/* * POSIX library for Lua 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3. * (c) Gary V. Vaughan , 2013-2015 * (c) Reuben Thomas 2010-2013 * (c) Natanael Copa 2008-2010 * Clean up and bug fixes by Leo Razoumov 2006-10-11 * Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo 07 Apr 2006 23:17:49 * Based on original by Claudio Terra for Lua 3.x. * With contributions by Roberto Ierusalimschy. * With documentation from Steve Donovan 2012 */ /*** Retrieve File System Information. Where supported by the underlying system, query the file system. If the module loads, but there is no kernel support, then `posix.sys.statvfs.version` will be set, but the unsupported APIs will be `nil`. @module posix.sys.statvfs */ #include #if defined HAVE_STATVFS #include #include "_helpers.c" /*** Files system information record. @table PosixStatvfs @int f_bsize file system block size @int f_frsize fundamental file system block size @int f_blocks number of *f_frsize* sized blocks in file system @int f_bfree number of free blocks @int f_bavail number of free blocks available to non-privileged process @int f_files number of file serial numbers @int f_ffree number of free file serial numbers @int f_favail number of free file serial numbers available @int f_fsid file system id @int f_flag flag bits @int f_namemax maximum filename length */ static int pushstatvfs(lua_State *L, struct statvfs *sv) { if (!sv) return lua_pushnil(L), 1; lua_createtable(L, 0, 11); setintegerfield(sv, f_bsize); setintegerfield(sv, f_frsize); setintegerfield(sv, f_blocks); setintegerfield(sv, f_bfree); setintegerfield(sv, f_bavail); setintegerfield(sv, f_files); setintegerfield(sv, f_ffree); setintegerfield(sv, f_favail); setintegerfield(sv, f_fsid); setintegerfield(sv, f_flag); setintegerfield(sv, f_namemax); settypemetatable("PosixStatvfs"); return 1; } /*** Get file system statistics. @function statvfs @string path any path within the mounted file system @treturn PosixStatvfs information about file system containing *path* @see statvfs(3) @usage for a, b in pairs (P.statvfs "/") do print (a, b) end */ static int Pstatvfs(lua_State *L) { struct statvfs s; const char *path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); checknargs(L, 1); if (statvfs(path, &s) == -1) return pusherror(L, path); return pushstatvfs(L, &s); } static const luaL_Reg posix_sys_statvfs_fns[] = { LPOSIX_FUNC( Pstatvfs ), {NULL, NULL} }; /*** Constants. @section constants */ /*** Statvfs constants. Any constants not available in the underlying system will be `nil` valued. @table posix.sys.statvfs @int ST_RDONLY read-only file system @int ST_NOSUID does not support `S_ISUID` nor `S_ISGID` file mode bits @usage -- Print statvfs constants supported on this host. for name, value in pairs (require "posix.sys.statvfs") do if type (value) == "number" then print (name, value) end end */ LUALIB_API int luaopen_posix_sys_statvfs(lua_State *L) { luaL_register(L, "posix.sys.statvfs", posix_sys_statvfs_fns); lua_pushliteral(L, "posix.sys.statvfs for " LUA_VERSION " / " PACKAGE_STRING); lua_setfield(L, -2, "version"); LPOSIX_CONST( ST_RDONLY ); LPOSIX_CONST( ST_NOSUID ); return 1; } #endif