Blame tests/schema/yang/files/ietf-restconf.yang

Packit 8fb591
module ietf-restconf {
Packit 8fb591
  yang-version 1.1;
Packit 8fb591
  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf";
Packit 8fb591
  prefix "rc";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
    "IETF NETCONF (Network Configuration) Working Group";
Packit 8fb591
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Packit 8fb591
    "WG Web:   <>
Packit 8fb591
     WG List:  <>
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
     Author:   Andy Bierman
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
     Author:   Martin Bjorklund
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
     Author:   Kent Watsen
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
    "This module contains conceptual YANG specifications
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     for basic RESTCONF media type definitions used in
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     RESTCONF protocol messages.
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Packit 8fb591
     Note that the YANG definitions within this module do not
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     represent configuration data of any kind.
Packit 8fb591
     The 'restconf-media-type' YANG extension statement
Packit 8fb591
     provides a normative syntax for XML and JSON
Packit 8fb591
     message-encoding purposes.
Packit 8fb591
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Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
     Copyright (c) 2017 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
Packit 8fb591
     authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
Packit 8fb591
     without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
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     to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
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     set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
Packit 8fb591
     Relating to IETF Documents
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Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
     This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 8040; see
Packit 8fb591
     the RFC itself for full legal notices.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
  revision 2017-01-26 {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      "Initial revision.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      "RFC 8040: RESTCONF Protocol.";
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Packit 8fb591
  extension yang-data {
Packit 8fb591
    argument name {
Packit 8fb591
      yin-element true;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      "This extension is used to specify a YANG data template that
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       represents conceptual data defined in YANG.  It is
Packit 8fb591
       intended to describe hierarchical data independent of
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       protocol context or specific message-encoding format.
Packit 8fb591
       Data definition statements within a yang-data extension
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       specify the generic syntax for the specific YANG data
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       template, whose name is the argument of the 'yang-data'
Packit 8fb591
       extension statement.
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
       Note that this extension does not define a media type.
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       A specification using this extension MUST specify the
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       message-encoding rules, including the content media type.
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Packit 8fb591
       The mandatory 'name' parameter value identifies the YANG
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       data template that is being defined.  It contains the
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       template name.
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       This extension is ignored unless it appears as a top-level
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       statement.  It MUST contain data definition statements
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       that result in exactly one container data node definition.
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       An instance of a YANG data template can thus be translated
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       into an XML instance document, whose top-level element
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       corresponds to the top-level container.
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       The module name and namespace values for the YANG module using
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       the extension statement are assigned to instance document data
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       conforming to the data definition statements within
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       this extension.
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Packit 8fb591
       The substatements of this extension MUST follow the
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       'data-def-stmt' rule in the YANG ABNF.
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       The XPath document root is the extension statement itself,
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       such that the child nodes of the document root are
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       represented by the data-def-stmt substatements within
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       this extension.  This conceptual document is the context
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       for the following YANG statements:
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Packit 8fb591
         - must-stmt
Packit 8fb591
         - when-stmt
Packit 8fb591
         - path-stmt
Packit 8fb591
         - min-elements-stmt
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         - max-elements-stmt
Packit 8fb591
         - mandatory-stmt
Packit 8fb591
         - unique-stmt
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         - ordered-by
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         - instance-identifier data type
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Packit 8fb591
       The following data-def-stmt substatements are constrained
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       when used within a 'yang-data' extension statement.
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
         - The list-stmt is not required to have a key-stmt defined.
Packit 8fb591
         - The if-feature-stmt is ignored if present.
Packit 8fb591
         - The config-stmt is ignored if present.
Packit 8fb591
         - The available identity values for any 'identityref'
Packit 8fb591
           leaf or leaf-list nodes are limited to the module
Packit 8fb591
           containing this extension statement and the modules
Packit 8fb591
           imported into that module.
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Packit 8fb591
  grouping errors {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      "A grouping that contains a YANG container
Packit 8fb591
       representing the syntax and semantics of a
Packit 8fb591
       YANG Patch error report within a response message.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
    container errors {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        "Represents an error report returned by the server if
Packit 8fb591
         a request results in an error.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      list error {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
          "An entry containing information about one
Packit 8fb591
           specific error that occurred while processing
Packit 8fb591
           a RESTCONF request.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
          "RFC 6241, Section 4.3.";
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Packit 8fb591
        leaf error-type {
Packit 8fb591
          type enumeration {
Packit 8fb591
            enum transport {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
                "The transport layer.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            enum rpc {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
                "The rpc or notification layer.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            enum protocol {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
                "The protocol operation layer.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            enum application {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
                "The server application layer.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
          mandatory true;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            "The protocol layer where the error occurred.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        leaf error-tag {
Packit 8fb591
          type string;
Packit 8fb591
          mandatory true;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            "The enumerated error-tag.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        leaf error-app-tag {
Packit 8fb591
          type string;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            "The application-specific error-tag.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        leaf error-path {
Packit 8fb591
          type instance-identifier;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            "The YANG instance identifier associated
Packit 8fb591
             with the error node.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        leaf error-message {
Packit 8fb591
          type string;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
            "A message describing the error.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        anydata error-info {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
             "This anydata value MUST represent a container with
Packit 8fb591
              zero or more data nodes representing additional
Packit 8fb591
              error information.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
  grouping restconf {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      "Conceptual grouping representing the RESTCONF
Packit 8fb591
       root resource.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
    container restconf {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        "Conceptual container representing the RESTCONF
Packit 8fb591
         root resource.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      container data {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
          "Container representing the datastore resource.
Packit 8fb591
           Represents the conceptual root of all state data
Packit 8fb591
           and configuration data supported by the server.
Packit 8fb591
           The child nodes of this container can be any data
Packit 8fb591
           resources that are defined as top-level data nodes
Packit 8fb591
           from the YANG modules advertised by the server in
Packit 8fb591
           the 'ietf-yang-library' module.";
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      container operations {
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
          "Container for all operation resources.
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
           Each resource is represented as an empty leaf with the
Packit 8fb591
           name of the RPC operation from the YANG 'rpc' statement.
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
           For example, the 'system-restart' RPC operation defined
Packit 8fb591
           in the 'ietf-system' module would be represented as
Packit 8fb591
           an empty leaf in the 'ietf-system' namespace.  This is
Packit 8fb591
           a conceptual leaf and will not actually be found in
Packit 8fb591
           the module:
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
              module ietf-system {
Packit 8fb591
                leaf system-reset {
Packit 8fb591
                  type empty;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
           To invoke the 'system-restart' RPC operation:
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
              POST /restconf/operations/ietf-system:system-restart
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
           To discover the RPC operations supported by the server:
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
              GET /restconf/operations
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
           In XML, the YANG module namespace identifies the module:
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Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
           In JSON, the YANG module name identifies the module:
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
             { 'ietf-system:system-restart' : [null] }
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
      leaf yang-library-version {
Packit 8fb591
        type string {
Packit 8fb591
          pattern '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}';
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
        config false;
Packit 8fb591
        mandatory true;
Packit 8fb591
Packit 8fb591
          "Identifies the revision date of the 'ietf-yang-library'
Packit 8fb591
           module that is implemented by this RESTCONF server.
Packit 8fb591
           Indicates the year, month, and day in YYYY-MM-DD
Packit 8fb591
           numeric format.";
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