language: c env: global: - _COMPILE="libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC gcc" - _CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -DLUA_COMPAT_ALL -DLUA_COMPAT_5_2 -DLUA_USE_LINUX" - _INSTALL="libtool --mode=install install -p" - _LINK="libtool --mode=link --tag=CC gcc" - _LIBS="-lm -Wl,-E -ldl -lreadline" - prefix=/usr/local - bindir=$prefix/bin - incdir=$prefix/include - libdir=$prefix/lib - _inst=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/_inst - luadir=$_inst/share/lua - luaexecdir=$_inst/lib/lua matrix: - LUA=lua5.3 - LUA=lua5.2 - LUA=lua5.1 - LUA=luajit before_install: # Put back the links for libyaml, which are missing on recent Travis VMs - test -f /usr/lib/ || sudo find /usr/lib -name 'libyaml*' -exec ln -s {} /usr/lib \; - sudo apt-get install help2man # Fetch Lua sources. - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - 'if test lua5.3 = "$LUA"; then curl | tar xz; cd lua-5.3.0; fi' - 'if test lua5.2 = "$LUA"; then curl | tar xz; cd lua-5.2.3; fi' - 'if test lua5.1 = "$LUA"; then curl | tar xz; cd lua-5.1.5; fi' # Unpack, compile and install Lua. - 'if test luajit = "$LUA"; then curl | tar xz; cd LuaJIT-2.0.3; make && sudo make install; for header in lua.h luaconf.h lualib.h lauxlib.h luajit.h lua.hpp; do if test -f /usr/local/include/luajit-2.0/$header; then sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/luajit-2.0/$header /usr/local/include/$header; fi; done; else for src in src/*.c; do test src/lua.c = "$src" || test src/luac.c = "$src" || eval $_COMPILE $_CFLAGS -c $src; done; eval $_LINK -o lib$ -version-info 0:0:0 -rpath $libdir *.lo; sudo mkdir -p $libdir; eval sudo $_INSTALL lib$ $libdir/lib$; eval $_COMPILE $_CFLAGS -c src/lua.c; eval $_LINK -static -o $LUA lua.lo lib$ $_LIBS; sudo mkdir -p $bindir; eval sudo $_INSTALL $LUA $bindir/$LUA; sudo mkdir -p $incdir; for header in lua.h luaconf.h lualib.h lauxlib.h lua.hpp; do if test -f src/$header; then eval sudo $_INSTALL src/$header $incdir/$header; fi; done; fi' # Fetch LuaRocks. - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - 'git clone luarocks-2.2.0' - cd luarocks-2.2.0 - git checkout v2.2.0 # Compile and install luarocks. - if test luajit = "$LUA"; then ./configure --lua-suffix=jit; else ./configure; fi - 'make build && sudo make install' # Tidy up file droppings. - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - rm -rf lua-5.3.0 lua-5.2.3 lua-5.1.5 LuaJIT-2.0.3 luarocks-2.2.0 install: # Use Lua 5.3 compatible rocks, where available. - 'for rock in ansicolors ldoc specl""; do if test -z "$rock"; then break; fi; if luarocks list | grep "^$rock$" >/dev/null; then continue; fi; sudo luarocks install --server= $rock; done' # Fudge timestamps on release branches. - 'if test -f configure; then test -f aclocal.m4 && touch aclocal.m4; sleep 1; touch; sleep 1; test -f && touch; sleep 1; touch configure; fi' # Build from rockspec. - export ROCKSPEC=luaposix-33.3.1-1.rockspec - 'test -f "$ROCKSPEC" || ROCKSPEC=luaposix-git-1.rockspec' - sudo luarocks make $ROCKSPEC LUA="$LUA" # Clean up files created by root - sudo git clean -dfx - sudo rm -rf slingshot /tmp/ldoc script: # Reconfigure for in-tree test install. - test -f configure || ./bootstrap --verbose - ./configure --prefix="$_inst" --disable-silent-rules LUA="$LUA" # Verify luarocks installation. - make installcheck || make installcheck V=1 # Verify local build. - make - make check || make check V=1 # Verify configured installation. - make install prefix="$_inst" luadir="$luadir" luaexecdir="$luaexecdir" - LUA_PATH="$luadir/?.lua;$luadir/?/init.lua;;" LUA_CPATH="$luaexecdir/?.so;;" make installcheck V=1 # Run sanity checks on CI server, ignoring buggy automakes. after_success: - '{ _assign="="; if grep local-checks-to-skip build-aux/ >/dev/null; then _assign="+="; fi; printf "local-checks-to-skip %s sc_vulnerable_makefile_CVE-2012-3386\n" "$_assign"; } >> build-aux/' - 'make syntax-check || : this will usually fail on the release branch' notifications: slack: aspirinc:JyWeNrIdS0J5nf2Pn2BS1cih