Blame scripts/services/http

Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
# $Id$
Packit Bot ea69bd
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Packit Bot ea69bd
# Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Romeo <>
Packit Bot ea69bd
# Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
# All modifications and contributions by other persons to
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# this script are assumed to have been donated to the
Packit Bot ea69bd
# Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
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# and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
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# under your own copyright or a different license this
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# must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
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# Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
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# contributions.  If you have made significant
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# contributions to this script and want to claim
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# copyright please contact
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#use diagnostics;
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use strict;
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use Logwatch ':sort';
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# use re "debug";
Packit Bot ea69bd
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#  parse httpd access_log
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#  Get the detail level and
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#  Build tables of the log format to parse it and determine whats what
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my $detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0;
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my $ignoreURLs = $ENV{'http_ignore_urls'};
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my $ignoreIPs = $ENV{'http_ignore_ips'};
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my $ignoreEval = $ENV{'http_ignore_eval'};
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $ignore_error_hacks = $ENV{'http_ignore_error_hacks'} || 0;
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my $user_display = $ENV{'http_user_display'};
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my $logformat = "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"|%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b|%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b";
Packit Bot ea69bd
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if (defined $ENV{'logformat'}) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $logformat = $ENV{'logformat'};
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my @log_fields = ();
Packit Bot ea69bd
my @log_format = ();
Packit Bot ea69bd
if ((defined $ENV{'http_fields'}) and (defined $ENV{'http_format'})) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   @log_fields = split(" ", $ENV{'http_fields'});
Packit Bot ea69bd
   @log_format = split(" ", $ENV{'http_format'});
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# Initialization etc.
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my $byte_summary = 0;
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my $failed_requests = 0;
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my %field = ();
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my %hacks =();
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my %hack_success =();
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my %needs_exam =();
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my %users_logged =();
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my %ban_ip =();
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my %robots =();
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my $pattern = "";
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my $flag = 0;
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my $isahack = 0;
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my $a5xx_resp = 0;
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my $a4xx_resp = 0;
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my $a3xx_resp = 0;
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my $a2xx_resp = 0;
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my $a1xx_resp = 0;
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my $image_count = 0;
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my $image_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $docs_count = 0;
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my $docs_bytes = 0;
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my $archive_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $archive_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $sound_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $sound_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $movie_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $movie_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $winexec_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $winexec_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $content_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $content_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $redirect_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $redirect_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $other_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $other_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $total_hack_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $wpad_count =     0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $wpad_bytes =     0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $src_count =      0;
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my $src_bytes =      0;
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my $logs_count =     0;
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my $logs_bytes =     0;
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my $images_count =   0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $images_bytes =   0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $fonts_count =    0;
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my $fonts_bytes =    0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $config_count =   0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $config_bytes =   0;
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my $xpcomext_count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $xpcomext_bytes = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $mozext_count =   0;
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my $mozext_bytes =   0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $proxy_count =    0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $proxy_bytes =    0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
my %proxy_host =     ();
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $host =           "";
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my $notparsed =      "";
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my $notparsed_count =0;
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# file type comparisons are case-insensitive
