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By the [luaposix project][GitHub]
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[![travis-ci status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/luaposix/luaposix.png?branche=master)](http://travis-ci.org/luaposix/luaposix/builds)
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[![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/luaposix/luaposix.png?label=ready&title=Ready)](https://waffle.io/luaposix/luaposix)
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luaposix is a POSIX binding, including curses, for [Lua] 5.1, 5.2 and
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5.3; like most libraries it simply binds to C APIs on the underlying
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system, so it won't work on non-POSIX systems. However, it does try
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to detect the level of POSIX conformance of the underlying system and
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bind only available APIs.
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luaposix is released under the MIT license, like Lua (see [COPYING];
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it's basically the same as the BSD license). There is no warranty.
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Please report bugs and make suggestions by opening an issue on the
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github tracker.
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The simplest way to install luaposix is with [LuaRocks]. To install the
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latest release (recommended):
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luarocks install luaposix
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To install current git master (for testing):
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luarocks install https://raw.github.com/luaposix/luaposix/release/luaposix-git-1.rockspec
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To install without LuaRocks, check out the sources from the
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[repository][GitHub] and run the following commands:
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cd luaposix
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make all check install
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Dependencies are listed in the dependencies entry of the file
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`rockspec.conf`. You will also need Autoconf and Automake.
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See [INSTALL] for `configure` instructions and `configure --help`
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for details of available command-line switches.
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The library is split into submodules according to the POSIX header file
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API declarations.
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HTML documentation can be generated with [LDoc] by running `make doc`
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or viewed online at <http://luaposix.github.io/luaposix/>.
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The authoritative online POSIX reference is at
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Example code
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See the example program `tree.lua`, along with the many small
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examples in the generated documentation and BDD `specs/*_spec.yaml`.
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For a complete application, see the [GNU Zile].
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Bugs reports & patches
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Bug reports and patches are most welcome. Please use the github issue
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tracker (see URL at top). There is no strict coding style, but please
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bear in mind the following points when writing new code:
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0. Follow existing code. There are a lot of useful patterns and
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avoided traps there.
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1. 8-character indentation using TABs in C sources; 2-character
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indentation using SPACEs in Lua sources.
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2. No non-POSIX APIs; no platform-specific code. When wrapping APIs
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introduced in POSIX 2001 or later, add an appropriate #if. If your
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platform isn't quite POSIX, you may find a gnulib module to bridge
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the gap. If absolutely necessary, use autoconf feature tests.
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3. Thin wrappers: although some existing code contradicts this, wrap
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POSIX APIs in the simplest way possible. If necessary, more
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convenient wrappers can be added in Lua (posix.lua).
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[Lua]: http://www.lua.org/
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[GitHub]: https://github.com/luaposix/luaposix
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[LuaRocks]: http://www.luarocks.org "Lua package manager"
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[LDoc]: https://github.com/stevedonovan/LDoc "Lua documentation generator"
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[COPYING]: https://raw.github.com/luaposix/luaposix/release/COPYING
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[INSTALL]: https://raw.github.com/luaposix/luaposix/release/INSTALL
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[GNU Zile]: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/zile.git/log/?h=lua "A cut-down Emacs clone"