/** * @file common.c * @author Radek Krejci * @brief common libyang routines implementations * * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 CESNET, z.s.p.o. * * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "parser.h" #include "xpath.h" #include "context.h" THREAD_LOCAL enum int_log_opts log_opt; THREAD_LOCAL int8_t ly_errno_glob; API LY_ERR * ly_errno_glob_address(void) { return (LY_ERR *)&ly_errno_glob; } API LY_VECODE ly_vecode(const struct ly_ctx *ctx) { struct ly_err_item *i; i = ly_err_first(ctx); if (i) { return i->prev->vecode; } return 0; } API const char * ly_errmsg(const struct ly_ctx *ctx) { struct ly_err_item *i; i = ly_err_first(ctx); if (i) { return i->prev->msg; } return NULL; } API const char * ly_errpath(const struct ly_ctx *ctx) { struct ly_err_item *i; i = ly_err_first(ctx); if (i) { return i->prev->path; } return NULL; } API const char * ly_errapptag(const struct ly_ctx *ctx) { struct ly_err_item *i; i = ly_err_first(ctx); if (i) { return i->prev->apptag; } return NULL; } API struct ly_err_item * ly_err_first(const struct ly_ctx *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return NULL; } return pthread_getspecific(ctx->errlist_key); } void ly_err_free(void *ptr) { struct ly_err_item *i, *next; /* clean the error list */ for (i = (struct ly_err_item *)ptr; i; i = next) { next = i->next; free(i->msg); free(i->path); free(i->apptag); free(i); } } API void ly_err_clean(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_err_item *eitem) { struct ly_err_item *i, *first; first = ly_err_first(ctx); if (first == eitem) { eitem = NULL; } if (eitem) { /* disconnect the error */ for (i = first; i && (i->next != eitem); i = i->next); assert(i); i->next = NULL; first->prev = i; /* free this err and newer */ ly_err_free(eitem); /* update errno */ ly_errno = i->no; } else { /* free all err */ ly_err_free(first); pthread_setspecific(ctx->errlist_key, NULL); /* also clean errno */ ly_errno = LY_SUCCESS; } } #ifndef __USE_GNU char * get_current_dir_name(void) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; char *retval; if (getcwd(tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { retval = strdup(tmp); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!retval, LOGMEM(NULL), NULL); return retval; } return NULL; } #endif const char * strpbrk_backwards(const char *s, const char *accept, unsigned int s_len) { const char *sc; for (; *s != '\0' && s_len; --s, --s_len) { for (sc = accept; *sc != '\0'; ++sc) { if (*s == *sc) { return s; } } } return s; } char * strnchr(const char *s, int c, unsigned int len) { for (; *s != (char)c; ++s, --len) { if ((*s == '\0') || (!len)) { return NULL; } } return (char *)s; } const char * strnodetype(LYS_NODE type) { switch (type) { case LYS_UNKNOWN: return NULL; case LYS_AUGMENT: return "augment"; case LYS_CONTAINER: return "container"; case LYS_CHOICE: return "choice"; case LYS_LEAF: return "leaf"; case LYS_LEAFLIST: return "leaf-list"; case LYS_LIST: return "list"; case LYS_ANYXML: return "anyxml"; case LYS_GROUPING: return "grouping"; case LYS_CASE: return "case"; case LYS_INPUT: return "input"; case LYS_OUTPUT: return "output"; case LYS_NOTIF: return "notification"; case LYS_RPC: return "rpc"; case LYS_USES: return "uses"; case LYS_ACTION: return "action"; case LYS_ANYDATA: return "anydata"; case LYS_EXT: return "extension instance"; } return NULL; } const char * transform_module_name2import_prefix(const struct lys_module *module, const char *module_name) { uint16_t i; if (!module_name) { return NULL; } if (!strcmp(lys_main_module(module)->name, module_name)) { /* the same for module and submodule */ return module->prefix; } for (i = 0; i < module->imp_size; ++i) { if (!strcmp(module->imp[i].module->name, module_name)) { return module->imp[i].prefix; } } return NULL; } static int _transform_json2xml_subexp(const struct lys_module *module, const char *expr, char **out, size_t *out_used, size_t *out_size, int schema, int inst_id, const char ***prefixes, const char ***namespaces, uint32_t *ns_count) { const char *cur_expr, *end, *prefix, *literal; char *name; size_t name_len; const struct lys_module *mod = NULL, *prev_mod = NULL; uint32_t i, j; struct lyxp_expr *exp; struct ly_ctx *ctx = module->ctx; enum int_log_opts prev_ilo; assert(module && expr && ((!prefixes && !namespaces && !ns_count) || (prefixes && namespaces && ns_count))); exp = lyxp_parse_expr(ctx, expr); LY_CHECK_RETURN(!exp, 1); for (i = 0; i < exp->used; ++i) { cur_expr = &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]]; /* copy WS */ if (i && ((end = exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[i - 1] + exp->tok_len[i - 1]) != cur_expr)) { strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], end, cur_expr - end); (*out_used) += cur_expr - end; } if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) && ((end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[i])) || inst_id)) { /* get the module */ if (!schema) { if (end) { name_len = end - cur_expr; name = strndup(cur_expr, name_len); mod = ly_ctx_get_module(module->ctx, name, NULL, 0); if (module->ctx->data_clb) { if (!mod) { mod = module->ctx->data_clb(module->ctx, name, NULL, 0, module->ctx->data_clb_data); } else if (!mod->implemented) { mod = module->ctx->data_clb(module->ctx, name, mod->ns, LY_MODCLB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, module->ctx->data_clb_data); } } free(name); if (!mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INMOD_LEN, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, name_len, cur_expr); goto error; } prev_mod = mod; } else { mod = prev_mod; if (!mod) { LOGINT(ctx); goto error; } name_len = 0; end = cur_expr; } prefix = mod->prefix; } else { if (end) { name_len = end - cur_expr; } else { name_len = strlen(cur_expr); end = cur_expr; } name = strndup(cur_expr, name_len); prefix = transform_module_name2import_prefix(module, name); free(name); if (!prefix) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INMOD_LEN, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, name_len, cur_expr); goto error; } } /* remember the namespace definition (only if it's new) */ if (!schema && ns_count) { for (j = 0; j < *ns_count; ++j) { if (ly_strequal((*namespaces)[j], mod->ns, 1)) { break; } } if (j == *ns_count) { ++(*ns_count); *prefixes = ly_realloc(*prefixes, *ns_count * sizeof **prefixes); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!(*prefixes), LOGMEM(ctx), error); *namespaces = ly_realloc(*namespaces, *ns_count * sizeof **namespaces); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!(*namespaces), LOGMEM(ctx), error); (*prefixes)[*ns_count - 1] = mod->prefix; (*namespaces)[*ns_count - 1] = mod->ns; } } /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ *out_size += strlen(prefix) + 1 - name_len; *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!(*out), LOGMEM(ctx), error); /* copy the model name */ strcpy(&(*out)[*out_used], prefix); *out_used += strlen(prefix); if (!name_len) { /* we are adding the prefix, so also ':' */ (*out)[*out_used] = ':'; ++(*out_used); } /* copy the rest */ strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], end, exp->tok_len[i] - name_len); *out_used += exp->tok_len[i] - name_len; } else if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL) && (end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[i]))) { /* copy begin quote */ (*out)[*out_used] = cur_expr[0]; ++(*out_used); /* skip quotes */ literal = lydict_insert(module->ctx, cur_expr + 1, exp->tok_len[i] - 2); /* parse literals as subexpressions if possible, otherwise treat as a literal */ ly_ilo_change(NULL, ILO_IGNORE, &prev_ilo, NULL); if (_transform_json2xml_subexp(module, literal, out, out_used, out_size, schema, inst_id, prefixes, namespaces, ns_count)) { strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], literal, exp->tok_len[i] - 2); *out_used += exp->tok_len[i] - 2; } ly_ilo_restore(NULL, prev_ilo, NULL, 0); lydict_remove(module->ctx, literal); /* copy end quote */ (*out)[*out_used] = cur_expr[exp->tok_len[i] - 1]; ++(*out_used); } else { strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]], exp->tok_len[i]); *out_used += exp->tok_len[i]; } } lyxp_expr_free(exp); return 0; error: if (!schema && ns_count) { free(*prefixes); free(*namespaces); } lyxp_expr_free(exp); return 1; } static const char * _transform_json2xml(const struct lys_module *module, const char *expr, int schema, int inst_id, const char ***prefixes, const char ***namespaces, uint32_t *ns_count) { char *out; size_t out_size, out_used; int ret; assert(module && expr && ((!prefixes && !namespaces && !ns_count) || (prefixes && namespaces && ns_count))); if (ns_count) { *ns_count = 0; *prefixes = NULL; *namespaces = NULL; } if (!expr[0]) { /* empty value */ return lydict_insert(module->ctx, expr, 0); } out_size = strlen(expr) + 1; out = malloc(out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(module->ctx), NULL); out_used = 0; ret = _transform_json2xml_subexp(module, expr, &out, &out_used, &out_size, schema, inst_id, prefixes, namespaces, ns_count); if (!ret) { out[out_used] = '\0'; return lydict_insert_zc(module->ctx, out); } free(out); return NULL; } const char * transform_json2xml(const struct lys_module *module, const char *expr, int inst_id, const char ***prefixes, const char ***namespaces, uint32_t *ns_count) { return _transform_json2xml(module, expr, 0, inst_id, prefixes, namespaces, ns_count); } const char * transform_json2schema(const struct lys_module *module, const char *expr) { return _transform_json2xml(module, expr, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static int transform_xml2json_subexp(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *expr, char **out, size_t *out_used, size_t *out_size, struct lyxml_elem *xml, int inst_id, int use_ctx_data_clb) { const char *end, *cur_expr, *literal; char *prefix; uint16_t i; enum int_log_opts prev_ilo; size_t pref_len; const struct lys_module *mod, *prev_mod = NULL; const struct lyxml_ns *ns; struct lyxp_expr *exp; exp = lyxp_parse_expr(ctx, expr); if (!exp) { return 1; } for (i = 0; i < exp->used; ++i) { cur_expr = &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]]; /* copy WS */ if (i && ((end = exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[i - 1] + exp->tok_len[i - 1]) != cur_expr)) { strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], end, cur_expr - end); (*out_used) += cur_expr - end; } if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) && (end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[i]))) { /* get the module */ pref_len = end - cur_expr; prefix = strndup(cur_expr, pref_len); if (!prefix) { LOGMEM(ctx); goto error; } ns = lyxml_get_ns(xml, prefix); free(prefix); if (!ns) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XML_INVAL, LY_VLOG_XML, xml, "namespace prefix"); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_PREV, NULL, "XML namespace with prefix \"%.*s\" not defined.", pref_len, cur_expr); goto error; } mod = ly_ctx_get_module_by_ns(ctx, ns->value, NULL, 0); if (use_ctx_data_clb && ctx->data_clb) { if (!mod) { mod = ctx->data_clb(ctx, NULL, ns->value, 0, ctx->data_clb_data); } else if (!mod->implemented) { mod = ctx->data_clb(ctx, mod->name, mod->ns, LY_MODCLB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ctx->data_clb_data); } } if (!mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XML_INVAL, LY_VLOG_XML, xml, "module namespace"); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_PREV, NULL, "Module with the namespace \"%s\" could not be found.", ns->value); goto error; } if (!inst_id || (mod != prev_mod)) { /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ *out_size += strlen(mod->name) - pref_len; *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_size); if (!(*out)) { LOGMEM(ctx); goto error; } /* copy the model name */ strcpy(&(*out)[*out_used], mod->name); *out_used += strlen(mod->name); } else { /* skip ':' */ ++end; ++pref_len; } /* remember previous model name */ prev_mod = mod; /* copy the rest */ strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], end, exp->tok_len[i] - pref_len); *out_used += exp->tok_len[i] - pref_len; } else if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) && inst_id) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XML_INVAL, LY_VLOG_XML, xml, "namespace prefix"); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_PREV, NULL, "Node name is missing module prefix."); goto error; } else if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL) && (end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[i]))) { /* copy begin quote */ (*out)[*out_used] = cur_expr[0]; ++(*out_used); /* skip quotes */ literal = lydict_insert(ctx, cur_expr + 1, exp->tok_len[i] - 2); /* parse literals as subexpressions if possible, otherwise treat as a literal, do not log */ prev_ilo = log_opt; log_opt = ILO_IGNORE; if (transform_xml2json_subexp(ctx, literal, out, out_used, out_size, xml, inst_id, use_ctx_data_clb)) { strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], literal, exp->tok_len[i] - 2); *out_used += exp->tok_len[i] - 2; } log_opt = prev_ilo; lydict_remove(ctx, literal); /* copy end quote */ (*out)[*out_used] = cur_expr[exp->tok_len[i] - 1]; ++(*out_used); } else { strncpy(&(*out)[*out_used], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]], exp->tok_len[i]); *out_used += exp->tok_len[i]; } } lyxp_expr_free(exp); return 0; error: lyxp_expr_free(exp); return 1; } const char * transform_xml2json(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *expr, struct lyxml_elem *xml, int inst_id, int use_ctx_data_clb) { char *out; size_t out_size, out_used; int ret; out_size = strlen(expr) + 1; out = malloc(out_size); if (!out) { LOGMEM(ctx); return NULL; } out_used = 0; ret = transform_xml2json_subexp(ctx, expr, &out, &out_used, &out_size, xml, inst_id, use_ctx_data_clb); if (!ret) { out[out_used] = '\0'; return lydict_insert_zc(ctx, out); } free(out); return NULL; } API char * ly_path_xml2json(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *xml_path, struct lyxml_elem *xml) { const char *json_path; char *ret = NULL; if (!ctx || !xml_path || !xml) { LOGARG; return NULL; } json_path = transform_xml2json(ctx, xml_path, xml, 0, 1); if (json_path) { ret = strdup(json_path); lydict_remove(ctx, json_path); } return ret; } const char * transform_schema2json(const struct lys_module *module, const char *expr) { const char *end, *cur_expr, *ptr; char *out; uint16_t i; size_t out_size, out_used, pref_len; const struct lys_module *mod; struct ly_ctx *ctx = module->ctx; struct lyxp_expr *exp = NULL; out_size = strlen(expr) + 1; out = malloc(out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), NULL); out_used = 0; exp = lyxp_parse_expr(ctx, expr); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!exp, , error); for (i = 0; i < exp->used; ++i) { cur_expr = &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]]; /* copy WS */ if (i && ((end = exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[i - 1] + exp->tok_len[i - 1]) != cur_expr)) { strncpy(&out[out_used], end, cur_expr - end); out_used += cur_expr - end; } if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) && (end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[i]))) { /* get the module */ pref_len = end - cur_expr; mod = lyp_get_module(module, cur_expr, pref_len, NULL, 0, 0); if (!mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INMOD_LEN, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, cur_expr); goto error; } /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ out_size += strlen(mod->name) - pref_len; out = ly_realloc(out, out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), error); /* copy the model name */ strcpy(&out[out_used], mod->name); out_used += strlen(mod->name); /* copy the rest */ strncpy(&out[out_used], end, exp->tok_len[i] - pref_len); out_used += exp->tok_len[i] - pref_len; } else if ((exp->tokens[i] == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL) && (end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[i]))) { ptr = end; while (isalnum(ptr[-1]) || (ptr[-1] == '_') || (ptr[-1] == '-') || (ptr[-1] == '.')) { --ptr; } /* get the module */ pref_len = end - ptr; mod = lyp_get_module(module, ptr, pref_len, NULL, 0, 0); if (mod) { /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ out_size += strlen(mod->name) - pref_len; out = ly_realloc(out, out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), error); /* copy any beginning */ strncpy(&out[out_used], cur_expr, ptr - cur_expr); out_used += ptr - cur_expr; /* copy the model name */ strcpy(&out[out_used], mod->name); out_used += strlen(mod->name); /* copy the rest */ strncpy(&out[out_used], end, (exp->tok_len[i] - pref_len) - (ptr - cur_expr)); out_used += (exp->tok_len[i] - pref_len) - (ptr - cur_expr); } else { strncpy(&out[out_used], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]], exp->tok_len[i]); out_used += exp->tok_len[i]; } } else { strncpy(&out[out_used], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]], exp->tok_len[i]); out_used += exp->tok_len[i]; } } out[out_used] = '\0'; lyxp_expr_free(exp); return lydict_insert_zc(module->ctx, out); error: free(out); lyxp_expr_free(exp); return NULL; } const char * transform_iffeat_schema2json(const struct lys_module *module, const char *expr) { const char *in, *id; char *out, *col; size_t out_size, out_used, id_len, rc; const struct lys_module *mod; struct ly_ctx *ctx = module->ctx; in = expr; out_size = strlen(in) + 1; out = malloc(out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), NULL); out_used = 0; while (1) { col = strchr(in, ':'); /* we're finished, copy the remaining part */ if (!col) { strcpy(&out[out_used], in); out_used += strlen(in) + 1; assert(out_size == out_used); return lydict_insert_zc(ctx, out); } id = strpbrk_backwards(col - 1, " \f\n\r\t\v(", (col - in) - 1); if ((id[0] == ' ') || (id[0] == '\f') || (id[0] == '\n') || (id[0] == '\r') || (id[0] == '\t') || (id[0] == '\v') || (id[0] == '(')) { ++id; } id_len = col - id; rc = parse_identifier(id); if (rc < id_len) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INCHAR, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, id[rc], &id[rc]); free(out); return NULL; } /* get the module */ mod = lyp_get_module(module, id, id_len, NULL, 0, 0); if (!mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Module prefix \"%.*s\" is unknown.", id_len, id); free(out); return NULL; } /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ out_size += strlen(mod->name) - id_len; out = ly_realloc(out, out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), NULL); /* copy the data before prefix */ strncpy(&out[out_used], in, id - in); out_used += id - in; /* copy the model name */ strcpy(&out[out_used], mod->name); out_used += strlen(mod->name); /* copy ':' */ out[out_used] = ':'; ++out_used; /* finally adjust in pointer for next round */ in = col + 1; } /* unreachable */ LOGINT(ctx); return NULL; } static int transform_json2xpath_subexpr(const struct lys_module *cur_module, const struct lys_module *prev_mod, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint32_t *i, enum lyxp_token end_token, char **out, size_t *out_used, size_t *out_size) { const char *cur_expr, *end, *ptr; size_t name_len; char *name; const struct lys_module *mod; struct ly_ctx *ctx = cur_module->ctx; while (*i < exp->used) { if (exp->tokens[*i] == end_token) { return 0; } cur_expr = &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*i]]; /* copy WS */ if (*i && ((end = exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[*i - 1] + exp->tok_len[*i - 1]) != cur_expr)) { strncpy(*out + *out_used, end, cur_expr - end); *out_used += cur_expr - end; } if (exp->tokens[*i] == LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1) { /* copy "[" */ strncpy(*out + *out_used, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*i]], exp->tok_len[*i]); *out_used += exp->tok_len[*i]; ++(*i); /* call recursively because we need to remember current prev_mod for after the predicate */ if (transform_json2xpath_subexpr(cur_module, prev_mod, exp, i, LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK2, out, out_used, out_size)) { return -1; } if (*i >= exp->used) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_EOF, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL); return -1; } /* copy "]" */ strncpy(*out + *out_used, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*i]], exp->tok_len[*i]); *out_used += exp->tok_len[*i]; } else if (exp->tokens[*i] == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) { if ((end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[*i]))) { /* there is a prefix, get the module */ name_len = end - cur_expr; name = strndup(cur_expr, name_len); prev_mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, name, NULL, 1); free(name); if (!prev_mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INMOD_LEN, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, name_len ? name_len : exp->tok_len[*i], cur_expr); return -1; } /* skip ":" */ ++end; ++name_len; } else { end = cur_expr; name_len = 0; } /* do we print the module name? (always for "*" if there was any, it's an exception) */ if (((prev_mod != cur_module) && (end[0] != '*')) || (name_len && (end[0] == '*'))) { /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ *out_size += (strlen(prev_mod->name) - name_len) + 1; *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!*out, LOGMEM(ctx), -1); /* copy the model name */ strcpy(*out + *out_used, prev_mod->name); *out_used += strlen(prev_mod->name); /* print ":" */ (*out)[*out_used] = ':'; ++(*out_used); } /* copy the rest */ strncpy(*out + *out_used, end, exp->tok_len[*i] - name_len); *out_used += exp->tok_len[*i] - name_len; } else if ((exp->tokens[*i] == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL) && (end = strnchr(cur_expr, ':', exp->tok_len[*i]))) { ptr = end; while (isalnum(ptr[-1]) || (ptr[-1] == '_') || (ptr[-1] == '-') || (ptr[-1] == '.')) { --ptr; } /* get the module, but it may actually not be a module name */ name_len = end - ptr; name = strndup(ptr, name_len); mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, name, NULL, 1); free(name); if (mod && (mod != cur_module)) { /* adjust out size (it can even decrease in some strange cases) */ *out_size += strlen(mod->name) - name_len; *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!*out, LOGMEM(ctx), -1); /* copy any beginning */ strncpy(*out + *out_used, cur_expr, ptr - cur_expr); *out_used += ptr - cur_expr; /* copy the model name */ strcpy(*out + *out_used, mod->name); *out_used += strlen(mod->name); /* copy the rest */ strncpy(*out + *out_used, end, (exp->tok_len[*i] - name_len) - (ptr - cur_expr)); *out_used += (exp->tok_len[*i] - name_len) - (ptr - cur_expr); } else { strncpy(*out + *out_used, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*i]], exp->tok_len[*i]); *out_used += exp->tok_len[*i]; } } else { strncpy(*out + *out_used, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*i]], exp->tok_len[*i]); *out_used += exp->tok_len[*i]; } ++(*i); } return 0; } char * transform_json2xpath(const struct lys_module *cur_module, const char *expr) { char *out; size_t out_size, out_used; uint32_t i; struct lyxp_expr *exp; assert(cur_module && expr); out_size = strlen(expr) + 1; out = malloc(out_size); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(cur_module->ctx), NULL); out_used = 0; exp = lyxp_parse_expr(cur_module->ctx, expr); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!exp, free(out), NULL); i = 0; if (transform_json2xpath_subexpr(cur_module, cur_module, exp, &i, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, &out, &out_used, &out_size)) { goto error; } out[out_used] = '\0'; lyxp_expr_free(exp); return out; error: free(out); lyxp_expr_free(exp); return NULL; } static int ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t cur_exp, char **out, uint16_t *out_used) { uint16_t len; for (len = exp->tok_len[cur_exp]; isspace(exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[cur_exp] + len]); ++len); *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_used + len); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!(*out), LOGMEM(ctx), -1); sprintf(*out + *out_used - 1, "%.*s", len, exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[cur_exp]); *out_used += len; return 0; } static int ly_path_data2schema_subexp(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lys_node *orig_parent, const struct lys_module *cur_mod, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *cur_exp, char **out, uint16_t *out_used) { uint16_t j, k, len, slash; char *str = NULL, *col; const struct lys_node *node, *node2, *parent; enum lyxp_token end_token = 0; int first, path_lost; switch (exp->tokens[*cur_exp]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1: end_token = LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK2; if (ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(ctx, exp, *cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } ++(*cur_exp); first = 0; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1: end_token = LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2; if (ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(ctx, exp, *cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } ++(*cur_exp); first = 0; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH: first = (orig_parent) ? 0 : 1; break; default: first = 1; break; } path_lost = 0; parent = orig_parent; while (*cur_exp < exp->used) { switch (exp->tokens[*cur_exp]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: if (path_lost) { /* we do not know anything anymore, just copy it */ if (ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(ctx, exp, *cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } break; } str = strndup(exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[*cur_exp], exp->tok_len[*cur_exp]); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!str, LOGMEM(ctx), error); col = strchr(str, ':'); if (col) { *col = '\0'; ++col; } /* first node */ if (first) { if (!col) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_MISSMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL); goto error; } cur_mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, str, NULL, 0); if (!cur_mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_STR, str); goto error; } first = 0; } if (((col ? col[0] : str[0]) == '.') || ((col ? col[0] : str[0]) == '*')) { free(str); str = NULL; if (end_token) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_EINVAL, "Invalid path used (%s in a subexpression).", str); goto error; } /* we can no longer evaluate the path, so just copy the rest */ path_lost = 1; if (ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(ctx, exp, *cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } break; } /* create schema path for this data node */ node = NULL; while ((node = lys_getnext(node, parent, cur_mod, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK))) { if (strcmp(node->name, col ? col : str)) { continue; } if (col && strcmp(lys_node_module(node)->name, str)) { continue; } if (!col && (lys_node_module(node) != lys_node_module(parent))) { continue; } /* determine how deep the node actually is, we must generate the path from the highest parent */ j = 0; node2 = node; while (node2 != parent) { node2 = lys_parent(node2); if (!node2 || (node2->nodetype != LYS_USES)) { ++j; } } /* first node, do not print '/' */ slash = 0; while (j) { k = j - 1; node2 = node; while (k) { node2 = lys_parent(node2); assert(node2); if (node2->nodetype != LYS_USES) { --k; } } if ((lys_node_module(node2) != cur_mod) || !parent) { /* module name and node name */ len = slash + strlen(lys_node_module(node2)->name) + 1 + strlen(node2->name); *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_used + len); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!(*out), LOGMEM(ctx), error); sprintf(*out + *out_used - 1, "%s%s:%s", slash ? "/" : "", lys_node_module(node2)->name, node2->name); *out_used += len; } else { /* only node name */ len = slash + strlen(node2->name); *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_used + len); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!(*out), LOGMEM(ctx), error); sprintf(*out + *out_used - 1, "%s%s", slash ? "/" : "", node2->name); *out_used += len; } slash = 1; --j; } break; } if (!node) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_INNODE, LY_VLOG_STR, col ? col : str); goto error; } /* copy any whitespaces */ for (len = 0; isspace(exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*cur_exp] + exp->tok_len[*cur_exp] + len]); ++len); if (len) { *out = ly_realloc(*out, *out_used + len); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!(*out), LOGMEM(ctx), error); sprintf(*out + *out_used - 1, "%*s", len, " "); *out_used += len; } /* next iteration */ free(str); str = NULL; parent = node; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_COMMA: case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG: case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP: case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH: case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_UNI: /* reset the processing */ first = 1; path_lost = 0; parent = orig_parent; /* fallthrough */ case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH: if ((exp->tokens[*cur_exp] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH) && (exp->tok_len[*cur_exp] == 2)) { /* we can no longer evaluate the path further */ path_lost = 1; } /* fallthrough */ case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: case LYXP_TOKEN_FUNCNAME: case LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL: case LYXP_TOKEN_NUMBER: /* just copy it */ if (ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(ctx, exp, *cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } break; case LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1: case LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1: if (ly_path_data2schema_subexp(ctx, parent, cur_mod, exp, cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } break; default: if (end_token && (exp->tokens[*cur_exp] == end_token)) { /* we are done (with this subexpression) */ if (ly_path_data2schema_copy_token(ctx, exp, *cur_exp, out, out_used)) { goto error; } return 0; } LOGERR(ctx, LY_EINVAL, "Invalid token used (%.*s).", exp->tok_len[*cur_exp], exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[*cur_exp]); goto error; } ++(*cur_exp); } if (end_token) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_EOF, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL); return -1; } return 0; error: free(str); return -1; } API char * ly_path_data2schema(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *data_path) { struct lyxp_expr *exp; uint16_t out_used, cur_exp = 0; char *out; int r, mod_name_len, nam_len, is_relative = -1; const char *mod_name, *name; const struct lys_module *mod = NULL; const struct lys_node *parent = NULL; char *str; if (!ctx || !data_path) { LOGARG; return NULL; } if ((r = parse_schema_nodeid(data_path, &mod_name, &mod_name_len, &name, &nam_len, &is_relative, NULL, NULL, 1)) < 1) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_INCHAR, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, data_path[-r], &data_path[-r]); return NULL; } if (name[0] == '#') { if (is_relative) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_INCHAR, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, '#', name); return NULL; } ++name; --nam_len; if (!mod_name) { str = strndup(data_path, (name + nam_len) - data_path); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_MISSMOD, LY_VLOG_STR, str); free(str); return NULL; } str = strndup(mod_name, mod_name_len); if (!str) { LOGMEM(ctx); return NULL; } mod = ly_ctx_get_module(ctx, str, NULL, 1); free(str); if (!mod) { str = strndup(data_path, (mod_name + mod_name_len) - data_path); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_STR, str); free(str); return NULL; } parent = lyp_get_yang_data_template(mod, name, nam_len); if (!parent) { str = strndup(data_path, (name + nam_len) - data_path); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_PATH_INNODE, LY_VLOG_STR, str); free(str); return NULL; } out_used = (name + nam_len) - data_path + 1; out = malloc(out_used); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), NULL); memcpy(out, data_path, out_used -1); data_path += r; } else { out_used = 1; out = malloc(1); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!out, LOGMEM(ctx), NULL); } exp = lyxp_parse_expr(ctx, data_path); if (!exp) { free(out); return NULL; } if (parent) { if (ly_path_data2schema_subexp(ctx, parent, mod, exp, &cur_exp, &out, &out_used)) { free(out); out = NULL; } } else { if (ly_path_data2schema_subexp(ctx, NULL, NULL, exp, &cur_exp, &out, &out_used)) { free(out); out = NULL; } } lyxp_expr_free(exp); return out; } int ly_new_node_validity(const struct lys_node *schema) { int validity; validity = LYD_VAL_OK; if (schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) { if (((struct lys_node_leaf *)schema)->type.base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) { /* leafref target validation */ validity |= LYD_VAL_LEAFREF; } } if (schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_LIST)) { /* duplicit instance check */ validity |= LYD_VAL_DUP; } if ((schema->nodetype == LYS_LIST) && ((struct lys_node_list *)schema)->unique_size) { /* unique check */ validity |= LYD_VAL_UNIQUE; } if (schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_LIST | LYS_CONTAINER | LYS_NOTIF | LYS_RPC | LYS_ACTION | LYS_ANYDATA)) { /* mandatory children check */ validity |= LYD_VAL_MAND; } return validity; } void * ly_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { void *new_mem; new_mem = realloc(ptr, size); if (!new_mem) { free(ptr); } return new_mem; } int ly_strequal_(const char *s1, const char *s2) { if (s1 == s2) { return 1; } else if (!s1 || !s2) { return 0; } else { for ( ; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++) { if (*s1 == '\0') { return 1; } } return 0; } } int64_t dec_pow(uint8_t exp) { int64_t ret = 1; uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < exp; ++i) { ret *= 10; } return ret; } int dec64cmp(int64_t num1, uint8_t dig1, int64_t num2, uint8_t dig2) { if (dig1 < dig2) { num2 /= dec_pow(dig2 - dig1); } else if (dig1 > dig2) { num1 /= dec_pow(dig1 - dig2); } if (num1 == num2) { return 0; } return (num1 > num2 ? 1 : -1); } LYB_HASH lyb_hash(struct lys_node *sibling, uint8_t collision_id) { struct lys_module *mod; int ext_len; uint32_t full_hash; LYB_HASH hash; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE if ((collision_id < LYS_NODE_HASH_COUNT) && sibling->hash[collision_id]) { return sibling->hash[collision_id]; } #endif mod = lys_node_module(sibling); full_hash = dict_hash_multi(0, mod->name, strlen(mod->name)); full_hash = dict_hash_multi(full_hash, sibling->name, strlen(sibling->name)); if (collision_id) { if (collision_id > strlen(mod->name)) { /* fine, we will not hash more bytes, just use more bits from the hash than previously */ ext_len = strlen(mod->name); } else { /* use one more byte from the module name than before */ ext_len = collision_id; } full_hash = dict_hash_multi(full_hash, mod->name, ext_len); } full_hash = dict_hash_multi(full_hash, NULL, 0); /* use the shortened hash */ hash = full_hash & (LYB_HASH_MASK >> collision_id); /* add colision identificator */ hash |= LYB_HASH_COLLISION_ID >> collision_id; /* save this hash */ #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE if (collision_id < LYS_NODE_HASH_COUNT) { sibling->hash[collision_id] = hash; } #endif return hash; } int lyb_has_schema_model(struct lys_node *sibling, const struct lys_module **models, int mod_count) { int i; const struct lys_module *mod = lys_node_module(sibling); for (i = 0; i < mod_count; ++i) { if (mod == models[i]) { return 1; } } return 0; }