use strict; ########################################################################## # $Id$ ########################################################################## ######################################################## ## Copyright (c) 2008 Kirk Bauer ## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License: ## ## All modifications and contributions by other persons to ## this script are assumed to have been donated to the ## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright ## and licensing terms. If you want to make contributions ## under your own copyright or a different license this ## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the ## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such ## contributions. If you have made significant ## contributions to this script and want to claim ## copyright please contact ######################################################### my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0; my %data; my %clientrequest; # This filter is very basic... much more could be done with it while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next unless $line; if ( # All of these entries are generated at startup unless -q option used :( # Name of ISC was changed in 2004 ($line =~ /^Internet (Systems|Software) Consortium DHCP Server/) or ($line =~ /^Copyright/) or ($line =~ /^All rights reserved/) or ($line =~ /^Please contribute if you find this software useful/) or ($line =~ /^For info, please visit/) or # Other lines to ignore ($line =~ /^Wrote .* to leases file\./) or ($line =~ /^already acking lease/) or ($line =~ /^dhcpd shutdown .*succeeded/) or ($line =~ /^dhcpd startup .*succeeded/) or ($line =~ /^Sending on/) or ($line =~ /^Dynamic and static leases present for/) or # backup server pool balancing ($line =~ /^balanc(?:ed|ing) pool/) or # apparently these are normal with dynamic update and balancing #[TD] dhcpd: bind update on from subnet148 rejected: ... ($line =~ /rejected: incoming update is less critical than outgoing update/) or # Remove host declaration host_name or remove ($line =~ /^from the dynamic address pool for/) or ($line =~ /^parse_option_buffer: option [\w-]+ \(\d+\) larger than buffer/) or ($line =~ /xid mismatch/) or ($line =~ /^BOOTREQUEST/) or ($line =~ /^DHCPACK/) or ($line =~ /^DHCPNAK/) or ($line =~ /^DHCPINFORM/) or ($line =~ /^DHCPDISCOVER from .* via \S+$/) or ($line =~ /^DHCPREQUEST/) or ($line =~ /^DHCPRELEASE/) or ($line =~ /^Abandoning IP address/) or ($line =~ /^Unable to add (forward|reverse) map/) or ($line =~ /^Can\'t update (forward|reverse) map/) or ($line =~ /^Not searching LDAP since ldap-server, ldap-port and ldap-base-dn were not specified in the config file/) or ($line =~ /^Solicit message from/) or ($line =~ /^Sending Advertise to/) or ($line =~ /^pool [0-9a-f]+ /) ) { # Ignore these lines } elsif ($line =~ s/Listening on\s+//) { $data{'DHCP Server Listening On'}{$line}++; } elsif ( ($line =~ /^you want, please write a subnet declaration/) or ($line =~ /^in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment/) or ($line =~ /^to which interface [a-z\d\.]+ is attached./) or ($line =~ /^If you did not get this software from, please/) or ($line =~ /^get the latest from and install that before/) or ($line =~ /^requesting help./) or ($line =~ /^If you did get this software from and have not/) or ($line =~ /^yet read the README, please read it before requesting help./) or ($line =~ /^If you intend to request help from the dhcp-server\ or ($line =~ /^mailing list, please read the section on the README about/) or ($line =~ /^help directly to the authors of this software - please/) or ($line =~ /^submitting bug reports and requests for help./) or ($line =~ /^Please do not under any circumstances send requests for/) or ($line =~ /^help directly to the authors of this software - please/) or ($line =~ /^send them to the appropriate mailing list as described in/) or ($line =~ /^the README file./) ) { # Do nothing } elsif ( # If this DHCP server is authoritative for that subnet ($line =~ /^please write an `authoritative;' directive either in the/) or ($line =~ /^subnet declaration or in some scope that encloses the/) or ($line =~ /^subnet declaration - for example, write it at the top/) or ($line =~ /^of the dhcpd.conf file\./) ) { # Do nothing } elsif ($line =~ s/^exiting./DHCP server exiting./) { $data{'Generic error'}{$line}++; } elsif ($line =~ /^There's already a DHCP server running./) { $data{'Generic error'}{$line}++; } elsif ($line =~ s/^\*\* Ignoring requests on ([a-z\d\.]+). If this is not what\s*$/Ignoring interface $1/) { $data{'Config error'}{$line}++; } elsif ($line =~ s/^No subnet6? declaration for ([a-z\d\.]+) ([\(\)\d\.ia-fA-F:]+).\s*$/No subnet declaration for $1 $2/) { $data{'Config error'}{$line}++; } elsif ($line =~ /^If this DHCP server is authoritative for that subnet,$/) { $data{'Config error'}{'missing authoritative directive'}++; } elsif ($line =~ s/^WARNING: (Host declarations are global).\s+.*$/\1/) { $data{'Config error'}{$line}++; } elsif ($line =~ s/Not searching LDAP\s+.*$/No support for LDAP configured/) { $data{'Config error'}{$line}++; } elsif ($line =~ s/^DHCPOFFER on ([\d\.]