########################################################################### # $Id: syslog-ng 280 2014-12-24 15:29:13Z stefjakobs $ ########################################################################### ########################################################################### # This was written and is maintained by: # Stefan Jakobs # # Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports, # etc, to logwatch at localside.net. ########################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Stefan Jakobs # Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License: # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ########################################################################### #use warnings; use strict; my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0; my $Version = "1.4-20130219"; # initialize logwatch variables my $ThisLine = ""; my %OtherList = (); # initialize variables which save the stats my ($Starts,$Stops,$Reloads) = ( 0, 0, 0); my ($Perms,$FileOpenErrors) = ( 0, 0); my ($Drops, $WriteErrsSum) = ( 0, 0); my ($ExceedConns) = ( 0); my (%PermFiles, %OpenFiles) = ( (), ()); my (%WriteErrs, %Connections) = ( (), ()); my (%Conns, %ConnsSum) = (); my (%Stats_center, %Stats_source, %Stats_dest) = ( (), (), ()); my (%Stats_dropped, %Stats_supp, %Stats_global) = ( (), (), ()); my (%Stats_program, %Stats_stored, %Stats_net) = ( (), (), ()); my (%Stats_dropped_program, %Stats_supp_program) = ( (), ()); my (%Stats_dropped_net, %Stats_supp_net) = ( (), ()); my (%Warnings, %IntErrors) = ( (), ()); ### Parse the lines ### while (defined($ThisLine = )) { chomp($ThisLine); #TD syslog-ng[2351]: New configuration initialized; if ( ($ThisLine =~ /^[Nn]ew configuration initialized/ ) || ($ThisLine =~ /^EOF on control channel, closing connection;/ ) || ($ThisLine =~ /^(?:POLLERR|EOF) occurred while idle;/ ) ) { #ignore } #TD syslog-ng[9754]: Changing permissions on special file /dev/xconsole elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Changing permissions on special file ((\/[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*)$/) { %PermFiles = (%PermFiles, $1 => $PermFiles{$1}+1); $Perms++; } #TD syslog-ng[9754]: Cannot open file /tmp/.adir/afile for writing (No such file or directory) elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Cannot open file ((\/[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)*) .*/) { # $1 fq file name, $2 only filename %OpenFiles = (%OpenFiles, $1 => $OpenFiles{$1}+1); $FileOpenErrors++; } #TD syslog-ng[9754]: SIGHUP received, restarting syslog-ng #TD syslog-ng[4027]: Configuration reload request received, reloading configuration; elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^SIGHUP received, restarting syslog-ng$/ || $ThisLine =~ /^Configuration reload request received, reloading configuration;/) { $Reloads++; } #TD syslog-ng[9754]: syslog-ng version 1.6.2 starting #TD syslog-ng[3956]: syslog-ng starting up; version='2.0.9' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^syslog-ng version [\d.]+ starting$/ || $ThisLine =~ /^syslog-ng starting up; version='[\d.]+'$/) { $Starts++; } #TD syslog-ng[9754]: syslog-ng version 1.6.2 going down #TD syslog-ng[20043]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='2.0.9' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^syslog-ng version [\d.]+ going down$/ || $ThisLine =~ /^syslog-ng shutting down; version='[\d.]+'$/) { $Stops++; } #TD syslog-ng[20043]: Termination requested via signal, terminating; elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Termination requested via signal, terminating;/) { # happens with shutdown, but it's not for extra accounting } # syslog-ng v1.X #TD syslog-ng[4833]: STATS: dropped 0 elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^STATS: dropped ([0-9]*)$/) { if ($1 != 0) { $Drops = $Drops + $1; } } #TD syslog-ng[4833]: Syslog connection closed; fd='45', client='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET(' #TD syslog-ng[4833]: Syslog connection accepted; fd='52', client='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET(' # syslog-ng v3.X #TD Syslog connection broken; fd='63', server='AF_INET(', time_reopen='60' : 44 Time(s) #TD Syslog connection established; fd='48', server='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET(' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Syslog connection (\S+); fd='\d+', (server|client)='AF_INET\(([.\d]+):\d+\)', (?:local='AF_INET\(([.\d]+:\d+)\)'|time_reopen='\d+')?