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $image_types =    '(\.bmp|\.cdr|\.emz|\.gif|\.ico|\.jpe?g|\.png|\.svg|\.sxd|\.tiff?|\.wbmp|\.webp|\.wmf|\.wmz|\.xdm)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $content_types =  '(';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'\/server-status|\/server-info';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.htm|\.html|\.jhtml|\.phtml|\.shtml|\/\.?';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.html\.[a-z]{2,3}(_[A-Z]{2,3})?';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.inc|\.php|\.php3|\.asmx|\.asp|\.pl|\.wml';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|^\/mailman\/.*';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\/sqwebmail.*';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|^\/announce|^\/scrape'; # BitTorrent tracker mod_bt
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.torrent';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.css|\.js|\.cgi';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.fla|\.swf|\.rdf';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|\.class|\.jsp|\.jar|\.java';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $content_types =  $content_types.'|COPYRIGHT|README|FAQ|INSTALL|\.txt)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $docs_types =     '(\.asc|\.bib|\.djvu|\.docx?|\.dot|\.dtd|\.dvi|\.gnumeric|\.mcd|\.mso|\.pdf|\.pps|\.pptx?|\.ps|\.rtf|\.sxi|\.tex|\.text|\.tm|\.xlsx?|\.xml)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $archive_types =  '(\.7z|\.ace|\.bz2|\.cab|\.deb|\.dsc|\.ed2k|\.gz|\.hqx|\.md5|\.rar|\.rpm|\.sig|\.sign|\.tar|\.tbz2|\.tgz|\.vl2|\.z|\.zip|\.hdr)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $sound_types =    '(\.aac|\.au|\.aud|\.m4a|\.mid|\.mp3|\.oga|\.pls|\.ram|\.raw|\.rm|\.wav|\.wma|\.xsm)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $movie_types =    '(\.asf|\.ass|\.avi|\.idx|\.flv|\.m2?ts|\.mkv|\.mp4|\.mpe?g|\.mov|\.ogg|\.ogv|\.qt|\.psb|\.srt|\.ssa|\.smi|\.sub|\.webm|\.wmv)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $winexec_types =  '(\.bat|\.com|\.exe|\.dll)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $wpad_files =     '(wpad\.dat|wspad\.dat|proxy\.pac)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $program_src =    '(';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $program_src =    $program_src.'\.bas|\.cs?|\.cpp|\.diff|\.f|\.h|\.init|\.m|\.mo|\.pas|\.patch|\.po|\.pot|\.py|\.sh|\.spec';
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $program_src =    $program_src.'|Makefile|Makefile_c|Makefile_f77)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $images_types =   '(\.bin|\.cue|\.img|\.iso|\.run)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $logs_types =     '(\.log|_log|-log|\.logs|\.out|\.wyniki)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $fonts_types =    '(\.aft|\.otf|\.ttf|\.woff)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $config_types =   '(\.cfg|\.conf|\.config|\.ini|\.properties)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $xpcomext_types = '(\.xpt)';
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $mozext_types =   '(\.xul)';
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# HTTP Status codes from HTTP/, to avoid loading package
Packit Bot ea69bd
# that may or may not exist.  We only need those >=400, but all
Packit Bot ea69bd
# are included for potential future use.
Packit Bot ea69bd
my %StatusCode = (
Packit Bot ea69bd
    100 => 'Continue',
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    101 => 'Switching Protocols',
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    102 => 'Processing',                      # WebDAV
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    200 => 'OK',
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    201 => 'Created',
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    202 => 'Accepted',
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    203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
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    204 => 'No Content',
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    205 => 'Reset Content',
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    206 => 'Partial Content',
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    207 => 'Multi-Status',                    # WebDAV
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    300 => 'Multiple Choices',
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    301 => 'Moved Permanently',
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    302 => 'Found',
Packit Bot ea69bd
    303 => 'See Other',
Packit Bot ea69bd
    304 => 'Not Modified',
Packit Bot ea69bd
    305 => 'Use Proxy',
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    307 => 'Temporary Redirect',
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    400 => 'Bad Request',
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    401 => 'Unauthorized',
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    402 => 'Payment Required',
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    403 => 'Forbidden',
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    404 => 'Not Found',
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    405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
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    406 => 'Not Acceptable',
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    407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
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    408 => 'Request Timeout',
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    409 => 'Conflict',
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    410 => 'Gone',
Packit Bot ea69bd
    411 => 'Length Required',
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    412 => 'Precondition Failed',
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    413 => 'Request Entity Too Large',
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    414 => 'Request-URI Too Large',
Packit Bot ea69bd
    415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
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    416 => 'Request Range Not Satisfiable',
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    417 => 'Expectation Failed',
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    422 => 'Unprocessable Entity',            # WebDAV
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    423 => 'Locked',                          # WebDAV
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    424 => 'Failed Dependency',               # WebDAV
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    500 => 'Internal Server Error',
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    501 => 'Not Implemented',
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    502 => 'Bad Gateway',
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    503 => 'Service Unavailable',
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    504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
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    505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
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    507 => 'Insufficient Storage',            # WebDAV
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#   what to look for as an attack  USE LOWER CASE!!!!!!
