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specify posix.time:
- before:
    tm = require "posix.time"

    now = tm.time ()

- describe clock_getres:
  - before:
      clock_getres = tm.clock_getres

  - context with bad arguments:
      if clock_getres then
        badargs.diagnose (clock_getres, "(int)")

  - it returns a PosixTimespec:
      if clock_getres then
        expect (prototype (clock_getres (tm.CLOCK_REALTIME))).
          to_be "PosixTimespec"

- describe clock_gettime:
  - before:
      clock_gettime = tm.clock_gettime

  - context with bad arguments:
      if clock_gettime then
        badargs.diagnose (clock_gettime, "(int)")

  - it returns a PosixTimespec:
      if clock_getres then
        expect (prototype (clock_gettime (tm.CLOCK_REALTIME))).
          to_be "PosixTimespec"

- describe gmtime:
  - before:
      gmtime = tm.gmtime

  - context with bad arguments:
      badargs.diagnose (gmtime, "(int)")

  - it returns a PosixTm:
      expect (prototype (gmtime (now))).to_be "PosixTm"
  - it fetches broken-down time values:
      t = gmtime (now)
      fields = {"tm_sec", "tm_min", "tm_hour", "tm_mday",
                "tm_mon", "tm_year", "tm_wday", "tm_yday", "tm_isdst"}
      expect (t).to_contain.a_permutation_of (fields)
      for _, field in pairs (fields) do
        expect (type (t[field])).to_be "number"
        expect (t[field] >= 0).to_be (true)
  - it returns a month in the range 0-11:
      # A recent December afternoon in epoch seconds...
      expect (gmtime (1418734089).tm_mon).to_be (11)
      t = gmtime (now)
      expect (t.tm_mon >= 0 and t.tm_mon < 12).to_be (true)
  - it returns years since 1900:
      expect (gmtime (now).tm_year < 1900).to_be (true)

- describe localtime:
  - before:
      localtime = tm.localtime

  - context with bad arguments:
      badargs.diagnose (localtime, "(int)")

  - it returns a PosixTm:
      expect (prototype (localtime (now))).to_be "PosixTm"
  - it fetches broken-down time values:
      t = localtime (now)
      fields = {"tm_sec", "tm_min", "tm_hour", "tm_mday",
                "tm_mon", "tm_year", "tm_wday", "tm_yday", "tm_isdst"}
      expect (t).to_contain.a_permutation_of (fields)
      for _, field in pairs (fields) do
        expect (type (t[field])).to_be "number"
        expect (t[field] >= 0).to_be (true)
  - it returns a month in the range 0-11:
      # A recent December afternoon in epoch seconds...
      expect (localtime (1418734089).tm_mon).to_be (11)
      t = localtime (now)
      expect (t.tm_mon >= 0 and t.tm_mon < 12).to_be (true)
  - it returns years since 1900:
      expect (localtime (now).tm_year < 1900).to_be (true)

- describe mktime:
  - before:
      localtime, mktime, time = tm.localtime, tm.mktime, tm.time
      epoch = time ()
      t = localtime (epoch)

  - context with bad arguments:
      badargs.diagnose (mktime, "(table)")

  - it returns an epoch time:
      expect (prototype (mktime (t))).to_be "number"
  - it is the inverse of localtime:
      expect (mktime (t)).to_be (epoch)

- describe nanosleep:
  - before:
      nanosleep, typeerrors = init (tm, "nanosleep")

  - context with bad arguments: |
      badargs.diagnose (nanosleep, "(table)")

      examples {
        ["context diagnosing timespec table fields"] = {
            ["it diagnoses argument #1 tv_sec field type not int"] = function ()
              expect (nanosleep {tv_sec = false}).
                to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (1, "int", "tv_sec", "boolean"))
            ["it diagnoses argument #1 tv_nsec field type not int"] = function ()
              expect (nanosleep {tv_sec = -1, tv_nsec = false}).
                to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (1, "int", "tv_nsec", "boolean"))
            ["it diagnoses argument #1 spurious fields"] = function ()
              expect (nanosleep {tv_sec = -1, tv_nsec = -1, bogus = false}).
                to_raise.any_of (typeerrors (1, nil, "bogus"))

  - it returns an integer:
     expect (nanosleep {tv_sec = 0, tv_nsec = 10}).to_be (0)

- describe strftime:
  - before:
      strftime = tm.strftime

      t = {
        tm_wday = 0, tm_isdst = 1, tm_sec = 2, tm_min = 3, tm_hour = 4,
        tm_mday = 5, tm_mon = 6, tm_year = 7, tm_yday = 8

  - context with bad arguments:
      badargs.diagnose (strftime, "(string, table)")

  - context with place-holders:
    - it plugs tm_wday:
        expect (strftime ("%w", t)).to_be "0"
    - it plugs tm_sec:
        expect (strftime ("%S", t)).to_be "02"
    - it plugs tm_min:
        expect (strftime ("%M", t)).to_be "03"
    - it plugs tm_hour:
        expect (strftime ("%H", t)).to_be "04"
    - it plugs tm_mday:
        expect (strftime ("%d", t)).to_be "05"
    - it plugs tm_mon:
        expect (strftime ("%m", t)).to_be "07"
    - it plugs tm_year:
        expect (strftime ("%y", t)).to_be "07"
    - it plugs tm_yday:
        expect (strftime ("%j", t)).to_be "009"

- describe strptime:
  - before:
      strptime = tm.strptime

  - context with bad arguments:
      badargs.diagnose (strptime, "(string, string)")

  - context with place-holders:
    - before:
        t, i = strptime ("Mon Jun  4 03:02:01 BST 1906 garbage",
                         "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S BST %Y")
    - it returns the first unconsumed character:
        expect (i).to_be (29)
    # tm_yday and tm_isdst are not set by strptime
    - it scans into tm_wday:
        expect (t.tm_wday).to_be (1)
    - it scans into tm_sec:
        expect (t.tm_sec).to_be (1)
    - it scans into tm_min:
        expect (t.tm_min).to_be (2)
    - it scans into tm_hour:
        expect (t.tm_hour).to_be (3)
    - it scans into tm_mday:
        expect (t.tm_mday).to_be (4)
    - it scans into tm_mon:
        expect (t.tm_mon).to_be (5)
    - it scans into tm_year:
        expect (t.tm_year).to_be (6)

- describe time:
  - before:
      time = tm.time

  - context with bad arguments:
      badargs.diagnose (time, "()")

  - it returns epoch seconds:
      expect (type (time ())).to_be "number"
      expect (time () > 0).to_be (true)