$/) { my $loc = defined($4) ? $4 : ''; $Connections{"$1 ($2)"}{$loc}{$3}++; } #TD syslog-ng[4833]: Connection broken to AF_INET(XXX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA:BBB), reopening in 60 seconds elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Connection broken to [A-Z_]*\((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]{1,5})\), reopening in [0-9]* seconds$/) { $Conns{'Connection broken'}{$1}++; $ConnsSum{'Connection broken'}++; } # syslog-ng v2.X #TD syslog-ng[4833]: Connection failed; error='Connection timed out (110)', time_reopen='60' #TD syslog-ng[4833]: Connection failed; error='Connection refused (111)', time_reopen='60' #TD syslog-ng[4833]: Connection broken; time_reopen='60' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^(Connection \w+); (?:error='([^\(']+) \(\d+\)', )?time_reopen='\d+'/ ) { $Conns{$1}{$2}++; $ConnsSum{$1}++; } #TD syslog-ng[4869]: io.c: do_write: write() failed (errno 111), Connection refused #TD syslog-ng[4869]: I/O error occurred while writing; fd='66', error='Connection refused (111)' elsif ( ($ThisLine =~ /^io\.c: do_write: write\(\) failed \(errno ([\d]+)\)/) or ($ThisLine =~ /I\/O error occurred while writing; fd='\d+', error='[^'(]+ \((\d+)\)'/) ) { $WriteErrs{$1}++; $WriteErrsSum++; } # Log statistics from syslog-ng v2.X #TD syslog-ng[4883]: Log statistics; dropped='program(/path/to/p)=12', # processed='center(queued)=1717', processed='center(received)=916', ... # suppressed='program(/path/to/p)=0' # Log statisctics from syslog-ng v3.X #TD syslog-ng[1625]: Log statistics; processed='destination(newsnotice)=0', # processed='center(queued)=0', processed='src.internal(src#0)=7', # stamp='src.internal(src#0)=1283808150', processed='global(msg_clones)=0', ... elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Log statistics; /) { my @processed = $ThisLine =~ /processed='([a-z.]*)\((\S*)\)=([0-9]*)'/g; for (my $i=0; $i<@processed; $i=$i+3) { if ($processed[$i] eq "center") { $Stats_center{$processed[$i+1]} = $Stats_center{$processed[$i+1]} + $processed[$i+2]; } elsif ($processed[$i] eq "destination") { $Stats_dest{$processed[$i+1]} = $Stats_dest{$processed[$i+1]} + $processed[$i+2]; } elsif ($processed[$i] eq "source" || $processed[$i] eq "src.internal" || $processed[$i] eq 'src.none' || $processed[$i] eq 'src.journald') { $Stats_source{$processed[$i+1]} = $Stats_source{$processed[$i+1]} + $processed[$i+2]; } elsif ($processed[$i] eq "global") { $Stats_global{$processed[$i+1]} = $Stats_global{$processed[$i+1]} + $processed[$i+2]; } elsif ($processed[$i] eq "dst.program") { $Stats_program{$processed[$i+1]} = $Stats_program{$processed[$i+1]} + $processed[$i+2]; } elsif ($processed[$i] =~ /(?:dst\.)?(?:udp|tcp)/) { $Stats_net{$processed[$i+1]} = $Stats_net{$processed[$i+1]} + $processed[$i+2]; } else { chomp($ThisLine); $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } } my @dropped = $ThisLine =~ /dropped='([a-z.]*)\((\S*)\)=([0-9]*)'/g; for (my $i=0; $i<@dropped; $i=$i+3) { if ($dropped[$i] eq "program" || $dropped[$i] eq "pipe") { if ($dropped[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_dropped{$dropped[$i+1]} = $Stats_dropped{$dropped[$i+1]} + $dropped[$i+2]; } } elsif ($dropped[$i] =~ /(?:dst\.)?(?:tcp|udp)/) { if ($dropped[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_dropped_net{$dropped[$i+1]} = $Stats_dropped_net{$dropped[$i+1]} + $dropped[$i+2]; } } elsif ($dropped[$i] eq "dst.program") { if ($dropped[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_dropped_program{$dropped[$i+1]} = $Stats_dropped_program{$dropped[$i+1]} + $dropped[$i+2]; } } else { chomp($ThisLine); $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } } my @suppressed = $ThisLine =~ /suppressed='([a-z.]*)\((\S*)\)=([0-9]*)'/g; for (my $i=0; $i<@suppressed; $i=$i+3) { if ($suppressed[$i] eq "program" || $suppressed[$i] eq "pipe") { if ($suppressed[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_supp{$suppressed[$i+1]} = $Stats_supp{$suppressed[$i+1]} + $suppressed[$i+2]; } } elsif ($suppressed[$i] =~ /(?:dst\.)?(?:tcp|udp)/) { if ($suppressed[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_supp_net{$suppressed[$i+1]} = $Stats_supp_net{$suppressed[$i+1]} + $suppressed[$i+2]; } } elsif ($suppressed[$i] eq "dst.program") { if ($suppressed[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_supp_program{$suppressed[$i+1]} = $Stats_supp_program{$suppressed[$i+1]} + $suppressed[$i+2]; } } else { chomp($ThisLine); $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } } my @stored = $ThisLine =~ /stored='([a-z.]*)\((\S*)\)=([0-9]*)'/g; for (my $i=0; $i<@stored; $i=$i+3) { if ($stored[$i] =~ "(?:dst\.)?