Blame doc/html/libxml-HTMLtree.html

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<html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/favicon.ico" /><style type="text/css">
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A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underline }
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    </style><title>Module HTMLtree from libxml2</title></head><body bgcolor="#8b7765" text="#000000" link="#a06060" vlink="#000000">
Action against software patentsGnome2 LogoW3C LogoRed Hat Logo
Made with Libxml2 Logo

Module HTMLtree from libxml2

<center>API Menu</center>
<form action="../search.php" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="get"><input name="query" type="text" size="20" value="" /><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Search ..." /></form>
<center>API Indexes</center>
<center>Related links</center>

this module implements a few function needed to process tree in an HTML specific way.

Table of Contents

#define HTML_PI_NODE
void	htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput	(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb
void	htmlDocContentDumpOutput	(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlDocDump			(FILE * f, 
xmlDocPtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
void	htmlDocDumpMemory		(xmlDocPtr cur, 
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size)
Packit 423ecb
void	htmlDocDumpMemoryFormat		(xmlDocPtr cur, 
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size,
int format)
Packit 423ecb
const xmlChar *	htmlGetMetaEncoding	(htmlDocPtr doc)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlIsBooleanAttr		(const xmlChar * name)
Packit 423ecb
htmlDocPtr	htmlNewDoc		(const xmlChar * URI, 
const xmlChar * ExternalID)
Packit 423ecb
htmlDocPtr	htmlNewDocNoDtD		(const xmlChar * URI, 
const xmlChar * ExternalID)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlNodeDump			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
void	htmlNodeDumpFile		(FILE * out, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlNodeDumpFileFormat		(FILE * out, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb
void	htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput	(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb
void	htmlNodeDumpOutput		(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
const char * encoding)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlSaveFile			(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlSaveFileEnc			(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlSaveFileFormat		(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb
int	htmlSetMetaEncoding		(htmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * encoding)
Packit 423ecb


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Macro. A comment in a HTML document is really implemented the same way as a comment in an XML document.

Packit 423ecb



Macro. An entity reference in a HTML document is really implemented the same way as an entity reference in an XML document.

Packit 423ecb


#define HTML_PI_NODE

Macro. A processing instruction in a HTML document is really implemented the same way as a processing instruction in an XML document.

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Macro. A preserved node in a HTML document is really implemented the same way as a CDATA section in an XML document.

Packit 423ecb



Macro. A text node in a HTML document is really implemented the same way as a text node in an XML document.

Packit 423ecb

Function: htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput

void	htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput	(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>buf</tt>:the HTML buffer output
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>encoding</tt>:the encoding string
<tt>format</tt>:should formatting spaces been added

Function: htmlDocContentDumpOutput

void	htmlDocContentDumpOutput	(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document. Formating return/spaces are added.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>buf</tt>:the HTML buffer output
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>encoding</tt>:the encoding string

Function: htmlDocDump

int	htmlDocDump			(FILE * f, 
xmlDocPtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document to an open FILE.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>f</tt>:the FILE*
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of byte written or -1 in case of failure.

Function: htmlDocDumpMemory

void	htmlDocDumpMemory		(xmlDocPtr cur, 
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document in memory and return the xmlChar * and it's size. It's up to the caller to free the memory.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>mem</tt>:OUT: the memory pointer
<tt>size</tt>:OUT: the memory length

Function: htmlDocDumpMemoryFormat

void	htmlDocDumpMemoryFormat		(xmlDocPtr cur, 
xmlChar ** mem,
int * size,
int format)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document in memory and return the xmlChar * and it's size. It's up to the caller to free the memory.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>mem</tt>:OUT: the memory pointer
<tt>size</tt>:OUT: the memory length
<tt>format</tt>:should formatting spaces been added

Function: htmlGetMetaEncoding

const xmlChar *	htmlGetMetaEncoding	(htmlDocPtr doc)
Packit 423ecb

Encoding definition lookup in the Meta tags

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<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>Returns</tt>:the current encoding as flagged in the HTML source

Function: htmlIsBooleanAttr

int	htmlIsBooleanAttr		(const xmlChar * name)
Packit 423ecb

Determine if a given attribute is a boolean attribute.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>name</tt>:the name of the attribute to check
<tt>Returns</tt>:false if the attribute is not boolean, true otherwise.

Function: htmlNewDoc

htmlDocPtr	htmlNewDoc		(const xmlChar * URI, 
const xmlChar * ExternalID)
Packit 423ecb

Creates a new HTML document

Packit 423ecb
<tt>URI</tt>:URI for the dtd, or NULL
<tt>ExternalID</tt>:the external ID of the DTD, or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:a new document

Function: htmlNewDocNoDtD

htmlDocPtr	htmlNewDocNoDtD		(const xmlChar * URI, 
const xmlChar * ExternalID)
Packit 423ecb

Creates a new HTML document without a DTD node if @URI and @ExternalID are NULL

Packit 423ecb
<tt>URI</tt>:URI for the dtd, or NULL
<tt>ExternalID</tt>:the external ID of the DTD, or NULL
<tt>Returns</tt>:a new document, do not initialize the DTD if not provided

Function: htmlNodeDump

int	htmlNodeDump			(xmlBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too, and formatting returns are added.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>buf</tt>:the HTML buffer output
<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of byte written or -1 in case of error

Function: htmlNodeDumpFile

void	htmlNodeDumpFile		(FILE * out, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too, and formatting returns are added.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>out</tt>:the FILE pointer
<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node

Function: htmlNodeDumpFileFormat

int	htmlNodeDumpFileFormat		(FILE * out, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too. TODO: if encoding == NULL try to save in the doc encoding

Packit 423ecb
<tt>out</tt>:the FILE pointer
<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node
<tt>encoding</tt>:the document encoding
<tt>format</tt>:should formatting spaces been added
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of byte written or -1 in case of failure.

Function: htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput

void	htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput	(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>buf</tt>:the HTML buffer output
<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node
<tt>encoding</tt>:the encoding string
<tt>format</tt>:should formatting spaces been added

Function: htmlNodeDumpOutput

void	htmlNodeDumpOutput		(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur,
const char * encoding)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML node, recursive behaviour,children are printed too, and formatting returns/spaces are added.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>buf</tt>:the HTML buffer output
<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>cur</tt>:the current node
<tt>encoding</tt>:the encoding string

Function: htmlSaveFile

int	htmlSaveFile			(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document to a file. If @filename is "-" the stdout file is used.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>filename</tt>:the filename (or URL)
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of byte written or -1 in case of failure.

Function: htmlSaveFileEnc

int	htmlSaveFileEnc			(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document to a file using a given encoding and formatting returns/spaces are added.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>filename</tt>:the filename
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>encoding</tt>:the document encoding
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of byte written or -1 in case of failure.

Function: htmlSaveFileFormat

int	htmlSaveFileFormat		(const char * filename, 
xmlDocPtr cur,
const char * encoding,
int format)
Packit 423ecb

Dump an HTML document to a file using a given encoding.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>filename</tt>:the filename
<tt>cur</tt>:the document
<tt>encoding</tt>:the document encoding
<tt>format</tt>:should formatting spaces been added
<tt>Returns</tt>:the number of byte written or -1 in case of failure.

Function: htmlSetMetaEncoding

int	htmlSetMetaEncoding		(htmlDocPtr doc, 
const xmlChar * encoding)
Packit 423ecb

Sets the current encoding in the Meta tags NOTE: this will not change the document content encoding, just the META flag associated.

Packit 423ecb
<tt>doc</tt>:the document
<tt>encoding</tt>:the encoding string
<tt>Returns</tt>:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error

Daniel Veillard
