Blame python/libxml2-python-api.xml

Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
<api name='libxml2-python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlRegisterXPathFunction' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Register a Python written function to the XPath interpreter</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="1 in case of success, 0 or -1 in case of error"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctx' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the xpathContext'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='name' type='xmlChar *' info='the function name'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ns_uri' type='xmlChar *' info='the namespace or NULL'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='f' type='pythonObject' info='the python function'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathRegisterVariable' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Register a variable with the XPath context</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="1 in case of success, 0 or -1 in case of error"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctx' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the xpathContext'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='name' type='xmlChar *' info='the variable name'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ns_uri' type='xmlChar *' info='the namespace or NULL'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='value' type='pythonObject' info='the value'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlNewNode' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Create a new Node</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlNodePtr' info="A new element node"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='name' type='xmlChar *' info='the node name'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlCreatePushParser' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Create a progressive XML parser context to build either an event flow if the SAX object is not None, or a DOM tree otherwise.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info="the parser context or None in case of error"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='SAX' type='pythonObject' info='the SAX callback object or None'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='chunk' type='xmlChar *' info='the initial data'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='size' type='int' info='the size of the initial data'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlChar *' info='The URI used for base computations'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='htmlCreatePushParser' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Create a progressive HTML parser context to build either an event flow if the SAX object is not None, or a DOM tree otherwise.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info="the parser context or None in case of error"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='SAX' type='pythonObject' info='the SAX callback object or None'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='chunk' type='xmlChar *' info='the initial data'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='size' type='int' info='the size of the initial data'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlChar *' info='The URI used for base computations'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlSAXParseFile' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Interface to parse an XML file or resource pointed by an URI to build an event flow to the SAX object</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='SAX' type='pythonObject' info='the SAX callback object or None'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlChar *' info='The URI of the resource'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='recover' type='int' info='allow recovery in case of error'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='htmlSAXParseFile' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Interface to parse an HTML file or resource pointed by an URI to build an event flow to the SAX object</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='SAX' type='pythonObject' info='the SAX callback object or None'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlChar *' info='The URI of the resource'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='encoding' type='const char *' info='encoding or None'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlCreateOutputBuffer' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Create a libxml2 output buffer from a Python file</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlOutputBufferPtr' info="the output buffer"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='file' type='pythonObject' info='the Python file'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='encoding' type='xmlChar *' info='an optionnal encoding'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlCreateInputBuffer' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Create a libxml2 input buffer from a Python file</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlParserInputBufferPtr' info="the input buffer"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='file' type='pythonObject' info='the Python file'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='encoding' type='xmlChar *' info='an optionnal encoding'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlSetEntityLoader' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the entity resolver as a python function</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="0 in case of success, -1 for error"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='resolver' type='pythonObject' info='the Python function'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserGetDoc' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the document tree from a parser context.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlDocPtr' info="the document tree" field="myDoc"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserGetWellFormed' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the well formed information from a parser context.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="the wellFormed field" field="wellFormed"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserGetIsValid' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the validity information from a parser context.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="the valid field" field="valid"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserSetValidate' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Switch the parser to validation mode.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='validate' type='int' info='1 to activate validation'/>
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    <function name='xmlParserSetReplaceEntities' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Switch the parser to replace entities.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='replaceEntities' type='int' info='1 to replace entities'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserSetPedantic' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Switch the parser to be pedantic.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='pedantic' type='int' info='1 to run in pedantic mode'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserSetLoadSubset' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Switch the parser to load the DTD without validating.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='loadsubset' type='int' info='1 to load the DTD'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlParserSetLineNumbers' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Switch on the generation of line number for elements nodes.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='linenumbers' type='int' info='1 to save line numbers'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlDebugMemory' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Switch on the generation of line number for elements nodes. Also returns the number of bytes allocated and not freed by libxml2 since memory debugging was switched on.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="returns the number of bytes allocated and not freed"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='activate' type='int' info='1 switch on memory debugging 0 switch it off'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlDumpMemory' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>dump the memory allocated in the file .memdump</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlNodeGetNs' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the namespace of a node</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlNsPtr' info="The namespace or None"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='node' type='xmlNodePtr' info='the node'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlNodeGetNsDefs' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the namespace of a node</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlNsPtr' info="The namespace or None"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='node' type='xmlNodePtr' info='the node'/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathParserGetContext' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the xpathContext from an xpathParserContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info="The XPath context" field="context"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathParserContextPtr' info='the XPath parser context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathGetContextDoc' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the doc from an xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlDocPtr' info="The doc context" field="doc"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathGetContextNode' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the current node from an xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='xmlNodePtr' info="The node context" field="node"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathSetContextDoc' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the doc of an xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name="doc" type='xmlDocPtr' info="The doc context"/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathSetContextNode' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the current node of an xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name="node" type='xmlNodePtr' info="The node context"/>
