Blame scripts/services/iptables

Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# $Id$
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# $Log: iptables,v $
Packit 57988d
# Revision 1.9  2009/06/05 14:06:07  mike
Packit 57988d
# Added IPF patch from Don Wilder/Mark Dalton -mgt
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Revision 1.8  2008/03/24 23:31:26  kirk
Packit 57988d
# added copyright/license notice to each script
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Revision 1.7  2007/02/16 03:27:05  bjorn
Packit 57988d
# Remove explicit invocation of perl executable, by Ivana Varekova.
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Revision 1.6  2007/01/29 18:40:29  bjorn
Packit 57988d
# Handle timestamp generated in Ubuntu, suggested by MrC.
Packit 57988d
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# Revision 1.5  2006/08/23 22:47:29  bjorn
Packit 57988d
# Corrected icmp type reporting, by Allen Kistler.
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Revision 1.4  2006/07/11 15:59:56  bjorn
Packit 57988d
# Allow sorting by either source or target, by Michel Messerschmidt.
Packit 57988d
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# Revision 1.3  2006/01/16 18:40:31  kirk
Packit 57988d
# fixed name to Logwatch (how I like it now)
Packit 57988d
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# Revision 1.2  2005/12/06 02:35:43  bjorn
Packit 57988d
# Report icmp type properly, by Allen Kistler.
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Revision 1.1  2005/07/25 22:17:31  bjorn
Packit 57988d
# Moved iptables (and ipchains, ipfwadm) code to its own service (iptables).
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# iptables, ipchains, and ipfwadm script for Logwatch.
Packit 57988d
# Ipfwadm and ipchains are deprecated, but is included
Packit 57988d
# here for backwards compatibility.
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# This script was extracted from the kernel script,
Packit 57988d
# which processed netfilter (iptables, ipchains, and
Packit 57988d
# ipfwadm) statements until kernel script Revision 1.29.
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Visit the Logwatch website at
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
## Copyright (c) 2008 Kirk Bauer
Packit 57988d
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
Packit 57988d
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
Packit 57988d
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
Packit 57988d
## and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
Packit 57988d
## under your own copyright or a different license this
Packit 57988d
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
Packit 57988d
## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
Packit 57988d
## contributions.  If you have made significant
Packit 57988d
## contributions to this script and want to claim
Packit 57988d
## copyright please contact
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
use Logwatch ':ip';
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
$MinFilter = $ENV{'iptables_host_min_count'} || 0;
Packit 57988d
$DoLookup = $ENV{'iptables_ip_lookup'}; $DoLookup = $DoLookup; # keep -w happy
Packit 57988d
$ListByHost = $ENV{'iptables_list_by_host'} || 0;
Packit 57988d
$ListByService = $ENV{'iptables_list_by_service'} || 0;
Packit 57988d
# Keep old behaviour if nothing is configured
Packit 57988d
$ListByHost = 1 unless ($ListByService);
Packit 57988d
$MaxFlood = 10;
Packit 57988d
$MaxNum =0;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
sub lookupService {
Packit 57988d
   my ($port, $proto, $service);
Packit 57988d
   ($port, $proto) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
Packit 57988d
   if ($service = getservbyport ($port, $proto)) {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   } else {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
sub lookupProtocol {
Packit 57988d
   my ($proto, $name);
Packit 57988d
   $proto = $_[0];
Packit 57988d
   if ($name = getprotobynumber ($proto)) {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   } else {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
sub lookupAction {
Packit 57988d
   my ($chain, $actionType);
Packit 57988d
   $chain = $_[0];
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   # choose an action type
Packit 57988d
   if ( $chain =~ /reject/i ) {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = "Rejected";
Packit 57988d
   } elsif ( $chain =~ /drop/i ) {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = "Dropped";
Packit 57988d
   } elsif ( $chain =~ /deny/i ) {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = "Denied";
Packit 57988d
   } elsif ( $chain =~ /denied/i ) {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = "Denied";
Packit 57988d
   } elsif ( $chain =~ /accept/i ) {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = "Accepted";
Packit 57988d
   } else {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = "Logged";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   return $actionType;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
sub compStr {
Packit 57988d
   return $a cmp $b;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
sub compNum {
Packit 57988d
   return $a <=> $b;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   next if ($ThisLine eq '');
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   # the format for ulogd/ulogd.syslogmenu and messages differ in that
Packit 57988d
   # the earlier has no service name after the date.  So RemoveHeaders
Packit 57988d
   # doesn't work.  Therefore, we extract it here:
Packit 57988d
   $ThisLine =~ s/^... .. ..:..:.. ([^ ]*) (kernel: )?(\[\s*\d+\.\d+\] )?//;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if( ($TU,$from,$port,$on) = ( $ThisLine =~ /IP fw-in deny \w+ (\w+) ([^:]+):\d+ ([^:]+):(\d+) / ) ){
Packit 57988d
      if($MaxNum < ++$TCPscan{$TU}{$from}) {
Packit 57988d
         $MaxNum = $TCPscan{$TU}{$from}
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   } elsif ( ($chain,$action,$if,$proto,$fromip,$toip,$toport) = ( $ThisLine =~ /^Packet log: ([^ ]+) (\w+) (\w+) PROTO=(\d+) ([\d|\.]+):\d+ ([\d|\.]+):(\d+)/ ) ) {
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = lookupAction($action);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   elsif (($chain,$ifin,$ifout,$fromip,$toip,$proto,$rest) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(.*?)\s*IN=([\w\.\-]*).*?OUT=([\w\.\-]*).*?SRC=([\w\.:]+).*?DST=([\w\.:]+).*?PROTO=(\w+)(.*)/ )) {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      # get a destination port number  (or icmp type) if there is one
Packit 57988d
      if (! ( ($toport) = ( $rest =~ /TYPE=(\w+)/ ) ) ) {
Packit 57988d
         if (! ( ($toport) = ( $rest =~ /DPT=(\w+)/ ) ) ) {
Packit 57988d
            $toport = 0;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      # get the action type
Packit 57988d
      $actionType = lookupAction($chain);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      # determine the dominant interface
Packit 57988d
      if ($ifin  =~ /\w+/ && $ifout  =~ /\w+/) {
Packit 57988d
         $interface = $ifin;
Packit 57988d
      } elsif ($ifin =~ /\w+/) {
Packit 57988d
         $interface = $ifin;
Packit 57988d
         $ifout = "none";
Packit 57988d
      } else {
Packit 57988d
         $interface = $ifout;
Packit 57988d
         $ifin = "none";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      if ($chain eq "") {
Packit 57988d
         $chain_info = "";
Packit 57988d
      } else {
Packit 57988d
         $chain_info = "(" . $chain . ") ";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      # add the packet
Packit 57988d
#      $ipt{$actionType}{$interface}{$fromip}{$toip}{$toport}{$proto}{"$chain,$ifin,$ifout"}++;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   # IPF
Packit 57988d
   elsif (($repcnt,$if,$chain,$fromip,$fromport,$toip,$toport,$proto,$rest,$inout) = ($ThisLine =~ /^.*\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}:\d{2,2}\.\d{6,6}\s*(?:(\d{1,})x)*\s*(\w*)\s*@[-]*\d{1,}:[-]*\d{1,}\s*(\w*)\s*([\w\.:]+\w),*(\d*)\s*->\s*([\w\.:]+\w),*(\d*)\s*PR\s*(\w*)\s*(.*((IN|OUT)).*)/)) {
Packit 57988d
      if ($chain eq 'b') {
Packit 57988d
          $actionType = "drop";
Packit 57988d
      } elsif ($chain eq 'p') {
Packit 57988d
          $actionType = "accept";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      if ($repcnt eq '') {
Packit 57988d
         $repcnt = 1;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      while ($repcnt >= 1) {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
        $repcnt = $repcnt - 1;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
if (keys %TCPscan and $MaxNum>$MaxFlood) {
Packit 57988d
   print "\nWarning: ipfwadm scan detected on:\n";
Packit 57988d
   foreach $ThisOne (sort compStr keys %TCPscan) {
Packit 57988d
      print "   " . $ThisOne . " from:\n";
Packit 57988d
      foreach $Next (sort compStr keys %{$TCPscan{$ThisOne}}) {
Packit 57988d
         $TCPscan{$ThisOne}{$Next}>$MaxFlood &&
Packit 57988d
            print "      " . LookupIP($Next). ": $TCPscan{$ThisOne}{$Next} Time(s)\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
if ((keys %ipt2) and $ListByService) {
Packit 57988d
   foreach my $actionType (sort compStr keys %ipt2) {
Packit 57988d
      foreach my $interface (sort compStr keys %{$ipt2{$actionType}}) {
Packit 57988d
         my $outputMain = '';
Packit 57988d
         my $interfaceCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
         foreach my $toport (sort compNum keys %{$ipt2{$actionType}{$interface}}) {
Packit 57988d
            foreach my $proto (sort compStr keys %{$ipt2{$actionType}{$interface}{$toport}}) {
Packit 57988d
               my $outputSection = '';
Packit 57988d
               my $portCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
               my $hostCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
               undef %hostList;
