/** * @file xpath.c * @author Michal Vasko * @brief YANG XPath evaluation functions * * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 CESNET, z.s.p.o. * * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ #define _GNU_SOURCE /* needed by libmath functions isfinite(), isinf(), isnan(), signbit(), ... */ #define _ISOC99_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xpath.h" #include "libyang.h" #include "xml_internal.h" #include "tree_schema.h" #include "tree_data.h" #include "context.h" #include "tree_internal.h" #include "common.h" #include "resolve.h" #include "printer.h" #include "parser.h" #include "hash_table.h" static const struct lyd_node *moveto_get_root(const struct lyd_node *cur_node, int options, enum lyxp_node_type *root_type); static int reparse_or_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx); static int set_snode_insert_node(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lys_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type node_type); static int eval_expr_select(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, enum lyxp_expr_type etype, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options); void lyxp_expr_free(struct lyxp_expr *expr) { uint16_t i; if (!expr) { return; } free(expr->expr); free(expr->tokens); free(expr->expr_pos); free(expr->tok_len); if (expr->repeat) { for (i = 0; i < expr->used; ++i) { free(expr->repeat[i]); } } free(expr->repeat); free(expr); } /** * @brief Print the type of an XPath \p set. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * * @return Set type string. */ static const char * print_set_type(struct lyxp_set *set) { switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_EMPTY: return "empty"; case LYXP_SET_NODE_SET: return "node set"; case LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET: return "schema node set"; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: return "boolean"; case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: return "number"; case LYXP_SET_STRING: return "string"; } return NULL; } /** * @brief Print an XPath token \p tok type. * * @param[in] tok Token to use. * * @return Token type string. */ static const char * print_token(enum lyxp_token tok) { switch (tok) { case LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1: return "("; case LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2: return ")"; case LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1: return "["; case LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK2: return "]"; case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: return "."; case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: return ".."; case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: return "@"; case LYXP_TOKEN_COMMA: return ","; case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: return "NameTest"; case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: return "NodeType"; case LYXP_TOKEN_FUNCNAME: return "FunctionName"; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG: return "Operator(Logic)"; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP: return "Operator(Comparison)"; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH: return "Operator(Math)"; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_UNI: return "Operator(Union)"; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH: return "Operator(Path)"; case LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL: return "Literal"; case LYXP_TOKEN_NUMBER: return "Number"; default: LOGINT(NULL); return ""; } } /** * @brief Print the whole expression \p exp to debug output. * * @param[in] exp Expression to use. */ static void print_expr_struct_debug(struct lyxp_expr *exp) { uint16_t i, j; char tmp[128]; if (!exp || (ly_log_level < LY_LLDBG)) { return; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "expression \"%s\":", exp->expr); for (i = 0; i < exp->used; ++i) { sprintf(tmp, "\ttoken %s, in expression \"%.*s\"", print_token(exp->tokens[i]), exp->tok_len[i], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[i]]); if (exp->repeat[i]) { sprintf(tmp + strlen(tmp), " (repeat %d", exp->repeat[i][0]); for (j = 1; exp->repeat[i][j]; ++j) { sprintf(tmp + strlen(tmp), ", %d", exp->repeat[i][j]); } strcat(tmp, ")"); } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, tmp); } } #ifndef NDEBUG /** * @brief Print XPath set content to debug output. * * @param[in] set Set to print. */ static void print_set_debug(struct lyxp_set *set) { uint32_t i; char *str_num; struct lyxp_set_node *item; struct lyxp_set_snode *sitem; if (ly_log_level < LY_LLDBG) { return; } switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_NODE_SET: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "set NODE SET:"); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { item = &set->val.nodes[i]; switch (item->type) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): ROOT", i + 1, item->pos); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): ROOT CONFIG", i + 1, item->pos); break; case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: if ((item->node->schema->nodetype == LYS_LIST) && (item->node->child->schema->nodetype == LYS_LEAF)) { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): ELEM %s (1st child val: %s)", i + 1, item->pos, item->node->schema->name, ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)item->node->child)->value_str); } else if (item->node->schema->nodetype == LYS_LEAFLIST) { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): ELEM %s (val: %s)", i + 1, item->pos, item->node->schema->name, ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)item->node)->value_str); } else { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): ELEM %s", i + 1, item->pos, item->node->schema->name); } break; case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: if (item->node->schema->nodetype & LYS_ANYDATA) { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): TEXT <%s>", i + 1, item->pos, item->node->schema->nodetype == LYS_ANYXML ? "anyxml" : "anydata"); } else { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): TEXT %s", i + 1, item->pos, ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)item->node)->value_str); } break; case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (pos %u): ATTR %s = %s", i + 1, item->pos, set->val.attrs[i].attr->name, set->val.attrs[i].attr->value); break; default: LOGINT(NULL); break; } } break; case LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "set SNODE SET:"); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { sitem = &set->val.snodes[i]; switch (sitem->type) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (%u): ROOT", i + 1, sitem->in_ctx); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (%u): ROOT CONFIG", i + 1, sitem->in_ctx); break; case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%d (%u): ELEM %s", i + 1, sitem->in_ctx, sitem->snode->name); break; default: LOGINT(NULL); break; } } break; case LYXP_SET_EMPTY: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "set EMPTY"); break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "set BOOLEAN"); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%s", (set->val.bool ? "true" : "false")); break; case LYXP_SET_STRING: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "set STRING"); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%s", set->val.str); break; case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "set NUMBER"); if (isnan(set->val.num)) { str_num = strdup("NaN"); } else if ((set->val.num == 0) || (set->val.num == -0.0f)) { str_num = strdup("0"); } else if (isinf(set->val.num) && !signbit(set->val.num)) { str_num = strdup("Infinity"); } else if (isinf(set->val.num) && signbit(set->val.num)) { str_num = strdup("-Infinity"); } else if ((long long)set->val.num == set->val.num) { if (asprintf(&str_num, "%lld", (long long)set->val.num) == -1) { str_num = NULL; } } else { if (asprintf(&str_num, "%03.1Lf", set->val.num) == -1) { str_num = NULL; } } LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!str_num, LOGMEM(NULL), ); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "\t%s", str_num); free(str_num); } } #endif /** * @brief Realloc the string \p str. * * @param[in] needed How much free space is required. * @param[in,out] str Pointer to the string to use. * @param[in,out] used Used bytes in \p str. * @param[in,out] size Allocated bytes in \p str. * * @return 0 on success, non-zero on error */ static int cast_string_realloc(struct ly_ctx *ctx, uint16_t needed, char **str, uint16_t *used, uint16_t *size) { if (*size - *used < needed) { do { if ((UINT16_MAX - *size) < LYXP_STRING_CAST_SIZE_STEP) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_EINVAL, "XPath string length limit (%u) reached.", UINT16_MAX); return -1; } *size += LYXP_STRING_CAST_SIZE_STEP; } while (*size - *used < needed); *str = ly_realloc(*str, *size * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!(*str), LOGMEM(ctx), -1); } return 0; } /** * @brief Cast nodes recursively to one string \p str. * * @param[in] node Node to cast. * @param[in] fake_cont Whether to put the data into a "fake" container. * @param[in] root_type Type of the XPath root. * @param[in] indent Current indent. * @param[in,out] str Resulting string. * @param[in,out] used Used bytes in \p str. * @param[in,out] size Allocated bytes in \p str. */ static int cast_string_recursive(struct lyd_node *node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int fake_cont, enum lyxp_node_type root_type, uint16_t indent, char **str, uint16_t *used, uint16_t *size) { char *buf, *line, *ptr; const char *value_str; struct lyd_node *child; struct lyd_node_anydata *any; if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (node->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { return 0; } if (fake_cont) { if (cast_string_realloc(local_mod->ctx, 1, str, used, size)) { return -1; } strcpy(*str + (*used - 1), "\n"); ++(*used); ++indent; } switch (node->schema->nodetype) { case LYS_CONTAINER: case LYS_LIST: case LYS_RPC: case LYS_NOTIF: if (cast_string_realloc(local_mod->ctx, 1, str, used, size)) { return -1; } strcpy(*str + (*used - 1), "\n"); ++(*used); LY_TREE_FOR(node->child, child) { if (cast_string_recursive(child, local_mod, 0, root_type, indent + 1, str, used, size)) { return -1; } } break; case LYS_LEAF: case LYS_LEAFLIST: value_str = ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)node)->value_str; if (!value_str) { value_str = ""; } /* print indent */ if (cast_string_realloc(local_mod->ctx, indent * 2 + strlen(value_str) + 1, str, used, size)) { return -1; } memset(*str + (*used - 1), ' ', indent * 2); *used += indent * 2; /* print value */ if (*used == 1) { sprintf(*str + (*used - 1), "%s", value_str); *used += strlen(value_str); } else { sprintf(*str + (*used - 1), "%s\n", value_str); *used += strlen(value_str) + 1; } break; case LYS_ANYXML: case LYS_ANYDATA: any = (struct lyd_node_anydata *)node; if (!(void*)any->value.tree) { /* no content */ buf = strdup(""); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!buf, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); } else { switch (any->value_type) { case LYD_ANYDATA_CONSTSTRING: case LYD_ANYDATA_SXML: case LYD_ANYDATA_JSON: buf = strdup(any->value.str); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!buf, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); break; case LYD_ANYDATA_DATATREE: if (lyd_print_mem(&buf, any->value.tree, LYD_XML, LYP_WITHSIBLINGS)) { return -1; } break; case LYD_ANYDATA_XML: if (!lyxml_print_mem(&buf, any->value.xml, LYXML_PRINT_SIBLINGS)) { return -1; } break; case LYD_ANYDATA_LYB: LOGERR(local_mod->ctx, LY_EINVAL, "Cannot convert LYB anydata into string."); return -1; case LYD_ANYDATA_STRING: case LYD_ANYDATA_SXMLD: case LYD_ANYDATA_JSOND: case LYD_ANYDATA_LYBD: /* dynamic strings are used only as input parameters */ LOGINT(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } } line = strtok_r(buf, "\n", &ptr); do { if (cast_string_realloc(local_mod->ctx, indent * 2 + strlen(line) + 1, str, used, size)) { free(buf); return -1; } memset(*str + (*used - 1), ' ', indent * 2); *used += indent * 2; strcpy(*str + (*used - 1), line); *used += strlen(line); strcpy(*str + (*used - 1), "\n"); *used += 1; } while ((line = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &ptr))); free(buf); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } if (fake_cont) { if (cast_string_realloc(local_mod->ctx, 1, str, used, size)) { return -1; } strcpy(*str + (*used - 1), "\n"); ++(*used); --indent; } return 0; } /** * @brief Cast an element into a string. * * @param[in] node Node to cast. * @param[in] fake_cont Whether to put the data into a "fake" container. * @param[in] root_type Type of the XPath root. * * @return Element cast to dynamically-allocated string. */ static char * cast_string_elem(struct lyd_node *node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int fake_cont, enum lyxp_node_type root_type) { char *str; uint16_t used, size; str = malloc(LYXP_STRING_CAST_SIZE_START * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), NULL); str[0] = '\0'; used = 1; size = LYXP_STRING_CAST_SIZE_START; if (cast_string_recursive(node, local_mod, fake_cont, root_type, 0, &str, &used, &size)) { free(str); return NULL; } if (size > used) { str = ly_realloc(str, used * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!str, free(str); LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), NULL); } return str; } /** * @brief Cast a LYXP_SET_NODE_SET set into a string. * Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to cast. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return Cast string in the dictionary. */ static char * cast_node_set_to_string(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int options) { enum lyxp_node_type root_type; char *str; if ((set->val.nodes[0].type != LYXP_NODE_ATTR) && (set->val.nodes[0].node->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE)) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_DUMMY, LY_VLOG_LYD, set->val.nodes[0].node, set->val.nodes[0].node->schema->name); return NULL; } moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); switch (set->val.nodes[0].type) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: return cast_string_elem(set->val.nodes[0].node, local_mod, 1, root_type); case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: return cast_string_elem(set->val.nodes[0].node, local_mod, 0, root_type); case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: str = strdup(set->val.attrs[0].attr->value_str); if (!str) { LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx); } return str; default: break; } LOGINT(local_mod->ctx); return NULL; } /** * @brief Cast a string into an XPath number. * * @param[in] str String to use. * * @return Cast number. */ static long double cast_string_to_number(const char *str) { long double num; char *ptr; errno = 0; num = strtold(str, &ptr); if (errno || *ptr) { num = NAN; } return num; } /* * lyxp_set manipulation functions */ #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE static int set_values_equal_cb(void *val1_p, void *val2_p, int UNUSED(mod), void *UNUSED(cb_data)) { struct lyxp_set_hash_node *val1, *val2; val1 = (struct lyxp_set_hash_node *)val1_p; val2 = (struct lyxp_set_hash_node *)val2_p; if ((val1->node == val2->node) && (val1->type == val2->type)) { return 1; } return 0; } static void set_insert_node_hash(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type type) { int r; uint32_t i, hash; struct lyxp_set_hash_node hnode; if (!set->ht && (set->used >= LY_CACHE_HT_MIN_CHILDREN)) { /* create hash table and add all the nodes */ set->ht = lyht_new(1, sizeof(struct lyxp_set_hash_node), set_values_equal_cb, NULL, 1); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { hnode.node = set->val.nodes[i].node; hnode.type = set->val.nodes[i].type; hash = dict_hash_multi(0, (const char *)&hnode.node, sizeof hnode.node); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, (const char *)&hnode.type, sizeof hnode.type); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, NULL, 0); r = lyht_insert(set->ht, &hnode, hash, NULL); assert(!r); (void)r; if (hnode.node == node) { /* it was just added, do not add it twice */ node = NULL; } } } if (set->ht && node) { /* add the new node into hash table */ hnode.node = node; hnode.type = type; hash = dict_hash_multi(0, (const char *)&hnode.node, sizeof hnode.node); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, (const char *)&hnode.type, sizeof hnode.type); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, NULL, 0); r = lyht_insert(set->ht, &hnode, hash, NULL); assert(!r); (void)r; } } static void set_remove_node_hash(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type type) { int r; struct lyxp_set_hash_node hnode; uint32_t hash; if (set->ht) { hnode.node = node; hnode.type = type; hash = dict_hash_multi(0, (const char *)&hnode.node, sizeof hnode.node); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, (const char *)&hnode.type, sizeof hnode.type); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, NULL, 0); r = lyht_remove(set->ht, &hnode, hash); assert(!r); (void)r; if (!set->ht->used) { lyht_free(set->ht); set->ht = NULL; } } } static int set_dup_node_hash_check(const struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type type, int skip_idx) { struct lyxp_set_hash_node hnode, *match_p; uint32_t hash; hnode.node = node; hnode.type = type; hash = dict_hash_multi(0, (const char *)&hnode.node, sizeof hnode.node); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, (const char *)&hnode.type, sizeof hnode.type); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, NULL, 0); if (!lyht_find(set->ht, &hnode, hash, (void **)&match_p)) { if ((skip_idx > -1) && (set->val.nodes[skip_idx].node == match_p->node) && (set->val.nodes[skip_idx].type == match_p->type)) { /* we found it on the index that should be skipped, find another */ hnode = *match_p; if (lyht_find_next(set->ht, &hnode, hash, (void **)&match_p)) { /* none other found */ return 0; } } return 1; } /* not found */ return 0; } #endif static void set_free_content(struct lyxp_set *set) { if (!set) { return; } if (set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { free(set->val.nodes); #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE lyht_free(set->ht); set->ht = NULL; #endif } else if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { free(set->val.snodes); } else if (set->type == LYXP_SET_STRING) { free(set->val.str); } set->type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; } void lyxp_set_free(struct lyxp_set *set) { if (!set) { return; } set_free_content(set); free(set); } /** * @brief Create a deep copy of a \p set. * * @param[in] set Set to copy. * * @return Copy of \p set. */ static struct lyxp_set * set_copy(struct lyxp_set *set) { struct lyxp_set *ret; uint16_t i; if (!set) { return NULL; } ret = malloc(sizeof *ret); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!ret, LOGMEM(NULL), NULL); if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { memset(ret, 0, sizeof *ret); ret->type = set->type; for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { if (set_snode_insert_node(ret, set->val.snodes[i].snode, set->val.snodes[i].type)) { lyxp_set_free(ret); return NULL; } } } } else if (set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { ret->type = set->type; ret->val.nodes = malloc(set->used * sizeof *ret->val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!ret->val.nodes, LOGMEM(NULL); free(ret), NULL); memcpy(ret->val.nodes, set->val.nodes, set->used * sizeof *ret->val.nodes); ret->used = ret->size = set->used; ret->ctx_pos = set->ctx_pos; ret->ctx_size = set->ctx_size; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE ret->ht = lyht_dup(set->ht); #endif } else { memcpy(ret, set, sizeof *ret); if (set->type == LYXP_SET_STRING) { ret->val.str = strdup(set->val.str); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!ret->val.str, LOGMEM(NULL); free(ret), NULL); } } return ret; } /** * @brief Fill XPath set with a string. Any current data are disposed of. * * @param[in] set Set to fill. * @param[in] string String to fill into \p set. * @param[in] str_len Length of \p string. 0 is a valid value! * @param[in] ctx libyang context to use. */ static void set_fill_string(struct lyxp_set *set, const char *string, uint16_t str_len) { set_free_content(set); set->type = LYXP_SET_STRING; if ((str_len == 0) && (string[0] != '\0')) { string = ""; } set->val.str = strndup(string, str_len); } /** * @brief Fill XPath set with a number. Any current data are disposed of. * * @param[in] set Set to fill. * @param[in] number Number to fill into \p set. */ static void set_fill_number(struct lyxp_set *set, long double number) { set_free_content(set); set->type = LYXP_SET_NUMBER; set->val.num = number; } /** * @brief Fill XPath set with a boolean. Any current data are disposed of. * * @param[in] set Set to fill. * @param[in] boolean Boolean to fill into \p set. */ static void set_fill_boolean(struct lyxp_set *set, int boolean) { set_free_content(set); set->type = LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN; set->val.bool = boolean; } /** * @brief Fill XPath set with the value from another set (deep assign). * Any current data are disposed of. * * @param[in] trg Set to fill. * @param[in] src Source set to copy into \p trg. */ static void set_fill_set(struct lyxp_set *trg, struct lyxp_set *src) { if (!trg || !src) { return; } if (src->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { trg->type = LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET; trg->used = src->used; trg->size = src->used; trg->val.snodes = ly_realloc(trg->val.snodes, trg->size * sizeof *trg->val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!trg->val.nodes, LOGMEM(NULL); memset(trg, 0, sizeof *trg), ); memcpy(trg->val.nodes, src->val.nodes, src->used * sizeof *src->val.nodes); } else if (src->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) { set_fill_boolean(trg, src->val.bool); } else if (src->type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) { set_fill_number(trg, src->val.num); } else if (src->type == LYXP_SET_STRING) { set_fill_string(trg, src->val.str, strlen(src->val.str)); } else { if (trg->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { free(trg->val.nodes); } else if (trg->type == LYXP_SET_STRING) { free(trg->val.str); } if (src->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { trg->type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; } else { assert(src->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET); trg->type = LYXP_SET_NODE_SET; trg->used = src->used; trg->size = src->used; trg->ctx_pos = src->ctx_pos; trg->ctx_size = src->ctx_size; trg->val.nodes = malloc(trg->used * sizeof *trg->val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!trg->val.nodes, LOGMEM(NULL); memset(trg, 0, sizeof *trg), ); memcpy(trg->val.nodes, src->val.nodes, src->used * sizeof *src->val.nodes); #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE trg->ht = lyht_dup(src->ht); #endif } } } static void set_snode_clear_ctx(struct lyxp_set *set) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 0; } } } /** * @brief Remove a node from a set. Removing last node changes * \p set into LYXP_SET_EMPTY. Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * @param[in] idx Index from \p set of the node to be removed. */ static void set_remove_node(struct lyxp_set *set, uint32_t idx) { assert(set && (set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET)); assert(idx < set->used); #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE set_remove_node_hash(set, set->val.nodes[idx].node, set->val.nodes[idx].type); #endif --set->used; if (set->used) { memmove(&set->val.nodes[idx], &set->val.nodes[idx + 1], (set->used - idx) * sizeof *set->val.nodes); } else { set_free_content(set); /* this changes it to LYXP_SET_EMPTY */ memset(set, 0, sizeof *set); } } /** * @brief Remove all none node types from a set. Removing last node changes * \p set into LYXP_SET_EMPTY. Hashes are expected to be already removed. Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * @param[in] idx Index from \p set of the node to be removed. */ static void set_remove_none_nodes(struct lyxp_set *set) { uint16_t i, orig_used, end = 0; int32_t start; assert(set && (set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET)); orig_used = set->used; set->used = 0; for (i = 0; i < orig_used;) { start = -1; do { if ((set->val.nodes[i].type != LYXP_NODE_NONE) && (start == -1)) { start = i; } else if ((start > -1) && (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_NONE)) { end = i; ++i; break; } ++i; if (i == orig_used) { end = i; } } while (i < orig_used); if (start > -1) { if (set->used != (unsigned)start) { memmove(&set->val.nodes[set->used], &set->val.nodes[start], (end - start) * sizeof *set->val.nodes); } set->used += end - start; } } if (!set->used) { set_free_content(set); /* this changes it to LYXP_SET_EMPTY */ memset(set, 0, sizeof *set); } } /** * @brief Check for duplicates in a node set. * * @param[in] set Set to check. * @param[in] node Node to look for in \p set. * @param[in] node_type Type of \p node. * @param[in] skip_idx Index from \p set to skip. * * @return 0 on success, 1 on duplicate found. */ static int set_dup_node_check(const struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lyd_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type node_type, int skip_idx) { uint32_t i; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE if (set->ht) { return set_dup_node_hash_check(set, (struct lyd_node *)node, node_type, skip_idx); } #endif for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if ((skip_idx > -1) && (i == (unsigned)skip_idx)) { continue; } if ((set->val.nodes[i].node == node) && (set->val.nodes[i].type == node_type)) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int set_snode_dup_node_check(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lys_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type node_type, int skip_idx) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if ((skip_idx > -1) && (i == (unsigned)skip_idx)) { continue; } if ((set->val.snodes[i].snode == node) && (set->val.snodes[i].type == node_type)) { return i; } } return -1; } static void set_snode_merge(struct lyxp_set *set1, struct lyxp_set *set2) { uint32_t orig_used, i, j; assert(((set1->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || (set1->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) && ((set2->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || (set2->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY))); if (set2->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { return; } if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { memcpy(set1, set2, sizeof *set1); return; } if (set1->used + set2->used > set1->size) { set1->size = set1->used + set2->used; set1->val.snodes = ly_realloc(set1->val.snodes, set1->size * sizeof *set1->val.snodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set1->val.snodes, LOGMEM(NULL), ); } orig_used = set1->used; for (i = 0; i < set2->used; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < orig_used; ++j) { /* detect duplicities */ if (set1->val.snodes[j].snode == set2->val.snodes[i].snode) { break; } } if (j == orig_used) { memcpy(&set1->val.snodes[set1->used], &set2->val.snodes[i], sizeof *set2->val.snodes); ++set1->used; } } free(set2->val.snodes); memset(set2, 0, sizeof *set2); } /** * @brief Insert a node into a set. Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * @param[in] node Node to insert to \p set. * @param[in] pos Sort position of \p node. If left 0, it is filled just before sorting. * @param[in] node_type Node type of \p node. * @param[in] idx Index in \p set to insert into. */ static void set_insert_node(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lyd_node *node, uint32_t pos, enum lyxp_node_type node_type, uint32_t idx) { assert(set && ((set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY))); if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { /* first item */ if (idx) { /* no real harm done, but it is a bug */ LOGINT(NULL); idx = 0; } set->val.nodes = malloc(LYXP_SET_SIZE_START * sizeof *set->val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.nodes, LOGMEM(NULL), ); set->type = LYXP_SET_NODE_SET; set->used = 0; set->size = LYXP_SET_SIZE_START; set->ctx_pos = 1; set->ctx_size = 1; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE set->ht = NULL; #endif } else { /* not an empty set */ if (set->used == set->size) { /* set is full */ set->val.nodes = ly_realloc(set->val.nodes, (set->size + LYXP_SET_SIZE_STEP) * sizeof *set->val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.nodes, LOGMEM(NULL), ); set->size += LYXP_SET_SIZE_STEP; } if (idx > set->used) { LOGINT(NULL); idx = set->used; } /* make space for the new node */ if (idx < set->used) { memmove(&set->val.nodes[idx + 1], &set->val.nodes[idx], (set->used - idx) * sizeof *set->val.nodes); } } /* finally assign the value */ set->val.nodes[idx].node = (struct lyd_node *)node; set->val.nodes[idx].type = node_type; set->val.nodes[idx].pos = pos; ++set->used; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE set_insert_node_hash(set, (struct lyd_node *)node, node_type); #endif } static int set_snode_insert_node(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lys_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type node_type) { int ret; assert(set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET); ret = set_snode_dup_node_check(set, node, node_type, -1); if (ret > -1) { set->val.snodes[ret].in_ctx = 1; } else { if (set->used == set->size) { set->val.snodes = ly_realloc(set->val.snodes, (set->size + LYXP_SET_SIZE_STEP) * sizeof *set->val.snodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.snodes, LOGMEM(node->module->ctx), -1); set->size += LYXP_SET_SIZE_STEP; } ret = set->used; set->val.snodes[ret].snode = (struct lys_node *)node; set->val.snodes[ret].type = node_type; set->val.snodes[ret].in_ctx = 1; ++set->used; } return ret; } /** * @brief Replace a node in a set with another. Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * @param[in] node Node to insert to \p set. * @param[in] pos Sort position of \p node. If left 0, it is filled just before sorting. * @param[in] node_type Node type of \p node. * @param[in] idx Index in \p set of the node to replace. */ static void set_replace_node(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lyd_node *node, uint32_t pos, enum lyxp_node_type node_type, uint32_t idx) { assert(set && (idx < set->used)); #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE set_remove_node_hash(set, set->val.nodes[idx].node, set->val.nodes[idx].type); #endif set->val.nodes[idx].node = (struct lyd_node *)node; set->val.nodes[idx].type = node_type; set->val.nodes[idx].pos = pos; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE set_insert_node_hash(set, set->val.nodes[idx].node, set->val.nodes[idx].type); #endif } static uint32_t set_snode_new_in_ctx(struct lyxp_set *set) { uint32_t ret_ctx, i; assert(set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET); ret_ctx = 3; retry: for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx >= ret_ctx) { ret_ctx = set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx + 1; goto retry; } } for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = ret_ctx; } } return ret_ctx; } /** * @brief Get unique \p node position in the data. * * @param[in] node Node to find. * @param[in] node_type Node type of \p node. * @param[in] root Root node. * @param[in] root_type Type of the XPath \p root node. * @param[in] prev Node that we think is before \p node in DFS from \p root. Can optionally * be used to increase efficiency and start the DFS from this node. * @param[in] prev_pos Node \p prev position. Optional, but must be set if \p prev is set. * * @return Node position. */ static uint32_t get_node_pos(const struct lyd_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type node_type, const struct lyd_node *root, enum lyxp_node_type root_type, const struct lyd_node **prev, uint32_t *prev_pos) { const struct lyd_node *next, *elem, *top_sibling; uint32_t pos = 1; assert(prev && prev_pos && !root->prev->next); if ((node_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT) || (node_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG)) { return 0; } if (*prev) { /* start from the previous element instead from the root */ elem = next = *prev; pos = *prev_pos; for (top_sibling = elem; top_sibling->parent; top_sibling = top_sibling->parent); goto dfs_search; } LY_TREE_FOR(root, top_sibling) { /* TREE DFS */ LY_TREE_DFS_BEGIN(top_sibling, next, elem) { dfs_search: if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (elem->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { goto skip_children; } if (elem == node) { break; } ++pos; /* TREE DFS END */ /* select element for the next run - children first, * child exception for lyd_node_leaf and lyd_node_leaflist, but not the root */ if (elem->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_ANYDATA)) { next = NULL; } else { next = elem->child; } if (!next) { skip_children: /* no children */ if (elem == top_sibling) { /* we are done, root has no children */ elem = NULL; break; } /* try siblings */ next = elem->next; } while (!next) { /* no siblings, go back through parents */ if (elem->parent == top_sibling->parent) { /* we are done, no next element to process */ elem = NULL; break; } /* parent is already processed, go to its sibling */ elem = elem->parent; next = elem->next; } } /* node found */ if (elem) { break; } } if (!elem) { if (!(*prev)) { /* we went from root and failed to find it, cannot be */ LOGINT(node->schema->module->ctx); return 0; } else { /* node is before prev, we assumed otherwise :( */ //LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "get_node_pos optimalization fail."); *prev = NULL; *prev_pos = 0; elem = next = top_sibling = root; pos = 1; goto dfs_search; } } /*if (*prev) { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "get_node_pos optimalization success."); }*/ /* remember the last found node for next time */ *prev = node; *prev_pos = pos; return pos; } /** * @brief Assign (fill) missing node positions. * * @param[in] set Set to fill positions in. * @param[in] root Context root node. * @param[in] root_type Context root type. * * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int set_assign_pos(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lyd_node *root, enum lyxp_node_type root_type) { const struct lyd_node *prev = NULL, *tmp_node; uint32_t i, tmp_pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (!set->val.nodes[i].pos) { tmp_node = NULL; switch (set->val.nodes[i].type) { case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: tmp_node = lyd_attr_parent(root, set->val.attrs[i].attr); if (!tmp_node) { LOGINT(root->schema->module->ctx); return -1; } /* fallthrough */ case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: if (!tmp_node) { tmp_node = set->val.nodes[i].node; } set->val.nodes[i].pos = get_node_pos(tmp_node, set->val.nodes[i].type, root, root_type, &prev, &tmp_pos); break; default: /* all roots have position 0 */ break; } } } return 0; } /** * @brief Get unique \p attr position in the parent attributes. * * @param[in] attr Attr to use. * @param[in] parent Parent of \p attr. * * @return Attribute position. */ static uint16_t get_attr_pos(struct lyd_attr *attr, const struct lyd_node *parent) { uint16_t pos = 0; struct lyd_attr *attr2; for (attr2 = parent->attr; attr2 && (attr2 != attr); attr2 = attr2->next) { ++pos; } assert(attr2); return pos; } /** * @brief Compare 2 nodes in respect to XPath document order. * * @param[in] idx1 Index of the 1st node in \p set1. * @param[in] set1 Set with the 1st node on index \p idx1. * @param[in] idx2 Index of the 2nd node in \p set2. * @param[in] set2 Set with the 2nd node on index \p idx2. * @param[in] root Context root node. * * @return If 1st > 2nd returns 1, 1st == 2nd returns 0, and 1st < 2nd returns -1. */ static int set_sort_compare(struct lyxp_set_node *item1, struct lyxp_set_node *item2, const struct lyd_node *root) { const struct lyd_node *tmp_node; uint32_t attr_pos1 = 0, attr_pos2 = 0; if (item1->pos < item2->pos) { return -1; } if (item1->pos > item2->pos) { return 1; } /* node positions are equal, the fun case */ /* 1st ELEM - == - 2nd TEXT, 1st TEXT - == - 2nd ELEM */ /* special case since text nodes are actually saved as their parents */ if ((item1->node == item2->node) && (item1->type != item2->type)) { if (item1->type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { assert(item2->type == LYXP_NODE_TEXT); return -1; } else { assert((item1->type == LYXP_NODE_TEXT) && (item2->type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM)); return 1; } } /* we need attr positions now */ if (item1->type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) { tmp_node = lyd_attr_parent(root, (struct lyd_attr *)item1->node); if (!tmp_node) { LOGINT(root->schema->module->ctx); return -1; } attr_pos1 = get_attr_pos((struct lyd_attr *)item1->node, tmp_node); } if (item2->type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) { tmp_node = lyd_attr_parent(root, (struct lyd_attr *)item2->node); if (!tmp_node) { LOGINT(root->schema->module->ctx); return -1; } attr_pos2 = get_attr_pos((struct lyd_attr *)item2->node, tmp_node); } /* 1st ROOT - 2nd ROOT, 1st ELEM - 2nd ELEM, 1st TEXT - 2nd TEXT, 1st ATTR - =pos= - 2nd ATTR */ /* check for duplicates */ if (item1->node == item2->node) { assert((item1->type == item2->type) && ((item1->type != LYXP_NODE_ATTR) || (attr_pos1 == attr_pos2))); return 0; } /* 1st ELEM - 2nd TEXT, 1st ELEM - any pos - 2nd ATTR */ /* elem is always first, 2nd node is after it */ if (item1->type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { assert(item2->type != LYXP_NODE_ELEM); return -1; } /* 1st TEXT - 2nd ELEM, 1st TEXT - any pos - 2nd ATTR, 1st ATTR - any pos - 2nd ELEM, 1st ATTR - >pos> - 2nd ATTR */ /* 2nd is before 1st */ if (((item1->type == LYXP_NODE_TEXT) && ((item2->type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) || (item2->type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR))) || ((item1->type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) && (item2->type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM)) || (((item1->type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) && (item2->type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR)) && (attr_pos1 > attr_pos2))) { return 1; } /* 1st ATTR - any pos - 2nd TEXT, 1st ATTR type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET); memset(trg, 0, sizeof *trg); /* insert node into target set */ set_insert_node(trg, src->val.nodes[src_idx].node, src->val.nodes[src_idx].pos, src->val.nodes[src_idx].type, 0); /* cast target set appropriately */ if (lyxp_set_cast(trg, type, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { set_free_content(trg); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #ifndef NDEBUG /** * @brief Bubble sort \p set into XPath document order. * Context position aware. Unused in the 'Release' build target. * * @param[in] set Set to sort. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return How many times the whole set was traversed - 1 (if set was sorted, returns 0). */ static int set_sort(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lyd_node *cur_node, int options) { uint32_t i, j; int ret = 0, cmp, inverted, change; const struct lyd_node *root; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; struct lyxp_set_node item; if ((set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) || (set->used == 1)) { return 0; } /* get root */ root = moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* fill positions */ if (set_assign_pos(set, root, root_type)) { return -1; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "SORT BEGIN"); print_set_debug(set); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { inverted = 0; change = 0; for (j = 1; j < set->used - i; ++j) { /* compare node positions */ if (inverted) { cmp = set_sort_compare(&set->val.nodes[j], &set->val.nodes[j - 1], root); } else { cmp = set_sort_compare(&set->val.nodes[j - 1], &set->val.nodes[j], root); } /* swap if needed */ if ((inverted && (cmp < 0)) || (!inverted && (cmp > 0))) { change = 1; item = set->val.nodes[j - 1]; set->val.nodes[j - 1] = set->val.nodes[j]; set->val.nodes[j] = item; } else { /* whether node_pos1 should be smaller than node_pos2 or the other way around */ inverted = !inverted; } } ++ret; if (!change) { break; } } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "SORT END %d", ret); print_set_debug(set); #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE struct lyxp_set_hash_node hnode; uint64_t hash; /* check node hashes */ if (set->used >= LY_CACHE_HT_MIN_CHILDREN) { assert(set->ht); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { hnode.node = set->val.nodes[i].node; hnode.type = set->val.nodes[i].type; hash = dict_hash_multi(0, (const char *)&hnode.node, sizeof hnode.node); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, (const char *)&hnode.type, sizeof hnode.type); hash = dict_hash_multi(hash, NULL, 0); assert(!lyht_find(set->ht, &hnode, hash, NULL)); } } #endif return ret - 1; } /** * @brief Remove duplicate entries in a sorted node set. * * @param[in] set Sorted set to check. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS if no duplicates were found, * EXIT_FAILURE otherwise. */ static int set_sorted_dup_node_clean(struct lyxp_set *set) { uint32_t i = 0; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (set->used > 1) { while (i < set->used - 1) { if ((set->val.nodes[i].node == set->val.nodes[i + 1].node) && (set->val.nodes[i].type == set->val.nodes[i + 1].type)) { set_remove_node(set, i + 1); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { ++i; } } } return ret; } #endif /** * @brief Merge 2 sorted sets into one. * * @param[in,out] trg Set to merge into. Duplicates are removed. * @param[in] src Set to be merged into \p trg. It is cast to #LYXP_SET_EMPTY on success. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int set_sorted_merge(struct lyxp_set *trg, struct lyxp_set *src, struct lyd_node *cur_node, int options) { uint32_t i, j, count, dup_count; int cmp; const struct lyd_node *root; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (((trg->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (trg->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) || ((src->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (src->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY))) { return -1; } if (src->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { return 0; } else if (trg->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_set(trg, src); lyxp_set_cast(src, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, NULL, options); return 0; } /* get root */ root = moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* fill positions */ if (set_assign_pos(trg, root, root_type) || set_assign_pos(src, root, root_type)) { return -1; } #ifndef NDEBUG LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "MERGE target"); print_set_debug(trg); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "MERGE source"); print_set_debug(src); #endif /* make memory for the merge (duplicates are not detected yet, so space * will likely be wasted on them, too bad) */ if (trg->size - trg->used < src->used) { trg->size = trg->used + src->used; trg->val.nodes = ly_realloc(trg->val.nodes, trg->size * sizeof *trg->val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!trg->val.nodes, LOGMEM(cur_node->schema->module->ctx), -1); } i = 0; j = 0; count = 0; dup_count = 0; do { cmp = set_sort_compare(&src->val.nodes[i], &trg->val.nodes[j], root); if (!cmp) { if (!count) { /* duplicate, just skip it */ ++i; ++j; } else { /* we are copying something already, so let's copy the duplicate too, * we are hoping that afterwards there are some more nodes to * copy and this way we can copy them all together */ ++count; ++dup_count; ++i; ++j; } } else if (cmp < 0) { /* inserting src node into trg, just remember it for now */ ++count; ++i; #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE /* insert the hash now */ set_insert_node_hash(trg, src->val.nodes[i - 1].node, src->val.nodes[i - 1].type); #endif } else if (count) { copy_nodes: /* time to actually copy the nodes, we have found the largest block of nodes */ memmove(&trg->val.nodes[j + (count - dup_count)], &trg->val.nodes[j], (trg->used - j) * sizeof *trg->val.nodes); memcpy(&trg->val.nodes[j - dup_count], &src->val.nodes[i - count], count * sizeof *src->val.nodes); trg->used += count - dup_count; /* do not change i, except the copying above, we are basically doing exactly what is in the else branch below */ j += count - dup_count; count = 0; dup_count = 0; } else { ++j; } } while ((i < src->used) && (j < trg->used)); if ((i < src->used) || count) { #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE uint32_t k; /* insert all the hashes first */ for (k = i; k < src->used; ++k) { set_insert_node_hash(trg, src->val.nodes[k].node, src->val.nodes[k].type); } #endif /* loop ended, but we need to copy something at trg end */ count += src->used - i; i = src->used; goto copy_nodes; } #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE /* we are inserting hashes before the actual node insert, which causes * situations when there were initially not enough items for a hash table, * but even after some were inserted, hash table was not created (during * insertion the number of items is not updated yet) */ if (!trg->ht && (trg->used >= LY_CACHE_HT_MIN_CHILDREN)) { set_insert_node_hash(trg, NULL, 0); } #endif #ifndef NDEBUG LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "MERGE result"); print_set_debug(trg); #endif lyxp_set_cast(src, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, NULL, options); return 0; } /** * @brief Canonize value in the set (can be string or number). * * @param[in] set Set to canonize. * @param[in] set2 Set to canonize for. * @param[in] schema Schema node to read YANG canonization rules from. * * @return 0 on succes, -1 on error. */ static int set_canonize(struct lyxp_set *set, const struct lyxp_set *set2) { char *num_str, *val_can, *ptr; struct lys_node *schema; enum int_log_opts prev_ilo; assert((set2->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) || (set2->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)); if (set2->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { /* nothing to do */ return 0; } if ((set2->val.nodes[0].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) && (set2->val.nodes[0].node->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { schema = set2->val.nodes[0].node->schema; } else { /* nothing to canonize/not supported */ return 0; } switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: /* canonize number */ if (asprintf(&num_str, "%Lf", set->val.num) == -1) { LOGMEM(schema->module->ctx); return -1; } /* ignore errors, the value may not satisfy schema constraints */ ly_ilo_change(NULL, ILO_IGNORE, &prev_ilo, NULL); val_can = lyd_make_canonical(schema, num_str, strlen(num_str)); ly_ilo_restore(NULL, prev_ilo, NULL, 0); free(num_str); if (!val_can) { break; } set->val.num = strtold(val_can, &ptr); if (ptr[0]) { free(val_can); LOGINT(schema->module->ctx); return -1; } free(val_can); break; case LYXP_SET_STRING: /* canonize string */ ly_ilo_change(NULL, ILO_IGNORE, &prev_ilo, NULL); val_can = lyd_make_canonical(schema, set->val.str, strlen(set->val.str)); ly_ilo_restore(NULL, prev_ilo, NULL, 0); if (!val_can) { break; } free(set->val.str); set->val.str = val_can; break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: /* always canonical */ break; default: LOGINT(schema->module->ctx); return -1; } return 0; } /* * (re)parse functions * * Parse functions parse the expression into * tokens (syntactic analysis). * * Reparse functions perform semantic analysis * (do not save the result, just a check) of * the expression and fill repeat indices. */ /** * @brief Add \p token into the expression \p exp. * * @param[in] exp Expression to use. * @param[in] token Token to add. * @param[in] expr_pos Token position in the XPath expression. * @param[in] tok_len Token length in the XPath expression. * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int exp_add_token(struct lyxp_expr *exp, enum lyxp_token token, uint16_t expr_pos, uint16_t tok_len) { uint32_t prev; if (exp->used == exp->size) { prev = exp->size; exp->size += LYXP_EXPR_SIZE_STEP; if (prev > exp->size) { LOGINT(NULL); return -1; } exp->tokens = ly_realloc(exp->tokens, exp->size * sizeof *exp->tokens); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!exp->tokens, LOGMEM(NULL), -1); exp->expr_pos = ly_realloc(exp->expr_pos, exp->size * sizeof *exp->expr_pos); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!exp->expr_pos, LOGMEM(NULL), -1); exp->tok_len = ly_realloc(exp->tok_len, exp->size * sizeof *exp->tok_len); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!exp->tok_len, LOGMEM(NULL), -1); } exp->tokens[exp->used] = token; exp->expr_pos[exp->used] = expr_pos; exp->tok_len[exp->used] = tok_len; ++exp->used; return 0; } /** * @brief Look at the next token and check its kind. * * @param[in] exp Expression to use. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] want_tok Expected token. * @param[in] strict Whether the token is strictly required (print error if * not the next one) or we simply want to check whether it is the next or not. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS if the current token matches the expected one, * -1 otherwise. */ static int exp_check_token(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t exp_idx, enum lyxp_token want_tok, int strict) { if (exp->used == exp_idx) { if (strict) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_EOF, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL); } return -1; } if (want_tok && (exp->tokens[exp_idx] != want_tok)) { if (strict) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(exp->tokens[exp_idx]), &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); } return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Stack operation push on the repeat array. * * @param[in] exp Expression to use. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expresion \p exp. * @param[in] repeat_op_idx Index from \p exp of the operator token. This value is pushed. */ static void exp_repeat_push(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t exp_idx, uint16_t repeat_op_idx) { uint16_t i; if (exp->repeat[exp_idx]) { for (i = 0; exp->repeat[exp_idx][i]; ++i); exp->repeat[exp_idx] = realloc(exp->repeat[exp_idx], (i + 2) * sizeof *exp->repeat[exp_idx]); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!exp->repeat[exp_idx], LOGMEM(NULL), ); exp->repeat[exp_idx][i] = repeat_op_idx; exp->repeat[exp_idx][i + 1] = 0; } else { exp->repeat[exp_idx] = calloc(2, sizeof *exp->repeat[exp_idx]); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!exp->repeat[exp_idx], LOGMEM(NULL), ); exp->repeat[exp_idx][0] = repeat_op_idx; } } /** * @brief Reparse Predicate. Logs directly on error. * * [7] Predicate ::= '[' Expr ']' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_predicate(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_or_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK2, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse RelativeLocationPath. Logs directly on error. * * [4] RelativeLocationPath ::= Step | RelativeLocationPath '/' Step | RelativeLocationPath '//' Step * [5] Step ::= '@'? NodeTest Predicate* | '.' | '..' * [6] NodeTest ::= NameTest | NodeType '(' ')' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on forward reference, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_relative_location_path(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 1)) { return -1; } goto step; do { /* '/' or '//' */ ++(*exp_idx); if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 1)) { return -1; } step: /* Step */ switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: ++(*exp_idx); break; case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: ++(*exp_idx); break; case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: ++(*exp_idx); if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 1)) { return -1; } if ((exp->tokens[*exp_idx] != LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] != LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE)) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } /* fall through */ case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: ++(*exp_idx); goto reparse_predicate; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: ++(*exp_idx); /* '(' */ if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); /* ')' */ if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); reparse_predicate: /* Predicate* */ while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1)) { if (reparse_predicate(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } break; default: LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } } while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse AbsoluteLocationPath. Logs directly on error. * * [3] AbsoluteLocationPath ::= '/' RelativeLocationPath? | '//' RelativeLocationPath * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_absolute_location_path(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH, 1)) { return -1; } /* '/' RelativeLocationPath? */ if (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 1) { /* '/' */ ++(*exp_idx); if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 0)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: if (reparse_relative_location_path(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } /* fall through */ default: break; } /* '//' RelativeLocationPath */ } else { /* '//' */ ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_relative_location_path(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse FunctionCall. Logs directly on error. * * [9] FunctionCall ::= FunctionName '(' ( Expr ( ',' Expr )* )? ')' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_function_call(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { int min_arg_count = -1, max_arg_count, arg_count; uint16_t func_exp_idx; if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_FUNCNAME, 1)) { return -1; } func_exp_idx = *exp_idx; switch (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx]) { case 3: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "not", 3)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "sum", 3)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } break; case 4: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "lang", 4)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "last", 4)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 0; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "name", 4)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "true", 4)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 0; } break; case 5: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "count", 5)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "false", 5)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 0; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "floor", 5)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "round", 5)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "deref", 5)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } break; case 6: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "concat", 6)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = INT_MAX; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "number", 6)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "string", 6)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } break; case 7: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "boolean", 7)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "ceiling", 7)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "current", 7)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 0; } break; case 8: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "contains", 8)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "position", 8)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 0; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "re-match", 8)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; case 9: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "substring", 9)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 3; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "translate", 9)) { min_arg_count = 3; max_arg_count = 3; } break; case 10: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "local-name", 10)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "enum-value", 10)) { min_arg_count = 1; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "bit-is-set", 10)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; case 11: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "starts-with", 11)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; case 12: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "derived-from", 12)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; case 13: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "namespace-uri", 13)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "string-length", 13)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } break; case 15: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "normalize-space", 15)) { min_arg_count = 0; max_arg_count = 1; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "substring-after", 15)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; case 16: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "substring-before", 16)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; case 20: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "derived-from-or-self", 20)) { min_arg_count = 2; max_arg_count = 2; } break; } if (min_arg_count == -1) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INFUNC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); /* '(' */ if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); /* ( Expr ( ',' Expr )* )? */ arg_count = 0; if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 1)) { return -1; } if (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] != LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2) { ++arg_count; if (reparse_or_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_COMMA)) { ++(*exp_idx); ++arg_count; if (reparse_or_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } /* ')' */ if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); if ((arg_count < min_arg_count) || (arg_count > max_arg_count)) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGCOUNT, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, arg_count, exp->tok_len[func_exp_idx], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[func_exp_idx]]); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse PathExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [10] PathExpr ::= LocationPath | PrimaryExpr Predicate* * | PrimaryExpr Predicate* '/' RelativeLocationPath * | PrimaryExpr Predicate* '//' RelativeLocationPath * [2] LocationPath ::= RelativeLocationPath | AbsoluteLocationPath * [8] PrimaryExpr ::= '(' Expr ')' | Literal | Number | FunctionCall * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_path_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 1)) { return -1; } switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1: /* '(' Expr ')' Predicate* */ ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_or_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } if (exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2, 1)) { return -1; } ++(*exp_idx); goto predicate; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: /* RelativeLocationPath */ if (reparse_relative_location_path(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } break; case LYXP_TOKEN_FUNCNAME: /* FunctionCall */ if (reparse_function_call(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } goto predicate; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH: /* AbsoluteLocationPath */ if (reparse_absolute_location_path(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } break; case LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL: /* Literal */ ++(*exp_idx); goto predicate; break; case LYXP_TOKEN_NUMBER: /* Number */ ++(*exp_idx); goto predicate; break; default: LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; predicate: /* Predicate* */ while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1)) { if (reparse_predicate(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } /* ('/' or '//') RelativeLocationPath */ if ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH)) { /* '/' or '//' */ ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_relative_location_path(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse UnaryExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [17] UnaryExpr ::= UnionExpr | '-' UnaryExpr * [18] UnionExpr ::= PathExpr | UnionExpr '|' PathExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_unary_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { uint16_t prev_exp; /* ('-')* */ prev_exp = *exp_idx; while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH, 0) && (exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '-')) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_exp, LYXP_EXPR_UNARY); ++(*exp_idx); } /* PathExpr */ prev_exp = *exp_idx; if (reparse_path_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } /* ('|' PathExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_UNI, 0)) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_exp, LYXP_EXPR_UNION); ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_path_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse AdditiveExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [15] AdditiveExpr ::= MultiplicativeExpr * | AdditiveExpr '+' MultiplicativeExpr * | AdditiveExpr '-' MultiplicativeExpr * [16] MultiplicativeExpr ::= UnaryExpr * | MultiplicativeExpr '*' UnaryExpr * | MultiplicativeExpr 'div' UnaryExpr * | MultiplicativeExpr 'mod' UnaryExpr * * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_additive_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { uint16_t prev_add_exp, prev_mul_exp; prev_add_exp = *exp_idx; goto reparse_multiplicative_expr; /* ('+' / '-' MultiplicativeExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH, 0) && ((exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '+') || (exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '-'))) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_add_exp, LYXP_EXPR_ADDITIVE); ++(*exp_idx); reparse_multiplicative_expr: /* UnaryExpr */ prev_mul_exp = *exp_idx; if (reparse_unary_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } /* ('*' / 'div' / 'mod' UnaryExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH, 0) && ((exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '*') || (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 3))) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_mul_exp, LYXP_EXPR_MULTIPLICATIVE); ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_unary_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse EqualityExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [13] EqualityExpr ::= RelationalExpr | EqualityExpr '=' RelationalExpr * | EqualityExpr '!=' RelationalExpr * [14] RelationalExpr ::= AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '<' AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '>' AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '<=' AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '>=' AdditiveExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_equality_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { uint16_t prev_eq_exp, prev_rel_exp; prev_eq_exp = *exp_idx; goto reparse_additive_expr; /* ('=' / '!=' RelationalExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP, 0) && ((exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '=') || (exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '!'))) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_eq_exp, LYXP_EXPR_EQUALITY); ++(*exp_idx); reparse_additive_expr: /* AdditiveExpr */ prev_rel_exp = *exp_idx; if (reparse_additive_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } /* ('<' / '>' / '<=' / '>=' AdditiveExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP, 0) && ((exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '<') || (exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '>'))) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_rel_exp, LYXP_EXPR_RELATIONAL); ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_additive_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Reparse OrExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [11] OrExpr ::= AndExpr | OrExpr 'or' AndExpr * [12] AndExpr ::= EqualityExpr | AndExpr 'and' EqualityExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int reparse_or_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx) { uint16_t prev_or_exp, prev_and_exp; prev_or_exp = *exp_idx; goto reparse_equality_expr; /* ('or' AndExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG, 0) && (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 2)) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_or_exp, LYXP_EXPR_OR); ++(*exp_idx); reparse_equality_expr: /* EqualityExpr */ prev_and_exp = *exp_idx; if (reparse_equality_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } /* ('and' EqualityExpr)* */ while (!exp_check_token(ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG, 0) && (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 3)) { exp_repeat_push(exp, prev_and_exp, LYXP_EXPR_AND); ++(*exp_idx); if (reparse_equality_expr(ctx, exp, exp_idx)) { return -1; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Parse NCName. * * @param[in] ncname Name to parse. * * @return Length of \p ncname valid characters. */ static uint16_t parse_ncname(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *ncname) { uint16_t parsed = 0; int uc; unsigned int size; uc = lyxml_getutf8(ctx, &ncname[parsed], &size); if (!is_xmlnamestartchar(uc) || (uc == ':')) { return parsed; } do { if ((unsigned)UINT16_MAX - parsed < size) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_EINVAL, "XPath name cannot be longer than %ud characters.", UINT16_MAX); return 0; } parsed += size; if (!ncname[parsed]) { break; } uc = lyxml_getutf8(ctx, &ncname[parsed], &size); } while (is_xmlnamechar(uc) && (uc != ':')); return parsed; } struct lyxp_expr * lyxp_parse_expr(struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *expr) { struct lyxp_expr *ret; uint16_t parsed = 0, tok_len, ncname_len; enum lyxp_token tok_type; int prev_function_check = 0; if (strlen(expr) > UINT16_MAX) { LOGERR(ctx, LY_EINVAL, "XPath expression cannot be longer than %ud characters.", UINT16_MAX); return NULL; } /* init lyxp_expr structure */ ret = calloc(1, sizeof *ret); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!ret, LOGMEM(ctx), error); ret->expr = strdup(expr); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!ret->expr, LOGMEM(ctx), error); ret->used = 0; ret->size = LYXP_EXPR_SIZE_START; ret->tokens = malloc(ret->size * sizeof *ret->tokens); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!ret->tokens, LOGMEM(ctx), error); ret->expr_pos = malloc(ret->size * sizeof *ret->expr_pos); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!ret->expr_pos, LOGMEM(ctx), error); ret->tok_len = malloc(ret->size * sizeof *ret->tok_len); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!ret->tok_len, LOGMEM(ctx), error); while (is_xmlws(expr[parsed])) { ++parsed; } do { if (expr[parsed] == '(') { /* '(' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1; if (prev_function_check && ret->used && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST)) { /* it is a NodeType/FunctionName after all */ if (((ret->tok_len[ret->used - 1] == 4) && (!strncmp(&expr[ret->expr_pos[ret->used - 1]], "node", 4) || !strncmp(&expr[ret->expr_pos[ret->used - 1]], "text", 4))) || ((ret->tok_len[ret->used - 1] == 7) && !strncmp(&expr[ret->expr_pos[ret->used - 1]], "comment", 7))) { ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] = LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE; } else { ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] = LYXP_TOKEN_FUNCNAME; } prev_function_check = 0; } } else if (expr[parsed] == ')') { /* ')' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2; } else if (expr[parsed] == '[') { /* '[' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1; } else if (expr[parsed] == ']') { /* ']' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK2; } else if (!strncmp(&expr[parsed], "..", 2)) { /* '..' */ tok_len = 2; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT; } else if ((expr[parsed] == '.') && (!isdigit(expr[parsed + 1]))) { /* '.' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_DOT; } else if (expr[parsed] == '@') { /* '@' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_AT; } else if (expr[parsed] == ',') { /* ',' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_COMMA; } else if (expr[parsed] == '\'') { /* Literal with ' */ for (tok_len = 1; (expr[parsed + tok_len] != '\0') && (expr[parsed + tok_len] != '\''); ++tok_len); if (expr[parsed + tok_len] == '\0') { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_NOEND, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, expr[parsed], &expr[parsed]); goto error; } ++tok_len; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL; } else if (expr[parsed] == '\"') { /* Literal with " */ for (tok_len = 1; (expr[parsed + tok_len] != '\0') && (expr[parsed + tok_len] != '\"'); ++tok_len); if (expr[parsed + tok_len] == '\0') { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_NOEND, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, expr[parsed], &expr[parsed]); goto error; } ++tok_len; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL; } else if ((expr[parsed] == '.') || (isdigit(expr[parsed]))) { /* Number */ for (tok_len = 0; isdigit(expr[parsed + tok_len]); ++tok_len); if (expr[parsed + tok_len] == '.') { ++tok_len; for (; isdigit(expr[parsed + tok_len]); ++tok_len); } tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_NUMBER; } else if (expr[parsed] == '/') { /* Operator '/', '//' */ if (!strncmp(&expr[parsed], "//", 2)) { tok_len = 2; } else { tok_len = 1; } tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH; } else if (!strncmp(&expr[parsed], "!=", 2) || !strncmp(&expr[parsed], "<=", 2) || !strncmp(&expr[parsed], ">=", 2)) { /* Operator '!=', '<=', '>=' */ tok_len = 2; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP; } else if (expr[parsed] == '|') { /* Operator '|' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_UNI; } else if ((expr[parsed] == '+') || (expr[parsed] == '-')) { /* Operator '+', '-' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH; } else if ((expr[parsed] == '=') || (expr[parsed] == '<') || (expr[parsed] == '>')) { /* Operator '=', '<', '>' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP; } else if (ret->used && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_AT) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_COMMA) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_UNI) && (ret->tokens[ret->used - 1] != LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH)) { /* Operator '*', 'or', 'and', 'mod', or 'div' */ if (expr[parsed] == '*') { tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH; } else if (!strncmp(&expr[parsed], "or", 2)) { tok_len = 2; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG; } else if (!strncmp(&expr[parsed], "and", 3)) { tok_len = 3; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG; } else if (!strncmp(&expr[parsed], "mod", 3) || !strncmp(&expr[parsed], "div", 3)) { tok_len = 3; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH; } else { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INCHAR, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, expr[parsed], &expr[parsed]); if (prev_function_check) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_PREV, NULL, "Perhaps \"%.*s\" is supposed to be a function call.", ret->tok_len[ret->used - 1], &ret->expr[ret->expr_pos[ret->used - 1]]); } goto error; } } else if (expr[parsed] == '*') { /* NameTest '*' */ tok_len = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST; } else { /* NameTest (NCName ':' '*' | QName) or NodeType/FunctionName */ ncname_len = parse_ncname(ctx, &expr[parsed]); if (!ncname_len) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INCHAR, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, expr[parsed], &expr[parsed]); goto error; } tok_len = ncname_len; if (expr[parsed + tok_len] == ':') { ++tok_len; if (expr[parsed + tok_len] == '*') { ++tok_len; } else { ncname_len = parse_ncname(ctx, &expr[parsed + tok_len]); if (!ncname_len) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_INCHAR, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, expr[parsed], &expr[parsed]); goto error; } tok_len += ncname_len; } /* remove old flag to prevent ambiguities */ prev_function_check = 0; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST; } else { /* there is no prefix so it can still be NodeType/FunctionName, we can't finally decide now */ prev_function_check = 1; tok_type = LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST; } } /* store the token, move on to the next one */ if (exp_add_token(ret, tok_type, parsed, tok_len)) { goto error; } parsed += tok_len; while (is_xmlws(expr[parsed])) { ++parsed; } } while (expr[parsed]); /* prealloc repeat */ ret->repeat = calloc(ret->size, sizeof *ret->repeat); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!ret->repeat, LOGMEM(ctx), error); return ret; error: lyxp_expr_free(ret); return NULL; } /* * warn functions * * Warn functions check specific reasonable conditions for schema XPath * and print a warning if they are not satisfied. */ /** * @brief Get the last-added schema node that is currently in the context. * * @param[in] set Set to search in. * * @return Last-added schema context node, NULL if no node is in context. */ static struct lys_node * warn_get_snode_in_ctx(struct lyxp_set *set) { uint32_t i; if (!set || (set->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET)) { return NULL; } i = set->used; do { --i; if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { /* if there are more, simply return the first found (last added) */ return set->val.snodes[i].snode; } } while (i); return NULL; } /** * @brief Test whether a type is numeric - integer type or decimal64. * * @return 1 if numeric, 0 otherwise. */ static int warn_is_numeric_type(struct lys_type *type) { struct lys_node *node; struct lys_type *t = NULL; int found = 0, ret; switch (type->base) { case LY_TYPE_DEC64: case LY_TYPE_INT8: case LY_TYPE_UINT8: case LY_TYPE_INT16: case LY_TYPE_UINT16: case LY_TYPE_INT32: case LY_TYPE_UINT32: case LY_TYPE_INT64: case LY_TYPE_UINT64: return 1; case LY_TYPE_UNION: while ((t = lyp_get_next_union_type(type, t, &found))) { found = 0; ret = warn_is_numeric_type(t); if (ret) { /* found a suitable type */ return 1; } } /* did not find any suitable type */ return 0; case LY_TYPE_LEAFREF: if (!type->info.lref.target) { /* we may be in a grouping (and not directly in a typedef) */ assert(&((struct lys_node_leaf *)type->parent)->type == type); for (node = ((struct lys_node *)type->parent); node && (node->nodetype != LYS_GROUPING); node = node->parent); if (!node) { LOGINT(((struct lys_node *)type->parent)->module->ctx); } return 0; } return warn_is_numeric_type(&type->info.lref.target->type); default: return 0; } } /** * @brief Test whether a type is string-like - no integers, decimal64 or binary. * * @return 1 if string, 0 otherwise. */ static int warn_is_string_type(struct lys_type *type) { struct lys_type *t = NULL; int found = 0, ret; switch (type->base) { case LY_TYPE_BITS: case LY_TYPE_ENUM: case LY_TYPE_IDENT: case LY_TYPE_INST: case LY_TYPE_STRING: return 1; case LY_TYPE_UNION: while ((t = lyp_get_next_union_type(type, t, &found))) { found = 0; ret = warn_is_string_type(t); if (ret) { /* found a suitable type */ return 1; } } /* did not find any suitable type */ return 0; case LY_TYPE_LEAFREF: if (!type->info.lref.target) { /* we are in a grouping */ return 0; } return warn_is_string_type(&type->info.lref.target->type); default: return 0; } } /** * @brief Test whether a type is one specific type. * * @return 1 if it is, 0 otherwise. */ static int warn_is_specific_type(struct lys_type *type, LY_DATA_TYPE base) { struct lys_type *t = NULL; int found = 0, ret; if (type->base == base) { return 1; } else if (type->base == LY_TYPE_UNION) { while ((t = lyp_get_next_union_type(type, t, &found))) { found = 0; ret = warn_is_specific_type(t, base); if (ret) { /* found a suitable type */ return 1; } } /* did not find any suitable type */ return 0; } else if (type->base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) { if (!type->info.lref.target) { /* we are in a grouping */ return 1; } return warn_is_specific_type(&type->info.lref.target->type, base); } return 0; } static struct lys_type * warn_is_equal_type_next_type(struct lys_type *type, struct lys_type *prev_type) { int found = 0; switch (type->base) { case LY_TYPE_UNION: /* this can, unfortunately, return leafref */ return lyp_get_next_union_type(type, prev_type, &found); case LY_TYPE_LEAFREF: if (!type->info.lref.target) { /* we are in a grouping */ return type; } return warn_is_equal_type_next_type(&type->info.lref.target->type, prev_type); default: if (prev_type) { assert(type == prev_type); return NULL; } else { return type; } } } /** * @brief Test whether 2 types have a common type. * * @return 1 if they do, 0 otherwise. */ static int warn_is_equal_type(struct lys_type *type1, struct lys_type *type2) { struct lys_type *t1, *t2; t1 = NULL; while ((t1 = warn_is_equal_type_next_type(type1, t1))) { if (t1->base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) { /* we do not check unions with leafrefs, that is just too much... */ return 1; } t2 = NULL; while ((t2 = warn_is_equal_type_next_type(type2, t2))) { if (t2->base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) { return 1; } if (t2->base == t1->base) { /* match found */ return 1; } } } return 0; } /** * @brief Check both operands of comparison operators. * * @param[in] ctx Context for errors. * @param[in] set1 First operand set. * @param[in] set2 Second operand set. * @param[in] numbers_only Whether accept only numbers or other types are fine too (for '=' and '!='). * @param[in] expr Start of the expression to print with the warning. */ static void warn_operands(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_set *set1, struct lyxp_set *set2, int numbers_only, const char *expr, uint16_t expr_pos) { struct lys_node_leaf *node1, *node2; int leaves = 1, warning = 0; node1 = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(set1); node2 = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(set2); if (!node1 && !node2) { /* no node-sets involved, nothing to do */ return; } if (node1) { if (!(node1->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Node type %s \"%s\" used as operand.", strnodetype(node1->nodetype), node1->name); warning = 1; leaves = 0; } else if (numbers_only && !warn_is_numeric_type(&node1->type)) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Node \"%s\" is not of a numeric type, but used where it was expected.", node1->name); warning = 1; } } if (node2) { if (!(node2->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Node type %s \"%s\" used as operand.", strnodetype(node2->nodetype), node2->name); warning = 1; leaves = 0; } else if (numbers_only && !warn_is_numeric_type(&node2->type)) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Node \"%s\" is not of a numeric type, but used where it was expected.", node2->name); warning = 1; } } if (node1 && node2 && leaves && !numbers_only) { if ((warn_is_numeric_type(&node1->type) && !warn_is_numeric_type(&node2->type)) || (!warn_is_numeric_type(&node1->type) && warn_is_numeric_type(&node2->type)) || (!warn_is_numeric_type(&node1->type) && !warn_is_numeric_type(&node2->type) && !warn_is_equal_type(&node1->type, &node2->type))) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Incompatible types of operands \"%s\" and \"%s\" for comparison.", node1->name, node2->name); warning = 1; } } if (warning) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[%u] \"%.20s\".", expr_pos, expr + expr_pos); } } /** * @brief Check that a value is valid for a leaf. If not applicable, does nothing. * * @param[in] ctx Context for errors. * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] set Set with the leaf/leaf-list. * @param[in] val_exp Index of the value (literal/number) in \p exp. * @param[in] equal_exp Index of the start of the equality expression in \p exp. * @param[in] last_equal_exp Index of the end of the equality expression in \p exp. */ static void warn_equality_value(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, struct lyxp_set *set, uint16_t val_exp, uint16_t equal_exp, uint16_t last_equal_exp) { struct lys_node *snode; char *value; int ret; enum int_log_opts prev_ilo; if ((snode = warn_get_snode_in_ctx(set)) && (snode->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && ((exp->tokens[val_exp] == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL) || (exp->tokens[val_exp] == LYXP_TOKEN_NUMBER))) { /* check that the node can have the specified value */ if (exp->tokens[val_exp] == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL) { value = strndup(exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[val_exp] + 1, exp->tok_len[val_exp] - 2); } else { value = strndup(exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[val_exp], exp->tok_len[val_exp]); } if (!value) { LOGMEM(ctx); return; } if ((((struct lys_node_leaf *)snode)->type.base == LY_TYPE_IDENT) && !strchr(value, ':')) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Identityref \"%s\" comparison with identity \"%s\" without prefix, consider adding" " a prefix or best using \"derived-from(-or-self)()\" functions.", snode->name, value); LOGWRN(ctx, "Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[%u] \"%.*s\".", exp->expr_pos[equal_exp], (exp->expr_pos[last_equal_exp] - exp->expr_pos[equal_exp]) + exp->tok_len[last_equal_exp], exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[equal_exp]); } /* we are unable to check identityref validity if this module (and any required imports) are not implemented */ if ((((struct lys_node_leaf *)snode)->type.base != LY_TYPE_IDENT) || lys_node_module(snode)->implemented) { /* we want to print our message and more importantly a warning, not an error */ ly_ilo_change(NULL, ILO_ERR2WRN, &prev_ilo, NULL); ret = lyd_validate_value(snode, value); ly_ilo_restore(NULL, prev_ilo, NULL, 0); if (ret) { LOGWRN(ctx, "Previous warning generated by XPath subexpression[%u] \"%.*s\".", exp->expr_pos[equal_exp], (exp->expr_pos[last_equal_exp] - exp->expr_pos[equal_exp]) + exp->tok_len[last_equal_exp], exp->expr + exp->expr_pos[equal_exp]); } } free(value); } } /* * XPath functions */ /** * @brief Execute the YANG 1.1 bit-is-set(node-set, string) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * depending on whether the first node bit value from the second argument is set. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_bit_is_set(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lyd_node_leaf_list *leaf; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int i, bits_count, ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_BITS)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"bits\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "bit-is-set(node-set, string)"); return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_boolean(set, 0); if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { leaf = (struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)args[0]->val.nodes[0].node; if ((leaf->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && (((struct lys_node_leaf *)leaf->schema)->type.base == LY_TYPE_BITS)) { bits_count = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)leaf->schema)->type.info.bits.count; for (i = 0; i < bits_count; ++i) { if (leaf->value.bit[i] && ly_strequal(leaf->value.bit[i]->name, args[1]->val.str, 0)) { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); break; } } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath boolean(object) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * with the argument converted to boolean. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_boolean(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); set_fill_set(set, args[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath ceiling(number) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the first argument rounded up to the nearest integer. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_ceiling(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_DEC64)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"decimal64\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if ((long long)args[0]->val.num != args[0]->val.num) { set_fill_number(set, ((long long)args[0]->val.num) + 1); } else { set_fill_number(set, args[0]->val.num); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath concat(string, string, string*) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_STRING with the concatenation of all the arguments. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_concat(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { uint16_t i; char *str = NULL; size_t used = 1; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { for (i = 0; i < arg_count; ++i) { if ((args[i]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[i]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #%u of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", i + 1, __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #%u of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", i + 1, __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } for (i = 0; i < arg_count; ++i) { if (lyxp_set_cast(args[i], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { free(str); return -1; } str = ly_realloc(str, (used + strlen(args[i]->val.str)) * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); strcpy(str + used - 1, args[i]->val.str); used += strlen(args[i]->val.str); } /* free, kind of */ lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); set->type = LYXP_SET_STRING; set->val.str = str; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath contains(string, string) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN whether the second argument can * be found in the first or not. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_contains(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (strstr(args[0]->val.str, args[1]->val.str)) { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); } else { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath count(node-set) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the size of the node-set from the argument. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_count(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lys_node *snode = NULL; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(snode = warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_number(set, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "count(node-set)"); return -1; } set_fill_number(set, args[0]->used); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath current() function. Returns LYXP_SET_NODE_SET * with the context with the initial node. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_current(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (arg_count || args) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGCOUNT, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, arg_count, "current()"); return -1; } if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); set_snode_insert_node(set, (struct lys_node *)cur_node, LYXP_NODE_ELEM); } else { lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); /* position is filled later */ set_insert_node(set, cur_node, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the YANG 1.1 deref(node-set) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NODE_SET with either * leafref or instance-identifier target node(s). * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_deref(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lyd_node_leaf_list *leaf; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; struct lyd_node *target; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) && !warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_INST)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"leafref\" neither \"instance-identifier\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); if ((ret == EXIT_SUCCESS) && (sleaf->type.base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF)) { assert(sleaf->type.info.lref.target); set_snode_insert_node(set, (struct lys_node *)sleaf->type.info.lref.target, LYXP_NODE_ELEM); } return ret; } if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "deref(node-set)"); return -1; } lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { leaf = (struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)args[0]->val.nodes[0].node; sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)leaf->schema; if ((sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && ((sleaf->type.base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) || (sleaf->type.base == LY_TYPE_INST))) { if (leaf->value_flags & LY_VALUE_UNRES) { /* this means that the target may exist except it cannot be stored in the value */ if (sleaf->type.base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) { resolve_leafref(leaf, sleaf->type.info.lref.path, -1, &target); } else { resolve_instid((struct lyd_node *)leaf, leaf->value_str, -1, &target); } } else { /* works for both leafref and instid */ target = leaf->value.leafref; } set_insert_node(set, target, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, 0); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* return 0 - match, 1 - mismatch */ static int xpath_derived_from_ident_cmp(struct lys_ident *ident, const char *ident_str) { const char *ptr; int len; ptr = strchr(ident_str, ':'); if (ptr) { len = ptr - ident_str; if (strncmp(ident->module->name, ident_str, len) || ident->module->name[len]) { /* module name mismatch BUG we expect JSON format prefix, but if the 2nd argument was * not a literal, we may easily be mistaken */ return 1; } ++ptr; } else { ptr = ident_str; } len = strlen(ptr); if (strncmp(ident->name, ptr, len) || ident->name[len]) { /* name mismatch */ return 1; } return 0; } /** * @brief Execute the YANG 1.1 derived-from(node-set, string) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN depending * on whether the first argument nodes contain a node of an identity derived from the second * argument identity. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_derived_from(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { uint16_t i, j; struct lyd_node_leaf_list *leaf; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; lyd_val *val; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_IDENT)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"identityref\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "derived-from(node-set, string)"); return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_boolean(set, 0); if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { for (i = 0; i < args[0]->used; ++i) { val = NULL; if (args[0]->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { leaf = (struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)args[0]->val.nodes[i].node; sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)leaf->schema; if ((sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && (sleaf->type.base == LY_TYPE_IDENT)) { val = &leaf->value; } } else if (args[0]->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) { if (args[0]->val.attrs[i].attr->value_type == LY_TYPE_IDENT) { val = &args[0]->val.attrs[i].attr->value; } } if (val) { for (j = 0; j < val->ident->base_size; ++j) { if (!xpath_derived_from_ident_cmp(val->ident->base[j], args[1]->val.str)) { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); break; } } if (j < val->ident->base_size) { break; } } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the YANG 1.1 derived-from-or-self(node-set, string) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN depending * on whether the first argument nodes contain a node of an identity that either is or is derived from * the second argument identity. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_derived_from_or_self(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { uint16_t i, j; struct lyd_node_leaf_list *leaf; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; lyd_val *val; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_IDENT)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"identityref\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "derived-from-or-self(node-set, string)"); return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_boolean(set, 0); if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { for (i = 0; i < args[0]->used; ++i) { val = NULL; if (args[0]->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { leaf = (struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)args[0]->val.nodes[i].node; sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)leaf->schema; if ((sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && (sleaf->type.base == LY_TYPE_IDENT)) { val = &leaf->value; } } else if (args[0]->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) { if (args[0]->val.attrs[i].attr->value_type == LY_TYPE_IDENT) { val = &args[0]->val.attrs[i].attr->value; } } if (val) { if (!xpath_derived_from_ident_cmp(val->ident, args[1]->val.str)) { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); break; } for (j = 0; j < val->ident->base_size; ++j) { if (!xpath_derived_from_ident_cmp(val->ident->base[j], args[1]->val.str)) { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); break; } } if (j < val->ident->base_size) { break; } } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the YANG 1.1 enum-value(node-set) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the integer value of the first node's enum value, otherwise NaN. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_enum_value(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lyd_node_leaf_list *leaf; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_ENUM)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"enumeration\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "enum-value(node-set)"); return -1; } set_fill_number(set, NAN); if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { leaf = (struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)args[0]->val.nodes[0].node; if ((leaf->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && (((struct lys_node_leaf *)leaf->schema)->type.base == LY_TYPE_ENUM)) { set_fill_number(set, leaf->value.enm->value); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath false() function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * with false value. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_false(struct lyxp_set **UNUSED(args), uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *UNUSED(local_mod), struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } set_fill_boolean(set, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath floor(number) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the first argument floored (truncated). * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_floor(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (isfinite(args[0]->val.num)) { set_fill_number(set, (long long)args[0]->val.num); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath lang(string) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * whether the language of the text matches the one from the argument. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_lang(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { const struct lyd_node *node, *root; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; struct lyd_attr *attr = NULL; int i, ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INCTX, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_set_type(set), "lang(string)"); return -1; } switch (set->val.nodes[0].type) { case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: node = set->val.nodes[0].node; break; case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: root = moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, NULL); node = lyd_attr_parent(root, set->val.attrs[0].attr); break; default: /* nothing to do with roots */ set_fill_boolean(set, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* find lang attribute */ for (; node; node = node->parent) { for (attr = node->attr; attr; attr = attr->next) { if (attr->name && !strcmp(attr->name, "lang") && !strcmp(attr->annotation->module->name, "xml")) { break; } } if (attr) { break; } } /* compare languages */ if (!attr) { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); } else { for (i = 0; args[0]->val.str[i]; ++i) { if (tolower(args[0]->val.str[i]) != tolower(attr->value_str[i])) { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); break; } } if (!args[0]->val.str[i]) { if (!attr->value_str[i] || (attr->value_str[i] == '-')) { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); } else { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath last() function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the context size. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_last(struct lyxp_set **UNUSED(args), uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_number(set, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INCTX, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_set_type(set), "last()"); return -1; } set_fill_number(set, set->ctx_size); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath local-name(node-set?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_STRING * with the node name without namespace from the argument or the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_local_name(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lyxp_set_node *item; /* suppress unused variable warning */ (void)cur_node; (void)options; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (arg_count) { if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "local-name(node-set?)"); return -1; } /* we need the set sorted, it affects the result */ assert(!set_sort(args[0], cur_node, options)); item = &args[0]->val.nodes[0]; } else { if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INCTX, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_set_type(set), "local-name(node-set?)"); return -1; } /* we need the set sorted, it affects the result */ assert(!set_sort(set, cur_node, options)); item = &set->val.nodes[0]; } switch (item->type) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: set_fill_string(set, "", 0); break; case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: set_fill_string(set, item->node->schema->name, strlen(item->node->schema->name)); break; case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: set_fill_string(set, ((struct lyd_attr *)item->node)->name, strlen(((struct lyd_attr *)item->node)->name)); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath name(node-set?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_STRING * with the node name fully qualified (with namespace) from the argument or the context. * !! This function does not follow its definition and actually copies what local-name() * function does, for the ietf-ipfix-psamp module that uses it incorrectly. !! * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_name(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { return xpath_local_name(args, arg_count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); } /** * @brief Execute the XPath namespace-uri(node-set?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_STRING * with the namespace of the node from the argument or the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_namespace_uri(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lyxp_set_node *item; struct lys_module *module; /* suppress unused variable warning */ (void)cur_node; (void)options; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (arg_count) { if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "namespace-uri(node-set?)"); return -1; } /* we need the set sorted, it affects the result */ assert(!set_sort(args[0], cur_node, options)); item = &args[0]->val.nodes[0]; } else { if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INCTX, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_set_type(set), "namespace-uri(node-set?)"); return -1; } /* we need the set sorted, it affects the result */ assert(!set_sort(set, cur_node, options)); item = &set->val.nodes[0]; } switch (item->type) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: set_fill_string(set, "", 0); break; case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: if (item->type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { module = item->node->schema->module; } else { /* LYXP_NODE_ATTR */ module = ((struct lyd_attr *)item->node)->annotation->module; } module = lys_main_module(module); set_fill_string(set, module->ns, strlen(module->ns)); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath node() function (node type). Returns LYXP_SET_NODE_SET * with only nodes from the context. In practice it either leaves the context * as it is or returns an empty node set. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_node(struct lyxp_set **UNUSED(args), uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath normalize-space(string?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_STRING * with normalized value (no leading, trailing, double white spaces) of the node * from the argument or the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_normalize_space(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { uint16_t i, new_used; char *new; int have_spaces = 0, space_before = 0, ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if (arg_count && (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (arg_count) { set_fill_set(set, args[0]); } if (lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } /* is there any normalization necessary? */ for (i = 0; set->val.str[i]; ++i) { if (is_xmlws(set->val.str[i])) { if ((i == 0) || space_before || (!set->val.str[i + 1])) { have_spaces = 1; break; } space_before = 1; } else { space_before = 0; } } /* yep, there is */ if (have_spaces) { /* it's enough, at least one character will go, makes space for ending '\0' */ new = malloc(strlen(set->val.str) * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!new, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); new_used = 0; space_before = 0; for (i = 0; set->val.str[i]; ++i) { if (is_xmlws(set->val.str[i])) { if ((i == 0) || space_before) { space_before = 1; continue; } else { space_before = 1; } } else { space_before = 0; } new[new_used] = (space_before ? ' ' : set->val.str[i]); ++new_used; } /* at worst there is one trailing space now */ if (new_used && is_xmlws(new[new_used - 1])) { --new_used; } new = ly_realloc(new, (new_used + 1) * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!new, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); new[new_used] = '\0'; free(set->val.str); set->val.str = new; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath not(boolean) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * with the argument converted to boolean and logically inverted. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_not(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); if (args[0]->val.bool) { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); } else { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath number(object?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the number representation of either the argument or the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_number(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (arg_count) { if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_set(set, args[0]); } else { if (lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath position() function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the context position. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_position(struct lyxp_set **UNUSED(args), uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_fill_number(set, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INCTX, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_set_type(set), "position()"); return -1; } set_fill_number(set, set->ctx_pos); /* UNUSED in 'Release' build type */ (void)options; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the YANG 1.1 re-match(string, string) function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * depending on whether the second argument regex matches the first argument string. For details refer to * YANG 1.1 RFC section 10.2.1. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_re_match(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { pcre *precomp; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyp_check_pattern(local_mod->ctx, args[1]->val.str, &precomp)) { return -1; } if (pcre_exec(precomp, NULL, args[0]->val.str, strlen(args[0]->val.str), 0, 0, NULL, 0)) { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); } else { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); } free(precomp); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath round(number) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the rounded first argument. For details refer to * http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116/#function-round. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_round(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || !(sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s not a node-set as expected.", __func__); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_specific_type(&sleaf->type, LY_TYPE_DEC64)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of type \"decimal64\".", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } /* cover only the cases where floor can't be used */ if ((args[0]->val.num == -0.0f) || ((args[0]->val.num < 0) && (args[0]->val.num >= -0.5))) { set_fill_number(set, -0.0f); } else { args[0]->val.num += 0.5; if (xpath_floor(args, 1, cur_node, local_mod, args[0], options)) { return -1; } set_fill_number(set, args[0]->val.num); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath starts-with(string, string) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN whether the second argument is * the prefix of the first or not. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_starts_with(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (strncmp(args[0]->val.str, args[1]->val.str, strlen(args[1]->val.str))) { set_fill_boolean(set, 0); } else { set_fill_boolean(set, 1); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath string(object?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_STRING * with the string representation of either the argument or the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_string(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (arg_count) { if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_set(set, args[0]); } else { if (lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath string-length(string?) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the length of the string in either the argument or the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_string_length(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if (arg_count && (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (!arg_count && (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(set))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #0 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #0 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (arg_count) { if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_number(set, strlen(args[0]->val.str)); } else { if (lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set_fill_number(set, strlen(set->val.str)); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath substring(string, number, number?) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_STRING substring of the first argument starting * on the second argument index ending on the third argument index, * indexed from 1. For exact definition refer to * http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116/#function-substring. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_substring(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t arg_count, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int start, len, ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; uint16_t str_start, str_len, pos; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_numeric_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of numeric type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((arg_count == 3) && (args[2]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[2]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #3 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_numeric_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #3 of %s is node \"%s\", not of numeric type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } /* start */ if (xpath_round(&args[1], 1, cur_node, local_mod, args[1], options)) { return -1; } if (isfinite(args[1]->val.num)) { start = args[1]->val.num - 1; } else if (isinf(args[1]->val.num) && signbit(args[1]->val.num)) { start = INT_MIN; } else { start = INT_MAX; } /* len */ if (arg_count == 3) { if (xpath_round(&args[2], 1, cur_node, local_mod, args[2], options)) { return -1; } if (isfinite(args[2]->val.num)) { len = args[2]->val.num; } else if (isnan(args[2]->val.num) || signbit(args[2]->val.num)) { len = 0; } else { len = INT_MAX; } } else { len = INT_MAX; } /* find matching character positions */ str_start = 0; str_len = 0; for (pos = 0; args[0]->val.str[pos]; ++pos) { if (pos < start) { ++str_start; } else if (pos < start + len) { ++str_len; } else { break; } } set_fill_string(set, args[0]->val.str + str_start, str_len); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath substring-after(string, string) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_STRING with the string succeeding the occurrence * of the second argument in the first or an empty string. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_substring_after(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { char *ptr; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } ptr = strstr(args[0]->val.str, args[1]->val.str); if (ptr) { set_fill_string(set, ptr + strlen(args[1]->val.str), strlen(ptr + strlen(args[1]->val.str))); } else { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath substring-before(string, string) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_STRING with the string preceding the occurrence * of the second argument in the first or an empty string. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_substring_before(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { char *ptr; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } ptr = strstr(args[0]->val.str, args[1]->val.str); if (ptr) { set_fill_string(set, args[0]->val.str, ptr - args[0]->val.str); } else { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath sum(node-set) function. Returns LYXP_SET_NUMBER * with the sum of all the nodes in the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_sum(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { long double num; char *str; uint16_t i; struct lyxp_set set_item; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { for (i = 0; i < args[0]->used; ++i) { if (args[0]->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)args[0]->val.snodes[i].snode; if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_numeric_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of numeric type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } set_fill_number(set, 0); if (args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (args[0]->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INARGTYPE, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, 1, print_set_type(args[0]), "sum(node-set)"); return -1; } set_item.type = LYXP_SET_NODE_SET; set_item.val.nodes = malloc(sizeof *set_item.val.nodes); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set_item.val.nodes, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); set_item.used = 1; set_item.size = 1; for (i = 0; i < args[0]->used; ++i) { set_item.val.nodes[0] = args[0]->val.nodes[i]; str = cast_node_set_to_string(&set_item, cur_node, local_mod, options); if (!str) { return -1; } num = cast_string_to_number(str); free(str); set->val.num += num; } free(set_item.val.nodes); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath text() function (node type). Returns LYXP_SET_NODE_SET * with the text content of the nodes in the context. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_text(struct lyxp_set **UNUSED(args), uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { uint32_t i; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INCTX, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_set_type(set), "text()"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < set->used;) { switch (set->val.nodes[i].type) { case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: if (set->val.nodes[i].node->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_DUMMY, LY_VLOG_LYD, set->val.nodes[i].node, set->val.nodes[i].node->schema->name); return -1; } if ((set->val.nodes[i].node->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST)) && ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)set->val.nodes[i].node)->value_str) { set->val.nodes[i].type = LYXP_NODE_TEXT; ++i; break; } /* fall through */ case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: set_remove_node(set, i); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath translate(string, string, string) function. * Returns LYXP_SET_STRING with the first argument with the characters * from the second argument replaced by those on the corresponding * positions in the third argument. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_translate(struct lyxp_set **args, uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { uint16_t i, j, new_used; char *new; int found, have_removed; struct lys_node_leaf *sleaf; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if ((args[0]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[0]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #1 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[1]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[1]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #2 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } if ((args[2]->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) && (sleaf = (struct lys_node_leaf *)warn_get_snode_in_ctx(args[2]))) { if (!(sleaf->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #3 of %s is a %s node \"%s\".", __func__, strnodetype(sleaf->nodetype), sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (!warn_is_string_type(&sleaf->type)) { LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Argument #3 of %s is node \"%s\", not of string-type.", __func__, sleaf->name); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return ret; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[0], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[1], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(args[2], LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } new = malloc((strlen(args[0]->val.str) + 1) * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!new, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); new_used = 0; have_removed = 0; for (i = 0; args[0]->val.str[i]; ++i) { found = 0; for (j = 0; args[1]->val.str[j]; ++j) { if (args[0]->val.str[i] == args[1]->val.str[j]) { /* removing this char */ if (j >= strlen(args[2]->val.str)) { have_removed = 1; found = 1; break; } /* replacing this char */ new[new_used] = args[2]->val.str[j]; ++new_used; found = 1; break; } } /* copying this char */ if (!found) { new[new_used] = args[0]->val.str[i]; ++new_used; } } if (have_removed) { new = ly_realloc(new, (new_used + 1) * sizeof(char)); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!new, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); } new[new_used] = '\0'; lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); set->type = LYXP_SET_STRING; set->val.str = new; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Execute the XPath true() function. Returns LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN * with true value. * * @param[in] args Array of arguments. * @param[in] arg_count Count of elements in \p args. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set at the same time. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int xpath_true(struct lyxp_set **UNUSED(args), uint16_t UNUSED(arg_count), struct lyd_node *UNUSED(cur_node), struct lys_module *UNUSED(local_mod), struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } set_fill_boolean(set, 1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * moveto functions * * They and only they actually change the context (set). */ /** * @brief Resolve and find a specific model. Does not log. * * \p cur_snode is required in 2 quite specific cases concerning * XPath on schema. Problem is when we are parsing a submodule * and referencing something in the main module or parsing * a module importing another module that references back * the original module. Then the target module is still being * parsed and it not yet in the context - it fails to resolve. * In these cases we can find the module using \p cur_snode. * * @param[in] mod_name_ns Either module name or namespace. * @param[in] mon_nam_ns_len Length of \p mod_name_ns. * @param[in] ctx libyang context. * @param[in] cur_snode Current schema node, on data XPath leave NULL. * @param[in] is_name Whether \p mod_name_ns is module name (1) or namespace (0). * * @return Corresponding module or NULL on error. */ static struct lys_module * moveto_resolve_model(const char *mod_name_ns, uint16_t mod_nam_ns_len, struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_node *cur_snode, int is_name, int import_and_disabled_model) { uint16_t i; const char *str; struct lys_module *mod, *mainmod; if (cur_snode) { /* detect if the XPath is used in augment - in such a case the module of the context node (cur_snode) * differs from the currently processed module. Then, we have to use the currently processed module * for searching for the module/namespace instead of the module of the context node */ if (ctx->models.parsing_sub_modules_count && cur_snode->module != ctx->models.parsing_sub_modules[ctx->models.parsing_sub_modules_count - 1]) { mod = ctx->models.parsing_sub_modules[ctx->models.parsing_sub_modules_count - 1]; } else { mod = cur_snode->module; } mainmod = lys_main_module(mod); str = (is_name ? mainmod->name : mainmod->ns); if (!strncmp(str, mod_name_ns, mod_nam_ns_len) && !str[mod_nam_ns_len]) { return mainmod; } for (i = 0; i < mod->imp_size; ++i) { str = (is_name ? mod->imp[i].module->name : mod->imp[i].module->ns); if (!strncmp(str, mod_name_ns, mod_nam_ns_len) && !str[mod_nam_ns_len]) { return mod->imp[i].module; } } } for (i = 0; i < ctx->models.used; ++i) { if (!import_and_disabled_model && (!ctx->models.list[i]->implemented || ctx->models.list[i]->disabled)) { /* skip not implemented or disabled modules */ continue; } str = (is_name ? ctx->models.list[i]->name : ctx->models.list[i]->ns); if (!strncmp(str, mod_name_ns, mod_nam_ns_len) && !str[mod_nam_ns_len]) { return ctx->models.list[i]; } } return NULL; } /** * @brief Get the context root. * * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * @param[out] root_type Root type, differs only in when, must evaluation. * * @return Context root. */ static const struct lyd_node * moveto_get_root(const struct lyd_node *cur_node, int options, enum lyxp_node_type *root_type) { const struct lyd_node *root; const struct lys_node *op; if (!cur_node) { return NULL; } if (!options) { /* special kind of root that can access everything */ for (root = cur_node; root->parent; root = root->parent); for (; root->prev->next; root = root->prev); *root_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; return root; } for (op = cur_node->schema; op && !(op->nodetype & (LYS_RPC | LYS_ACTION | LYS_NOTIF)); op = lys_parent(op)); if (!op && (cur_node->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) { *root_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG; } else { *root_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } for (root = cur_node; root->parent; root = root->parent); for (; root->prev->next; root = root->prev); return root; } static const struct lys_node * moveto_snode_get_root(const struct lys_node *cur_node, int options, enum lyxp_node_type *root_type) { const struct lys_node *root, *op; assert(cur_node && root_type); for (op = cur_node; op && !(op->nodetype & (LYS_RPC | LYS_ACTION | LYS_NOTIF)); op = lys_parent(op)); if (options & LYXP_SNODE) { /* general root that can access everything */ *root_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } else if (!op && (cur_node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) { *root_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG; } else { *root_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } root = lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, lys_node_module(cur_node), LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK); return root; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to the root. Handles absolute path. * Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET. * * @param[in,out] set Set to use. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. */ static void moveto_root(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, int options) { const struct lyd_node *root; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (!set) { return; } root = moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, NULL, options); if (root) { set_insert_node(set, root, 0, root_type, 0); } } static void moveto_snode_root(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lys_node *cur_node, int options) { const struct lys_node *root; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (!set) { return; } if (!cur_node) { LOGINT(NULL); return; } root = moveto_snode_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); set_snode_clear_ctx(set); set_snode_insert_node(set, root, root_type); } /** * @brief Check \p node as a part of NameTest processing. * * @param[in] node Node to check. * @param[in] root_type XPath root node type. * @param[in] node_name Node name to move to. Must be in the dictionary! * @param[in] moveto_mod Expected module of the node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_node_check(struct lyd_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type root_type, const char *node_name, struct lys_module *moveto_mod, int options) { /* module check */ if (moveto_mod && (lyd_node_module(node) != moveto_mod)) { return -1; } /* context check */ if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (node->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { return -1; } /* name check */ if (strcmp(node_name, "*") && !ly_strequal(node->schema->name, node_name, 1)) { return -1; } /* when check */ if ((options & LYXP_WHEN) && !LYD_WHEN_DONE(node->when_status)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* match */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int moveto_snode_check(const struct lys_node *node, enum lyxp_node_type root_type, const char *node_name, struct lys_module *moveto_mod, int options) { struct lys_node *parent; /* RPC input/output check */ for (parent = lys_parent(node); parent && (parent->nodetype == LYS_USES); parent = lys_parent(parent)); if (options & LYXP_SNODE_OUTPUT) { if (parent && (parent->nodetype == LYS_INPUT)) { return -1; } } else { if (parent && (parent->nodetype == LYS_OUTPUT)) { return -1; } } /* module check */ if (strcmp(node_name, "*") && (lys_node_module(node) != moveto_mod)) { return -1; } /* context check */ if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { return -1; } /* name check */ if (strcmp(node_name, "*") && !ly_strequal(node->name, node_name, 1)) { return -1; } /* match */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to a node. Handles '/' and '*', 'NAME', 'PREFIX:*', or 'PREFIX:NAME'. * Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). Context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set Set to use. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] qname Qualified node name to move to. * @param[in] qname_len Length of \p qname. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_node(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, const char *qname, uint16_t qname_len, int options) { uint32_t i; int replaced, pref_len, ret; const char *ptr, *name_dict = NULL; /* optimalization - so we can do (==) instead (!strncmp(...)) in moveto_node_check() */ struct lys_module *moveto_mod; struct lyd_node *sub; struct ly_ctx *ctx; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } assert(cur_node); ctx = cur_node->schema->module->ctx; if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* prefix */ if ((ptr = strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len))) { /* specific module */ pref_len = ptr - qname; moveto_mod = moveto_resolve_model(qname, pref_len, ctx, NULL, 1, 0); if (!moveto_mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, qname); return -1; } qname += pref_len + 1; qname_len -= pref_len + 1; } else if ((qname[0] == '*') && (qname_len == 1)) { /* all modules - special case */ moveto_mod = NULL; } else { /* content node module */ moveto_mod = lyd_node_module(cur_node); } /* name */ name_dict = lydict_insert(ctx, qname, qname_len); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ) { replaced = 0; if ((set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) || (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT)) { LY_TREE_FOR(set->val.nodes[i].node, sub) { ret = moveto_node_check(sub, root_type, name_dict, moveto_mod, options); if (!ret) { /* pos filled later */ if (!replaced) { set_replace_node(set, sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, i); replaced = 1; } else { set_insert_node(set, sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, i); } ++i; } else if (ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { lydict_remove(ctx, name_dict); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* skip nodes without children - leaves, leaflists, anyxmls, and dummy nodes (ouput root will eval to true) */ } else if (!(set->val.nodes[i].node->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE) && !(set->val.nodes[i].node->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_ANYDATA))) { LY_TREE_FOR(set->val.nodes[i].node->child, sub) { ret = moveto_node_check(sub, root_type, name_dict, moveto_mod, options); if (!ret) { if (!replaced) { set_replace_node(set, sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, i); replaced = 1; } else { set_insert_node(set, sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, i); } ++i; } else if (ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { lydict_remove(ctx, name_dict); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } if (!replaced) { /* no match */ set_remove_node(set, i); } } lydict_remove(ctx, name_dict); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int moveto_snode(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lys_node *cur_node, const char *qname, uint16_t qname_len, int options) { int i, orig_used, pref_len, idx, temp_ctx = 0; uint32_t mod_idx; const char *ptr, *name_dict = NULL; /* optimalization - so we can do (==) instead (!strncmp(...)) in moveto_node_check() */ struct lys_module *moveto_mod, *tmp_mod; const struct lys_node *sub, *start_parent; struct lys_node_augment *last_aug; struct ly_ctx *ctx; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } ctx = cur_node->module->ctx; if (set->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } moveto_snode_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* prefix */ if ((ptr = strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len))) { pref_len = ptr - qname; moveto_mod = moveto_resolve_model(qname, pref_len, ctx, cur_node, 1, 1); if (!moveto_mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, qname); return -1; } qname += pref_len + 1; qname_len -= pref_len + 1; } else if ((qname[0] == '*') && (qname_len == 1)) { /* all modules - special case */ moveto_mod = NULL; } else { /* content node module */ moveto_mod = lys_node_module(cur_node); } /* name */ name_dict = lydict_insert(ctx, qname, qname_len); orig_used = set->used; for (i = 0; i < orig_used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx != 1) { continue; } set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 0; start_parent = set->val.snodes[i].snode; if ((set->val.snodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) || (set->val.snodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT)) { /* it can actually be in any module, it's all , but we know it's moveto_mod (if set), * so use it directly (root node itself is useless in this case) */ mod_idx = 0; while (moveto_mod || (moveto_mod = (struct lys_module *)ly_ctx_get_module_iter(ctx, &mod_idx))) { sub = NULL; while ((sub = lys_getnext(sub, NULL, moveto_mod, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK))) { if (!moveto_snode_check(sub, root_type, name_dict, moveto_mod, options)) { idx = set_snode_insert_node(set, sub, LYXP_NODE_ELEM); /* we need to prevent these nodes from being considered in this moveto */ if ((idx < orig_used) && (idx > i)) { set->val.snodes[idx].in_ctx = 2; temp_ctx = 1; } } } if (!mod_idx) { /* moveto_mod was specified, we are not going through the whole context */ break; } /* next iteration */ moveto_mod = NULL; } /* skip nodes without children - leaves, leaflists, and anyxmls (ouput root will eval to true) */ } else if (!(start_parent->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_ANYDATA))) { /* the target may be from an augment that was not connected */ last_aug = NULL; tmp_mod = NULL; if ((moveto_mod && !moveto_mod->implemented) || (!moveto_mod && !lys_node_module(cur_node)->implemented)) { if (moveto_mod) { tmp_mod = moveto_mod; } else { tmp_mod = lys_node_module(cur_node); } get_next_augment: last_aug = lys_getnext_target_aug(last_aug, tmp_mod, start_parent); } sub = NULL; while ((sub = lys_getnext(sub, (last_aug ? (struct lys_node *)last_aug : start_parent), NULL, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK))) { if (!moveto_snode_check(sub, root_type, name_dict, (moveto_mod ? moveto_mod : lys_node_module(cur_node)), options)) { idx = set_snode_insert_node(set, sub, LYXP_NODE_ELEM); if ((idx < orig_used) && (idx > i)) { set->val.snodes[idx].in_ctx = 2; temp_ctx = 1; } } } if (last_aug) { /* try also other augments */ goto get_next_augment; } } } lydict_remove(ctx, name_dict); /* correct temporary in_ctx values */ if (temp_ctx) { for (i = 0; i < orig_used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 2) { set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 1; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to a node and all its descendants. Handles '//' and '*', 'NAME', * 'PREFIX:*', or 'PREFIX:NAME'. Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). * Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] qname Qualified node name to move to. * @param[in] qname_len Length of \p qname. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, ECIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_node_alldesc(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, const char *qname, uint16_t qname_len, int options) { uint32_t i; int pref_len, all = 0, match, ret; struct lyd_node *next, *elem, *start; struct lys_module *moveto_mod; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; struct lyxp_set ret_set; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* prefix */ if (strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len) && cur_node) { pref_len = strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len) - qname; moveto_mod = moveto_resolve_model(qname, pref_len, cur_node->schema->module->ctx, NULL, 1, 0); if (!moveto_mod) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, qname); return -1; } qname += pref_len + 1; qname_len -= pref_len + 1; } else { moveto_mod = NULL; } /* replace the original nodes (and throws away all text and attr nodes, root is replaced by a child) */ ret = moveto_node(set, cur_node, "*", 1, options); if (ret) { return ret; } if ((qname_len == 1) && (qname[0] == '*')) { all = 1; } /* this loop traverses all the nodes in the set and addds/keeps only * those that match qname */ memset(&ret_set, 0, sizeof ret_set); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { /* TREE DFS */ start = set->val.nodes[i].node; for (elem = next = start; elem; elem = next) { /* when check */ if ((options & LYXP_WHEN) && !LYD_WHEN_DONE(elem->when_status)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* dummy and context check */ if ((elem->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE) || ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (elem->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R))) { goto skip_children; } match = 1; /* module check */ if (!all) { if (moveto_mod && (lys_node_module(elem->schema) != moveto_mod)) { match = 0; } else if (!moveto_mod && (lys_node_module(elem->schema) != lyd_node_module(cur_node))) { match = 0; } } /* name check */ if (match && !all && (strncmp(elem->schema->name, qname, qname_len) || elem->schema->name[qname_len])) { match = 0; } if (match) { /* add matching node into result set */ set_insert_node(&ret_set, elem, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, ret_set.used); if (set_dup_node_check(set, elem, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, i)) { /* the node is a duplicate, we'll process it later in the set */ goto skip_children; } } /* TREE DFS NEXT ELEM */ /* select element for the next run - children first */ if (elem->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_ANYDATA)) { next = NULL; } else { next = elem->child; } if (!next) { skip_children: /* no children, so try siblings, but only if it's not the start, * that is considered to be the root and it's siblings are not traversed */ if (elem != start) { next = elem->next; } else { break; } } while (!next) { /* no siblings, go back through the parents */ if (elem->parent == start) { /* we are done, no next element to process */ break; } /* parent is already processed, go to its sibling */ elem = elem->parent; next = elem->next; } } } /* make the temporary set the current one */ ret_set.ctx_pos = set->ctx_pos; ret_set.ctx_size = set->ctx_size; set_free_content(set); memcpy(set, &ret_set, sizeof *set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int moveto_snode_alldesc(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lys_node *cur_node, const char *qname, uint16_t qname_len, int options) { int i, orig_used, pref_len, all = 0, match, idx; struct lys_node *next, *elem, *start; struct lys_module *moveto_mod; struct ly_ctx *ctx; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } ctx = cur_node->module->ctx; if (set->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } moveto_snode_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* prefix */ if (strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len)) { pref_len = strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len) - qname; moveto_mod = moveto_resolve_model(qname, pref_len, ctx, cur_node, 1, 1); if (!moveto_mod) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, qname); return -1; } qname += pref_len + 1; qname_len -= pref_len + 1; } else { moveto_mod = NULL; } if ((qname_len == 1) && (qname[0] == '*')) { all = 1; } orig_used = set->used; for (i = 0; i < orig_used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx != 1) { continue; } set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 0; /* TREE DFS */ start = set->val.snodes[i].snode; for (elem = next = start; elem; elem = next) { /* context/nodetype check */ if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (elem->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { /* valid node, but it is hidden in this context */ goto skip_children; } switch (elem->nodetype) { case LYS_USES: case LYS_CHOICE: case LYS_CASE: /* schema-only nodes */ goto next_iter; case LYS_INPUT: if (options & LYXP_SNODE_OUTPUT) { goto skip_children; } goto next_iter; case LYS_OUTPUT: if (!(options & LYXP_SNODE_OUTPUT)) { goto skip_children; } goto next_iter; case LYS_GROUPING: goto skip_children; default: break; } match = 1; /* skip root */ if (elem == start) { match = 0; } /* module check */ if (match && !all) { if (moveto_mod && (lys_node_module(elem) != moveto_mod)) { match = 0; } else if (!moveto_mod && (lys_node_module(elem) != lys_node_module(cur_node))) { match = 0; } } /* name check */ if (match && !all && (strncmp(elem->name, qname, qname_len) || elem->name[qname_len])) { match = 0; } if (match) { if ((idx = set_snode_dup_node_check(set, elem, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, i)) > -1) { set->val.snodes[idx].in_ctx = 1; if (idx > i) { /* we will process it later in the set */ goto skip_children; } } else { set_snode_insert_node(set, elem, LYXP_NODE_ELEM); } } next_iter: /* TREE DFS NEXT ELEM */ /* select element for the next run - children first */ next = elem->child; if (elem->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_ANYDATA)) { next = NULL; } if (!next) { skip_children: /* no children, so try siblings, but only if it's not the start, * that is considered to be the root and it's siblings are not traversed */ if (elem != start) { next = elem->next; } else { break; } } while (!next) { /* no siblings, go back through the parents */ if (lys_parent(elem) == start) { /* we are done, no next element to process */ break; } /* parent is already processed, go to its sibling */ elem = lys_parent(elem); next = elem->next; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to an attribute. Handles '/' and '@*', '@NAME', '@PREFIX:*', * or '@PREFIX:NAME'. Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). * Indirectly context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set Set to use. * @param[in] qname Qualified node name to move to. * @param[in] qname_len Length of \p qname. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_attr(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, const char *qname, uint16_t qname_len, int UNUSED(options)) { uint32_t i; int replaced, all = 0, pref_len; struct lys_module *moveto_mod; struct lyd_attr *sub; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } /* prefix */ if (strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len) && cur_node) { pref_len = strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len) - qname; moveto_mod = moveto_resolve_model(qname, pref_len, cur_node->schema->module->ctx, NULL, 1, 0); if (!moveto_mod) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, qname); return -1; } qname += pref_len + 1; qname_len -= pref_len + 1; } else { moveto_mod = NULL; } if ((qname_len == 1) && (qname[0] == '*')) { all = 1; } for (i = 0; i < set->used; ) { replaced = 0; /* only attributes of an elem (not dummy) can be in the result, skip all the rest; * our attributes are always qualified */ if ((set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) && !(set->val.nodes[i].node->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE)) { LY_TREE_FOR(set->val.nodes[i].node->attr, sub) { /* check "namespace" */ if (moveto_mod && (sub->annotation->module != moveto_mod)) { /* no match */ continue; } if (all || (!strncmp(sub->name, qname, qname_len) && !sub->name[qname_len])) { /* match */ if (!replaced) { set->val.attrs[i].attr = sub; set->val.attrs[i].type = LYXP_NODE_ATTR; /* pos does not change */ replaced = 1; } else { set_insert_node(set, (struct lyd_node *)sub, set->val.nodes[i].pos, LYXP_NODE_ATTR, i + 1); } ++i; } } } if (!replaced) { /* no match */ set_remove_node(set, i); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set1 to union with \p set2. \p set2 is emptied afterwards. * Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). Context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set1 Set to use for the result. * @param[in] set2 Set that is copied to \p set1. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_union(struct lyxp_set *set1, struct lyxp_set *set2, struct lyd_node *cur_node, int options) { struct ly_ctx *ctx = (options & LYXP_SNODE) ? ((struct lys_node *)cur_node)->module->ctx : cur_node->schema->module->ctx; if (((set1->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (set1->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) || ((set2->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && (set2->type != LYXP_SET_EMPTY))) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_2, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "union", print_set_type(set1), print_set_type(set2)); return -1; } /* set2 is empty or both set1 and set2 */ if (set2->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { memcpy(set1, set2, sizeof *set1); /* dynamic memory belongs to set1 now, do not free */ set2->type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* we assume sets are sorted */ assert(!set_sort(set1, cur_node, options) && !set_sort(set2, cur_node, options)); /* sort, remove duplicates */ if (set_sorted_merge(set1, set2, cur_node, options)) { return -1; } /* final set must be sorted */ assert(!set_sort(set1, cur_node, options)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to an attribute in any of the descendants. Handles '//' and '@*', * '@NAME', '@PREFIX:*', or '@PREFIX:NAME'. Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). * Context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set Set to use. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] qname Qualified node name to move to. * @param[in] qname_len Length of \p qname. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_attr_alldesc(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, const char *qname, uint16_t qname_len, int options) { uint32_t i; int pref_len, replaced, all = 0, ret; struct lyd_attr *sub; struct lys_module *moveto_mod; struct lyxp_set *set_all_desc = NULL; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } /* prefix */ if (strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len)) { pref_len = strnchr(qname, ':', qname_len) - qname; moveto_mod = moveto_resolve_model(qname, pref_len, cur_node->schema->module->ctx, NULL, 1, 0); if (!moveto_mod) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INMOD, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, pref_len, qname); return -1; } qname += pref_len + 1; qname_len -= pref_len + 1; } else { moveto_mod = NULL; } /* can be optimized similarly to moveto_node_alldesc() and save considerable amount of memory, * but it likely won't be used much, so it's a waste of time */ /* copy the context */ set_all_desc = set_copy(set); /* get all descendant nodes (the original context nodes are removed) */ ret = moveto_node_alldesc(set_all_desc, cur_node, "*", 1, options); if (ret) { lyxp_set_free(set_all_desc); return ret; } /* prepend the original context nodes */ if (moveto_union(set, set_all_desc, cur_node, options)) { lyxp_set_free(set_all_desc); return -1; } lyxp_set_free(set_all_desc); if ((qname_len == 1) && (qname[0] == '*')) { all = 1; } for (i = 0; i < set->used; ) { replaced = 0; /* only attributes of an elem can be in the result, skip all the rest, * we have all attributes qualified in lyd tree */ if (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { LY_TREE_FOR(set->val.nodes[i].node->attr, sub) { /* check "namespace" */ if (moveto_mod && (sub->annotation->module != moveto_mod)) { /* no match */ continue; } if (all || (!strncmp(sub->name, qname, qname_len) && !sub->name[qname_len])) { /* match */ if (!replaced) { set->val.attrs[i].attr = sub; set->val.attrs[i].type = LYXP_NODE_ATTR; /* pos does not change */ replaced = 1; } else { set_insert_node(set, (struct lyd_node *)sub, set->val.attrs[i].pos, LYXP_NODE_ATTR, i + 1); } ++i; } } } if (!replaced) { /* no match */ set_remove_node(set, i); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int moveto_self_add_children_r(const struct lyd_node *parent, uint32_t parent_pos, enum lyxp_node_type parent_type, struct lyxp_set *to_set, const struct lyxp_set *dup_check_set, enum lyxp_node_type root_type, int options) { const struct lyd_node *sub; int ret; switch (parent_type) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT: case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: /* add all top-level nodes as elements */ LY_TREE_FOR(parent, sub) { if ((parent_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (sub->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { continue; } if (!set_dup_node_check(dup_check_set, sub, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, -1)) { set_insert_node(to_set, sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, to_set->used); /* skip anydata/anyxml and dummy nodes */ if (!(sub->schema->nodetype & LYS_ANYDATA) && !(sub->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE)) { /* also add all the children of this node, recursively */ ret = moveto_self_add_children_r(sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, to_set, dup_check_set, root_type, options); if (ret) { return ret; } } } } break; case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: /* add all the children ... */ if (!(parent->schema->nodetype & (LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST))) { LY_TREE_FOR(parent->child, sub) { /* context check */ if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (sub->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { continue; } /* when check */ if ((options & LYXP_WHEN) && !LYD_WHEN_DONE(sub->when_status)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!set_dup_node_check(dup_check_set, sub, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, -1)) { set_insert_node(to_set, sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, to_set->used); /* skip anydata/anyxml and dummy nodes */ if ((sub->schema->nodetype & LYS_ANYDATA) || (sub->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE)) { continue; } /* also add all the children of this node, recursively */ ret = moveto_self_add_children_r(sub, 0, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, to_set, dup_check_set, root_type, options); if (ret) { return ret; } } } /* ... or add their text node, ... */ } else { /* ... but only non-empty */ if (((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)parent)->value_str) { if (!set_dup_node_check(dup_check_set, parent, LYXP_NODE_TEXT, -1)) { set_insert_node(to_set, parent, parent_pos, LYXP_NODE_TEXT, to_set->used); } } } break; default: LOGINT(lyd_node_module(parent)->ctx); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to self. Handles '/' or '//' and '.'. Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET * (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). Context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set Set to use. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] all_desc Whether to go to all descendants ('//') or not ('/'). * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_self(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, int all_desc, int options) { uint32_t i; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; struct lyxp_set ret_set; int ret; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(cur_node->schema->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } /* nothing to do */ if (!all_desc) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* add all the children, they get added recursively */ memset(&ret_set, 0, sizeof ret_set); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { /* copy the current node to tmp */ set_insert_node(&ret_set, set->val.nodes[i].node, set->val.nodes[i].pos, set->val.nodes[i].type, ret_set.used); /* do not touch attributes and text nodes */ if ((set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_TEXT) || (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR)) { continue; } /* skip anydata/anyxml and dummy nodes */ if ((set->val.nodes[i].node->schema->nodetype & LYS_ANYDATA) || (set->val.nodes[i].node->validity & LYD_VAL_INUSE)) { continue; } /* add all the children */ ret = moveto_self_add_children_r(set->val.nodes[i].node, set->val.nodes[i].pos, set->val.nodes[i].type, &ret_set, set, root_type, options); if (ret) { set_free_content(&ret_set); return ret; } } /* use the temporary set as the current one */ ret_set.ctx_pos = set->ctx_pos; ret_set.ctx_size = set->ctx_size; set_free_content(set); memcpy(set, &ret_set, sizeof *set); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int moveto_snode_self(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lys_node *cur_node, int all_desc, int options) { const struct lys_node *sub; uint32_t i; enum lyxp_node_type root_type; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { LOGVAL(cur_node->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } /* nothing to do */ if (!all_desc) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } moveto_snode_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); /* add all the children, they get added recursively */ for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx != 1) { continue; } /* add all the children */ if (set->val.snodes[i].snode->nodetype & (LYS_LIST | LYS_CONTAINER)) { sub = NULL; while ((sub = lys_getnext(sub, set->val.snodes[i].snode, NULL, LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK))) { /* RPC input/output check */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_OUTPUT) { if (lys_parent(sub)->nodetype == LYS_INPUT) { continue; } } else { if (lys_parent(sub)->nodetype == LYS_OUTPUT) { continue; } } /* context check */ if ((root_type == LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG) && (sub->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R)) { continue; } set_snode_insert_node(set, sub, LYXP_NODE_ELEM); /* throw away the insert index, we want to consider that node again, recursively */ } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to parent. Handles '/' or '//' and '..'. Result is LYXP_SET_NODE_SET * (or LYXP_SET_EMPTY). Context position aware. * * @param[in] set Set to use. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * @param[in] all_desc Whether to go to all descendants ('//') or not ('/'). * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_parent(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lyd_node *cur_node, int all_desc, int options) { struct ly_ctx *ctx = cur_node->schema->module->ctx; int ret; uint32_t i; struct lyd_node *node, *new_node; const struct lyd_node *root; enum lyxp_node_type root_type, new_type; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } if (all_desc) { /* //.. == //./.. */ ret = moveto_self(set, cur_node, 1, options); if (ret) { return ret; } } root = moveto_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ) { node = set->val.nodes[i].node; if (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { new_node = node->parent; } else if (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_TEXT) { new_node = node; } else if (set->val.nodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ATTR) { new_node = (struct lyd_node *)lyd_attr_parent(root, set->val.attrs[i].attr); if (!new_node) { LOGINT(ctx); return -1; } } else { /* root does not have a parent */ set_remove_node(set, i); continue; } /* when check */ if ((options & LYXP_WHEN) && new_node && !LYD_WHEN_DONE(new_node->when_status)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* node already there can also be the root */ if (root == node) { if (options && (cur_node->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG; } else { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } new_node = node; /* node has no parent */ } else if (!new_node) { if (options && (cur_node->schema->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG; } else { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } #ifndef NDEBUG for (; node->prev->next; node = node->prev); if (node != root) { LOGINT(ctx); } #endif new_node = (struct lyd_node *)root; /* node has a standard parent (it can equal the root, it's not the root yet since they are fake) */ } else { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ELEM; } assert((new_type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) || ((new_type == root_type) && (new_node == root))); if (set_dup_node_check(set, new_node, new_type, -1)) { set_remove_node(set, i); } else { set_replace_node(set, new_node, 0, new_type, i); ++i; } } assert(!set_sort(set, cur_node, options) && !set_sorted_dup_node_clean(set)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static int moveto_snode_parent(struct lyxp_set *set, struct lys_node *cur_node, int all_desc, int options) { int idx, i, orig_used, temp_ctx = 0; struct lys_node *node, *new_node; const struct lys_node *root; enum lyxp_node_type root_type, new_type; if (!set || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (set->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { LOGVAL(cur_node->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INOP_1, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "path operator", print_set_type(set)); return -1; } if (all_desc) { /* //.. == //./.. */ idx = moveto_snode_self(set, cur_node, 1, options); if (idx) { return idx; } } root = moveto_snode_get_root(cur_node, options, &root_type); orig_used = set->used; for (i = 0; i < orig_used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx != 1) { continue; } set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 0; node = set->val.snodes[i].snode; if (set->val.snodes[i].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { for (new_node = lys_parent(node); new_node && (new_node->nodetype & (LYS_USES | LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE | LYS_INPUT | LYS_OUTPUT)); new_node = lys_parent(new_node)); } else { /* root does not have a parent */ continue; } /* node already there can also be the root */ if (root == node) { if ((options & (LYXP_SNODE_MUST | LYXP_SNODE_WHEN)) && (cur_node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG; } else { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } new_node = node; /* node has no parent */ } else if (!new_node) { if ((options & (LYXP_SNODE_MUST | LYXP_SNODE_WHEN)) && (cur_node->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W)) { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG; } else { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ROOT; } #ifndef NDEBUG node = (struct lys_node *)lys_getnext(NULL, NULL, lys_node_module(node), LYS_GETNEXT_NOSTATECHECK); if (node != root) { LOGINT(cur_node->module->ctx); } #endif new_node = (struct lys_node *)root; /* node has a standard parent (it can equal the root, it's not the root yet since they are fake) */ } else { new_type = LYXP_NODE_ELEM; } assert((new_type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) || ((new_type == root_type) && (new_node == root))); idx = set_snode_insert_node(set, new_node, new_type); if ((idx < orig_used) && (idx > i)) { set->val.snodes[idx].in_ctx = 2; temp_ctx = 1; } } if (temp_ctx) { for (i = 0; i < orig_used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 2) { set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 1; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Move context \p set to the result of a comparison. Handles '=', '!=', '<=', '<', '>=', or '>'. * Result is LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN. Indirectly context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set1 Set to use for the result. * @param[in] set2 Set acting as the second operand for \p op. * @param[in] op Comparison operator to process. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_op_comp(struct lyxp_set *set1, struct lyxp_set *set2, const char *op, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int options) { #define LYXP_IS_NODE_SET_OR_EMPTY(type) (((type) == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) || ((type) == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)) /* * NODE SET + NODE SET = NODE SET + STRING /(1 NODE SET) 2 STRING * NODE SET + STRING = STRING + STRING /1 STRING (2 STRING) * NODE SET + NUMBER = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER (2 NUMBER) * NODE SET + BOOLEAN = BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN /1 BOOLEAN (2 BOOLEAN) * STRING + NODE SET = STRING + STRING /(1 STRING) 2 STRING * NUMBER + NODE SET = NUMBER + NUMBER /(1 NUMBER) 2 NUMBER * BOOLEAN + NODE SET = BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN /(1 BOOLEAN) 2 BOOLEAN * * '=' or '!=' * BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN * BOOLEAN + STRING = BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN /(1 BOOLEAN) 2 BOOLEAN * BOOLEAN + NUMBER = BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN /(1 BOOLEAN) 2 BOOLEAN * STRING + BOOLEAN = BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN /1 BOOLEAN (2 BOOLEAN) * NUMBER + BOOLEAN = BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN /1 BOOLEAN (2 BOOLEAN) * NUMBER + NUMBER * NUMBER + STRING = NUMBER + NUMBER /(1 NUMBER) 2 NUMBER * STRING + NUMBER = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER (2 NUMBER) * STRING + STRING * * '<=', '<', '>=', '>' * NUMBER + NUMBER * BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER, 2 NUMBER * BOOLEAN + NUMBER = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER (2 NUMBER) * BOOLEAN + STRING = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER, 2 NUMBER * NUMBER + STRING = NUMBER + NUMBER /(1 NUMBER) 2 NUMBER * STRING + STRING = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER, 2 NUMBER * STRING + NUMBER = NUMBER + NUMBER /1 NUMBER (2 NUMBER) * NUMBER + BOOLEAN = NUMBER + NUMBER /(1 NUMBER) 2 NUMBER * STRING + BOOLEAN = NUMBER + NUMBER /(1 NUMBER) 2 NUMBER */ struct lyxp_set iter1, iter2; int result; int64_t i; iter1.type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; iter2.type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; /* iterative evaluation with node-sets */ if (LYXP_IS_NODE_SET_OR_EMPTY(set1->type) || LYXP_IS_NODE_SET_OR_EMPTY(set2->type)) { if (LYXP_IS_NODE_SET_OR_EMPTY(set1->type)) { if (!LYXP_IS_NODE_SET_OR_EMPTY(set2->type)) { /* canonize the value (wait until set1 is not node set if both are) */ if (set_canonize(set2, set1)) { return -1; } } if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { switch (set2->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: if (lyxp_set_cast(&iter1, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: if (lyxp_set_cast(&iter1, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } break; default: if (lyxp_set_cast(&iter1, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } break; } if (moveto_op_comp(&iter1, set2, op, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { set_free_content(&iter1); return -1; } if (iter1.val.bool) { set_fill_boolean(set1, 1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } else { for (i = 0; i < set1->used; ++i) { switch (set2->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: if (set_comp_cast(&iter1, set1, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, i, options)) { return -1; } break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: if (set_comp_cast(&iter1, set1, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, i, options)) { return -1; } break; default: if (set_comp_cast(&iter1, set1, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, i, options)) { return -1; } break; } if (moveto_op_comp(&iter1, set2, op, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { set_free_content(&iter1); return -1; } /* lazy evaluation until true */ if (iter1.val.bool) { set_fill_boolean(set1, 1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } } } else { /* canonize the value */ if (set_canonize(set1, set2)) { return -1; } if (set2->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { switch (set1->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: if (lyxp_set_cast(&iter2, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: if (lyxp_set_cast(&iter2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } break; default: if (lyxp_set_cast(&iter2, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } break; } set_fill_set(&iter1, set1); if (moveto_op_comp(&iter1, &iter2, op, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { set_free_content(&iter1); set_free_content(&iter2); return -1; } set_free_content(&iter2); if (iter1.val.bool) { set_fill_boolean(set1, 1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } else { for (i = 0; i < set2->used; ++i) { switch (set1->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: if (set_comp_cast(&iter2, set2, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, i, options)) { return -1; } break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: if (set_comp_cast(&iter2, set2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, i, options)) { return -1; } break; default: if (set_comp_cast(&iter2, set2, LYXP_SET_STRING, cur_node, local_mod, i, options)) { return -1; } break; } set_fill_set(&iter1, set1); if (moveto_op_comp(&iter1, &iter2, op, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { set_free_content(&iter1); set_free_content(&iter2); return -1; } set_free_content(&iter2); /* lazy evaluation until true */ if (iter1.val.bool) { set_fill_boolean(set1, 1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } } } /* false for all nodes */ set_fill_boolean(set1, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* first convert properly */ if ((op[0] == '=') || (op[0] == '!')) { if ((set1->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) || (set2->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN)) { lyxp_set_cast(set1, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(set2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); } else if ((set1->type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) || (set2->type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER)) { if (lyxp_set_cast(set1, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(set2, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } } /* else we have 2 strings */ } else { if (lyxp_set_cast(set1, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(set2, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } } assert(set1->type == set2->type); /* compute result */ if (op[0] == '=') { if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) { result = (set1->val.bool == set2->val.bool); } else if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) { result = (set1->val.num == set2->val.num); } else { assert(set1->type == LYXP_SET_STRING); result = (ly_strequal(set1->val.str, set2->val.str, 0)); } } else if (op[0] == '!') { if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) { result = (set1->val.bool != set2->val.bool); } else if (set1->type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) { result = (set1->val.num != set2->val.num); } else { assert(set1->type == LYXP_SET_STRING); result = (!ly_strequal(set1->val.str, set2->val.str, 0)); } } else { assert(set1->type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER); if (op[0] == '<') { if (op[1] == '=') { result = (set1->val.num <= set2->val.num); } else { result = (set1->val.num < set2->val.num); } } else { if (op[1] == '=') { result = (set1->val.num >= set2->val.num); } else { result = (set1->val.num > set2->val.num); } } } /* assign result */ if (result) { set_fill_boolean(set1, 1); } else { set_fill_boolean(set1, 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; #undef LYXP_IS_NODE_SET_OR_EMPTY } /** * @brief Move context \p set to the result of a basic operation. Handles '+', '-', unary '-', '*', 'div', * or 'mod'. Result is LYXP_SET_NUMBER. Indirectly context position aware. * * @param[in,out] set1 Set to use for the result. * @param[in] set2 Set acting as the second operand for \p op. * @param[in] op Operator to process. * @param[in] cur_node Original context node. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int moveto_op_math(struct lyxp_set *set1, struct lyxp_set *set2, const char *op, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int options) { /* unary '-' */ if (!set2 && (op[0] == '-')) { if (lyxp_set_cast(set1, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } set1->val.num *= -1; lyxp_set_free(set2); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } assert(set1 && set2); if (lyxp_set_cast(set1, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } if (lyxp_set_cast(set2, LYXP_SET_NUMBER, cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } switch (op[0]) { /* '+' */ case '+': set1->val.num += set2->val.num; break; /* '-' */ case '-': set1->val.num -= set2->val.num; break; /* '*' */ case '*': set1->val.num *= set2->val.num; break; /* 'div' */ case 'd': set1->val.num /= set2->val.num; break; /* 'mod' */ case 'm': set1->val.num = ((long long)set1->val.num) % ((long long)set2->val.num); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * eval functions * * They execute a parsed XPath expression on some data subtree. */ /** * @brief Evaluate Literal. Logs directly on error. * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static void eval_literal(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyxp_set *set) { if (set) { if (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 2) { set_fill_string(set, "", 0); } else { set_fill_string(set, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx] + 1], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] - 2); } } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); } /** * @brief Evaluate NodeTest. Logs directly on error. * * [6] NodeTest ::= NameTest | NodeType '(' ')' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in] attr_axis Whether to search attributes or standard nodes. * @param[in] all_desc Whether to search all the descendants or children only. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_node_test(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int attr_axis, int all_desc, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int i, rc = 0; char *path; switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: if (attr_axis) { if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { if (all_desc) { rc = moveto_attr_alldesc(set, cur_node, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], options); } else { rc = moveto_attr(set, cur_node, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], options); } } } else { if (all_desc) { if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { rc = moveto_snode_alldesc(set, (struct lys_node *)cur_node, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], options); } else { rc = moveto_node_alldesc(set, cur_node, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], options); } } else { if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { rc = moveto_snode(set, (struct lys_node *)cur_node, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], options); } else { rc = moveto_node(set, cur_node, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], options); } } if (!rc && set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { for (i = set->used - 1; i > -1; --i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx) { break; } } if (i == -1) { path = lys_path((struct lys_node *)cur_node, LYS_PATH_FIRST_PREFIX); LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Schema node \"%.*s\" not found (%.*s) with context node \"%s\".", exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx] + exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], exp->expr, path); free(path); } } } if (rc) { return rc; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); break; case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: if (set) { assert(exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 4); if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); /* just for the debug message underneath */ set = NULL; } else { if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "node", 4)) { if (xpath_node(NULL, 0, cur_node, local_mod, set, options)) { return -1; } } else { assert(!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "text", 4)); if (xpath_text(NULL, 0, cur_node, local_mod, set, options)) { return -1; } } } } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* '(' */ assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* ')' */ assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate Predicate. Logs directly on error. * * [7] Predicate ::= '[' Expr ']' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_predicate(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options, int parent_pos_pred) { int ret; uint16_t i, orig_exp; uint32_t orig_pos, orig_size, pred_in_ctx; struct lyxp_set set2; struct lyd_node *orig_parent; /* '[' */ LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (!set) { only_parse: ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret == -1 || ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { return ret; } } else if (set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) { /* we (possibly) need the set sorted, it can affect the result (if the predicate result is a number) */ assert(!set_sort(set, cur_node, options)); /* empty set, nothing to evaluate */ if (!set->used) { goto only_parse; } orig_exp = *exp_idx; orig_pos = 0; orig_size = set->used; orig_parent = NULL; for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_insert_node(&set2, set->val.nodes[i].node, set->val.nodes[i].pos, set->val.nodes[i].type, 0); /* remember the node context position for position() and context size for last(), * predicates should always be evaluated with respect to the child axis (since we do * not support explicit axes) so we assign positions based on their parents */ if (parent_pos_pred && (set->val.nodes[i].node->parent != orig_parent)) { orig_parent = set->val.nodes[i].node->parent; orig_pos = 1; } else { ++orig_pos; } set2.ctx_pos = orig_pos; set2.ctx_size = orig_size; *exp_idx = orig_exp; ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret == -1 || ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /* number is a position */ if (set2.type == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) { if ((long long)set2.val.num == orig_pos) { set2.val.num = 1; } else { set2.val.num = 0; } } lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); /* predicate satisfied or not? */ if (!set2.val.bool) { #ifdef LY_ENABLED_CACHE set_remove_node_hash(set, set->val.nodes[i].node, set->val.nodes[i].type); #endif set->val.nodes[i].type = LYXP_NODE_NONE; } } /* now actually remove all nodes that have not satisfied the predicate */ set_remove_none_nodes(set); } else if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { /* there is a currently-valid node */ break; } } /* empty set, nothing to evaluate */ if (i == set->used) { goto only_parse; } orig_exp = *exp_idx; /* set special in_ctx to all the valid snodes */ pred_in_ctx = set_snode_new_in_ctx(set); /* use the valid snodes one-by-one */ for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx != pred_in_ctx) { continue; } set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 1; *exp_idx = orig_exp; ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret == -1 || ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { return ret; } set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = pred_in_ctx; } /* restore the state as it was before the predicate */ for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == 1) { set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 0; } else if (set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx == pred_in_ctx) { set->val.snodes[i].in_ctx = 1; } } } else { set2.type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; set_fill_set(&set2, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret == -1 || ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); if (!set2.val.bool) { lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); } lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); } /* ']' */ assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK2); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate RelativeLocationPath. Logs directly on error. * * [4] RelativeLocationPath ::= Step | RelativeLocationPath '/' Step | RelativeLocationPath '//' Step * [5] Step ::= '@'? NodeTest Predicate* | '.' | '..' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in] all_desc Whether to search all the descendants or children only. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_relative_location_path(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, int all_desc, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int attr_axis, ret; goto step; do { /* evaluate '/' or '//' */ if (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 1) { all_desc = 0; } else { assert(exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 2); all_desc = 1; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); step: /* Step */ attr_axis = 0; switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: /* evaluate '.' */ if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { ret = moveto_snode_self(set, (struct lys_node *)cur_node, all_desc, options); } else { ret = moveto_self(set, cur_node, all_desc, options); } if (ret) { return ret; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); break; case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: /* evaluate '..' */ if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { ret = moveto_snode_parent(set, (struct lys_node *)cur_node, all_desc, options); } else { ret = moveto_parent(set, cur_node, all_desc, options); } if (ret) { return ret; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); break; case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: /* evaluate '@' */ attr_axis = 1; LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* fall through */ case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: ret = eval_node_test(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, attr_axis, all_desc, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1)) { ret = eval_predicate(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, set, options, 1); if (ret) { return ret; } } break; default: LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); return -1; } } while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate AbsoluteLocationPath. Logs directly on error. * * [3] AbsoluteLocationPath ::= '/' RelativeLocationPath? | '//' RelativeLocationPath * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_absolute_location_path(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int all_desc, ret; if (set) { /* no matter what tokens follow, we need to be at the root */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { moveto_snode_root(set, (struct lys_node *)cur_node, options); } else { moveto_root(set, cur_node, options); } } /* '/' RelativeLocationPath? */ if (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 1) { /* evaluate '/' - deferred */ all_desc = 0; LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (exp_check_token(local_mod->ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_NONE, 0)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: ret = eval_relative_location_path(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, all_desc, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } break; default: break; } /* '//' RelativeLocationPath */ } else { /* evaluate '//' - deferred so as not to waste memory by remembering all the nodes */ all_desc = 1; LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); ret = eval_relative_location_path(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, all_desc, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate FunctionCall. Logs directly on error. * * [9] FunctionCall ::= FunctionName '(' ( Expr ( ',' Expr )* )? ')' * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_function_call(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int rc = EXIT_FAILURE; int (*xpath_func)(struct lyxp_set **, uint16_t, struct lyd_node *, struct lys_module *, struct lyxp_set *, int) = NULL; uint16_t arg_count = 0, i, func_exp = *exp_idx; struct lyxp_set **args = NULL, **args_aux; if (set) { /* FunctionName */ switch (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx]) { case 3: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "not", 3)) { xpath_func = &xpath_not; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "sum", 3)) { xpath_func = &xpath_sum; } break; case 4: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "lang", 4)) { xpath_func = &xpath_lang; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "last", 4)) { xpath_func = &xpath_last; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "name", 4)) { xpath_func = &xpath_name; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "true", 4)) { xpath_func = &xpath_true; } break; case 5: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "count", 5)) { xpath_func = &xpath_count; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "false", 5)) { xpath_func = &xpath_false; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "floor", 5)) { xpath_func = &xpath_floor; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "round", 5)) { xpath_func = &xpath_round; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "deref", 5)) { xpath_func = &xpath_deref; } break; case 6: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "concat", 6)) { xpath_func = &xpath_concat; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "number", 6)) { xpath_func = &xpath_number; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "string", 6)) { xpath_func = &xpath_string; } break; case 7: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "boolean", 7)) { xpath_func = &xpath_boolean; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "ceiling", 7)) { xpath_func = &xpath_ceiling; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "current", 7)) { xpath_func = &xpath_current; } break; case 8: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "contains", 8)) { xpath_func = &xpath_contains; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "position", 8)) { xpath_func = &xpath_position; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "re-match", 8)) { xpath_func = &xpath_re_match; } break; case 9: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "substring", 9)) { xpath_func = &xpath_substring; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "translate", 9)) { xpath_func = &xpath_translate; } break; case 10: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "local-name", 10)) { xpath_func = &xpath_local_name; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "enum-value", 10)) { xpath_func = &xpath_enum_value; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "bit-is-set", 10)) { xpath_func = &xpath_bit_is_set; } break; case 11: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "starts-with", 11)) { xpath_func = &xpath_starts_with; } break; case 12: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "derived-from", 12)) { xpath_func = &xpath_derived_from; } break; case 13: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "namespace-uri", 13)) { xpath_func = &xpath_namespace_uri; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "string-length", 13)) { xpath_func = &xpath_string_length; } break; case 15: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "normalize-space", 15)) { xpath_func = &xpath_normalize_space; } else if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "substring-after", 15)) { xpath_func = &xpath_substring_after; } break; case 16: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "substring-before", 16)) { xpath_func = &xpath_substring_before; } break; case 20: if (!strncmp(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], "derived-from-or-self", 20)) { xpath_func = &xpath_derived_from_or_self; } break; } if (!xpath_func) { LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unknown", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unknown XPath function \"%.*s\".", exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* '(' */ assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* ( Expr ( ',' Expr )* )? */ if (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] != LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2) { if (set) { args = malloc(sizeof *args); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!args, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), cleanup); arg_count = 1; args[0] = set_copy(set); if (!args[0]) { goto cleanup; } rc = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, args[0], options); if (rc == -1 || rc == EXIT_FAILURE) { goto cleanup; } } else { rc = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (rc == -1 || rc == EXIT_FAILURE) { goto cleanup; } } } while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_COMMA)) { LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (set) { ++arg_count; args_aux = realloc(args, arg_count * sizeof *args); LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!args_aux, arg_count--; LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), cleanup); args = args_aux; args[arg_count - 1] = set_copy(set); if (!args[arg_count - 1]) { goto cleanup; } rc = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, args[arg_count - 1], options); if (rc == -1 || rc == EXIT_FAILURE) { goto cleanup; } } else { rc = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (rc == -1 || rc == EXIT_FAILURE) { goto cleanup; } } } /* ')' */ assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (set) { /* evaluate function */ rc = xpath_func(args, arg_count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { if (rc == EXIT_FAILURE) { /* some validation warning */ LOGWRN(local_mod->ctx, "Previous warning generated by XPath function \"%.*s\".", (exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx - 1] - exp->expr_pos[func_exp]) + 1, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[func_exp]]); rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* merge all nodes from arg evaluations */ for (i = 0; i < arg_count; ++i) { set_snode_clear_ctx(args[i]); set_snode_merge(set, args[i]); } } } else { rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; } cleanup: for (i = 0; i < arg_count; ++i) { lyxp_set_free(args[i]); } free(args); return rc; } /** * @brief Evaluate Number. Logs directly on error. * * @param[in] ctx Context for errors. * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, -1 on error. */ static int eval_number(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyxp_set *set) { long double num; char *endptr; if (set) { errno = 0; num = strtold(&exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], &endptr); if (errno) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unknown", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Failed to convert \"%.*s\" into a long double (%s).", exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]], strerror(errno)); return -1; } else if (endptr - &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] != exp->tok_len[*exp_idx]) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unknown", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Failed to convert \"%.*s\" into a long double.", exp->tok_len[*exp_idx], &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } set_fill_number(set, num); } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate PathExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [10] PathExpr ::= LocationPath | PrimaryExpr Predicate* * | PrimaryExpr Predicate* '/' RelativeLocationPath * | PrimaryExpr Predicate* '//' RelativeLocationPath * [2] LocationPath ::= RelativeLocationPath | AbsoluteLocationPath * [8] PrimaryExpr ::= '(' Expr ')' | Literal | Number | FunctionCall * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_path_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int all_desc, ret, parent_pos_pred; switch (exp->tokens[*exp_idx]) { case LYXP_TOKEN_PAR1: /* '(' Expr ')' */ /* '(' */ LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* Expr */ ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, 0, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret == -1 || ret == EXIT_FAILURE) { return ret; } /* ')' */ assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_PAR2); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); parent_pos_pred = 0; goto predicate; case LYXP_TOKEN_DOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_DDOT: case LYXP_TOKEN_AT: case LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST: case LYXP_TOKEN_NODETYPE: /* RelativeLocationPath */ ret = eval_relative_location_path(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, 0, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } break; case LYXP_TOKEN_FUNCNAME: /* FunctionCall */ if (!set) { ret = eval_function_call(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); } else { ret = eval_function_call(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); } if (ret) { return ret; } parent_pos_pred = 1; goto predicate; case LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH: /* AbsoluteLocationPath */ ret = eval_absolute_location_path(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } break; case LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL: /* Literal */ if (!set || (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { if (set) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } eval_literal(exp, exp_idx, NULL); } else { eval_literal(exp, exp_idx, set); } parent_pos_pred = 1; goto predicate; case LYXP_TOKEN_NUMBER: /* Number */ if (!set || (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { if (set) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } ret = eval_number(local_mod->ctx, exp, exp_idx, NULL); } else { ret = eval_number(local_mod->ctx, exp, exp_idx, set); } if (ret) { return ret; } parent_pos_pred = 1; goto predicate; default: LOGVAL(local_mod->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]]); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; predicate: /* Predicate* */ while ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_BRACK1)) { ret = eval_predicate(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, set, options, parent_pos_pred); if (ret) { return ret; } } /* ('/' or '//') RelativeLocationPath */ if ((exp->used > *exp_idx) && (exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_PATH)) { /* evaluate '/' or '//' */ if (exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 1) { all_desc = 0; } else { assert(exp->tok_len[*exp_idx] == 2); all_desc = 1; } LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); ret = eval_relative_location_path(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, all_desc, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate UnionExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [18] UnionExpr ::= PathExpr | UnionExpr '|' PathExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_union_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_UNION, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* ('|' PathExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_UNI); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (!set) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_UNION, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_UNION, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { set_snode_merge(set, &set2); } else if (moveto_union(set, &set2, cur_node, options)) { ret = -1; goto finish; } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Evaluate UnaryExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [17] UnaryExpr ::= UnionExpr | '-' UnaryExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_unary_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; uint16_t this_op, i; assert(repeat); /* ('-')+ */ this_op = *exp_idx; for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { assert(!exp_check_token(local_mod->ctx, exp, *exp_idx, LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH, 0) && (exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]] == '-')); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); } ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_UNARY, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { return ret; } if (set && (repeat % 2)) { if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { warn_operands(local_mod->ctx, set, NULL, 1, exp->expr, exp->expr_pos[this_op]); } else { if (moveto_op_math(set, NULL, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[this_op]], cur_node, local_mod, options)) { return -1; } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Evaluate MultiplicativeExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [16] MultiplicativeExpr ::= UnaryExpr * | MultiplicativeExpr '*' UnaryExpr * | MultiplicativeExpr 'div' UnaryExpr * | MultiplicativeExpr 'mod' UnaryExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_multiplicative_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; uint16_t this_op; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_MULTIPLICATIVE, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* ('*' / 'div' / 'mod' UnaryExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { this_op = *exp_idx; assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (!set) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_MULTIPLICATIVE, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_MULTIPLICATIVE, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { warn_operands(local_mod->ctx, set, &set2, 1, exp->expr, exp->expr_pos[this_op - 1]); set_snode_merge(set, &set2); set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { if (moveto_op_math(set, &set2, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[this_op]], cur_node, local_mod, options)) { ret = -1; goto finish; } } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Evaluate AdditiveExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [15] AdditiveExpr ::= MultiplicativeExpr * | AdditiveExpr '+' MultiplicativeExpr * | AdditiveExpr '-' MultiplicativeExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_additive_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; uint16_t this_op; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_ADDITIVE, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* ('+' / '-' MultiplicativeExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { this_op = *exp_idx; assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_MATH); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (!set) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_ADDITIVE, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_ADDITIVE, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { warn_operands(local_mod->ctx, set, &set2, 1, exp->expr, exp->expr_pos[this_op - 1]); set_snode_merge(set, &set2); set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { if (moveto_op_math(set, &set2, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[this_op]], cur_node, local_mod, options)) { goto finish; } } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Evaluate RelationalExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [14] RelationalExpr ::= AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '<' AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '>' AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '<=' AdditiveExpr * | RelationalExpr '>=' AdditiveExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_relational_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; uint16_t this_op; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_RELATIONAL, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* ('<' / '>' / '<=' / '>=' AdditiveExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { this_op = *exp_idx; assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (!set) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_RELATIONAL, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_RELATIONAL, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { warn_operands(local_mod->ctx, set, &set2, 1, exp->expr, exp->expr_pos[this_op - 1]); set_snode_merge(set, &set2); set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { if (moveto_op_comp(set, &set2, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[this_op]], cur_node, local_mod, options)) { ret = -1; goto finish; } } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Evaluate EqualityExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [13] EqualityExpr ::= RelationalExpr | EqualityExpr '=' RelationalExpr * | EqualityExpr '!=' RelationalExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_equality_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; uint16_t this_op; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_EQUALITY, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* ('=' / '!=' RelationalExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { this_op = *exp_idx; assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_COMP); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (set ? "parsed" : "skipped"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); if (!set) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_EQUALITY, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { return ret; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_EQUALITY, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval */ if (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL) { warn_operands(local_mod->ctx, set, &set2, 0, exp->expr, exp->expr_pos[this_op - 1]); warn_equality_value(local_mod->ctx, exp, set, *exp_idx - 1, this_op - 1, *exp_idx - 1); warn_equality_value(local_mod->ctx, exp, &set2, this_op - 1, this_op - 1, *exp_idx - 1); set_snode_merge(set, &set2); set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { if (moveto_op_comp(set, &set2, &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[this_op]], cur_node, local_mod, options)) { ret = -1; goto finish; } } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Evaluate AndExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [12] AndExpr ::= EqualityExpr | AndExpr 'and' EqualityExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_and_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_AND, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* cast to boolean, we know that will be the final result */ if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); } /* ('and' EqualityExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (!set || !set->val.bool ? "skipped" : "parsed"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* lazy evaluation */ if (!set || ((set->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) && !set->val.bool)) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_AND, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_AND, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval - just get boolean value actually */ if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { set_snode_clear_ctx(&set2); set_snode_merge(set, &set2); } else { lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); set_fill_set(set, &set2); } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Evaluate OrExpr. Logs directly on error. * * [11] OrExpr ::= AndExpr | OrExpr 'or' AndExpr * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_or_expr(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, uint16_t repeat, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; struct lyxp_set orig_set, set2; uint16_t i; assert(repeat); memset(&orig_set, 0, sizeof orig_set); memset(&set2, 0, sizeof set2); set_fill_set(&orig_set, set); ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_OR, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* cast to boolean, we know that will be the final result */ if (set && (options & LYXP_SNODE_ALL)) { set_snode_clear_ctx(set); } else { lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); } /* ('or' AndExpr)* */ for (i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { assert(exp->tokens[*exp_idx] == LYXP_TOKEN_OPERATOR_LOG); LOGDBG(LY_LDGXPATH, "%-27s %s %s[%u]", __func__, (!set || set->val.bool ? "skipped" : "parsed"), print_token(exp->tokens[*exp_idx]), exp->expr_pos[*exp_idx]); ++(*exp_idx); /* lazy evaluation */ if (!set || ((set->type == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) && set->val.bool)) { ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_OR, cur_node, local_mod, NULL, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } continue; } set_fill_set(&set2, &orig_set); /* expr_type cound have been LYXP_EXPR_NONE in all these later calls (except for the first one), * but it does not matter */ ret = eval_expr_select(exp, exp_idx, LYXP_EXPR_OR, cur_node, local_mod, &set2, options); if (ret) { goto finish; } /* eval - just get boolean value actually */ if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { set_snode_clear_ctx(&set2); set_snode_merge(set, &set2); } else { lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN, cur_node, local_mod, options); set_fill_set(set, &set2); } } finish: lyxp_set_cast(&orig_set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); lyxp_set_cast(&set2, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); return ret; } /** * @brief Decide what expression is at the pointer \p exp_idx and evaluate it accordingly. * * @param[in] exp Parsed XPath expression. * @param[in] exp_idx Position in the expression \p exp. * @param[in] repeat_used How many values were already used from the current token repeat array. * @param[in] cur_node Start node for the expression \p exp. * @param[in] local_mod Module considered to be local. * @param[in,out] set Context and result set. On NULL the rule is only parsed. * @param[in] options Whether to apply data node access restrictions defined for 'when' and 'must' evaluation. * @return EXIT_SUCCESS on success, EXIT_FAILURE on unresolved when, -1 on error. */ static int eval_expr_select(struct lyxp_expr *exp, uint16_t *exp_idx, enum lyxp_expr_type etype, struct lyd_node *cur_node, struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { int ret; uint16_t i, count; enum lyxp_expr_type next_etype; /* process operator repeats */ if (!exp->repeat[*exp_idx]) { next_etype = LYXP_EXPR_NONE; } else { /* find etype repeat */ for (i = 0; exp->repeat[*exp_idx][i] > etype; ++i); /* select one-priority lower because etype expression called us */ if (i) { next_etype = exp->repeat[*exp_idx][i - 1]; /* count repeats for that expression */ for (count = 0; i && exp->repeat[*exp_idx][i - 1] == next_etype; ++count, --i); } else { next_etype = LYXP_EXPR_NONE; } } /* decide what expression are we parsing based on the repeat */ switch (next_etype) { case LYXP_EXPR_OR: ret = eval_or_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_AND: ret = eval_and_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_EQUALITY: ret = eval_equality_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_RELATIONAL: ret = eval_relational_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_ADDITIVE: ret = eval_additive_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_MULTIPLICATIVE: ret = eval_multiplicative_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_UNARY: ret = eval_unary_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_UNION: ret = eval_union_expr(exp, exp_idx, count, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; case LYXP_EXPR_NONE: ret = eval_path_expr(exp, exp_idx, cur_node, local_mod, set, options); break; default: ret = -1; LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); break; } return ret; } int lyxp_eval(const char *expr, const struct lyd_node *cur_node, enum lyxp_node_type cur_node_type, const struct lys_module *local_mod, struct lyxp_set *set, int options) { struct ly_ctx *ctx; struct lyxp_expr *exp; uint16_t exp_idx = 0; int rc = -1; if (!expr || !local_mod || !set) { LOGARG; return EXIT_FAILURE; } ctx = local_mod->ctx; exp = lyxp_parse_expr(ctx, expr); if (!exp) { rc = -1; goto finish; } rc = reparse_or_expr(ctx, exp, &exp_idx); if (rc) { goto finish; } else if (exp->used > exp_idx) { LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unknown", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); LOGVAL(ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unparsed characters \"%s\" left at the end of an XPath expression.", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); rc = -1; goto finish; } print_expr_struct_debug(exp); exp_idx = 0; memset(set, 0, sizeof *set); set->type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; if (cur_node) { set_insert_node(set, (struct lyd_node *)cur_node, 0, cur_node_type, 0); } rc = eval_expr_select(exp, &exp_idx, 0, (struct lyd_node *)cur_node, (struct lys_module *)local_mod, set, options); if (rc == 2) { rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; } if ((rc == -1) && cur_node) { LOGPATH(ctx, LY_VLOG_LYD, cur_node); lyxp_set_cast(set, LYXP_SET_EMPTY, cur_node, local_mod, options); } finish: lyxp_expr_free(exp); return rc; } #if 0 /* full xml printing of set elements, not used currently */ void lyxp_set_print_xml(FILE *f, struct lyxp_set *set) { uint32_t i; char *str_num; struct lyout out; memset(&out, 0, sizeof out); out.type = LYOUT_STREAM; out.method.f = f; switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_EMPTY: ly_print(&out, "Empty XPath set\n\n"); break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: ly_print(&out, "Boolean XPath set:\n"); ly_print(&out, "%s\n\n", set->value.bool ? "true" : "false"); break; case LYXP_SET_STRING: ly_print(&out, "String XPath set:\n"); ly_print(&out, "\"%s\"\n\n", set->value.str); break; case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: ly_print(&out, "Number XPath set:\n"); if (isnan(set->value.num)) { str_num = strdup("NaN"); } else if ((set->value.num == 0) || (set->value.num == -0.0f)) { str_num = strdup("0"); } else if (isinf(set->value.num) && !signbit(set->value.num)) { str_num = strdup("Infinity"); } else if (isinf(set->value.num) && signbit(set->value.num)) { str_num = strdup("-Infinity"); } else if ((long long)set->value.num == set->value.num) { if (asprintf(&str_num, "%lld", (long long)set->value.num) == -1) { str_num = NULL; } } else { if (asprintf(&str_num, "%03.1Lf", set->value.num) == -1) { str_num = NULL; } } if (!str_num) { LOGMEM; return; } ly_print(&out, "%s\n\n", str_num); free(str_num); break; case LYXP_SET_NODE_SET: ly_print(&out, "Node XPath set:\n"); for (i = 0; i < set->used; ++i) { ly_print(&out, "%d. ", i + 1); switch (set->node_type[i]) { case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_ALL: ly_print(&out, "ROOT all\n\n"); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_CONFIG: ly_print(&out, "ROOT config\n\n"); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_STATE: ly_print(&out, "ROOT state\n\n"); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_NOTIF: ly_print(&out, "ROOT notification \"%s\"\n\n", set->value.nodes[i]->schema->name); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_RPC: ly_print(&out, "ROOT rpc \"%s\"\n\n", set->value.nodes[i]->schema->name); break; case LYXP_NODE_ROOT_OUTPUT: ly_print(&out, "ROOT output \"%s\"\n\n", set->value.nodes[i]->schema->name); break; case LYXP_NODE_ELEM: ly_print(&out, "ELEM \"%s\"\n", set->value.nodes[i]->schema->name); xml_print_node(&out, 1, set->value.nodes[i], 1, LYP_FORMAT); ly_print(&out, "\n"); break; case LYXP_NODE_TEXT: ly_print(&out, "TEXT \"%s\"\n\n", ((struct lyd_node_leaf_list *)set->value.nodes[i])->value_str); break; case LYXP_NODE_ATTR: ly_print(&out, "ATTR \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n\n", set->value.attrs[i]->name, set->value.attrs[i]->value); break; } } break; } } #endif int lyxp_set_cast(struct lyxp_set *set, enum lyxp_set_type target, const struct lyd_node *cur_node, const struct lys_module *local_mod, int options) { long double num; char *str; if (!set || (set->type == target)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* it's not possible to convert anything into a node set */ assert((target != LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) && ((set->type != LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) || (target == LYXP_SET_EMPTY))); if (set->type == LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET) { set_free_content(set); return -1; } /* to STRING */ if ((target == LYXP_SET_STRING) || ((target == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) && ((set->type == LYXP_SET_NODE_SET) || (set->type == LYXP_SET_EMPTY)))) { switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: if (isnan(set->val.num)) { set->val.str = strdup("NaN"); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); } else if ((set->val.num == 0) || (set->val.num == -0.0f)) { set->val.str = strdup("0"); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); } else if (isinf(set->val.num) && !signbit(set->val.num)) { set->val.str = strdup("Infinity"); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); } else if (isinf(set->val.num) && signbit(set->val.num)) { set->val.str = strdup("-Infinity"); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); } else if ((long long)set->val.num == set->val.num) { if (asprintf(&str, "%lld", (long long)set->val.num) == -1) { LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } set->val.str = str; } else { if (asprintf(&str, "%03.1Lf", set->val.num) == -1) { LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx); return -1; } set->val.str = str; } break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: if (set->val.bool) { set->val.str = strdup("true"); } else { set->val.str = strdup("false"); } LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); break; case LYXP_SET_NODE_SET: assert(set->used); /* we need the set sorted, it affects the result */ assert(!set_sort(set, cur_node, options)); str = cast_node_set_to_string(set, (struct lyd_node *)cur_node, (struct lys_module *)local_mod, options); if (!str) { return -1; } set_free_content(set); set->val.str = str; break; case LYXP_SET_EMPTY: set->val.str = strdup(""); LY_CHECK_ERR_RETURN(!set->val.str, LOGMEM(local_mod->ctx), -1); break; default: LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); return -1; } set->type = LYXP_SET_STRING; } /* to NUMBER */ if (target == LYXP_SET_NUMBER) { switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_STRING: num = cast_string_to_number(set->val.str); set_free_content(set); set->val.num = num; break; case LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN: if (set->val.bool) { set->val.num = 1; } else { set->val.num = 0; } break; default: LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); return -1; } set->type = LYXP_SET_NUMBER; } /* to BOOLEAN */ if (target == LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN) { switch (set->type) { case LYXP_SET_NUMBER: if ((set->val.num == 0) || (set->val.num == -0.0f) || isnan(set->val.num)) { set->val.bool = 0; } else { set->val.bool = 1; } break; case LYXP_SET_STRING: if (set->val.str[0]) { set_free_content(set); set->val.bool = 1; } else { set_free_content(set); set->val.bool = 0; } break; case LYXP_SET_NODE_SET: set_free_content(set); assert(set->used); set->val.bool = 1; break; case LYXP_SET_EMPTY: set->val.bool = 0; break; default: LOGINT(local_mod ? local_mod->ctx : NULL); return -1; } set->type = LYXP_SET_BOOLEAN; } /* to EMPTY */ if (target == LYXP_SET_EMPTY) { set_free_content(set); set->type = LYXP_SET_EMPTY; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int lyxp_atomize(const char *expr, const struct lys_node *cur_snode, enum lyxp_node_type cur_snode_type, struct lyxp_set *set, int options, const struct lys_node **ctx_snode) { struct lys_node *_ctx_snode; enum lyxp_node_type ctx_snode_type; struct lyxp_expr *exp; uint16_t exp_idx = 0; int rc = -1; exp = lyxp_parse_expr(cur_snode->module->ctx, expr); if (!exp) { rc = -1; goto finish; } rc = reparse_or_expr(cur_snode->module->ctx, exp, &exp_idx); if (rc) { goto finish; } else if (exp->used > exp_idx) { LOGVAL(cur_snode->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unknown", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); LOGVAL(cur_snode->module->ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, "Unparsed characters \"%s\" left at the end of an XPath expression.", &exp->expr[exp->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); rc = -1; goto finish; } print_expr_struct_debug(exp); if (options & LYXP_SNODE_WHEN) { /* for when the context node may need to be changed */ resolve_when_ctx_snode(cur_snode, &_ctx_snode, &ctx_snode_type); } else { _ctx_snode = (struct lys_node *)cur_snode; ctx_snode_type = cur_snode_type; } if (ctx_snode) { *ctx_snode = _ctx_snode; } exp_idx = 0; memset(set, 0, sizeof *set); set->type = LYXP_SET_SNODE_SET; set_snode_insert_node(set, _ctx_snode, ctx_snode_type); rc = eval_expr_select(exp, &exp_idx, 0, (struct lyd_node *)_ctx_snode, lys_node_module(_ctx_snode), set, options); if (rc == 2) { rc = EXIT_SUCCESS; } finish: lyxp_expr_free(exp); return rc; } int lyxp_node_atomize(const struct lys_node *node, struct lyxp_set *set, int set_ext_dep_flags) { struct lys_node *parent, *elem; const struct lys_node *ctx_snode = NULL; struct lyxp_set tmp_set; uint8_t must_size = 0; uint32_t i, j; int opts, ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; struct lys_when *when = NULL; struct lys_restr *must = NULL; char *path = NULL; memset(&tmp_set, 0, sizeof tmp_set); memset(set, 0, sizeof *set); /* check if we will be traversing RPC output */ opts = 0; for (parent = (struct lys_node *)node; parent && (parent->nodetype != LYS_OUTPUT); parent = lys_parent(parent)); if (parent) { opts |= LYXP_SNODE_OUTPUT; } switch (node->nodetype) { case LYS_CONTAINER: when = ((struct lys_node_container *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_container *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_container *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_CHOICE: when = ((struct lys_node_choice *)node)->when; break; case LYS_LEAF: when = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_LEAFLIST: when = ((struct lys_node_leaflist *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_leaflist *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_leaflist *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_LIST: when = ((struct lys_node_list *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_list *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_list *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_ANYXML: case LYS_ANYDATA: when = ((struct lys_node_anydata *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_anydata *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_anydata *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_CASE: when = ((struct lys_node_case *)node)->when; break; case LYS_NOTIF: must = ((struct lys_node_notif *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_notif *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_INPUT: case LYS_OUTPUT: must = ((struct lys_node_inout *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_inout *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_USES: when = ((struct lys_node_uses *)node)->when; break; case LYS_AUGMENT: when = ((struct lys_node_augment *)node)->when; break; default: /* nothing to check */ break; } if (set_ext_dep_flags) { /* find operation if in one, used later */ for (parent = (struct lys_node *)node; parent && !(parent->nodetype & (LYS_RPC | LYS_ACTION | LYS_NOTIF)); parent = lys_parent(parent)); } /* check "when" */ if (when) { if (lyxp_atomize(when->cond, node, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, &tmp_set, LYXP_SNODE_WHEN | opts, &ctx_snode)) { free(tmp_set.val.snodes); if (ctx_snode) { path = lys_path(ctx_snode, LYS_PATH_FIRST_PREFIX); LOGVAL(node->module->ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_LYS, node, "Invalid when condition \"%s\" with context node \"%s\".", when->cond, path); } else { LOGVAL(node->module->ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_LYS, node, "Invalid when condition \"%s\".", when->cond); } ret = -1; goto finish; } else { if (set_ext_dep_flags) { for (j = 0; j < tmp_set.used; ++j) { /* skip roots'n'stuff */ if (tmp_set.val.snodes[j].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { /* XPath expression cannot reference "lower" status than the node that has the definition */ if (lyp_check_status(node->flags, lys_node_module(node), node->name, tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->flags, lys_node_module(tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode), tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->name, node)) { ret = -1; goto finish; } if (parent) { for (elem = tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode; elem && (elem != parent); elem = lys_parent(elem)); if (!elem) { /* not in node's RPC or notification subtree, set the correct dep flag */ if (tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) { when->flags |= LYS_XPCONF_DEP; ((struct lys_node *)node)->flags |= LYS_XPCONF_DEP; } else { assert(tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R); when->flags |= LYS_XPSTATE_DEP; ((struct lys_node *)node)->flags |= LYS_XPSTATE_DEP; } } } } } } set_snode_merge(set, &tmp_set); memset(&tmp_set, 0, sizeof tmp_set); } } /* check "must" */ for (i = 0; i < must_size; ++i) { if (lyxp_atomize(must[i].expr, node, LYXP_NODE_ELEM, &tmp_set, LYXP_SNODE_MUST | opts, &ctx_snode)) { free(tmp_set.val.snodes); if (ctx_snode) { path = lys_path(ctx_snode, LYS_PATH_FIRST_PREFIX); LOGVAL(node->module->ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_LYS, node, "Invalid must restriction \"%s\" with context node \"%s\".", must[i].expr, path); } else { LOGVAL(node->module->ctx, LYE_SPEC, LY_VLOG_LYS, node, "Invalid must restriction \"%s\".", must[i].expr); } ret = -1; goto finish; } else { if (set_ext_dep_flags) { for (j = 0; j < tmp_set.used; ++j) { /* skip roots'n'stuff */ if (tmp_set.val.snodes[j].type == LYXP_NODE_ELEM) { /* XPath expression cannot reference "lower" status than the node that has the definition */ if (lyp_check_status(node->flags, lys_node_module(node), node->name, tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->flags, lys_node_module(tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode), tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->name, node)) { ret = -1; goto finish; } if (parent) { for (elem = tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode; elem && (elem != parent); elem = lys_parent(elem)); if (!elem) { /* not in node's RPC or notification subtree, set the correct dep flag */ if (tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->flags & LYS_CONFIG_W) { must[i].flags |= LYS_XPCONF_DEP; ((struct lys_node *)node)->flags |= LYS_XPCONF_DEP; } else if (tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode->flags & LYS_CONFIG_R) { must[i].flags |= LYS_XPSTATE_DEP; ((struct lys_node *)node)->flags |= LYS_XPSTATE_DEP; } else { /* only possible if the node is in an unimplemented augment */ elem = tmp_set.val.snodes[j].snode; while (elem && (elem->nodetype != LYS_AUGMENT)) { elem = elem->parent; } assert(elem && !lys_node_module(elem)->implemented); } } } } } } set_snode_merge(set, &tmp_set); memset(&tmp_set, 0, sizeof tmp_set); } } finish: if (ret) { free(set->val.snodes); memset(set, 0, sizeof *set); } free(path); return ret; } int lyxp_node_check_syntax(const struct lys_node *node) { uint8_t must_size = 0; uint16_t exp_idx; uint32_t i; struct lys_when *when = NULL; struct lys_restr *must = NULL; struct lyxp_expr *expr; switch (node->nodetype) { case LYS_CONTAINER: when = ((struct lys_node_container *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_container *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_container *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_CHOICE: when = ((struct lys_node_choice *)node)->when; break; case LYS_LEAF: when = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_leaf *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_LEAFLIST: when = ((struct lys_node_leaflist *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_leaflist *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_leaflist *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_LIST: when = ((struct lys_node_list *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_list *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_list *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_ANYXML: case LYS_ANYDATA: when = ((struct lys_node_anydata *)node)->when; must = ((struct lys_node_anydata *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_anydata *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_CASE: when = ((struct lys_node_case *)node)->when; break; case LYS_NOTIF: must = ((struct lys_node_notif *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_notif *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_INPUT: case LYS_OUTPUT: must = ((struct lys_node_inout *)node)->must; must_size = ((struct lys_node_inout *)node)->must_size; break; case LYS_USES: when = ((struct lys_node_uses *)node)->when; break; case LYS_AUGMENT: when = ((struct lys_node_augment *)node)->when; break; default: /* nothing to check */ break; } /* check "when" */ if (when) { expr = lyxp_parse_expr(node->module->ctx, when->cond); if (!expr) { return -1; } exp_idx = 0; if (reparse_or_expr(node->module->ctx, expr, &exp_idx)) { lyxp_expr_free(expr); return -1; } else if (exp_idx != expr->used) { LOGVAL(node->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(expr->tokens[exp_idx]), &expr->expr[expr->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); lyxp_expr_free(expr); return -1; } lyxp_expr_free(expr); } /* check "must" */ for (i = 0; i < must_size; ++i) { expr = lyxp_parse_expr(node->module->ctx, must[i].expr); if (!expr) { return -1; } exp_idx = 0; if (reparse_or_expr(node->module->ctx, expr, &exp_idx)) { lyxp_expr_free(expr); return -1; } else if (exp_idx != expr->used) { LOGVAL(node->module->ctx, LYE_XPATH_INTOK, LY_VLOG_NONE, NULL, print_token(expr->tokens[exp_idx]), &expr->expr[expr->expr_pos[exp_idx]]); lyxp_expr_free(expr); return -1; } lyxp_expr_free(expr); } return 0; }