/* * POSIX library for Lua 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3. * (c) Gary V. Vaughan , 2013-2015 * (c) Reuben Thomas 2010-2013 * (c) Natanael Copa 2008-2010 * Clean up and bug fixes by Leo Razoumov 2006-10-11 * Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo 07 Apr 2006 23:17:49 * Based on original by Claudio Terra for Lua 3.x. * With contributions by Roberto Ierusalimschy. * With documentation from Steve Donovan 2012 */ /*** System error codes and messages. Usually, you'll be able to work with the error messages returned as the second value from failed calls directly, without having to manually save and stringify the system messages as you would in C. For completeness, the functions are still available here. @module posix.errno */ #include #include #include #include #include "_helpers.c" #ifndef errno extern int errno; #endif /*** Describe an error code/and or read `errno` @function errno @int[opt=current errno] n optional error code @return description @return error code @see strerror(3) @see errno @usage local strerr, nerr = P.errno () */ static int Perrno(lua_State *L) { int n = optint(L, 1, errno); checknargs(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, strerror(n)); lua_pushinteger(L, n); return 2; } /*** Set errno. @function set_errno @int n error code @see errno(3) @usage P.errno (P.EBADF) */ static int Pset_errno(lua_State *L) { errno = checkint(L, 1); checknargs(L, 1); return 0; } static const luaL_Reg posix_errno_fns[] = { LPOSIX_FUNC( Perrno ), LPOSIX_FUNC( Pset_errno ), {NULL, NULL} }; /*** Constants. @section constants */ /*** Error constants. Any constants not available in the underlying system will be `nil` valued. If you find one of the luaposix APIs returns an error code not listed here, please raise an issue [here](http://github.com/luaposix/luaposixissues), stating the symbolic name of the constant (from `/usr/include/errno.h` or equivalent). @table posix.errno @int E2BIG argument list too long @int EACCES permission denied @int EADDRINUSE address already in use @int EADDRNOTAVAIL can't assign requested address @int EAFNOSUPPORT address family not supported by protocol family @int EAGAIN resource temporarily unavailable @int EALREADY operation already in progress @int EBADF bad file descriptor @int EBADMSG bad message @int EBUSY resource busy @int ECANCELED operation canceled @int ECHILD no child processes @int ECONNABORTED software caused connection abort @int ECONNREFUSED connection refused @int ECONNRESET connection reset by peer @int EDEADLK resource deadlock avoided @int EDESTADDRREQ destination address required @int EDOM numerical argument out of domain @int EEXIST file exists @int EFAULT bad address @int EFBIG file too large @int EHOSTUNREACH no route to host @int EIDRM identifier removed @int EILSEQ illegal byte sequence @int EINPROGRESS operation now in progress @int EINTR interrupted system call @int EINVAL invalid argument @int EIO input/output error @int EISCONN socket is already connected @int EISDIR is a directory @int ELOOP too many levels of symbolic links @int EMFILE too many open files @int EMLINK too many links @int EMSGSIZE message too long @int ENAMETOOLONG file name too long @int ENETDOWN network is down @int ENETRESET network dropped connection on reset @int ENETUNREACH network is unreachable @int ENFILE too many open files in system @int ENOBUFS no buffer space available @int ENODEV operation not supported by device @int ENOENT no such file or directory @int ENOEXEC exec format error @int ENOLCK no locks available @int ENOMEM cannot allocate memory @int ENOMSG no message of desired type @int ENOPROTOOPT protocol not available @int ENOSPC no space left on device @int ENOSYS function not implemented @int ENOTCONN socket is not connected @int ENOTDIR not a directory @int ENOTEMPTY directory not empty @int ENOTSOCK socket operation on non-socket @int ENOTSUP operation not supported @int ENOTTY inappropriate ioctl for device @int ENXIO device not configured @int EOPNOTSUPP operation not supported on socket @int EOVERFLOW value too large to be stored in data type @int EPERM operation not permitted @int EPIPE