(?:program|tcp|udp)" || $stored[$i] eq "pipe") { if ($stored[$i+2] > 0) { $Stats_stored{$stored[$i+1]} = $Stats_stored{$stored[$i+1]} + $stored[$i+2]; } } else { chomp($ThisLine); $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } } } # syslog-ng v2.X #TD syslog-ng[1796]: Number of allowed concurrent connections exceeded; num='10', max='10' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Number of allowed concurrent connections exceeded/) { $ExceedConns++; } # syslog-ng v3.X #TD syslog-ng[1601]: WARNING: global: the default value of chain_hostnames is changing to # 'no' in version 3.0, please update your configuration accordingly; #TD syslog-ng[1601]: WARNING: you are using the pipe driver, underlying file is not a # FIFO, it should be used by file(); filename='/dev/tty10' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^WARNING: (.*)$/) { $Warnings{$1}++; } # syslog-ng v3.X #TD syslog-ng[1601]: Configuration file has no version number, assuming ... elsif ($ThisLine =~ /(Configuration file has no version number)/) { $Warnings{$1}++; } # syslog-ng v2.X #TD syslog-ng[1602]: Error initializing new configuration, reverting to old config; elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Error initializing new configuration, reverting to old config;/) { $IntErrors{"Error initializing new configuration"}{"reverting to old config"}++; } #TD syslog-ng[2550]: Internal error, duplicate configuration elements refer to # the same persistent config; name='afsocket_sd_connections(dgram,AF_INET(' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /Internal error, ([^;]*); name='([^']*)'/) { $IntErrors{$1}{$2}++; } # syslog-ng v2.X #TD syslog-ng[20709]: Referenced filter rule not found; rule='f_dhcpd' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /(Referenced filter rule not found); (.+)/) { $IntErrors{$1}{$2}++ } # syslog-ng v2.X #TD syslog-ng[2000]: Error in configuration, unresolved filter reference; filter='f_host_dhcp_dns0' elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^Error in configuration, ([^;]+); (.+)/) { $IntErrors{$1}{$2}++; } else { # Report any unmatched entries... chomp($ThisLine); $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } } ### generate the output ### if ($Starts) { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)", "Syslog-ng started:", $Starts; } if ($Stops) { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)", "Syslog-ng stopped:", $Stops; } if ($Reloads) { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)", "Syslog-ng reloaded:", $Reloads; } if ($Starts || $Stops || $Reloads) { print "\n"; } if ($Perms) { if ($Detail >= 5) { print "\nSyslog-ng changed the permission on the file(s):"; foreach my $file (keys %PermFiles) { printf "\n\t%-41s %5i Time(s)", $file, $PermFiles{$file}; } print "\n"; } else { printf "\n$-48s %5i Time(s)\n", "Syslog-ng changed permission on file(s):", $Perms; } } if ($FileOpenErrors) { if ($Detail >= 5) { print "\nSyslog-ng could not open the file(s):"; foreach my $file (keys %OpenFiles) { printf "\n\t%-41s %5i Time(s)", $file, $OpenFiles{$file}; } print "\n"; } else { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)\n", "Syslog-ng could not open file:", $FileOpenErrors; } } if (keys %Conns) { foreach my $cat (keys %Conns) { if ($Detail >= 5) { print "\n$cat:"; foreach my $IP (keys %{$Conns{$cat}}) { printf "\n\t%-41s %5i Time(s)", $IP, $Conns{$cat}{$IP}; } print "\n"; } else { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)\n", "$cat:", $ConnsSum{$cat}; } } } if (keys %WriteErrs) { if ($Detail >= 5) { print "\nWrite Error(s):"; foreach my $err (keys %WriteErrs) { printf "\n\t%-41s %5i Time(s)", "Error Number $err:", $WriteErrs{$err}; } print "\n"; } else { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)\n", "Write Error(s):", $WriteErrsSum; } } if ($ExceedConns && $Detail >= 5) { printf "\n%-48s %5i Time(s)\n", "Concurrent Connections Exceeded:", $ExceedConns; } if (keys %Stats_center || keys %Stats_dest || keys %Stats_source || keys %Stats_dropped || keys %Stats_supp || keys %Stats_global || keys %Stats_stored || keys %Stats_program || keys %Stats_net) { my ($lost_rcvd, $lost_dest) = ( 0, 0); if ($Stats_center{received} && %Stats_source) { $lost_rcvd = 0 - $Stats_center{received}; map { # skip 'src#X' as this seams to be aggregated into 'src' # skip 'journal' as this is not counted. $lost_rcvd = $lost_rcvd + $Stats_source{$_} unless ($_ =~ /(?:src#\d+|journal)/); } keys %Stats_source; } if ($Stats_center{queued} && %Stats_dest) { $lost_dest = $Stats_center{queued}; map { $lost_dest = $lost_dest - $Stats_dest{$_} } keys %Stats_dest; } if ($Detail >= 6) { print "\nLog Statistics:"; } if ($lost_rcvd != 0 || $lost_dest != 0) { if ($lost_rcvd != 0) { if ($Detail >= 5) { print "\n- Failed to receive $lost_rcvd message(s)!"; } } if ($lost_dest != 0) { if ($Detail >= 5 ) { print "\n- Failed to save $lost_dest message(s) in logfile(s)!"; } else { $Drops = $Drops + $lost_dest; } } if ($Detail >= 5) { print "\n"; } } if ($Detail >= 6) { if (keys %Stats_center) { print "\nCenter:"; foreach my $center (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_center) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $center, $Stats_center{$center}; } } if (keys %Stats_dest) { print "\nDestination:"; foreach my $dest (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_dest) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $dest, $Stats_dest{$dest}; } } if (keys %Stats_source) { print "\nSource:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_source) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_source{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_net) { print "\nNetwork:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_net) { (my $short_source) = ($source =~ /,?([^,]*)/); printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $short_source, $Stats_net{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_program) { print "\nProgram:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_program) { (my $short_source) = ($source =~ /,?([^,]*)/); printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $short_source, $Stats_program{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_supp) { print "\nSuppressed:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_supp) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_supp{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_supp_net) { print "\nSuppressed(net):"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_supp_net) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_supp_net{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_supp_program) { print "\nSuppressed(program):"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_supp_program) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_supp_program{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_stored) { print "\nStored:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_stored) { (my $short_source) = ($source =~ /,?([^,]*)/); printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $short_source, $Stats_stored{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_global) { print "\nGlobal:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_global) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_global{$source}; } } } if (keys %Stats_dropped) { print "\nDropped:"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_dropped) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_dropped{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_dropped_net) { print "\nDropped(net):"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_dropped_net) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_dropped_net{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_dropped_program) { print "\nDropped(program):"; foreach my $source (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Stats_dropped_program) { printf "\n\t%-34s %12i", $source, $Stats_dropped_program{$source}; } } if (keys %Stats_center or keys %Stats_dropped or keys %Stats_dropped_net or keys %Stats_dropped_program) { print "\n"; } } if (keys %Connections) { foreach my $state (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Connections) { my $sum = 0; print "\nConnections $state: "; print "\n" if $Detail > 2; foreach my $localip (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$Connections{$state}}) { print " $localip: " if $Detail > 2; print "\n" if $Detail > 5; my $sum_pro_ip = 0; foreach my $extip (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$Connections{$state}{$localip}}) { print "\t$extip : $Connections{$state}{$localip}{$extip} Time(s)\n" if $Detail > 5; $sum = $sum + $Connections{$state}{$localip}{$extip}; $sum_pro_ip = $sum_pro_ip + $Connections{$state}{$localip}{$extip}; } print "$sum_pro_ip\n" if $Detail > 2 and $Detail <= 5; } print "$sum\n" if $Detail <= 2; } } if ($Drops) { print "\nSyslog-ng dropped " . $Drops ." line(s)\n"; } if (keys %IntErrors) { print "\nInternal Errors:"; foreach my $class (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %IntErrors) { print "\n $class"; foreach my $error (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$IntErrors{$class}}) { printf "\n\t%-41s %5i Time(s)", "$error:", $IntErrors{$class}{$error}; } } print "\n"; } if (keys %Warnings) { print "\nWarnings:"; foreach my $warning (keys %Warnings) { printf "\n\t%-41s %5i Time(s)", "$warning:", $Warnings{$warning}; } print "\n"; } if (keys %OtherList) { print "\n**** Unmatched entries ****\n"; foreach my $Error (keys %OtherList) { print " $Error : $OtherList{$Error} Time(s)\n"; } } ### return without a failure ### exit(0); # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et