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathGetContextPosition' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the current node from an xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The node context" field="proximityPosition"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathGetContextSize' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the current node from an xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The node context" field="contextSize"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathGetFunction' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the current function name xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const xmlChar *' info="The function name" field="function"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlXPathGetFunctionURI' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the current function name URI xpathContext</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const xmlChar *' info="The function name URI" field="functionURI"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='ctxt' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the XPath context'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
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Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetScheme' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the scheme part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI scheme" field="scheme"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetScheme' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the scheme part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='scheme' type='char *' info='The URI scheme part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetOpaque' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the opaque part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI opaque" field="opaque"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetOpaque' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the opaque part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='opaque' type='char *' info='The URI opaque part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetAuthority' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the authority part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI authority" field="authority"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetAuthority' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the authority part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='authority' type='char *' info='The URI authority part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetServer' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the server part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI server" field="server"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetServer' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the server part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='server' type='char *' info='The URI server part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetUser' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the user part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI user" field="user"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetUser' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the user part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='user' type='char *' info='The URI user part'/>
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    <function name='xmlURIGetPath' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the path part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI path" field="path"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetPath' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the path part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='path' type='char *' info='The URI path part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetQuery' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the query part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI query" field="query"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetQuery' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the query part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='query' type='char *' info='The URI query part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetQueryRaw' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the raw query part from an URI (i.e. the unescaped form).</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI query" field="query_raw"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetQueryRaw' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the raw query part of an URI (i.e. the unescaped form).</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='query_raw' type='char *' info='The raw URI query part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetFragment' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the fragment part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The URI fragment" field="fragment"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetFragment' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the fragment part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='fragment' type='char *' info='The URI fragment part'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURIGetPort' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Get the port part from an URI</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The URI port" field="port"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlURISetPort' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Set the port part of an URI.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='URI' type='xmlURIPtr' info='the URI'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='port' type='int' info='The URI port part'/>
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    <function name='xmlErrorGetDomain' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>What part of the library raised this error</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The error domain" field="domain"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='Error' type='xmlErrorPtr' info='the Error'/>
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    <function name='xmlErrorGetCode' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>The error code, e.g. an xmlParserError</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The error code" field="code"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='Error' type='xmlErrorPtr' info='the Error'/>
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    <function name='xmlErrorGetMessage' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>human-readable informative error message</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The error message" field="message"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='Error' type='xmlErrorPtr' info='the Error'/>
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    <function name='xmlErrorGetLevel' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>how consequent is the error</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The error level" field="level"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='Error' type='xmlErrorPtr' info='the Error'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlErrorGetFile' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>the filename</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='const char *' info="The error file" field="file"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='Error' type='xmlErrorPtr' info='the Error'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlErrorGetLine' file='python_accessor'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>the line number if available</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info="The error line" field="line"/>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <arg name='Error' type='xmlErrorPtr' info='the Error'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlPythonCleanupParser' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Cleanup function for the XML library. It tries to reclaim all parsing related global memory allocated for the library processing. It doesn't deallocate any document related memory. Calling this function should not prevent reusing the library but one should call xmlCleanupParser() only when the process has finished using the library or XML document built with it.</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='void'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
    <function name='xmlMemoryUsed' file='python'>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <info>Returns the total amount of memory allocated by libxml2</info>
Packit Service a31ea6
      <return type='int' info='number of bytes allocated'/>
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6
Packit Service a31ea6