Packit 57988d
               my %host_list = ();
Packit 57988d
               my $protocol;
Packit 57988d
               # determine the protocol
Packit 57988d
               if ( $proto =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
Packit 57988d
                  $protocol = lookupProtocol($proto);
Packit 57988d
               } else {
Packit 57988d
                  $protocol = lc($proto);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
               # determine the name of the service
Packit 57988d
               my $service = lookupService($toport,$protocol);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
               foreach my $fromip (sort SortIP keys %{$ipt2{$actionType}{$interface}{$toport}{$proto}}) {
Packit 57988d
                  my $fromHostCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
                  my $from = LookupIP($fromip);
Packit 57988d
                  my $outputDetails = "";
Packit 57988d
                  foreach my $toip (sort SortIP keys %{$ipt2{$actionType}{$interface}{$toport}{$proto}{$fromip}}) {
Packit 57988d
                     my $toHostCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
                     my $to = LookupIP($toip);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                     foreach my $details (sort keys %{$ipt2{$actionType}{$interface}{$toport}{$proto}{$fromip}{$toip}}) {
Packit 57988d
                        my $packetCount = $ipt2{$actionType}{$interface}{$toport}{$proto}{$fromip}{$toip}{$details};
Packit 57988d
                        $toHostCount += $packetCount;
Packit 57988d
                        if ( $Detail > 9 and ( $outputDetails !~ /\Q$details\E/ ) ) {
Packit 57988d
                           $outputDetails .= $details . ", ";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                     $fromHostCount += $toHostCount;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                     if ( $Detail > 9 ) {
Packit 57988d
                        chop $outputDetails;
Packit 57988d
                        chop $outputDetails;
Packit 57988d
                        push @{$hostList{"$fromHostCount"}}, $from .
Packit 57988d
                             " " . $outputDetails;
Packit 57988d
                     } else {
Packit 57988d
                        push @{$hostList{"$fromHostCount"}}, $from;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                  $portCount += $fromHostCount;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
               $interfaceCount += $portCount;
Packit 57988d
               if ($Detail > 5 ) {
Packit 57988d
                  $outputMain .= sprintf("   To port %d/%s (%s) - ".
Packit 57988d
                                         "%d packet%s from %d host%s\n",
Packit 57988d
                                   $toport, $protocol,
Packit 57988d
                                   ( $service =~ /^\d+$/ ) ? "?" : $service,
Packit 57988d
                                   $portCount, ( $portCount > 1 ) ? "s" : " ",
Packit 57988d
                                   $hostCount, ( $hostCount > 1 ) ? "s" : " "
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                  foreach my $hc (sort { $b <=> $a } keys %hostList) {
Packit 57988d
                     foreach my $h (@{$hostList{"$hc"}}) {
Packit 57988d
                        $outputMain .= sprintf("    %6d packet%s from %s\n",
Packit 57988d
                                       $hc, ( $hc > 1 ) ? "s" : " ", $h);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
               } elsif ($Detail > 3 ) {
Packit 57988d
                  my $topHostCount;
Packit 57988d
                  ($topHostCount, undef) = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %hostList;
Packit 57988d
                  my $topHost = ${$hostList{"$topHostCount"}}[0];
Packit 57988d
                  $outputMain .= sprintf( "   To port %5d/%s - %5d packet%s ".
Packit 57988d
                                         "from %4d host%s (%d from %s)\n",
Packit 57988d
                                   $toport, $protocol, $portCount,
Packit 57988d
                                   ( $portCount > 1 ) ? "s" : " ", $hostCount,
Packit 57988d
                                   ( $hostCount > 1 ) ? "s" : " ",
Packit 57988d
                                   $topHostCount, $topHost
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
               } else {
Packit 57988d
                  $outputMain .= sprintf("   To port %5d/%s - %5d packet%s ".
Packit 57988d
                                         "from %4d host%s\n",
Packit 57988d
                                   $toport, $protocol, $portCount,
Packit 57988d
                                   ( $portCount > 1 ) ? "s" : " ", $hostCount,
Packit 57988d
                                   ( $hostCount > 1 ) ? "s" : " "
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
         print "Listed by target ports:";
Packit 57988d
         print "\n$actionType $interfaceCount " .
