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Module xmlwriter from libxml2

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text writing API for XML

Table of Contents

#define xmlTextWriterWriteDocType
#define xmlTextWriterWriteProcessingInstruction
Structure xmlTextWriter
struct _xmlTextWriter
Packit Service a31ea6
The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
Packit Service a31ea6
Typedef xmlTextWriter * xmlTextWriterPtr
Packit Service a31ea6
void	xmlFreeTextWriter		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriter	(xmlOutputBufferPtr out)
Packit Service a31ea6
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterDoc	(xmlDocPtr * doc, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterFilename	(const char * uri, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterMemory	(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterPushParser	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6
xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterTree	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr node,
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndComment		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndDocument	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndElement		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterEndPI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterFlush		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterFullEndElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterSetIndent		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int indent)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterSetIndentString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * str)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
xmlChar quotechar)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartDocument	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * version,
const char * encoding,
const char * standalone)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterStartPI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteBase64	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * data,
int start,
int len)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * data,
int start,
int len)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * subset)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWritePI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteRaw		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6
int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6


Packit Service a31ea6

Macro: xmlTextWriterWriteDocType

#define xmlTextWriterWriteDocType

this macro maps to xmlTextWriterWriteDTD

Packit Service a31ea6

Macro: xmlTextWriterWriteProcessingInstruction

#define xmlTextWriterWriteProcessingInstruction

This macro maps to xmlTextWriterWritePI

Packit Service a31ea6

Structure xmlTextWriter

Structure xmlTextWriter
struct _xmlTextWriter {
Packit Service a31ea6
The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
Packit Service a31ea6

Function: xmlFreeTextWriter

void	xmlFreeTextWriter		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

Deallocate all the resources associated to the writer

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr

Function: xmlNewTextWriter

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriter	(xmlOutputBufferPtr out)
Packit Service a31ea6

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure using an xmlOutputBufferPtr NOTE: the @out parameter will be deallocated when the writer is closed (if the call succeed.)

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>out</tt>:an xmlOutputBufferPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlNewTextWriterDoc

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterDoc	(xmlDocPtr * doc, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @*doc as output

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>doc</tt>:address of a xmlDocPtr to hold the new XML document tree
<tt>compression</tt>:compress the output?
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlNewTextWriterFilename

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterFilename	(const char * uri, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @uri as output

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>uri</tt>:the URI of the resource for the output
<tt>compression</tt>:compress the output?
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlNewTextWriterMemory

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterMemory	(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @buf as output TODO: handle compression

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>compression</tt>:compress the output?
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlNewTextWriterPushParser

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterPushParser	(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, 
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @ctxt as output NOTE: the @ctxt context will be freed with the resulting writer (if the call succeeds). TODO: handle compression

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>ctxt</tt>:xmlParserCtxtPtr to hold the new XML document tree
<tt>compression</tt>:compress the output?
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlNewTextWriterTree

xmlTextWriterPtr	xmlNewTextWriterTree	(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodePtr node,
int compression)
Packit Service a31ea6

Create a new xmlNewTextWriter structure with @doc as output starting at @node

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>node</tt>:xmlNodePtr or NULL for doc->children
<tt>compression</tt>:compress the output?
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlTextWriterPtr or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndAttribute

int	xmlTextWriterEndAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End the current xml element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndCDATA

int	xmlTextWriterEndCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End an xml CDATA section.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndComment

int	xmlTextWriterEndComment		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End the current xml coment.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndDTD

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End an xml DTD.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End an xml DTD attribute list.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End an xml DTD element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity

int	xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End an xml DTD entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndDocument

int	xmlTextWriterEndDocument	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End an xml document. All open elements are closed, and the content is flushed to the output.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndElement

int	xmlTextWriterEndElement		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End the current xml element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterEndPI

int	xmlTextWriterEndPI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End the current xml PI.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterFlush

int	xmlTextWriterFlush		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

Flush the output buffer.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterFullEndElement

int	xmlTextWriterFullEndElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

End the current xml element. Writes an end tag even if the element is empty

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterSetIndent

int	xmlTextWriterSetIndent		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int indent)
Packit Service a31ea6

Set indentation output. indent = 0 do not indentation. indent > 0 do indentation.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>indent</tt>:do indentation?
<tt>Returns</tt>:-1 on error or 0 otherwise.

Function: xmlTextWriterSetIndentString

int	xmlTextWriterSetIndentString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * str)
Packit Service a31ea6

Set string indentation.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>str</tt>:the xmlChar string
<tt>Returns</tt>:-1 on error or 0 otherwise.

Function: xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar

int	xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
xmlChar quotechar)
Packit Service a31ea6

Set the character used for quoting attributes.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>quotechar</tt>:the quote character
<tt>Returns</tt>:-1 on error or 0 otherwise.

Function: xmlTextWriterStartAttribute

int	xmlTextWriterStartAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml attribute.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:element name
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS

int	xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml attribute with namespace support.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix or NULL
<tt>name</tt>:element local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartCDATA

int	xmlTextWriterStartCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml CDATA section.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartComment

int	xmlTextWriterStartComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml comment.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartDTD

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml DTD.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml DTD ATTLIST.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD ATTLIST
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml DTD element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD element
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity

int	xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml DTD ATTLIST.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pe</tt>:TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD ATTLIST
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartDocument

int	xmlTextWriterStartDocument	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * version,
const char * encoding,
const char * standalone)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start a new xml document

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>version</tt>:the xml version ("1.0") or NULL for default ("1.0")
<tt>encoding</tt>:the encoding or NULL for default
<tt>standalone</tt>:"yes" or "no" or NULL for default
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartElement

int	xmlTextWriterStartElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:element name
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartElementNS

int	xmlTextWriterStartElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml element with namespace support.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix or NULL
<tt>name</tt>:element local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterStartPI

int	xmlTextWriterStartPI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target)
Packit Service a31ea6

Start an xml PI.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>target</tt>:PI target
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute

int	xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml attribute.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:attribute name
<tt>content</tt>:attribute content
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS

int	xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml attribute.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix
<tt>name</tt>:attribute local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI
<tt>content</tt>:attribute content
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteBase64

int	xmlTextWriterWriteBase64	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * data,
int start,
int len)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an base64 encoded xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>data</tt>:binary data
<tt>start</tt>:the position within the data of the first byte to encode
<tt>len</tt>:the number of bytes to encode
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex

int	xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * data,
int start,
int len)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a BinHex encoded xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>data</tt>:binary data
<tt>start</tt>:the position within the data of the first byte to encode
<tt>len</tt>:the number of bytes to encode
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA

int	xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml CDATA.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>content</tt>:CDATA content
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteComment

int	xmlTextWriterWriteComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml comment.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>content</tt>:comment string
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTD

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTD		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * subset)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>subset</tt>:string content of the DTD
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6


Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD ATTLIST
<tt>content</tt>:content of the ATTLIST
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD element
<tt>content</tt>:content of the element
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pe</tt>:TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD entity
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>ndataid</tt>:the xml notation name.
<tt>content</tt>:content of the entity
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD external entity. The entity must have been started with xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pe</tt>:TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD entity
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>ndataid</tt>:the xml notation name.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const xmlChar * ndataid)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write the contents of a DTD external entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>ndataid</tt>:the xml notation name.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD internal entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pe</tt>:TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD entity
<tt>content</tt>:content of the entity
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation

int	xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the xml notation
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteElement

int	xmlTextWriterWriteElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:element name
<tt>content</tt>:element content
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS

int	xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml element with namespace support.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix
<tt>name</tt>:element local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI
<tt>content</tt>:element content
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml attribute.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:attribute name
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml attribute.with namespace support

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix
<tt>name</tt>:attribute local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml CDATA.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml comment.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD with a formatted markup declarations part.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted DTD ATTLIST.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD ATTLIST
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted DTD element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD element
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted DTD internal entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pe</tt>:TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD entity
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:element name
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml element with namespace support.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix
<tt>name</tt>:element local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted PI.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>target</tt>:PI target
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted raw xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString

int	xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
... ...)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>...</tt>:extra parameters for the format
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWritePI

int	xmlTextWriterWritePI		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml PI.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>target</tt>:PI target
<tt>content</tt>:PI content
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteRaw

int	xmlTextWriterWriteRaw		(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a raw xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>content</tt>:text string
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen

int	xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content,
int len)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml text. TODO: what about entities and special chars??

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>content</tt>:text string
<tt>len</tt>:length of the text string
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteString

int	xmlTextWriterWriteString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * content)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>content</tt>:text string
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml attribute.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:attribute name
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml attribute.with namespace support

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix
<tt>name</tt>:attribute local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml CDATA.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write an xml comment.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * pubid,
const xmlChar * sysid,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a DTD with a formatted markup declarations part.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD
<tt>pubid</tt>:the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier
<tt>sysid</tt>:the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted DTD ATTLIST.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD ATTLIST
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted DTD element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD element
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
int pe,
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted DTD internal entity.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>pe</tt>:TRUE if this is a parameter entity, FALSE if not
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the DTD entity
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * name,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml element.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>name</tt>:element name
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * namespaceURI,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml element with namespace support.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>prefix</tt>:namespace prefix
<tt>name</tt>:element local name
<tt>namespaceURI</tt>:namespace URI
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const xmlChar * target,
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml PI.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>target</tt>:PI target
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted raw xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString

int	xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString	(xmlTextWriterPtr writer, 
const char * format,
va_list argptr)
Packit Service a31ea6

Write a formatted xml text.

Packit Service a31ea6
<tt>writer</tt>:the xmlTextWriterPtr
<tt>format</tt>:format string (see printf)
<tt>argptr</tt>:pointer to the first member of the variable argument list.
<tt>Returns</tt>:the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

Daniel Veillard
