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XML is slow to parse and strings inside the document cannot be memory mapped as
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they do not have a trailing NUL char. The libxmlb library takes XML source, and
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converts it to a structured binary representation with a deduplicated string
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table -- where the strings have the NULs included.
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This allows an application to mmap the binary XML file, do an XPath query and
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return some strings without actually parsing the entire document. This is all
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done using (almost) zero allocations and no actual copying of the binary data.
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As each node in the binary XML file encodes the 'next' node at the same level
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it makes skipping whole subtrees trivial. A 10Mb binary XML file can be loaded
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from disk **and** queried in less than a few milliseconds.
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The binary XML is not supposed to be small. It's usually about half the size of
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the text XML data where a lot of the tag content is duplicated, but can actually
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be larger than the original XML file. This isn't important; the fast query speed
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and the ability to mmap strings without copies more than makes up for the larger
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on-disk size. If you want to compress your XML, this library probably isn't for
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you -- just use gzip -- its gives you an almost a perfect compression ratio for
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data like this.
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For example:
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    $ xb-tool compile fedora.xmlb fedora.xml.gz
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    $ du -h fedora.xml*
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    12M         fedora.xmlb
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    3.6M        fedora.xml.gz
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    $ xb-tool query fedora.xmlb "components/component[@type=desktop]/id[text()=firefox.desktop]"
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    RESULT: firefox.desktop
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    real        0m0.011s
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    user        0m0.010s
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    sys         0m0.001s
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This library only implements a tiny subset of XPath. See the examples for the
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full list, but it's basically restricted to element_name, attributes and text.
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We will use the following XML document in the examples below.
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        <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>
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      <book percentage="99">
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        <title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
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Selecting Nodes
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XPath uses path expressions to select nodes in an XML document. The only thing
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that libxmlb can return are nodes.
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| Example | Description | Supported |
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| --- | --- | --- |
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| `/bookstore` | Returns the root bookstore element | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book` | Returns all `book` elements | ✔ |
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| `//book` | Returns books no matter where they are | ✖ |
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| `bookstore//book` | Returns books that are descendant of `bookstore` | ✖ |
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| `@lang` | Returns attributes that are named `lang` | ✖ |
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| `/bookstore/.` | Returns the `bookstore` node | ✖ |
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| `/bookstore/book/*` | Returns all `title` and `price` nodes of each `book` node | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/child::*` | Returns all `title` and `price` nodes of each `book` node | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/title/..` | Returns the `book` nodes with a title | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/parent::*` | Returns `bookstore`, the parent of `book` | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/parent::bookstore` | Returns the parent `bookstore` of `book` | ✖ |
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Predicates are used to find a specific node or a node that contains a specific
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value. Predicates are always embedded in square brackets.
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| Example | Description | Supported |
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| --- | --- | --- |
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| `/bookstore/book[1]` | Returns the first book element | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book[first()]` | Returns the first book element | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book[last()]` | Returns the last book element | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book[last()-1]` | Returns the last but one book element | ✖ |
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| `/bookstore/book[position()<3]` | Returns the first two books | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book[upper-case(text())=='HARRY POTTER']` | Returns the first book | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book[@percentage>=90]` | Returns the book with `>=` 90% completion | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/title[@lang]` | Returns titles with an attribute named `lang` | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/title[@lang='en']` | Returns titles that have a `lang`equal `en` | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/title[@lang!='en']` | Returns titles that have a `lang` not equal `en` | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book/title[@lang<='zz_ZZ']` | Returns titles that `lang` <= `zz_ZZ` | ✔ |
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| `/bookstore/book[price>35.00]` | Returns the books with a price greater than 35 | ✖ |
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| `/bookstore/book[price>35.00]/title` | Returns the titles that have a price greater than 35 | ✖ |
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| `/bookstore/book/title[text()='Learning XML']` | Returns the book node with matching content | ✔ |
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libxmlb is a standard meson project.  It can be compiled using the following basic steps:
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# meson build
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# ninja -C build
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# ninja -C build install
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# ldconfig
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This will by default install the library into `/usr/local`. On some Linux distributions you may
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need to configure the linker path in `/etc/` to be able to locate it.
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The call to `ldconfig` is needed to refresh the linker cache.