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my @exploits = (
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Packit Bot ea69bd
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#  Define some useful RE paterns
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my %re_pattern = (
Packit Bot ea69bd
   space => '(.*)',
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   brace => '\[(.*)\]',
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   quote => '\"(.*)\"');
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#  Build the regex to parse the line
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for (my $i = 0; $i < @log_format; $i++) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $pattern = $pattern.$re_pattern{$log_format[$i]}.'\\s';
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# this is easier than coding last element logic in the loop
Packit Bot ea69bd
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# The following are used to build up pattern matching strings for
Packit Bot ea69bd
# the log format used in the access_log files.
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my @parse_string = ();
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my @parse_field = ();
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my $parse_index = 0;
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my $parse_subindex = 0;
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$parse_string[$parse_index] = "";
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$parse_field[$parse_index] = ();
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if ($pattern) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # accommodate usage of HTTP_FIELDS and HTTP_FORMAT
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   $parse_string[0] = $pattern;
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   $parse_field[0] = [@log_fields];
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Packit Bot ea69bd
$parse_string[$parse_index] = "";
Packit Bot ea69bd
$parse_field[$parse_index] = ();
Packit Bot ea69bd
my $end_loop = 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
$logformat =~ s/%[\d,!]*/%/g;
Packit Bot ea69bd
while ($end_loop) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
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   if ($logformat =~ /\G%h/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(\\S*?)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "client_ip";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%l/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(\\S*?)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "ident";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%u/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(\\S*?)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "userid";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%t/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(\\[.*\\])";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "timestamp";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%r/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(.*)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "request";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%>?s/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(\\d{3})";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "http_rc";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%b/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      # "transfered" is misspelled, but not corrected because this string
Packit Bot ea69bd
      # comes from the configuration file, and would create a compatibility
Packit Bot ea69bd
      # issue
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "bytes_transfered";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(-|\\d*)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%V/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(\\S*?)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "server_name";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%I/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "bytes_in";
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      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(-|\\d*)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%O/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "bytes_out";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(-|\\d*)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%\{Referer}i/gci) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(.*)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "referrer";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%\{User-Agent}i/gci) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(.*)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "agent";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G%({.*?})?./gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= "(.*?)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index][$parse_subindex++] = "not_used";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G\|/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_subindex = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] = "";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_field[$parse_index] = ();
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # perl 5.6 does not detect end of string properly in next elsif block,
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # so we test it explicitly here
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($logformat =~ /\G$/gc) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $end_loop = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ((my $filler) = ($logformat =~ /\G([^%\|]*)/gc)) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $parse_string[$parse_index] .= $filler;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # perl 5.6 loses track of match position, so we force it.  Perl 5.8
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # and later does it correctly, so it was fixed in 5.7 development.
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      if ($] < 5.007) {pos($logformat) += length($filler);}
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   } else {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $end_loop = 0;
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#################   print "RE pattern     = $pattern \n";
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#  Process log file on stdin
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while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
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   ##################  print "Line = $line \n";
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   # parse the line per the input spec
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   my @parsed_line;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   for $parse_index (0..$#parse_string) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if (@parsed_line = $line =~ /$parse_string[$parse_index]/) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         @log_fields = @{$parse_field[$parse_index]};
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   if (not @parsed_line) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
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      if ($notparsed_count <= 10) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         $notparsed = $notparsed . "   " . $line . "\n";
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   # hash the results so we can identify the fields
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   for my $i (0..$#log_fields) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      #		print "$i $log_fields[$i] $parsed_line[$i] \n";
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      $field{$log_fields[$i]} = $parsed_line[$i];
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   ## Do the default stuff
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   # Break up the request into method, url and protocol
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   ($field{method},$field{url},$field{protocol}) = split(/ +/,$field{"request"});
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if (! $field{url}) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $field{lc_url} = lc $field{url};
Packit Bot ea69bd
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   # Bytes sent Summary
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # Apache uses "-" to represent 0 bytes transferred
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($field{bytes_transfered} eq "-") {$field{bytes_transfered} = 0};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $byte_summary += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #  loop to check for typical exploit attempts
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if (!$ignore_error_hacks) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      for (my $i = 0; $i < @exploits; $i++) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         # print "$i $exploits[$i] $field{lc_url} \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
         if ( ($field{lc_url} =~ /$exploits[$i]/i) &&
Packit Bot ea69bd
              !((defined $ignoreURLs) && ($field{url} =~ /$ignoreURLs/i)) &&
Packit Bot ea69bd
              !((defined $ignoreIPs) && ($field{client_ip} =~ /$ignoreIPs/)) ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
            $total_hack_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
            $ban_ip{$field{client_ip}} = " ";
Packit Bot ea69bd
            if ($field{http_rc} < 300) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
               $hack_success{$field{url}} = $field{http_rc};
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #  Count types and bytes
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #	this is only printed if detail > 4 but it also looks
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #	for 'strange' stuff so it needs to run always
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   ($field{base_url},$field{url_parms}) = split(/\?/,$field{"lc_url"});
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($field{base_url} =~ /$image_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $image_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $image_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$docs_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $docs_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $docs_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$archive_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $archive_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $archive_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$sound_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $sound_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $sound_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$movie_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $movie_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $movie_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$winexec_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $winexec_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $winexec_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$content_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $content_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $content_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$wpad_files$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $wpad_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $wpad_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$program_src$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $src_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $src_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$images_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $images_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $images_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$logs_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $logs_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $logs_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$fonts_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $fonts_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $fonts_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$config_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $config_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $config_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$xpcomext_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $xpcomext_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $xpcomext_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{base_url} =~ /$mozext_types$/oi) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $mozext_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $mozext_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{http_rc} =~ /3\d\d/) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $redirect_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $redirect_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{method} =~ /CONNECT/) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $proxy_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $proxy_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $proxy_host{"$field{client_ip} -> $field{base_url}"}++;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } else {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $other_count += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $other_bytes += $field{bytes_transfered};
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ( ($field{http_rc} >= 400) && !shouldIgnore("needs_exam") ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      my $fmt_url = $field{url};
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if (length($field{url}) > 60) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         $fmt_url = substr($field{url},0,42) . " ... " .