Packit 57988d
               ( ( $interfaceCount > 1 ) ? "packets" : "packet" ) .
Packit 57988d
               " on interface $interface\n";
Packit 57988d
         print $outputMain;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
if ((keys %ipt) and $ListByHost) {
Packit 57988d
   foreach $actionType (sort compStr keys %ipt) {
Packit 57988d
      foreach $interface (sort compStr keys %{$ipt{$actionType}}) {
Packit 57988d
         $outputMain = '';
Packit 57988d
         $interfaceCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
         foreach $fromip (sort SortIP keys %{$ipt{$actionType}{$interface}}) {
Packit 57988d
            $outputSection = '';
Packit 57988d
            $fromHostCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
            $from = LookupIP($fromip);
Packit 57988d
            undef %port_list;
Packit 57988d
            foreach $toip (sort SortIP keys %{$ipt{$actionType}{$interface}{$fromip}}) {
Packit 57988d
               $toHostCount = 0;
Packit 57988d
               $to = LookupIP($toip);
Packit 57988d
               $outputServices = '';
Packit 57988d
               foreach $toport (sort compNum keys %{$ipt{$actionType}{$interface}{$fromip}{$toip}}) {
Packit 57988d
                  foreach $proto (sort compStr keys %{$ipt{$actionType}{$interface}{$fromip}{$toip}{$toport}}) {
Packit 57988d
                     # determine the protocol
Packit 57988d
                     if ( $proto =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
Packit 57988d
                        $protocol = lookupProtocol($proto);
Packit 57988d
                     } else {
Packit 57988d
                        $protocol = lc($proto);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                     # determine the name of the service
Packit 57988d
                     $service = lookupService($toport,$protocol);
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                     foreach $details (sort keys %{$ipt{$actionType}{$interface}{$fromip}{$toip}{$toport}{$proto}}) {
Packit 57988d
                        $packetCount = $ipt{$actionType}{$interface}{$fromip}{$toip}{$toport}{$proto}{$details};
Packit 57988d
                        $toHostCount += $packetCount;
Packit 57988d
                        if ( $Detail > 0 ) {
Packit 57988d
                           $outputServices .= "         Service: $service ($protocol/$toport) $details- $packetCount " . ( ( $packetCount > 1 ) ? "packets\n" : "packet\n" );
Packit 57988d
                        } else {
Packit 57988d
                           ${ $port_list{ $protocol } }{$toport}++;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
               $fromHostCount += $toHostCount;
Packit 57988d
               if ( $Detail > 0 ) { $outputSection .= "      To $to - $toHostCount " . ( ( $toHostCount > 1 ) ? "packets\n" : "packet\n" ); }
Packit 57988d
               $outputSection .= $outputServices;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
            $interfaceCount += $fromHostCount;
Packit 57988d
            if ($fromHostCount >= $MinFilter) {
Packit 57988d
               if ($Detail > 0 ) {
Packit 57988d
                  $outputMain .= "   From $from - $fromHostCount " . ( ( $fromHostCount > 1 ) ? "packets\n" : "packet\n" );
Packit 57988d
               } else {
Packit 57988d
                  $outputMain .= "  From $from - $fromHostCount " .  ( ($fromHostCount > 1) ? "packets" : "packet" ) .  " to " ;
Packit 57988d
                  foreach $protocol ( keys %port_list ) {
Packit 57988d
                     if ( $#{ keys %{$port_list { $protocol } } } > 10 ) {
Packit 57988d
                        $outputMain .= $#{ $port_list{ $protocol } } ." $protocol ports";
Packit 57988d
                     } else {
Packit 57988d
                        $outputMain .= "$protocol(" . join(",", sort compNum keys %{ $port_list{ $protocol } } ) . ") " ;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
                  $outputMain .="\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
            $outputMain .= $outputSection;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
         print "\nListed by source hosts:";
Packit 57988d
         print "\n$actionType $interfaceCount " . ( ( $interfaceCount > 1 ) ? "packets" : "packet" ) . " on interface $interface\n";
Packit 57988d
         print $outputMain;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
Packit 57988d
# Local Variables:
Packit 57988d
# mode: perl
Packit 57988d
# perl-indent-level: 3
Packit 57988d
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
Packit 57988d
# End: