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Module xpathInternals from libxml2

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internal interfaces for XML Path Language implementation used to build new modules on top of XPath like XPointer and XSLT

Table of Contents

#define CHECK_ERROR0
#define CHECK_TYPE
#define CHECK_TYPE0
#define XP_ERROR
#define XP_ERROR0
#define xmlXPathCheckError
#define xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet
#define xmlXPathGetContextNode
#define xmlXPathGetDocument
#define xmlXPathGetError
#define xmlXPathReturnBoolean
#define xmlXPathReturnEmptyNodeSet
#define xmlXPathReturnEmptyString
#define xmlXPathReturnExternal
#define xmlXPathReturnFalse
#define xmlXPathReturnNodeSet
#define xmlXPathReturnNumber
#define xmlXPathReturnString
#define xmlXPathReturnTrue
#define xmlXPathSetArityError
#define xmlXPathSetError
#define xmlXPathSetTypeError
#define xmlXPathStackIsExternal
#define xmlXPathStackIsNodeSet
xmlXPathObjectPtr	valuePop	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
int	valuePush			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathObjectPtr value)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathAddValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathBooleanFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathCeilingFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
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int	xmlXPathCompareValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int inf,
int strict)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathConcatFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathContainsFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathCountFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathDebugDumpCompExpr	(FILE * output, 
xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp,
int depth)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathDebugDumpObject		(FILE * output, 
xmlXPathObjectPtr cur,
int depth)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathDifference	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
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xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathDistinct	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes)
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xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathDistinctSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes)
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void	xmlXPathDivValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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int	xmlXPathEqualValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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void	xmlXPathErr			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int error)
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void	xmlXPathEvalExpr		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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int	xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathObjectPtr res)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathFalseFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathFloorFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathFreeParserContext	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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xmlXPathFunction	xmlXPathFunctionLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name)
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xmlXPathFunction	xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathHasSameNodes		(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathIdFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathIntersection	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathIsNodeType		(const xmlChar * name)
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void	xmlXPathLangFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathLastFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathLeading		(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathLeadingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathLocalNameFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathModValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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void	xmlXPathMultValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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void	xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewBoolean	(int val)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewCString	(const char * val)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewFloat	(double val)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewNodeSet	(xmlNodePtr val)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewNodeSetList	(xmlNodeSetPtr val)
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xmlXPathParserContextPtr	xmlXPathNewParserContext	(const xmlChar * str, 
xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewString	(const xmlChar * val)
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xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewValueTree	(xmlNodePtr val)
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xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextAncestor	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextAttribute	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextChild	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextDescendant	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
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xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextFollowing	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
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xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
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xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextNamespace	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextParent	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextPreceding	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextSelf	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeLeading	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathNodeSetAdd		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathNodeSetAddNs		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique	(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
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int	xmlXPathNodeSetContains		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathNodeSetDel		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs		(xmlNsPtr ns)
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xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeSetMerge	(xmlNodeSetPtr val1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr val2)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathNodeSetRemove		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
int val)
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void	xmlXPathNodeSetSort		(xmlNodeSetPtr set)
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xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeTrailing	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathNormalizeFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
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int	xmlXPathNotEqualValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathNotFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
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const xmlChar *	xmlXPathNsLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * prefix)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathNumberFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
xmlChar *	xmlXPathParseNCName	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
xmlChar *	xmlXPathParseName	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathPopBoolean		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
void *	xmlXPathPopExternal		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathPopNodeSet	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
double	xmlXPathPopNumber		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
xmlChar *	xmlXPathPopString	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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void	xmlXPathPositionFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
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void	xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
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int	xmlXPathRegisterFunc		(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
xmlXPathFunction f)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathRegisterFuncLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc f,
void * funcCtxt)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS		(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri,
xmlXPathFunction f)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathRegisterNs		(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * ns_uri)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathRegisterVariable	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
xmlXPathObjectPtr value)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathRegisterVariableLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc f,
void * data)
Packit 423ecb
int	xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri,
xmlXPathObjectPtr value)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathRegisteredNsCleanup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
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void	xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathRoot			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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void	xmlXPathRoundFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathStartsWithFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
double	xmlXPathStringEvalNumber	(const xmlChar * str)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathStringFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathStringLengthFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathSubValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathSubstringFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathSumFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathTrailing	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb
xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathTrailingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathTranslateFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathTrueFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPathValueFlipSign		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathVariableLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit 423ecb
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathVariableLookupNS	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri)
Packit 423ecb
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapCString	(char * val)
Packit 423ecb
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapExternal	(void * val)
Packit 423ecb
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapNodeSet	(xmlNodeSetPtr val)
Packit 423ecb
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapString	(xmlChar * val)
Packit 423ecb
void	xmlXPatherror			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
const char * file,
int line,
int no)
Packit 423ecb


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Macro to try to cast the value on the top of the XPath stack to a boolean.

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Macro to try to cast the value on the top of the XPath stack to a number.

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Macro to try to cast the value on the top of the XPath stack to a string.

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Macro to check that the number of args passed to an XPath function matches.

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Macro to return from the function if an XPath error was detected.

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#define CHECK_ERROR0

Macro to return 0 from the function if an XPath error was detected.

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#define CHECK_TYPE

Macro to check that the value on top of the XPath stack is of a given type.

Packit 423ecb


#define CHECK_TYPE0

Macro to check that the value on top of the XPath stack is of a given type. Return(0) in case of failure

Packit 423ecb


#define XP_ERROR

Macro to raise an XPath error and return.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: XP_ERROR0

#define XP_ERROR0

Macro to raise an XPath error and return 0.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathCheckError

#define xmlXPathCheckError

Check if an XPath error was raised. Returns true if an error has been raised, false otherwise.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet

#define xmlXPathEmptyNodeSet

Empties a node-set.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathGetContextNode

#define xmlXPathGetContextNode

Get the context node of an XPath context. Returns the context node.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathGetDocument

#define xmlXPathGetDocument

Get the document of an XPath context. Returns the context document.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathGetError

#define xmlXPathGetError

Get the error code of an XPath context. Returns the context error.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnBoolean

#define xmlXPathReturnBoolean

Pushes the boolean @val on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnEmptyNodeSet

#define xmlXPathReturnEmptyNodeSet

Pushes an empty node-set on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnEmptyString

#define xmlXPathReturnEmptyString

Pushes an empty string on the stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnExternal

#define xmlXPathReturnExternal

Pushes user data on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnFalse

#define xmlXPathReturnFalse

Pushes false on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnNodeSet

#define xmlXPathReturnNodeSet

Pushes the node-set @ns on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnNumber

#define xmlXPathReturnNumber

Pushes the double @val on the context stack.

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Macro: xmlXPathReturnString

#define xmlXPathReturnString

Pushes the string @str on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathReturnTrue

#define xmlXPathReturnTrue

Pushes true on the context stack.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathSetArityError

#define xmlXPathSetArityError

Raises an XPATH_INVALID_ARITY error.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathSetError

#define xmlXPathSetError

Raises an error.

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Macro: xmlXPathSetTypeError

#define xmlXPathSetTypeError

Raises an XPATH_INVALID_TYPE error.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathStackIsExternal

#define xmlXPathStackIsExternal

Checks if the current value on the XPath stack is an external object. Returns true if the current object on the stack is an external object.

Packit 423ecb

Macro: xmlXPathStackIsNodeSet

#define xmlXPathStackIsNodeSet

Check if the current value on the XPath stack is a node set or an XSLT value tree. Returns true if the current object on the stack is a node-set.

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Function: valuePop

xmlXPathObjectPtr	valuePop	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
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Pops the top XPath object from the value stack

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<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath evaluation context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the XPath object just removed

Function: valuePush

int	valuePush			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathObjectPtr value)
Packit 423ecb

Pushes a new XPath object on top of the value stack

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<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath evaluation context
<tt>value</tt>:the XPath object
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of items on the value stack

Function: xmlXPathAddValues

void	xmlXPathAddValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the add operation on XPath objects: The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if by calling the number function.

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<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathBooleanFunction

void	xmlXPathBooleanFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the boolean() XPath function boolean boolean(object) The boolean function converts its argument to a boolean as follows: - a number is true if and only if it is neither positive or negative zero nor NaN - a node-set is true if and only if it is non-empty - a string is true if and only if its length is non-zero

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathCeilingFunction

void	xmlXPathCeilingFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the ceiling() XPath function number ceiling(number) The ceiling function returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number that is not less than the argument and that is an integer.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathCompareValues

int	xmlXPathCompareValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int inf,
int strict)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the compare operation on XPath objects: @arg1 < @arg2 (1, 1, ... @arg1 <= @arg2 (1, 0, ... @arg1 > @arg2 (0, 1, ... @arg1 >= @arg2 (0, 0, ... When neither object to be compared is a node-set and the operator is <=, <, >=, >, then the objects are compared by converted both objects to numbers and comparing the numbers according to IEEE 754. The < comparison will be true if and only if the first number is less than the second number. The <= comparison will be true if and only if the first number is less than or equal to the second number. The > comparison will be true if and only if the first number is greater than the second number. The >= comparison will be true if and only if the first number is greater than or equal to the second number.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>inf</tt>:less than (1) or greater than (0)
<tt>strict</tt>:is the comparison strict
<tt>Returns</tt>:1 if the comparison succeeded, 0 if it failed

Function: xmlXPathConcatFunction

void	xmlXPathConcatFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the concat() XPath function string concat(string, string, string*) The concat function returns the concatenation of its arguments.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathContainsFunction

void	xmlXPathContainsFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the contains() XPath function boolean contains(string, string) The contains function returns true if the first argument string contains the second argument string, and otherwise returns false.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathCountFunction

void	xmlXPathCountFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the count() XPath function number count(node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathDebugDumpCompExpr

void	xmlXPathDebugDumpCompExpr	(FILE * output, 
xmlXPathCompExprPtr comp,
int depth)
Packit 423ecb

Dumps the tree of the compiled XPath expression.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>output</tt>:the FILE * for the output
<tt>comp</tt>:the precompiled XPath expression
<tt>depth</tt>:the indentation level.

Function: xmlXPathDebugDumpObject

void	xmlXPathDebugDumpObject		(FILE * output, 
xmlXPathObjectPtr cur,
int depth)
Packit 423ecb

Dump the content of the object for debugging purposes

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<tt>output</tt>:the FILE * to dump the output
<tt>cur</tt>:the object to inspect
<tt>depth</tt>:indentation level

Function: xmlXPathDifference

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathDifference	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets difference() function: node-set set:difference (node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set
<tt>Returns</tt>:the difference between the two node sets, or nodes1 if nodes2 is empty

Function: xmlXPathDistinct

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathDistinct	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets distinct() function: node-set set:distinct (node-set) @nodes is sorted by document order, then #exslSetsDistinctSorted is called with the sorted node-set

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes</tt>:a node-set
<tt>Returns</tt>:a subset of the nodes contained in @nodes, or @nodes if it is empty

Function: xmlXPathDistinctSorted

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathDistinctSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets distinct() function: node-set set:distinct (node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>Returns</tt>:a subset of the nodes contained in @nodes, or @nodes if it is empty

Function: xmlXPathDivValues

void	xmlXPathDivValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the div operation on XPath objects @arg1 / @arg2: The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if by calling the number function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathEqualValues

int	xmlXPathEqualValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the equal operation on XPath objects content: @arg1 == @arg2

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.

Function: xmlXPathErr

void	xmlXPathErr			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int error)
Packit 423ecb

Handle an XPath error

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:a XPath parser context
<tt>error</tt>:the error code

Function: xmlXPathEvalExpr

void	xmlXPathEvalExpr		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Parse and evaluate an XPath expression in the given context, then push the result on the context stack

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult

int	xmlXPathEvaluatePredicateResult	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathObjectPtr res)
Packit 423ecb

Evaluate a predicate result for the current node. A PredicateExpr is evaluated by evaluating the Expr and converting the result to a boolean. If the result is a number, the result will be converted to true if the number is equal to the position of the context node in the context node list (as returned by the position function) and will be converted to false otherwise; if the result is not a number, then the result will be converted as if by a call to the boolean function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>res</tt>:the Predicate Expression evaluation result
<tt>Returns</tt>:1 if predicate is true, 0 otherwise

Function: xmlXPathFalseFunction

void	xmlXPathFalseFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the false() XPath function boolean false()

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathFloorFunction

void	xmlXPathFloorFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the floor() XPath function number floor(number) The floor function returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number that is not greater than the argument and that is an integer.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathFreeParserContext

void	xmlXPathFreeParserContext	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Free up an xmlXPathParserContext

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the context to free

Function: xmlXPathFunctionLookup

xmlXPathFunction	xmlXPathFunctionLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit 423ecb

Search in the Function array of the context for the given function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the function name
<tt>Returns</tt>:the xmlXPathFunction or NULL if not found

Function: xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS

xmlXPathFunction	xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri)
Packit 423ecb

Search in the Function array of the context for the given function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the function name
<tt>ns_uri</tt>:the function namespace URI
<tt>Returns</tt>:the xmlXPathFunction or NULL if not found

Function: xmlXPathHasSameNodes

int	xmlXPathHasSameNodes		(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets has-same-nodes function: boolean set:has-same-node(node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set
<tt>Returns</tt>:true (1) if @nodes1 shares any node with @nodes2, false (0) otherwise

Function: xmlXPathIdFunction

void	xmlXPathIdFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the id() XPath function node-set id(object) The id function selects elements by their unique ID (see [5.2.1 Unique IDs]). When the argument to id is of type node-set, then the result is the union of the result of applying id to the string value of each of the nodes in the argument node-set. When the argument to id is of any other type, the argument is converted to a string as if by a call to the string function; the string is split into a whitespace-separated list of tokens (whitespace is any sequence of characters matching the production S); the result is a node-set containing the elements in the same document as the context node that have a unique ID equal to any of the tokens in the list.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathIntersection

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathIntersection	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets intersection() function: node-set set:intersection (node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set
<tt>Returns</tt>:a node set comprising the nodes that are within both the node sets passed as arguments

Function: xmlXPathIsNodeType

int	xmlXPathIsNodeType		(const xmlChar * name)
Packit 423ecb

Is the name given a NodeType one. [38] NodeType ::= 'comment' | 'text' | 'processing-instruction' | 'node'

Packit 423ecb
<tt>name</tt>:a name string
<tt>Returns</tt>:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlXPathLangFunction

void	xmlXPathLangFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the lang() XPath function boolean lang(string) The lang function returns true or false depending on whether the language of the context node as specified by xml:lang attributes is the same as or is a sublanguage of the language specified by the argument string. The language of the context node is determined by the value of the xml:lang attribute on the context node, or, if the context node has no xml:lang attribute, by the value of the xml:lang attribute on the nearest ancestor of the context node that has an xml:lang attribute. If there is no such attribute, then lang

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathLastFunction

void	xmlXPathLastFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the last() XPath function number last() The last function returns the number of nodes in the context node list.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathLeading

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathLeading		(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets leading() function: node-set set:leading (node-set, node-set) @nodes1 and @nodes2 are sorted by document order, then #exslSetsLeadingSorted is called.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes1 that precede the first node in @nodes2 in document order, @nodes1 if @nodes2 is NULL or empty or an empty node-set if @nodes1 doesn't contain @nodes2

Function: xmlXPathLeadingSorted

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathLeadingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets leading() function: node-set set:leading (node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes1 that precede the first node in @nodes2 in document order, @nodes1 if @nodes2 is NULL or empty or an empty node-set if @nodes1 doesn't contain @nodes2

Function: xmlXPathLocalNameFunction

void	xmlXPathLocalNameFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the local-name() XPath function string local-name(node-set?) The local-name function returns a string containing the local part of the name of the node in the argument node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty or the first node has no name, an empty string is returned. If the argument is omitted it defaults to the context node.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathModValues

void	xmlXPathModValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the mod operation on XPath objects: @arg1 / @arg2 The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if by calling the number function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathMultValues

void	xmlXPathMultValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the multiply operation on XPath objects: The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if by calling the number function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction

void	xmlXPathNamespaceURIFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the namespace-uri() XPath function string namespace-uri(node-set?) The namespace-uri function returns a string containing the namespace URI of the expanded name of the node in the argument node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty, the first node has no name, or the expanded name has no namespace URI, an empty string is returned. If the argument is omitted it defaults to the context node.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathNewBoolean

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewBoolean	(int val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type boolean and of value @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the boolean value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNewCString

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewCString	(const char * val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type string and of value @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the char * value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNewFloat

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewFloat	(double val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type double and of value @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the double value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNewNodeSet

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewNodeSet	(xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type NodeSet and initialize it with the single Node @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the NodePtr value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNewNodeSetList

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewNodeSetList	(xmlNodeSetPtr val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type NodeSet and initialize it with the Nodeset @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:an existing NodeSet
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNewParserContext

xmlXPathParserContextPtr	xmlXPathNewParserContext	(const xmlChar * str, 
xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathParserContext

Packit 423ecb
<tt>str</tt>:the XPath expression
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the xmlXPathParserContext just allocated.

Function: xmlXPathNewString

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewString	(const xmlChar * val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type string and of value @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the xmlChar * value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNewValueTree

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathNewValueTree	(xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb

Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type Value Tree (XSLT) and initialize it with the tree root @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the NodePtr value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathNextAncestor

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextAncestor	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "ancestor" direction the ancestor axis contains the ancestors of the context node; the ancestors of the context node consist of the parent of context node and the parent's parent and so on; the nodes are ordered in reverse document order; thus the parent is the first node on the axis, and the parent's parent is the second node on the axis

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextAncestorOrSelf	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "ancestor-or-self" direction he ancestor-or-self axis contains the context node and ancestors of the context node in reverse document order; thus the context node is the first node on the axis, and the context node's parent the second; parent here is defined the same as with the parent axis.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextAttribute

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextAttribute	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "attribute" direction TODO: support DTD inherited default attributes

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current attribute in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextChild

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextChild	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "child" direction The child axis contains the children of the context node in document order.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextDescendant

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextDescendant	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "descendant" direction the descendant axis contains the descendants of the context node in document order; a descendant is a child or a child of a child and so on.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextDescendantOrSelf	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "descendant-or-self" direction the descendant-or-self axis contains the context node and the descendants of the context node in document order; thus the context node is the first node on the axis, and the first child of the context node is the second node on the axis

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextFollowing

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextFollowing	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "following" direction The following axis contains all nodes in the same document as the context node that are after the context node in document order, excluding any descendants and excluding attribute nodes and namespace nodes; the nodes are ordered in document order

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextFollowingSibling	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "following-sibling" direction The following-sibling axis contains the following siblings of the context node in document order.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextNamespace

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextNamespace	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "namespace" direction the namespace axis contains the namespace nodes of the context node; the order of nodes on this axis is implementation-defined; the axis will be empty unless the context node is an element We keep the XML namespace node at the end of the list.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current attribute in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextParent

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextParent	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "parent" direction The parent axis contains the parent of the context node, if there is one.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextPreceding

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextPreceding	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "preceding" direction the preceding axis contains all nodes in the same document as the context node that are before the context node in document order, excluding any ancestors and excluding attribute nodes and namespace nodes; the nodes are ordered in reverse document order

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextPrecedingSibling	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "preceding-sibling" direction The preceding-sibling axis contains the preceding siblings of the context node in reverse document order; the first preceding sibling is first on the axis; the sibling preceding that node is the second on the axis and so on.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNextSelf

xmlNodePtr	xmlXPathNextSelf	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Traversal function for the "self" direction The self axis contains just the context node itself

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node in the traversal
<tt>Returns</tt>:the next element following that axis

Function: xmlXPathNodeLeading

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeLeading	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets leading() function: node-set set:leading (node-set, node-set) @nodes is sorted by document order, then #exslSetsNodeLeadingSorted is called.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes</tt>:a node-set
<tt>node</tt>:a node
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes that precede @node in document order, @nodes if @node is NULL or an empty node-set if @nodes doesn't contain @node

Function: xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets leading() function: node-set set:leading (node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>node</tt>:a node
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes that precede @node in document order, @nodes if @node is NULL or an empty node-set if @nodes doesn't contain @node

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetAdd

int	xmlXPathNodeSetAdd		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb

add a new xmlNodePtr to an existing NodeSet

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the initial node set
<tt>val</tt>:a new xmlNodePtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success, and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetAddNs

int	xmlXPathNodeSetAddNs		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNsPtr ns)
Packit 423ecb

add a new namespace node to an existing NodeSet

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the initial node set
<tt>node</tt>:the hosting node
<tt>ns</tt>:a the namespace node
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique

int	xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique	(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb

add a new xmlNodePtr to an existing NodeSet, optimized version when we are sure the node is not already in the set.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the initial node set
<tt>val</tt>:a new xmlNodePtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success and -1 in case of failure

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetContains

int	xmlXPathNodeSetContains		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb

checks whether @cur contains @val

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the node-set
<tt>val</tt>:the node
<tt>Returns</tt>:true (1) if @cur contains @val, false (0) otherwise

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetDel

void	xmlXPathNodeSetDel		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
xmlNodePtr val)
Packit 423ecb

Removes an xmlNodePtr from an existing NodeSet

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the initial node set
<tt>val</tt>:an xmlNodePtr

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs

void	xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs		(xmlNsPtr ns)
Packit 423ecb

Namespace nodes in libxml don't match the XPath semantic. In a node set the namespace nodes are duplicated and the next pointer is set to the parent node in the XPath semantic. Check if such a node needs to be freed

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ns</tt>:the XPath namespace node found in a nodeset.

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetMerge

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeSetMerge	(xmlNodeSetPtr val1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr val2)
Packit 423ecb

Merges two nodesets, all nodes from @val2 are added to @val1 if @val1 is NULL, a new set is created and copied from @val2

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val1</tt>:the first NodeSet or NULL
<tt>val2</tt>:the second NodeSet
<tt>Returns</tt>:@val1 once extended or NULL in case of error.

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetRemove

void	xmlXPathNodeSetRemove		(xmlNodeSetPtr cur, 
int val)
Packit 423ecb

Removes an entry from an existing NodeSet list.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the initial node set
<tt>val</tt>:the index to remove

Function: xmlXPathNodeSetSort

void	xmlXPathNodeSetSort		(xmlNodeSetPtr set)
Packit 423ecb

Sort the node set in document order

Packit 423ecb
<tt>set</tt>:the node set

Function: xmlXPathNodeTrailing

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeTrailing	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets trailing() function: node-set set:trailing (node-set, node-set) @nodes is sorted by document order, then #xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted is called.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes</tt>:a node-set
<tt>node</tt>:a node
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes that follow @node in document order, @nodes if @node is NULL or an empty node-set if @nodes doesn't contain @node

Function: xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, 
xmlNodePtr node)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets trailing() function: node-set set:trailing (node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>node</tt>:a node
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes that follow @node in document order, @nodes if @node is NULL or an empty node-set if @nodes doesn't contain @node

Function: xmlXPathNormalizeFunction

void	xmlXPathNormalizeFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the normalize-space() XPath function string normalize-space(string?) The normalize-space function returns the argument string with white space normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences of whitespace characters by a single space. Whitespace characters are the same allowed by the S production in XML. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node converted to a string, in other words the value of the context node.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathNotEqualValues

int	xmlXPathNotEqualValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the equal operation on XPath objects content: @arg1 == @arg2

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 or 1 depending on the results of the test.

Function: xmlXPathNotFunction

void	xmlXPathNotFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the not() XPath function boolean not(boolean) The not function returns true if its argument is false, and false otherwise.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathNsLookup

const xmlChar *	xmlXPathNsLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * prefix)
Packit 423ecb

Search in the namespace declaration array of the context for the given namespace name associated to the given prefix

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>prefix</tt>:the namespace prefix value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the value or NULL if not found

Function: xmlXPathNumberFunction

void	xmlXPathNumberFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the number() XPath function number number(object?)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathParseNCName

xmlChar *	xmlXPathParseNCName	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

parse an XML namespace non qualified name. [NS 3] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)* [NS 4] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | CombiningChar | Extender

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the namespace name or NULL

Function: xmlXPathParseName

xmlChar *	xmlXPathParseName	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

parse an XML name [4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the namespace name or NULL

Function: xmlXPathPopBoolean

int	xmlXPathPopBoolean		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Pops a boolean from the stack, handling conversion if needed. Check error with #xmlXPathCheckError.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the boolean

Function: xmlXPathPopExternal

void *	xmlXPathPopExternal		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Pops an external object from the stack, handling conversion if needed. Check error with #xmlXPathCheckError.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the object

Function: xmlXPathPopNodeSet

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathPopNodeSet	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Pops a node-set from the stack, handling conversion if needed. Check error with #xmlXPathCheckError.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the node-set

Function: xmlXPathPopNumber

double	xmlXPathPopNumber		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Pops a number from the stack, handling conversion if needed. Check error with #xmlXPathCheckError.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number

Function: xmlXPathPopString

xmlChar *	xmlXPathPopString	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Pops a string from the stack, handling conversion if needed. Check error with #xmlXPathCheckError.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:an XPath parser context
<tt>Returns</tt>:the string

Function: xmlXPathPositionFunction

void	xmlXPathPositionFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the position() XPath function number position() The position function returns the position of the context node in the context node list. The first position is 1, and so the last position will be equal to last().

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions

void	xmlXPathRegisterAllFunctions	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Registers all default XPath functions in this context

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context

Function: xmlXPathRegisterFunc

int	xmlXPathRegisterFunc		(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
xmlXPathFunction f)
Packit 423ecb

Register a new function. If @f is NULL it unregisters the function

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the function name
<tt>f</tt>:the function implementation or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success, -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathRegisterFuncLookup

void	xmlXPathRegisterFuncLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc f,
void * funcCtxt)
Packit 423ecb

Registers an external mechanism to do function lookup.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>f</tt>:the lookup function
<tt>funcCtxt</tt>:the lookup data

Function: xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS

int	xmlXPathRegisterFuncNS		(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri,
xmlXPathFunction f)
Packit 423ecb

Register a new function. If @f is NULL it unregisters the function

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the function name
<tt>ns_uri</tt>:the function namespace URI
<tt>f</tt>:the function implementation or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success, -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathRegisterNs

int	xmlXPathRegisterNs		(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * ns_uri)
Packit 423ecb

Register a new namespace. If @ns_uri is NULL it unregisters the namespace

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>prefix</tt>:the namespace prefix cannot be NULL or empty string
<tt>ns_uri</tt>:the namespace name
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success, -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathRegisterVariable

int	xmlXPathRegisterVariable	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
xmlXPathObjectPtr value)
Packit 423ecb

Register a new variable value. If @value is NULL it unregisters the variable

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the variable name
<tt>value</tt>:the variable value or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success, -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathRegisterVariableLookup

void	xmlXPathRegisterVariableLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc f,
void * data)
Packit 423ecb

register an external mechanism to do variable lookup

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>f</tt>:the lookup function
<tt>data</tt>:the lookup data

Function: xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS

int	xmlXPathRegisterVariableNS	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri,
xmlXPathObjectPtr value)
Packit 423ecb

Register a new variable value. If @value is NULL it unregisters the variable

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the variable name
<tt>ns_uri</tt>:the variable namespace URI
<tt>value</tt>:the variable value or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success, -1 in case of error

Function: xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup

void	xmlXPathRegisteredFuncsCleanup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Cleanup the XPath context data associated to registered functions

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context

Function: xmlXPathRegisteredNsCleanup

void	xmlXPathRegisteredNsCleanup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Cleanup the XPath context data associated to registered variables

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context

Function: xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup

void	xmlXPathRegisteredVariablesCleanup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Cleanup the XPath context data associated to registered variables

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context

Function: xmlXPathRoot

void	xmlXPathRoot			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Initialize the context to the root of the document

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathRoundFunction

void	xmlXPathRoundFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the round() XPath function number round(number) The round function returns the number that is closest to the argument and that is an integer. If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathStartsWithFunction

void	xmlXPathStartsWithFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the starts-with() XPath function boolean starts-with(string, string) The starts-with function returns true if the first argument string starts with the second argument string, and otherwise returns false.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathStringEvalNumber

double	xmlXPathStringEvalNumber	(const xmlChar * str)
Packit 423ecb

[30a] Float ::= Number ('e' Digits?)? [30] Number ::= Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits [31] Digits ::= [0-9]+ Compile a Number in the string In complement of the Number expression, this function also handles negative values : '-' Number.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>str</tt>:A string to scan
<tt>Returns</tt>:the double value.

Function: xmlXPathStringFunction

void	xmlXPathStringFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the string() XPath function string string(object?) The string function converts an object to a string as follows: - A node-set is converted to a string by returning the value of the node in the node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty, an empty string is returned. - A number is converted to a string as follows + NaN is converted to the string NaN + positive zero is converted to the string 0 + negative zero is converted to the string 0 + positive infinity is converted to the string Infinity + negative infinity is converted to the string -Infinity + if the number is an integer, the number is represented in decimal form as a Number with no decimal point and no leading zeros, preceded by a minus sign (-) if the number is negative + otherwise, the number is represented in decimal form as a Number including a decimal point with at least one digit before the decimal point and at least one digit after the decimal point, preceded by a minus sign (-) if the number is negative; there must be no leading zeros before the decimal point apart possibly from the one required digit immediately before the decimal point; beyond the one required digit after the decimal point there must be as many, but only as many, more digits as are needed to uniquely distinguish the number from all other IEEE 754 numeric values. - The boolean false value is converted to the string false. The boolean true value is converted to the string true. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathStringLengthFunction

void	xmlXPathStringLengthFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the string-length() XPath function number string-length(string?) The string-length returns the number of characters in the string (see [3.6 Strings]). If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node converted to a string, in other words the value of the context node.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathSubValues

void	xmlXPathSubValues		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the subtraction operation on XPath objects: The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if by calling the number function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction

void	xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the substring-after() XPath function string substring-after(string, string) The substring-after function returns the substring of the first argument string that follows the first occurrence of the second argument string in the first argument string, or the empty stringi if the first argument string does not contain the second argument string. For example, substring-after("1999/04/01","/") returns 04/01, and substring-after("1999/04/01","19") returns 99/04/01.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction

void	xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the substring-before() XPath function string substring-before(string, string) The substring-before function returns the substring of the first argument string that precedes the first occurrence of the second argument string in the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument string does not contain the second argument string. For example, substring-before("1999/04/01","/") returns 1999.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathSubstringFunction

void	xmlXPathSubstringFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the substring() XPath function string substring(string, number, number?) The substring function returns the substring of the first argument starting at the position specified in the second argument with length specified in the third argument. For example, substring("12345",2,3) returns "234". If the third argument is not specified, it returns the substring starting at the position specified in the second argument and continuing to the end of the string. For example, substring("12345",2) returns "2345". More precisely, each character in the string (see [3.6 Strings]) is considered to have a numeric position: the position of the first character is 1, the position of the second character is 2 and so on. The returned substring contains those characters for which the position of the character is greater than or equal to the second argument and, if the third argument is specified, less than the sum of the second and third arguments; the comparisons and addition used for the above follow the standard IEEE 754 rules. Thus: - substring("12345", 1.5, 2.6) returns "234" - substring("12345", 0, 3) returns "12" - substring("12345", 0 div 0, 3) returns "" - substring("12345", 1, 0 div 0) returns "" - substring("12345", -42, 1 div 0) returns "12345" - substring("12345", -1 div 0, 1 div 0) returns ""

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathSumFunction

void	xmlXPathSumFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the sum() XPath function number sum(node-set) The sum function returns the sum of the values of the nodes in the argument node-set.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathTrailing

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathTrailing	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets trailing() function: node-set set:trailing (node-set, node-set) @nodes1 and @nodes2 are sorted by document order, then #xmlXPathTrailingSorted is called.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes1 that follow the first node in @nodes2 in document order, @nodes1 if @nodes2 is NULL or empty or an empty node-set if @nodes1 doesn't contain @nodes2

Function: xmlXPathTrailingSorted

xmlNodeSetPtr	xmlXPathTrailingSorted	(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes1, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes2)
Packit 423ecb

Implements the EXSLT - Sets trailing() function: node-set set:trailing (node-set, node-set)

Packit 423ecb
<tt>nodes1</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>nodes2</tt>:a node-set, sorted by document order
<tt>Returns</tt>:the nodes in @nodes1 that follow the first node in @nodes2 in document order, @nodes1 if @nodes2 is NULL or empty or an empty node-set if @nodes1 doesn't contain @nodes2

Function: xmlXPathTranslateFunction

void	xmlXPathTranslateFunction	(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the translate() XPath function string translate(string, string, string) The translate function returns the first argument string with occurrences of characters in the second argument string replaced by the character at the corresponding position in the third argument string. For example, translate("bar","abc","ABC") returns the string BAr. If there is a character in the second argument string with no character at a corresponding position in the third argument string (because the second argument string is longer than the third argument string), then occurrences of that character in the first argument string are removed. For example, translate("--aaa--","abc-","ABC")

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathTrueFunction

void	xmlXPathTrueFunction		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
int nargs)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the true() XPath function boolean true()

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>nargs</tt>:the number of arguments

Function: xmlXPathValueFlipSign

void	xmlXPathValueFlipSign		(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt)
Packit 423ecb

Implement the unary - operation on an XPath object The numeric operators convert their operands to numbers as if by calling the number function.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context

Function: xmlXPathVariableLookup

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathVariableLookup	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit 423ecb

Search in the Variable array of the context for the given variable value.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the variable name
<tt>Returns</tt>:a copy of the value or NULL if not found

Function: xmlXPathVariableLookupNS

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathVariableLookupNS	(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ns_uri)
Packit 423ecb

Search in the Variable array of the context for the given variable value.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath context
<tt>name</tt>:the variable name
<tt>ns_uri</tt>:the variable namespace URI
<tt>Returns</tt>:the a copy of the value or NULL if not found

Function: xmlXPathWrapCString

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapCString	(char * val)
Packit 423ecb

Wraps a string into an XPath object.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the char * value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathWrapExternal

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapExternal	(void * val)
Packit 423ecb

Wraps the @val data into an XPath object.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the user data
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathWrapNodeSet

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapNodeSet	(xmlNodeSetPtr val)
Packit 423ecb

Wrap the Nodeset @val in a new xmlXPathObjectPtr

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the NodePtr value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPathWrapString

xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPathWrapString	(xmlChar * val)
Packit 423ecb

Wraps the @val string into an XPath object.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>val</tt>:the xmlChar * value
<tt>Returns</tt>:the newly created object.

Function: xmlXPatherror

void	xmlXPatherror			(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, 
const char * file,
int line,
int no)
Packit 423ecb

Formats an error message.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>ctxt</tt>:the XPath Parser context
<tt>file</tt>:the file name
<tt>line</tt>:the line number
<tt>no</tt>:the error number

Daniel Veillard
