########################################################################### # $Id$ ########################################################################### # You can put comments anywhere you want to. They are effective for the # rest of the line. # this is in the format of = . Whitespace at the beginning # and end of the lines is removed. Whitespace before and after the = sign # is removed. Everything is case *insensitive*. # Yes = True = On = 1 # No = False = Off = 0 Title = "Amavisd-new" # Which logfile group... LogFile = maillog # Specifies the global maximum detail level # #Detail = 10 # Only give lines pertaining to the amavis service... # # The variables OnlyService and amavis_Syslog_Name are regular # expression patterns, and should both be set to match the # amavis service name used in your syslog entries. #*OnlyService = (usr/sbin/amavisd|dccproc) *OnlyService = (amavis|dccproc) *RemoveHeaders # Set this to the service name used in amavis syslog entries # # Note: if you use parenthesis in your regular expression, be sure it # is cloistering and not capturing: use (?:pattern) instead of (pattern). # $amavis_Syslog_Name = "/usr/sbin/amavisd" $amavis_Syslog_Name = "(?:amavis|dccproc)" # # Set the variable below to specify the maximum report width. # for Detail <= 10 # $amavis_Max_Report_Width = 100 # Specifies how to handle line lengths greater than Max_Report_Width. # Options are Truncate (default), Wrap, or Full. # for Detail <= 10 # $amavis_Line_Style = Truncate # Show names of detail section variables/command line options in # detail report titles. For command line, use --[no]sect_vars, # without an argument. # $amavis_Show_Sect_Vars = No # In reports, for tallying purposes, use (and show) only the first # recipient when a message contains multple recipients. # $amavis_Show_First_Recip_Only = No # Include a by-contents category grouping in the summary report. # $amavis_Show_By_Ccat_Summary = Yes # Amavis Timings Report # # Specifies the percentiles of collected data to show in the timing report. # Valid values are from 0 to 100, inclusive. # $amavis_Timings_Percentiles = "0 5 25 50 75 95 100" # # Show top N percent of the amavis scan timings report # $amavis_Timings = 95 # Amavis SpamAssassin Timings Report # # Specifies the percentiles of collected data to show in the # SpamAssassin timing report (requires amavis 2.6+, SA 3.3+). # Valid values are from 0 to 100, inclusive. # $amavis_SA_Timings_Percentiles = "0 5 25 50 75 95 100" # # Show top N rows of the SpamAssassin timings report # Requires: amavis 2.6+, SpamAssassin 3.3+ # $amavis_SA_Timings = 100 # Spam Score Percentiles Report # # Specifies the percentiles shown in the spam scores frequency report. # Valid values range from 0 to 100, inclusive. The keyword "default" # can be used instead to reset the values to their built-in default. # $amavis_Score_Percentiles = "0 50 90 95 98 100" # Spam Score Frequency Report # # Specifies the buckets shown in the spam scores frequency report. # Valid values are real numbers. The keyword "default" # can be used instead to reset the values to their built-in default. # $amavis_Score_Frequencies = "-10 -5 0 5 10 20 30" # SpamAssassin Spam / Ham Rules Hit Report # # Specifies the number of top S spam and top H ham hits to show in the # SpamAssassin Spam and Ham rules hit report. The value is a list # separated by whitespace or a comma. The order is "spam,ham". The # keyword "all" means unlimited limit, and 0 specifies none. For # example, the value "all,10" would show all Spam rules hit, but only # the top 10 ham rules, whereas "0,all" would prevent the Spam hit # report, and show all the hit Ham rules. # $amavis_SARules = "20 20" # Autolearn Report # # Shows the autolearn report when autolearn entries are present in # amavis log entries. To make these available, the default # $log_templ variable needs to be modified. This can be done by # uncommenting two lines in the amavis program itself (where the # default log templates reside), by correctly adding the $log_templ # variable to the amavisd.conf file. See amavis' README.customize # and the end of the amavisd program, searching for "autolearn". $amavis_Show_Autolearn = Yes # If available, show most recent amavis startup details # $amavis_Show_StartInfo = Yes # Show the summary section. For command line, use --[no]summary, # without an argument. $amavis_Show_Summary = Yes # Level Limiters # # The variables below control the maximum output level for a given # category. A level of 1 indicates only one level of detailed output # in the Detailed report section. The Summary section is only avail- # able at logwatch --Detail level >= 5. Increasing the Detail level # by one adds one level of additional detail in the Summary section. # # For example, Detail 5 would output one additional level of detail, # Detail 6 two levels, etc. all the way up to 10. Finally, Detail # 11 yields uncropped lines of output. # # You can control the maximum number of level 1 lines by appending # a period and a number. The value 2.10 would indicate 2 levels # of detail, but only 10 level 1 lines. For example, setting # $amavis_SpamBlocked = 1.20 yields a top 20 list of blocked spam. # # A more useful form of limiting uses triplets in the form l:n:t. # This triplet specifies level l, top n, and minimum threshold t. # Each of the values are integers, with l being the level limiter # as described above, n being a top n limiter for the level l, and # t being the threshold limiter for level l. When both n and t # are specified, n has priority, allowing top n lists (regardless # of threshold value). If the value of l is omitted, the speci- # fied values for n and/or t are used for all levels available in # the sub-section. This permits a simple form of wildcarding (eg. # place minimum threshold limits on all levels). However, spe- # cific limiters always override wildcard limiters. The first # form of level limiter may be included in levelspec to restrict # output, regardless of how many triplets are present. $amavis_CleanPassed = 0 $amavis_CleanBlocked = 10 $amavis_SpamPassed = 10 $amavis_SpamBlocked = 10 $amavis_SpammyPassed = 10 $amavis_SpammyBlocked = 10 $amavis_MalwarePassed = 10 $amavis_MalwareBlocked = 10 $amavis_BannedNamePassed = 10 $amavis_BannedNameBlocked = 10 $amavis_BadHeaderPassed = 10 $amavis_BadHeaderBlocked = 10 $amavis_MTABlocked = 10 $amavis_OversizedBlocked = 10 $amavis_OtherBlocked = 10 $amavis_AVConnectFailure = 10 $amavis_AVTimeout = 10 $amavis_ArchiveExtract = 10 $amavis_BadHeaderSupp = 10 $amavis_Bayes = 10 $amavis_Blacklisted = 10 $amavis_BounceKilled = 10 $amavis_BounceRescued = 10 $amavis_BounceUnverifiable = 10 $amavis_ContentType = 10 $amavis_DccError = 10 $amavis_DefangError = 10 $amavis_Defanged = 10 $amavis_DsnNotification = 10 $amavis_DsnSuppressed = 10 $amavis_ExtraModules = 10 $amavis_FakeSender = 10 $amavis_LocalDeliverySkipped = 10 $amavis_MalwareByScanner = 10 $amavis_MalwareToSpam = 10 $amavis_MimeError = 10 $amavis_p0f = 2 $amavis_Released = 10 $amavis_SADiags = 10 $amavis_SmtpResponse = 10 $amavis_TmpPreserved = 10 $amavis_VirusScanSkipped = 1 $amavis_Warning = 10 $amavis_WarningAddressModified = 2 $amavis_WarningNoQuarantineID = 1 $amavis_WarningSecurity = 10 $amavis_WarningSmtpShutdown = 10 $amavis_WarningSQL = 10 $amavis_Whitelisted = 10 # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 et