broken pipe @int EPROTO protocol error @int EPROTONOSUPPORT protocol not supported @int EPROTOTYPE protocol wrong type for socket @int ERANGE result too large @int EROFS read-only file system @int ESPIPE illegal seek @int ESRCH no such process @int ETIMEDOUT operation timed out @int ETXTBSY text file busy @int EWOULDBLOCK operation would block @int EXDEV cross-device link @usage -- Print errno constants supported on this host. for name, value in pairs (require "posix.errno") do if type (value) == "number" then print (name, value) end end */ LUALIB_API int luaopen_posix_errno(lua_State *L) { luaL_register(L, "posix.errno", posix_errno_fns); lua_pushliteral(L, "posix.errno for " LUA_VERSION " / " PACKAGE_STRING); lua_setfield(L, -2, "version"); #ifdef E2BIG LPOSIX_CONST( E2BIG ); #endif #ifdef EACCES LPOSIX_CONST( EACCES ); #endif #ifdef EADDRINUSE LPOSIX_CONST( EADDRINUSE ); #endif #ifdef EADDRNOTAVAIL LPOSIX_CONST( EADDRNOTAVAIL ); #endif #ifdef EAFNOSUPPORT LPOSIX_CONST( EAFNOSUPPORT ); #endif #ifdef EAGAIN LPOSIX_CONST( EAGAIN ); #endif #ifdef EALREADY LPOSIX_CONST( EALREADY ); #endif #ifdef EBADF LPOSIX_CONST( EBADF ); #endif #ifdef EBADMSG LPOSIX_CONST( EBADMSG ); #endif #ifdef EBUSY LPOSIX_CONST( EBUSY ); #endif #ifdef ECANCELED LPOSIX_CONST( ECANCELED ); #endif #ifdef ECHILD LPOSIX_CONST( ECHILD ); #endif #ifdef ECONNABORTED LPOSIX_CONST( ECONNABORTED ); #endif #ifdef ECONNREFUSED LPOSIX_CONST( ECONNREFUSED ); #endif #ifdef ECONNRESET LPOSIX_CONST( ECONNRESET ); #endif #ifdef EDEADLK LPOSIX_CONST( EDEADLK ); #endif #ifdef EDESTADDRREQ LPOSIX_CONST( EDESTADDRREQ ); #endif #ifdef EDOM LPOSIX_CONST( EDOM ); #endif #ifdef EEXIST LPOSIX_CONST( EEXIST ); #endif #ifdef EFAULT LPOSIX_CONST( EFAULT ); #endif #ifdef EFBIG LPOSIX_CONST( EFBIG ); #endif #ifdef EHOSTUNREACH LPOSIX_CONST( EHOSTUNREACH ); #endif #ifdef EIDRM LPOSIX_CONST( EIDRM ); #endif #ifdef EILSEQ LPOSIX_CONST( EILSEQ ); #endif #ifdef EINPROGRESS LPOSIX_CONST( EINPROGRESS ); #endif #ifdef EINTR LPOSIX_CONST( EINTR ); #endif #ifdef EINVAL LPOSIX_CONST( EINVAL ); #endif #ifdef EIO LPOSIX_CONST( EIO ); #endif #ifdef EISCONN LPOSIX_CONST( EISCONN ); #endif #ifdef EISDIR LPOSIX_CONST( EISDIR ); #endif #ifdef ELOOP LPOSIX_CONST( ELOOP ); #endif #ifdef EMFILE LPOSIX_CONST( EMFILE ); #endif #ifdef EMLINK LPOSIX_CONST( EMLINK ); #endif #ifdef EMSGSIZE LPOSIX_CONST( EMSGSIZE ); #endif #ifdef ENAMETOOLONG LPOSIX_CONST( ENAMETOOLONG ); #endif #ifdef ENETDOWN LPOSIX_CONST( ENETDOWN ); #endif #ifdef ENETRESET LPOSIX_CONST( ENETRESET ); #endif #ifdef ENETUNREACH LPOSIX_CONST( ENETUNREACH ); #endif #ifdef ENFILE LPOSIX_CONST( ENFILE ); #endif #ifdef ENOBUFS LPOSIX_CONST( ENOBUFS ); #endif #ifdef ENODEV LPOSIX_CONST( ENODEV ); #endif #ifdef ENOENT LPOSIX_CONST( ENOENT ); #endif #ifdef ENOEXEC LPOSIX_CONST( ENOEXEC ); #endif #ifdef ENOLCK LPOSIX_CONST( ENOLCK ); #endif #ifdef ENOMEM LPOSIX_CONST( ENOMEM ); #endif #ifdef ENOMSG LPOSIX_CONST( ENOMSG ); #endif #ifdef ENOPROTOOPT LPOSIX_CONST( ENOPROTOOPT ); #endif #ifdef ENOSPC LPOSIX_CONST( ENOSPC ); #endif #ifdef ENOSYS LPOSIX_CONST( ENOSYS ); #endif #ifdef ENOTCONN LPOSIX_CONST( ENOTCONN ); #endif #ifdef ENOTDIR LPOSIX_CONST( ENOTDIR ); #endif #ifdef ENOTEMPTY LPOSIX_CONST( ENOTEMPTY ); #endif #ifdef ENOTSOCK LPOSIX_CONST( ENOTSOCK ); #endif #ifdef ENOTSUP LPOSIX_CONST( ENOTSUP ); #endif #ifdef ENOTTY LPOSIX_CONST( ENOTTY ); #endif #ifdef ENXIO LPOSIX_CONST( ENXIO ); #endif #ifdef EOPNOTSUPP LPOSIX_CONST( EOPNOTSUPP ); #endif #ifdef EOVERFLOW LPOSIX_CONST( EOVERFLOW ); #endif #ifdef EPERM LPOSIX_CONST( EPERM ); #endif #ifdef EPIPE LPOSIX_CONST( EPIPE ); #endif #ifdef EPROTO LPOSIX_CONST( EPROTO ); #endif #ifdef EPROTONOSUPPORT LPOSIX_CONST( EPROTONOSUPPORT ); #endif #ifdef EPROTOTYPE LPOSIX_CONST( EPROTOTYPE ); #endif #ifdef ERANGE LPOSIX_CONST( ERANGE ); #endif #ifdef EROFS LPOSIX_CONST( EROFS ); #endif #ifdef ESPIPE LPOSIX_CONST( ESPIPE ); #endif #ifdef ESRCH LPOSIX_CONST( ESRCH ); #endif #ifdef ETIMEDOUT LPOSIX_CONST( ETIMEDOUT ); #endif #ifdef ETXTBSY LPOSIX_CONST( ETXTBSY ); #endif #ifdef EWOULDBLOCK LPOSIX_CONST( EWOULDBLOCK ); #endif #ifdef EXDEV LPOSIX_CONST( EXDEV ); #endif return 1; }