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if (defined $field{userid} && $field{userid} ne "-" &&
Packit Bot ea69bd
         (eval $user_display) && !shouldIgnore("users_logged") ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   ## Do the > 4 stuff
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #  Response Summary
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($field{http_rc} > 499 ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $a5xx_resp += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif ($field{http_rc} > 399 ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $a4xx_resp += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif($field{http_rc} > 299 ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $a3xx_resp += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } elsif($field{http_rc} > 199 ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $a2xx_resp += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   } else {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $a1xx_resp += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #  Count the robots who actually ask for the robots.txt file
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($field{lc_url} =~ /^\/robots.txt$/) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if (defined $field{agent}) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         $robots{$field{agent}} +=1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
} ## End of while loop
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
##   output the results
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if ($detail >4) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   printf "%.2f MB transferred " , $byte_summary/(1024*1024);
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print  "in ";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print my $resp_total = ($a1xx_resp + $a2xx_resp + $a3xx_resp + $a4xx_resp + $a5xx_resp);
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print " responses ";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print " (1xx $a1xx_resp, 2xx $a2xx_resp, 3xx $a3xx_resp,";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print " 4xx $a4xx_resp, 5xx $a5xx_resp) \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   my $lr = length($resp_total);
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($image_count > 0)      { printf "   %*d Images (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $image_count, $image_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($docs_count > 0)       { printf "   %*d Documents (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $docs_count, $docs_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($archive_count > 0)    { printf "   %*d Archives (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $archive_count, $archive_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($sound_count > 0)      { printf "   %*d Sound files (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $sound_count, $sound_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($movie_count > 0)      { printf "   %*d Movies files (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $movie_count, $movie_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($winexec_count > 0)    { printf "   %*d Windows executable files (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $winexec_count, $winexec_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($content_count > 0)    { printf "   %*d Content pages (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $content_count, $content_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($redirect_count > 0)   { printf "   %*d Redirects (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $redirect_count, $redirect_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($wpad_count > 0)       { printf "   %*d Proxy Configuration Files (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $wpad_count, $wpad_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($src_count > 0)        { printf "   %*d Program source files (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $src_count, $src_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($images_count > 0)     { printf "   %*d CD Images (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $images_count, $images_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($logs_count > 0)       { printf "   %*d Various Logs (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $logs_count, $logs_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($fonts_count > 0)      { printf "   %*d Fonts (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $fonts_count, $fonts_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($config_count > 0)     { printf "   %*d Configs (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $config_count, $config_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($xpcomext_count > 0)   { printf "   %*d XPCOM Type Libraries (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $xpcomext_count, $xpcomext_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($mozext_count > 0)     { printf "   %*d Mozilla extensions (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $mozext_count, $mozext_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($proxy_count > 0)      { printf "   %*d mod_proxy requests (%.2f MB),\n" , $lr, $proxy_count, $proxy_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($other_count > 0)      { printf "   %*d Other (%.2f MB) \n" , $lr, $other_count, $other_bytes/(1024*1024); }
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
#  List attempted exploits
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if (($detail >4) and $total_hack_count) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "\nAttempts to use known hacks by ".(keys %hacks).
