local p = require "posix" if p.SOCK_RAW and p.SO_BINDTODEVICE then -- Open raw socket local fd, err = p.socket(p.AF_INET, p.SOCK_RAW, p.IPPROTO_ICMP) assert(fd, err) -- Optionally, bind to specific device local ok, err = p.setsockopt(fd, p.SOL_SOCKET, p.SO_BINDTODEVICE, "wlan0") assert(ok, err) -- Create raw ICMP echo (ping) message local data = string.char(0x08, 0x00, 0x89, 0x98, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00) -- Send message local ok, err = p.sendto(fd, data, { family = p.AF_INET, addr = "", port = 0 }) assert(ok, err) -- Read reply local data, sa = p.recvfrom(fd, 1024) assert(data, sa) if data then print("Received ICMP message from " .. sa.addr) end end