
Packit 8fb591
# Frequently Asked Questions
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__Q: error while loading shared libraries__
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__A:__ libyang is installed into the directory detected by CMake's GNUInstallDirs
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   function. However, when it is connected with the installation prefix, the
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   target directory is not necessary the path used by the system linker. Check
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   the linker's paths in `/etc/`. If the path where libyang is
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   installed is already present, just make `ldconfig` to rebuild its cache:
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# ldconfig
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   If the path is not present, you can change the libyang installation prefix
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   when running cmake, so the complete compilation and installation sequence is:
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$ mkdir build; cd build
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$ make
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# make install
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   or add the libyang's location to the linker paths in `/etc/` and
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   then run `ldconfig` to rebuild the linker cache.
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__Q: yanglint(1) does not start and, but prints the following error messages:__
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libyang[0]: Invalid keyword "type" as a child to "annotation". (path: /)
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libyang[0]: Module "yang" parsing failed.
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Failed to create context.
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__A:__ To handle complex YANG extensions, libyang (and therefore yanglint(1))
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   needs plugins. By default, the plugins are installed into the system path
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   (next to the libyang library into the separate `libyang` subdirectory). If
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   libyang was not installed, yanglint cannot find these plugins and it fails.
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   If you do not want to install libyang, it is possible to specify path to the
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   plugins via environment variable. The plugins can be found in the libyang
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   build directory in `src/extensions/` subdirectory. So running yanglint(1)
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   then can be made this way:
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$ LIBYANG_EXTENSIONS_PLUGINS_DIR=`pwd`/src/extensions ./yanglint
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   The same issue occurs for user types and the solution is the same except they
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   are built in `src/user_types/` subdirectory and the path should be set with:
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$ LIBYANG_USER_TYPES_PLUGINS_DIR=`pwd`/src/user_types
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   However, user types are not required for yanglint(1) to run properly.