Blame scripts/services/evtsystem

Packit 57988d
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# $Id$
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# $Log: evtsystem,v $
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# Revision 1.3  2008/06/30 23:07:51  kirk
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# fixed copyright holders for files where I know who they should be
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# Revision 1.2  2008/03/24 23:31:26  kirk
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# added copyright/license notice to each script
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# Revision 1.1  2007/04/28 22:50:24  bjorn
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# Added files for Windows Event Log, by Orion Poplawski.  These are for
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# Windows events logged to a server, using Snare Agent or similar.
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## Copyright (c) 2008 Orion Poplawski
Packit 57988d
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
Packit 57988d
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## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
Packit 57988d
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
Packit 57988d
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
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## and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
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## under your own copyright or a different license this
Packit 57988d
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
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## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
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## contributions.  If you have made significant
Packit 57988d
## contributions to this script and want to claim
Packit 57988d
## copyright please contact
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my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0;
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while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
Packit 57988d
   my ($Hostname,$Criticality,$SourceName,$DateTime,$EventID,$System,$UserName,$SIDType,$EventLogType,$CategoryString,$DataString,$ExpandedString,$Extra);
Packit 57988d
   #Determine format
Packit 57988d
   if ($ThisLine =~ /MSWinEventLog\[/) {  # Snare 4
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      ($Criticality,$SourceName,$DateTime,$EventID,$System,$UserName,$SIDType,$EventLogType,$Hostname,$CategoryString,$DataString,$ExpandedString,$Extra) =
Packit 57988d
         ($ThisLine =~ /MSWinEventLog\[(\d+)\]:(\w+)\t\d+\t([^\t]+)\t(\d+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t?([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)/);
Packit 57988d
   } elsif ($ThisLine =~ /MSWinEventLog\t/) { # Snare 3
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      ($Criticality,$SourceName,$DateTime,$EventID,$System,$UserName,$SIDType,$EventLogType,$Hostname,$CategoryString,$DataString,$ExpandedString,$Extra) =
Packit 57988d
         ($ThisLine =~ /MSWinEventLog\t(\d+)\t(\w+)\t\d+\t([^\t]+)\t(\d+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t?([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)\t?([^\t]*)/);
Packit 57988d
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   if (!defined($Hostname)) {
Packit 57988d
      print STDERR "Cannot parse $ThisLine";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
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   #print STDERR "ExpandedString = $ExpandedString\n";
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Application Popup") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /Initialization Failed : The application failed to initialize because the window station is shutting down/;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Application popup: Windows : Other people are logged on to this computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data\.    Do you want to continue shutting down\?$/;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Application popup: Message from .*: Automatic software deployment is currently updating your system\. Please save all your documents as the the system might reboot without further notice\. Thank you\./;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Application popup: Message from .*: The automated software installation utility has completed installing or updating software on your system\. No reboot was necessary\. All updates are complete\./;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "BTHUSB") {
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Windows cannot store Bluetooth authentication codes \(link keys\) on the local adapter\. Bluetooth keyboards might not work in the system BIOS during startup\.$/ and $Detail < 5;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System =~ "EventLog") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /Microsoft \(R\) Windows \(R\) \d+\.\d+\. \d+ Service Pack \d/;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The Event log service was started./;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The Event log service was stopped./;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The system uptime is \d+ seconds/;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System =~ "LsaSrv") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^A logon cache entry for user .* was the oldest entry and was removed\. The timestamp of this entry was/;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString eq "The Program Compatibility Assistant service successfully performed phase two initialization.";
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-DfsSvc") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^DFS has finished building all namespaces\.$/;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^DFS server has finished initializing\.$/;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-FilterManager") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^File System Filter .* has successfully loaded and registered with Filter Manager\.$/;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Iphlpsvc") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Isatap interface .* with address .* has been brought up\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Isatap interface .* is no longer active\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The operating system started at system time/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The operating system is shutting down at system time/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
      #TODO - We should warn is this is big
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The system time has changed to .* from/;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The system is entering sleep/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The kernel power manager has initiated a shutdown transition\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^ACPI thermal zone .* has been enumerated/;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Processor \d+ in group \d+ exposes the following power management capabilities/;
Packit 57988d
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Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Processor-Power") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Processor \d+ in group \d+ exposes the following:/;
Packit 57988d