Packit Bot ea69bd
         " hosts were logged $total_hack_count time(s) from:\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   my $order = TotalCountOrder(%hacks);
Packit Bot ea69bd
   foreach my $i (sort $order keys %hacks) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      my $hacks_per_ip = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
      foreach my $j ( keys %{$hacks{$i}} ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         $hacks_per_ip += $hacks{$i}{$j};
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
      print "   $i: $hacks_per_ip Time(s)\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if ($detail > 9) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         foreach my $j ( keys %{$hacks{$i}} ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
            print "      $j $hacks{$i}{$j} Time(s) \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
      } else {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if (keys %proxy_host) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "\nConnection attempts using mod_proxy:\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   foreach $host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %proxy_host) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      print "   $host: $proxy_host{$host} Time(s)\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
#  List (wannabe) blackhat sites
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
$flag = 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
foreach my $i (sort keys %ban_ip) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($flag) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      print "\nA total of ".scalar(keys %ban_ip)." sites probed the server \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      $flag = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   #if ($detail > 4) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      print "   $i\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
#  List possible successful probes
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
$flag = 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
if (keys %hack_success) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "\nA total of " . scalar(keys %hack_success) . " possible successful probes were detected (the following URLs\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "contain strings that match one or more of a listing of strings that\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "indicate a possible exploit):\n\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   foreach my $i (keys %hack_success) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      print "   $i HTTP Response $hack_success{$i} \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
#  List error response codes
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if (keys %needs_exam) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "\nRequests with error response codes\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   # my $count = TotalCountOrder(%needs_exam);
Packit Bot ea69bd
   for my $code (sort keys %needs_exam) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if (not defined $StatusCode{$code}) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         $StatusCode{$code} = "\(undefined\)";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if( ($ENV{"http_rc_detail_rep_$code"} || $detail) > $detail ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      # only display summary for this code
Packit Bot ea69bd
         my $t = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
         my $u = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
         foreach my $k ( keys %{$needs_exam{$code}}) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
            $u += 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
            $t += $needs_exam{$code}{$k};
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "   $code $StatusCode{$code} SUMMARY - $u URLs, total: $t Time(s)\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      } else {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "   $code $StatusCode{$code}\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
         for my $url (sort { ($needs_exam{$code}{$b} <=> $needs_exam{$code}{$a}) or ($a cmp $b) } keys %{$needs_exam{$code}}) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
            print "      $url: $needs_exam{$code}{$url} Time(s)\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if (keys %users_logged) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "\nUsers logged successfully\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   for my $user (sort keys %users_logged) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      my %userips = %{$users_logged{$user}};
Packit Bot ea69bd
      # If one user name logged from many IPs, don't print them all. 5 is arbitrary
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if (scalar(keys %userips) > 5) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         my $count = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
         for my $ip (keys %userips) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
             $count += $userips{$ip};
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "   $user: $count Time(s) from ".scalar(keys %userips)." addresses\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
      } else {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "   $user\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
         for my $ip (sort keys %userips) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
            print "      $ip: $userips{$ip} Time(s)\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
#  List robots that identified themselves
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if ($detail > 4) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   $flag = 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
   foreach my $i (keys %robots) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if ($flag) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "\nA total of ".scalar(keys %robots)." ROBOTS were logged \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
         $flag = 0;
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
      if ($detail > 9) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
         print "   $i $robots{$i} Time(s) \n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
if ($notparsed) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "\nThis is a listing of log lines that were not parsed correctly.\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "Perhaps the variable \$LogFormat in file conf/services/http.conf\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print "is not correct?\n\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if ($notparsed_count > 10) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      print "(Only the first ten are printed; there were a total of $notparsed_count)\n";
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   print $notparsed;
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
exit (0);
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
sub shouldIgnore {
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   if( ((defined $ignoreURLs) && ($field{url} =~ /$ignoreURLs/i)) ||
Packit Bot ea69bd
       ((defined $ignoreIPs) && ($field{client_ip} =~ /$ignoreIPs/)) ) {
Packit Bot ea69bd
      return 1;
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
   return (eval $ignoreEval);
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
Packit Bot ea69bd
# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
Packit Bot ea69bd
# Local Variables:
Packit Bot ea69bd
# mode: perl
Packit Bot ea69bd
# perl-indent-level: 3
Packit Bot ea69bd
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
Packit Bot ea69bd
# End: