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        libxml2 Reference Manual
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globals - interface for all global variables of the library

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all the global variables and thread handling for those variables is handled by this module. The bottom of this file is automatically generated by based on the description file

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Author(s): Gary Pennington <>, Daniel Veillard

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typedef xmlGlobalState * xmlGlobalStatePtr;
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typedef struct _xmlGlobalState xmlGlobalState;
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void	xmlThrDefSetStructuredErrorFunc	(void * ctx, 
xmlStructuredErrorFunc handler);
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void	xmlInitializeGlobalState	(xmlGlobalStatePtr gs);
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xmlBufferAllocationScheme	xmlThrDefBufferAllocScheme	(xmlBufferAllocationScheme v);
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int	xmlThrDefPedanticParserDefaultValue	(int v);
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xmlRegisterNodeFunc	xmlRegisterNodeDefault	(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func);
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typedef xmlParserInputBufferPtr xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	(const char * URI, 
xmlCharEncoding enc);
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xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	xmlThrDefOutputBufferCreateFilenameDefault	(xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);
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xmlDeregisterNodeFunc	xmlDeregisterNodeDefault	(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func);
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int	xmlThrDefDefaultBufferSize	(int v);
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xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameDefault	(xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);
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int	xmlThrDefLoadExtDtdDefaultValue	(int v);
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xmlRegisterNodeFunc	xmlThrDefRegisterNodeDefault	(xmlRegisterNodeFunc func);
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int	xmlThrDefKeepBlanksDefaultValue	(int v);
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typedef void xmlDeregisterNodeFunc		(xmlNodePtr node);
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int	xmlThrDefParserDebugEntities	(int v);
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xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	xmlThrDefParserInputBufferCreateFilenameDefault	(xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);
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void	xmlThrDefSetGenericErrorFunc	(void * ctx, 
xmlGenericErrorFunc handler);
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xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameDefault	(xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc func);
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int	xmlThrDefDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue	(int v);
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void	xmlCleanupGlobals		(void);
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int	xmlThrDefGetWarningsDefaultValue	(int v);
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xmlDeregisterNodeFunc	xmlThrDefDeregisterNodeDefault	(xmlDeregisterNodeFunc func);
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int	xmlThrDefSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue	(int v);
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typedef void xmlRegisterNodeFunc		(xmlNodePtr node);
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int	xmlThrDefSaveNoEmptyTags	(int v);
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int	xmlThrDefIndentTreeOutput	(int v);
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typedef xmlOutputBufferPtr xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	(const char * URI, 
xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder,
int compression);
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void	xmlInitGlobals			(void);
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int	xmlThrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue	(int v);
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const char *	xmlThrDefTreeIndentString	(const char * v);
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Structure xmlGlobalState

struct _xmlGlobalState {
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    const char *	xmlParserVersion
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    xmlSAXLocator	xmlDefaultSAXLocator
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    xmlSAXHandlerV1	xmlDefaultSAXHandler
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    xmlSAXHandlerV1	docbDefaultSAXHandler
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    xmlSAXHandlerV1	htmlDefaultSAXHandler
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    xmlFreeFunc	xmlFree
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    xmlMallocFunc	xmlMalloc
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    xmlStrdupFunc	xmlMemStrdup
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    xmlReallocFunc	xmlRealloc
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    xmlGenericErrorFunc	xmlGenericError
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    xmlStructuredErrorFunc	xmlStructuredError
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    void *	xmlGenericErrorContext
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    int	oldXMLWDcompatibility
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    xmlBufferAllocationScheme	xmlBufferAllocScheme
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    int	xmlDefaultBufferSize
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    int	xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue
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    int	xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue
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    int	xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue
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    int	xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue
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    int	xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue
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    int	xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue
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    int	xmlParserDebugEntities
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    int	xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue
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    int	xmlSaveNoEmptyTags
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    int	xmlIndentTreeOutput
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    const char *	xmlTreeIndentString
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    xmlRegisterNodeFunc	xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue
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    xmlDeregisterNodeFunc	xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue
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    xmlMallocFunc	xmlMallocAtomic
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    xmlError	xmlLastError
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    xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue
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    xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue
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    void *	xmlStructuredErrorContext
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} xmlGlobalState;
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Typedef xmlGlobalStatePtr

xmlGlobalState * xmlGlobalStatePtr;
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Signature for the deregistration callback of a discarded node

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<tt>node</tt>:the current node
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Function type xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc

xmlOutputBufferPtr	xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	(const char * URI, 
xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encoder,
int compression)
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Signature for the function doing the lookup for a suitable output method corresponding to an URI.

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<tt>URI</tt>:the URI to write to
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlOutputBufferPtr in case of success or NULL if no method was found.
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Function type xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc

xmlParserInputBufferPtr	xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc	(const char * URI, 
xmlCharEncoding enc)
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Signature for the function doing the lookup for a suitable input method corresponding to an URI.

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<tt>URI</tt>:the URI to read from
<tt>enc</tt>:the requested source encoding
<tt>Returns</tt>:the new xmlParserInputBufferPtr in case of success or NULL if no method was found.
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Signature for the registration callback of a created node

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<tt>node</tt>:the current node
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Variable docbDefaultSAXHandler

xmlSAXHandlerV1 docbDefaultSAXHandler;
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Variable htmlDefaultSAXHandler

xmlSAXHandlerV1 htmlDefaultSAXHandler;
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Variable oldXMLWDcompatibility

int oldXMLWDcompatibility;
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Variable xmlBufferAllocScheme

xmlBufferAllocationScheme xmlBufferAllocScheme;
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Variable xmlDefaultBufferSize

int xmlDefaultBufferSize;
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Variable xmlDefaultSAXHandler

xmlSAXHandlerV1 xmlDefaultSAXHandler;
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Variable xmlDefaultSAXLocator

xmlSAXLocator xmlDefaultSAXLocator;
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Variable xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue

xmlDeregisterNodeFunc xmlDeregisterNodeDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue

int xmlDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlFree

xmlFreeFunc xmlFree;
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Variable xmlGenericError

xmlGenericErrorFunc xmlGenericError;
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Variable xmlGenericErrorContext

void * xmlGenericErrorContext;
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Variable xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue

int xmlGetWarningsDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlIndentTreeOutput

int xmlIndentTreeOutput;
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Variable xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue

int xmlKeepBlanksDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlLastError

xmlError xmlLastError;
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Variable xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue

int xmlLineNumbersDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue

int xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlMalloc

xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc;
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Variable xmlMallocAtomic

xmlMallocFunc xmlMallocAtomic;
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Variable xmlMemStrdup

xmlStrdupFunc xmlMemStrdup;
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Variable xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue

xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameValue;
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Variable xmlParserDebugEntities

int xmlParserDebugEntities;
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Variable xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue

xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameValue;
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Variable xmlParserVersion

const char * xmlParserVersion;
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Variable xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue

int xmlPedanticParserDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlRealloc

xmlReallocFunc xmlRealloc;
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Variable xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue

xmlRegisterNodeFunc xmlRegisterNodeDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlSaveNoEmptyTags

int xmlSaveNoEmptyTags;
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Variable xmlStructuredError

xmlStructuredErrorFunc xmlStructuredError;
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Variable xmlStructuredErrorContext

void * xmlStructuredErrorContext;
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Variable xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue

int xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue;
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Variable xmlTreeIndentString

const char * xmlTreeIndentString;
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Additional cleanup for multi-threading

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Registers a callback for node destruction

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<tt>func</tt>:function pointer to the new DeregisterNodeFunc
<tt>Returns</tt>:the previous value of the deregistration function
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Additional initialisation for multi-threading

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xmlInitializeGlobalState() initialize a global state with all the default values of the library.

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<tt>gs</tt>:a pointer to a newly allocated global state
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Registers a callback for URI output file handling

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<tt>func</tt>:function pointer to the new OutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc
<tt>Returns</tt>:the old value of the registration function
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Registers a callback for URI input file handling

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<tt>func</tt>:function pointer to the new ParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc
<tt>Returns</tt>:the old value of the registration function
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Registers a callback for node creation

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<tt>func</tt>:function pointer to the new RegisterNodeFunc
<tt>Returns</tt>:the old value of the registration function
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