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Module c14n from libxml2

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the c14n modules provides a "Canonical XML" implementation

Table of Contents

Enum xmlC14NMode
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int	xmlC14NDocDumpMemory		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr)
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int	xmlC14NDocSave			(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
const char * filename,
int compression)
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int	xmlC14NDocSaveTo		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
xmlOutputBufferPtr buf)
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int	xmlC14NExecute			(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback is_visible_callback,
void * user_data,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
xmlOutputBufferPtr buf)
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Function type: xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback
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int	xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback	(void * user_data, 
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNodePtr parent)
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Enum xmlC14NMode

Enum xmlC14NMode {
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    XML_C14N_1_0 = 0 : Origianal C14N 1.0 spec
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    XML_C14N_EXCLUSIVE_1_0 = 1 : Exclusive C14N 1.0 spec
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    XML_C14N_1_1 = 2 : C14N 1.1 spec
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Function: xmlC14NDocDumpMemory

int	xmlC14NDocDumpMemory		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr)
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Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into memory. For details see "Canonical XML" ( or "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" (

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<tt>doc</tt>:the XML document for canonization
<tt>nodes</tt>:the nodes set to be included in the canonized image or NULL if all document nodes should be included
<tt>mode</tt>:the c14n mode (see @xmlC14NMode)
<tt>inclusive_ns_prefixes</tt>:the list of inclusive namespace prefixes ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive canonicalization, ignored otherwise)
<tt>with_comments</tt>:include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0)
<tt>doc_txt_ptr</tt>:the memory pointer for allocated canonical XML text; the caller of this functions is responsible for calling xmlFree() to free allocated memory
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of bytes written on success or a negative value on fail

Function: xmlC14NDocSave

int	xmlC14NDocSave			(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
const char * filename,
int compression)
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Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into the file. For details see "Canonical XML" ( or "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" (

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<tt>doc</tt>:the XML document for canonization
<tt>nodes</tt>:the nodes set to be included in the canonized image or NULL if all document nodes should be included
<tt>mode</tt>:the c14n mode (see @xmlC14NMode)
<tt>inclusive_ns_prefixes</tt>:the list of inclusive namespace prefixes ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive canonicalization, ignored otherwise)
<tt>with_comments</tt>:include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0)
<tt>filename</tt>:the filename to store canonical XML image
<tt>compression</tt>:the compression level (zlib requred): -1 - libxml default, 0 - uncompressed, >0 - compression level
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of bytes written success or a negative value on fail

Function: xmlC14NDocSaveTo

int	xmlC14NDocSaveTo		(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
xmlOutputBufferPtr buf)
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Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into the provided buffer. For details see "Canonical XML" ( or "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" (

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<tt>doc</tt>:the XML document for canonization
<tt>nodes</tt>:the nodes set to be included in the canonized image or NULL if all document nodes should be included
<tt>mode</tt>:the c14n mode (see @xmlC14NMode)
<tt>inclusive_ns_prefixes</tt>:the list of inclusive namespace prefixes ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive canonicalization, ignored otherwise)
<tt>with_comments</tt>:include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0)
<tt>buf</tt>:the output buffer to store canonical XML; this buffer MUST have encoder==NULL because C14N requires UTF-8 output
<tt>Returns</tt>:non-negative value on success or a negative value on fail

Function: xmlC14NExecute

int	xmlC14NExecute			(xmlDocPtr doc, 
xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback is_visible_callback,
void * user_data,
int mode,
xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes,
int with_comments,
xmlOutputBufferPtr buf)
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Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into the provided buffer. For details see "Canonical XML" ( or "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" (

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<tt>doc</tt>:the XML document for canonization
<tt>is_visible_callback</tt>:the function to use to determine is node visible or not
<tt>user_data</tt>:the first parameter for @is_visible_callback function (in most cases, it is nodes set)
<tt>mode</tt>:the c14n mode (see @xmlC14NMode)
<tt>inclusive_ns_prefixes</tt>:the list of inclusive namespace prefixes ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive canonicalization, ignored otherwise)
<tt>with_comments</tt>:include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0)
<tt>buf</tt>:the output buffer to store canonical XML; this buffer MUST have encoder==NULL because C14N requires UTF-8 output
<tt>Returns</tt>:non-negative value on success or a negative value on fail

Function type: xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback

Function type: xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback
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int	xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback	(void * user_data, 
xmlNodePtr node,
xmlNodePtr parent)
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Signature for a C14N callback on visible nodes

<tt>user_data</tt>:user data
<tt>node</tt>:the curent node
<tt>parent</tt>:the parent node
<tt>Returns</tt>:1 if the node should be included

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Daniel Veillard