+) to ([a-f\d:]+) via (\S+)\s*$/$1 -> $2 ($3)/) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Addresses Leased'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^DHCPOFFER on ([\d\.]+) to ([a-f\d:]+) \(([^)]+)\) via (\S+)\s*$/$1 -> $2 [$3] ($4)/) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Addresses Leased'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^DHCPOFFER on ([\d\.]+) to ("")(?: \(([^)]+)\))? via (\S+)\s*$/$1 -> $2 [$3] ($4)/) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Warnings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^DHCPDECLINE of ([\d\.]+) from ([\w:]+) (?:\(([^)]+)\) )?via ([\d\.]+).*$/$1 -> $2 [$3] ($4)/) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Addresses Declined'}{$line}++; } } elsif ( ($line =~ s/^BOOTREPLY for ([\d\.]+) to ([a-zA-Z\d_-]+) \(([a-f\d:]+)\) via (\S+)\s*$/$1 -> $3 [$2] ($4\/bootp)/) or ($line =~ s/^BOOTREPLY on ([\d\.]+) to ([a-f\d:]+) via (\S+)\s*$/$1 -> $2 [] ($3\/bootp)/) ) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Addresses Leased'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ /^(Request|Confirm|Rebind|Renew|Release) message from ([0-9a-fA-F:]+)/) { $clientrequest{$2} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ s/^Sending Reply to ([0-9a-fA-F:]+) port \d+/$1 (IPv6)/) { my $clientrequest = $clientrequest{$1}; undef($clientrequest{$1}); if (($Detail >= 5) and ($clientrequest eq 'Request')) { $data{'Addresses Leased'}{$line}++; } elsif (($Detail >= 10) and ($clientrequest =~ /Rebind|Renew/)) { $data{"Addresses $clientrequest"}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ /^Client ([0-9a-fA-F:]+) releases address ([0-9a-fA-F:]+), which is not leased to it.$/) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Warnings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^Client ([0-9a-fA-F:]+) releases address ([0-9a-fA-F:]+)$/$1\n -> $2 (IPv6)/) { if ($Detail >= 5) { $data{'Addresses Released'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^[Aa]dded reverse map from ([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.in-addr\.arpa\.? to ([a-zA-Z\d._-]+)\s*$/Add reverse $4.$3.$2.$1 -> $5/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^[Rr]emoved reverse map on ([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.in-addr\.arpa\.?\s*$/Remove reverse $4.$3.$2.$1/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^Added new forward map from ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) to ([\d.]+)\s*$/Add forward $1 -> $2/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^Removed forward map from ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) to ([\d.]+)\s*$/Remove forward $1 -> $2/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ /^No hostname for [\d.]+\s*$/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'Warnings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^if ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) IN A rrset doesn't exist delete ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) IN TXT "([a-f\d]+)": success.\s*$/Remove forward TXT from $1 (TXT "$3")/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^if ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) IN TXT "([a-f\d]+)" rrset exists and ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) IN A ([\d.]+) rrset exists delete ([a-zA-Z\d\-_.]+) IN A ([\d.]+): success.\s*$/Remove forward $1 -> $4 (TXT "$2")/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ /^.* rrset .*/) { if ($Detail >= 7) { $data{'DNS Mappings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^Remove host declaration ([a-zA-Z\d.-]+) or remove ([\d.]+)\s*$/Host $2 ($1) has static and dynamic mappings, remove other/) { if ($Detail >= 3) { $data{'Warnings'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^uid lease ([\da-fA-F\.:]+) for client ([^ ]*) is duplicate on ([^ ]*)/uid lease $1 for client $2 is duplicate/) { if ($Detail >= 3) { $data{'Duplicate lease'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ s/^client ([a-f0-9:]{17}) has duplicate leases on ([a-f0-9\/.:]+)$/$1 on $2/ ) { if ($Detail >= 3) { $data{'Duplicate lease'}{$line}++; } } elsif ($line =~ /^DHCPDISCOVER from .* via \S+: (.*): no free leases/) { $data{'No Free Leases'}{$1}++; } elsif ($line =~ /^DHCPDISCOVER from .* via (\S+): unknown network segment/) { $data{'Unknown Network Segments'}{$1}++; } elsif ($line =~ /^DHCPDISCOVER from .* via (\S+): load balance to peer/) { $data{'Load balance to peer'}{$1}++ } elsif ($line =~ /^ICMP Echo Reply for ([\da-fA-F\.:]+) late or spurious/) { $data{'Late or spurious Echo Reply for'}{$1}++; } elsif ($line =~ /^ICMP Echo reply while lease ([\da-fA-F\.:]+) valid/) { $data{'Echo reply while lease valid'}{$1}++; } else { $data{'Unknown Entries'}{$line}++; } } if (keys %data) { foreach my $type (sort keys %data) { print "$type:\n"; foreach my $entry (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$data{$type}}) { print " $entry: $data{$type}{$entry} Time(s)\n"; } print "\n"; } } # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et # Local Variables: # mode: perl # perl-indent-level: 3 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: