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Debian packaging for libyang

This repository contains Debian package files for libyang.

Building a release with Debian patches

git clone https://github.com/opensourcerouting/libyang-debian.git
cd libyang-debian
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

Building a proper Debian source and package

git clone https://github.com/opensourcerouting/libyang-debian.git
dpkg-source -b libyang-debian
dpkg-source -x *.dsc
cd libyang-0*

You can also use cowbuilder or reprotest on the dsc file directly.

Maintainer Notes

  • the project version number is actually the SO ABI version.

  • it's intentional that the SONAME is libyang.so.0.16 and not libyang.so.0. ABI compatibility is indicated by the first two numbers being equal; the third number is incremented for compatible changes. cf. CESNET/libyang#656

  • the watch file doesn't work yet but the libyang people agreed to make future release tags the same as the internal version number. At that point the watch file will work.

  • python3-yang-dbg follows the recommendations from https://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide#Building_python_-dbg_packages