return -- an exit code -- @param ... positional arguments to the function -- @treturn nil on error (normally does not return) -- @treturn string error message local unpack = table.unpack or unpack -- 5.3 compatibility local errno, execp, _exit = M.errno, M.execp, M._exit function execx (task, ...) if type (task) == "table" then execp (unpack (task)) -- Only get here if there's an error; kill the fork local _, n = errno () _exit (n) else _exit (task (...) or 0) end end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.execx = function (task, ...) local argt, typetask = {task, ...}, type (task) if typetask ~= "table" and typetask ~= "function" then argtypeerror ("execx", 1, "table or function", task) end return execx (task, ...) end else M.execx = execx end --- Run a command or function in a sub-process using `P.execx`. -- @function spawn -- @param task, as for `P.execx`. -- @tparam string ... as for `P.execx` -- @return values as for `P.wait` local unpack = table.unpack or unpack -- 5.3 compatibility local fork, wait = M.fork, M.wait local function spawn (task, ...) local pid, err = fork () if pid == nil then return pid, err elseif pid == 0 then execx (task, ...) else local _, reason, status = wait (pid) return status, reason -- If wait failed, status is nil & reason is error end end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.spawn = function (task, ...) local argt, typetask = {task, ...}, type (task) if typetask ~= "table" and typetask ~= "function" then argtypeerror ("spawn", 1, "table or function", task) end return spawn (task, ...) end else M.spawn = spawn end local close, dup2, fork, pipe, wait, _exit = M.close, M.dup2, M.fork, M.pipe, M.wait, M._exit local STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO = M.STDIN_FILENO, M.STDOUT_FILENO --- Close a pipeline opened with popen or popen_pipeline. -- @function pclose -- @tparam table pfd pipeline object -- @return values as for `P.wait`, for the last (or only) stage of the pipeline local function pclose (pfd) close (pfd.fd) for i = 1, #pfd.pids - 1 do wait (pfd.pids[i]) end local _, reason, status = wait (pfd.pids[#pfd.pids]) return reason, status end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.pclose = function (...) local argt = {...} checktable ("pclose", 1, argt[1]) if #argt > 2 then toomanyargerror ("pclose", 1, #argt) end return pclose (...) end else M.pclose = pclose end local function move_fd (from_fd, to_fd) if from_fd ~= to_fd then if not dup2 (from_fd, to_fd) then error "error dup2-ing" end close (from_fd) end end --- Run a commands or Lua function in a sub-process. -- @function popen -- @tparam task, as for @{execx} -- @tparam string mode `"r"` for read or `"w"` for write -- @func[opt] pipe_fn function returning a paired read and -- write file descriptor (*default* @{posix.unistd.pipe}) -- @treturn pfd pipeline object local function popen (task, mode, pipe_fn) local read_fd, write_fd = (pipe_fn or pipe) () if not read_fd then error "error opening pipe" end local parent_fd, child_fd, in_fd, out_fd if mode == "r" then parent_fd, child_fd, in_fd, out_fd = read_fd, write_fd, STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO elseif mode == "w" then parent_fd, child_fd, in_fd, out_fd = write_fd, read_fd, STDOUT_FILENO, STDIN_FILENO else error "invalid mode" end local pid = fork () if pid == nil then error "error forking" elseif pid == 0 then -- child process move_fd (child_fd, out_fd) close (parent_fd) _exit (execx (task, child_fd, in_fd, out_fd)) end -- parent process close (child_fd) return {pids = {pid}, fd = parent_fd} end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.popen = function (task, ...) local argt, typetask = {task, ...}, type (task) if typetask ~= "table" and typetask ~= "function" then argtypeerror ("popen", 1, "table or function", task) end checkstring ("popen", 2, argt[2]) if argt[3] ~= nil and type (argt[3]) ~= "function" then argtypeerror ("popen", 3, "function or nil", argt[3]) end if #argt > 3 then toomanyargerror ("popen", 3, #argt) end return popen (task, ...) end else M.popen = popen end --- Perform a series of commands and Lua functions as a pipeline. -- @function popen_pipeline -- @tparam table t tasks for @{execx} -- @tparam string mode `"r"` for read or `"w"` for write -- @func[opt] pipe_fn function returning a paired read and -- write file descriptor (*default* @{posix.unistd.pipe}) -- @treturn pfd pipeline object local close, _exit = M.close, M._exit local function popen_pipeline (tasks, mode, pipe_fn) local first, from, to, inc = 1, 2, #tasks, 1 if mode == "w" then first, from, to, inc = #tasks, #tasks - 1, 1, -1 end local pfd = popen (tasks[first], mode, pipe_fn) for i = from, to, inc do local pfd_next = popen (function (fd, in_fd, out_fd) move_fd (pfd.fd, in_fd) _exit (execx (tasks[i])) end, mode, pipe_fn) close (pfd.fd) pfd.fd = pfd_next.fd table.insert (pfd.pids, pfd_next.pids[1]) end return pfd end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.popen_pipeline = function (...) local argt = {...} checktable ("popen_pipeline", 1, argt[1]) checkstring ("popen_pipeline", 2, argt[2]) if argt[3] ~= nil and type (argt[3]) ~= "function" then argtypeerror ("popen_pipeline", 3, "function or nil", argt[3]) end if #argt > 3 then toomanyargerror ("popen_pipeline", 3, #argt) end return popen_pipeline (...) end else M.popen_pipeline = popen_pipeline end --- Add one gettimeofday() returned timeval to another. -- @function timeradd -- @param x a timeval -- @param y another timeval -- @return x + y, adjusted for usec overflow local function timeradd (x, y) local sec, usec = 0, 0 if x.sec then sec = sec + x.sec end if y.sec then sec = sec + y.sec end if x.usec then usec = usec + x.usec end if y.usec then usec = usec + y.usec end if usec > 1000000 then sec = sec + 1 usec = usec - 1000000 end return { sec = sec, usec = usec } end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.timeradd = function (...) local argt = {...} checktable ("timeradd", 1, argt[1]) checktable ("timeradd", 2, argt[2]) if #argt > 2 then toomanyargerror ("timeradd", 2, #argt) end return timeradd (...) end end --- Compare one gettimeofday() returned timeval with another -- @function timercmp -- @param x a timeval -- @param y another timeval -- @return 0 if x and y are equal, >0 if x is newer, <0 if y is newer local function timercmp (x, y) local x = { sec = x.sec or 0, usec = x.usec or 0 } local y = { sec = y.sec or 0, usec = y.usec or 0 } if x.sec ~= y.sec then return x.sec - y.sec else return x.usec - y.usec end end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.timercmp = function (...) local argt = {...} checktable ("timercmp", 1, argt[1]) checktable ("timercmp", 2, argt[2]) if #argt > 2 then toomanyargerror ("timercmp", 2, #argt) end return timercmp (...) end end --- Subtract one gettimeofday() returned timeval from another. -- @function timersub -- @param x a timeval -- @param y another timeval -- @return x - y, adjusted for usec underflow local function timersub (x,y) local sec, usec = 0, 0 if x.sec then sec = x.sec end if y.sec then sec = sec - y.sec end if x.usec then usec = x.usec end if y.usec then usec = usec - y.usec end if usec < 0 then sec = sec - 1 usec = usec + 1000000 end return { sec = sec, usec = usec } end if _DEBUG ~= false then M.timersub = function (...) local argt = {...} checktable ("timersub", 1, argt[1]) checktable ("timersub", 2, argt[2]) if #argt > 2 then toomanyargerror ("timersub", 2, #argt) end return timersub (...) end end return M