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The Group Policy settings for the (computer|user) were processed successfully\. There were no changes detected since the last successful processing of Group Policy\.$/;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The Group Policy settings for the (computer|user) were processed successfully\. New settings from \d+ Group Policy objects were detected and applied\.$/ and $Detail == 0;
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   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Ntfs") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Volume .* is healthy\.  No action is needed\.$/;
Packit 57988d
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Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Power-Troubleshooter") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The system has resumed from sleep/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Time-Service") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The time provider NtpClient is currently receiving valid time data from/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The time service is now synchronizing the system time with the time source/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-WAS") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^A worker process with process id of .* serving application pool .* has requested a recycle because the worker process reached its allowed processing time limit/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient" or
Packit 57988d
       $System eq "Windows Update Agent") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Automatic Updates is now paused\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      if (($InstallDateTime, $Updates) = $ExpandedString =~ /^Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on (.*):  - (.*)$/) {
Packit 57988d
          $UpdatesReadyForInstall{$Hostname}->{$InstallDateTime} = $Updates;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
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      if (($Update) = $ExpandedString =~ /^Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: (.*)$/) {
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
      if ($ExpandedString =~ /^Restart Required:/) {
Packit 57988d
          $RestartRequired{$Hostname} = 1;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /User \w+ Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Microsoft-Windows-WinRM") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The WinRM service is listening for WS-Management requests/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Service Control Manager") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The (.*) service entered the running state\./;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The (.*) service entered the stopped state\./;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The (.*) service was successfully sent a start control\./;
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The (.*) service was successfully sent a stop control\./;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "USER32") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The process .* has initiated the power off of computer \w+ on behalf of user .* for the following reason: .*$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "Virtual Disk Service") {
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /Service (started|stopped)/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "atikmdag") {
Packit 57988d
      #Ignore these
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^UVD Information$/;
Packit 57988d
      #High Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^Display is not active$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   if ($System eq "volsnap") {
Packit 57988d
      #Med Detail
Packit 57988d
      next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The oldest shadow copy of volume .* was deleted to keep disk space usage for shadow copies of volume .* below the user defined limit\.$/ and $Detail < 5;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /client service is started$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /started successfully\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /has successfully (?:started|stopped)\./ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /service .* (?:started|stopped)/i and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /Module has (?:started|stopped)/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /Driver initialized successfully\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /Network controller configured for .* link\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The driver package installation has succeeded\.$/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The .* service entered the .* state/ and $Detail < 10;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /^The process .* has initiated the (?:power off|restart|shutdown) of computer .* on behalf of user .* for the following reason/ and $Detail < 5;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /^UVD Information$/;
Packit 57988d
   next if $ExpandedString =~ /Link has been established:/;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   # Add to the list
Packit 57988d
   $Systems{$System}->{"$Hostname $ExpandedString"}++;
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# Handle high priority errors first
Packit 57988d
$System = "Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting";
Packit 57988d
if (defined($Systems{$System})) {
Packit 57988d
   print "\nSYSTEM ERRORS!:\n";
Packit 57988d
   foreach $Error (sort(keys %{$Systems{$System}})) {
Packit 57988d
      print "    $Error : $Systems{$System}->{$Error} Times\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
print "\n";
Packit 57988d
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if (keys %Systems) {
Packit 57988d
   foreach $System (sort(keys %Systems)) {
Packit 57988d
      print "\n$System\n";
Packit 57988d
      foreach $Error (sort(keys %{$Systems{$System}})) {
Packit 57988d
         print "    $Error : $Systems{$System}->{$Error} Times\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
if (keys %UpdatesReadyForInstall or keys %UpdatesInstalled) {
Packit 57988d
   print "\nWindows Update Summary:\n";
Packit 57988d
   foreach $Hostname (sort(keys %UpdatesReadyForInstall)) {
Packit 57988d
      foreach $InstallDateTime (sort(keys %{$UpdatesReadyForInstall{$Hostname}})) {
Packit 57988d
         print "    Updates ready for install on $Hostname on $InstallDateTime:\n"; 
Packit 57988d
         print "        $UpdatesReadyForInstall{$Hostname}->{$InstallDateTime}\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   foreach $Hostname (sort(keys %UpdatesInstalled)) {
Packit 57988d
      print "    Updates successfully installed on $Hostname:\n";
Packit 57988d
      foreach $Update (@{$UpdatesInstalled{$Hostname}}) {
Packit 57988d
          print "        $Update\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   print "    Restart required on hosts: " if keys %RestartRequired;
Packit 57988d
   foreach $Hostname (sort(keys %RestartRequired)) {
Packit 57988d
      print "$Hostname ";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
   print "\n";
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
Packit 57988d
# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
Packit 57988d
# Local Variables:
Packit 57988d
# mode: perl
Packit 57988d
# perl-indent-level: 3
Packit 57988d
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
Packit 57988d
# End: