Blame test/bmp.c

Packit Service b05338
/* Copyright (C)2004 Landmark Graphics Corporation
Packit Service b05338
 * Copyright (C)2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Packit Service b05338
 * Copyright (C)2010, 2012 D. R. Commander
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 * This library is free software and may be redistributed and/or modified under
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 * the terms of the wxWindows Library License, Version 3.1 or (at your option)
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 * any later version.  The full license is in the LICENSE.txt file included
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 * with this distribution.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * wxWindows Library License for more details.
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#include <fcntl.h>
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#include <sys/types.h>
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#include <sys/stat.h>
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#include <errno.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <string.h>
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#ifdef _WIN32
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 #include <io.h>
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 #include <unistd.h>
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#include "./tjutil.h"
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#include "./bmp.h"
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#define byteswap(i) ( \
Packit Service b05338
	(((i) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | \
Packit Service b05338
	(((i) & 0x00ff0000) >>  8) | \
Packit Service b05338
	(((i) & 0x0000ff00) <<  8) | \
Packit Service b05338
	(((i) & 0x000000ff) << 24) )
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#define byteswap16(i) ( \
Packit Service b05338
	(((i) & 0xff00) >> 8) | \
Packit Service b05338
	(((i) & 0x00ff) << 8) )
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static __inline int littleendian(void)
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	unsigned int value=1;
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	unsigned char *ptr=(unsigned char *)(&value);
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	if(ptr[0]==1 && ptr[3]==0) return 1;
Packit Service b05338
	else return 0;
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#ifndef BI_RGB
Packit Service b05338
#define BI_RGB 0L
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#define BMPHDRSIZE 54
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typedef struct _bmphdr
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	unsigned short bfType;
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	unsigned int bfSize;
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	unsigned short bfReserved1, bfReserved2;
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	unsigned int bfOffBits;
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	unsigned int biSize;
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	int biWidth, biHeight;
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	unsigned short biPlanes, biBitCount;
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	unsigned int biCompression, biSizeImage;
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	int biXPelsPerMeter, biYPelsPerMeter;
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	unsigned int biClrUsed, biClrImportant;
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} bmphdr;
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static const char *__bmperr="No error";
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static const int ps[BMPPIXELFORMATS]={3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4};
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static const int roffset[BMPPIXELFORMATS]={0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 1};
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static const int goffset[BMPPIXELFORMATS]={1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2};
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static const int boffset[BMPPIXELFORMATS]={2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3};
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#define _throw(m) {__bmperr=m;  retcode=-1;  goto finally;}
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#define _unix(f) {if((f)==-1) _throw(strerror(errno));}
Packit Service b05338
#define _catch(f) {if((f)==-1) {retcode=-1;  goto finally;}}
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#define readme(fd, addr, size) \
Packit Service b05338
	if((bytesread=read(fd, addr, (size)))==-1) _throw(strerror(errno)); \
Packit Service b05338
	if(bytesread!=(size)) _throw("Read error");
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void pixelconvert(unsigned char *srcbuf, enum BMPPIXELFORMAT srcformat,
Packit Service b05338
	int srcpitch, unsigned char *dstbuf, enum BMPPIXELFORMAT dstformat, int dstpitch,
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	int w, int h, int flip)
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	unsigned char *srcptr, *srcptr0, *dstptr, *dstptr0;
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	int i, j;
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	srcptr=flip? &srcbuf[srcpitch*(h-1)]:srcbuf;
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	for(j=0, dstptr=dstbuf; j
Packit Service b05338
		srcptr+=flip? -srcpitch:srcpitch, dstptr+=dstpitch)
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		for(i=0, srcptr0=srcptr, dstptr0=dstptr; i
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			srcptr0+=ps[srcformat], dstptr0+=ps[dstformat])
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int loadppm(int *fd, unsigned char **buf, int *w, int *h,
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	enum BMPPIXELFORMAT f, int align, int dstbottomup, int ascii)
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	FILE *fs=NULL;  int retcode=0, scalefactor, dstpitch;
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	unsigned char *tempbuf=NULL;  char temps[255], temps2[255];
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	int numread=0, totalread=0, pixel[3], i, j;
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	if((fs=fdopen(*fd, "r"))==NULL) _throw(strerror(errno));
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		if(!fgets(temps, 255, fs)) _throw("Read error");
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		if(strlen(temps)==0 || temps[0]=='\n') continue;
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		if(sscanf(temps, "%s", temps2)==1 && temps2[1]=='#') continue;
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			case 0:
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				if((numread=sscanf(temps, "%d %d %d", w, h, &scalefactor))==EOF)
Packit Service b05338
					_throw("Read error");
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			case 1:
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				if((numread=sscanf(temps, "%d %d", h, &scalefactor))==EOF)
Packit Service b05338
					_throw("Read error");
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			case 2:
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				if((numread=sscanf(temps, "%d", &scalefactor))==EOF)
Packit Service b05338
					_throw("Read error");
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	} while(totalread<3);
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	if((*w)<1 || (*h)<1 || scalefactor<1) _throw("Corrupt PPM header");
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	if((*buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(dstpitch*(*h)))==NULL)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Memory allocation error");
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		for(j=0; j<*h; j++)
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			for(i=0; i<*w; i++)
Packit Service b05338
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				if(fscanf(fs, "%d%d%d", &pixel[0], &pixel[1], &pixel[2])!=3)
Packit Service b05338
					_throw("Read error");
Packit Service b05338
				(*buf)[j*dstpitch+i*ps[f]+roffset[f]]=(unsigned char)(pixel[0]*255/scalefactor);
Packit Service b05338
				(*buf)[j*dstpitch+i*ps[f]+goffset[f]]=(unsigned char)(pixel[1]*255/scalefactor);
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				(*buf)[j*dstpitch+i*ps[f]+boffset[f]]=(unsigned char)(pixel[2]*255/scalefactor);
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			_throw("Binary PPMs must have 8-bit components");
Packit Service b05338
		if((tempbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc((*w)*(*h)*3))==NULL)
Packit Service b05338
			_throw("Memory allocation error");
Packit Service b05338
		if(fread(tempbuf, (*w)*(*h)*3, 1, fs)!=1) _throw("Read error");
Packit Service b05338
		pixelconvert(tempbuf, BMP_RGB, (*w)*3, *buf, f, dstpitch, *w, *h, dstbottomup);
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Packit Service b05338
	if(fs) {fclose(fs);  *fd=-1;}
Packit Service b05338
	if(tempbuf) free(tempbuf);
Packit Service b05338
	return retcode;
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int loadbmp(char *filename, unsigned char **buf, int *w, int *h, 
Packit Service b05338
	enum BMPPIXELFORMAT f, int align, int dstbottomup)
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	int fd=-1, bytesread, srcpitch, srcbottomup=1, srcps, dstpitch,
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	unsigned char *tempbuf=NULL;
Packit Service b05338
	bmphdr bh;  int flags=O_RDONLY;
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	dstbottomup=dstbottomup? 1:0;
Packit Service b05338
	#ifdef _WIN32
Packit Service b05338
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Packit Service b05338
	if(!filename || !buf || !w || !h || f<0 || f>BMPPIXELFORMATS-1 || align<1)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("invalid argument to loadbmp()");
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Alignment must be a power of 2");
Packit Service b05338
	_unix(fd=open(filename, flags));
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.bfType, sizeof(unsigned short));
Packit Service b05338
	if(!littleendian())	bh.bfType=byteswap16(bh.bfType);
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
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Packit Service b05338
		_catch(loadppm(&fd, buf, w, h, f, align, dstbottomup, 0));
Packit Service b05338
		goto finally;
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
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Packit Service b05338
		_catch(loadppm(&fd, buf, w, h, f, align, dstbottomup, 1));
Packit Service b05338
		goto finally;
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.bfSize, sizeof(unsigned int));
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.bfReserved1, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	readme(fd, &bh.bfReserved2, sizeof(unsigned short));
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.bfOffBits, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biSize, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biWidth, sizeof(int));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biHeight, sizeof(int));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biPlanes, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biBitCount, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biCompression, sizeof(unsigned int));
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.biSizeImage, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biXPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int));
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	readme(fd, &bh.biYPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int));
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.biClrUsed, sizeof(unsigned int));
Packit Service b05338
	readme(fd, &bh.biClrImportant, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	if(bh.bfType!=0x4d42 || bh.bfOffBits
Packit Service b05338
	|| bh.biWidth<1 || bh.biHeight==0)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Corrupt bitmap header");
Packit Service b05338
	if((bh.biBitCount!=24 && bh.biBitCount!=32) || bh.biCompression!=BI_RGB)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Only uncompessed RGB bitmaps are supported");
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Packit Service b05338
	*w=bh.biWidth;  *h=bh.biHeight;  srcps=bh.biBitCount/8;
Packit Service b05338
	if(*h<0) {*h=-(*h);  srcbottomup=0;}
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Packit Service b05338
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Packit Service b05338
	if(srcpitch*(*h)+bh.bfOffBits!=bh.bfSize) _throw("Corrupt bitmap header");
Packit Service b05338
	if((tempbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(srcpitch*(*h)))==NULL
Packit Service b05338
	|| (*buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(dstpitch*(*h)))==NULL)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Memory allocation error");
Packit Service b05338
	if(lseek(fd, (long)bh.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET)!=(long)bh.bfOffBits)
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	_unix(bytesread=read(fd, tempbuf, srcpitch*(*h)));
Packit Service b05338
	if(bytesread!=srcpitch*(*h)) _throw("Read error");
Packit Service b05338
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	pixelconvert(tempbuf, BMP_BGR, srcpitch, *buf, f, dstpitch, *w, *h, 
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
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	if(tempbuf) free(tempbuf);
Packit Service b05338
	if(fd!=-1) close(fd);
Packit Service b05338
	return retcode;
Packit Service b05338
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#define writeme(fd, addr, size) \
Packit Service b05338
	if((byteswritten=write(fd, addr, (size)))==-1) _throw(strerror(errno)); \
Packit Service b05338
	if(byteswritten!=(size)) _throw("Write error");
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
int saveppm(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int w, int h,
Packit Service b05338
	enum BMPPIXELFORMAT f, int srcpitch, int srcbottomup)
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	FILE *fs=NULL;  int retcode=0;
Packit Service b05338
	unsigned char *tempbuf=NULL;
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	if((fs=fopen(filename, "wb"))==NULL) _throw(strerror(errno));
Packit Service b05338
	if(fprintf(fs, "P6\n")<1) _throw("Write error");
Packit Service b05338
	if(fprintf(fs, "%d %d\n", w, h)<1) _throw("Write error");
Packit Service b05338
	if(fprintf(fs, "255\n")<1) _throw("Write error");
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Packit Service b05338
	if((tempbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(w*h*3))==NULL)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Memory allocation error");
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	pixelconvert(buf, f, srcpitch, tempbuf, BMP_RGB, w*3, w, h, 
Packit Service b05338
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	if((fwrite(tempbuf, w*h*3, 1, fs))!=1) _throw("Write error");
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	if(tempbuf) free(tempbuf);
Packit Service b05338
	if(fs) fclose(fs);
Packit Service b05338
	return retcode;
Packit Service b05338
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Packit Service b05338
int savebmp(char *filename, unsigned char *buf, int w, int h,
Packit Service b05338
	enum BMPPIXELFORMAT f, int srcpitch, int srcbottomup)
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	int fd=-1, byteswritten, dstpitch, retcode=0;
Packit Service b05338
	int flags=O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC;
Packit Service b05338
	unsigned char *tempbuf=NULL;  char *temp;
Packit Service b05338
	bmphdr bh;  int mode;
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	#ifdef _WIN32
Packit Service b05338
	flags|=O_BINARY;  mode=_S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE;
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	if(!filename || !buf || w<1 || h<1 || f<0 || f>BMPPIXELFORMATS-1 || srcpitch<0)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("bad argument to savebmp()");
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	if(srcpitch==0) srcpitch=w*ps[f];
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	if((temp=strrchr(filename, '.'))!=NULL)
Packit Service b05338
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		if(!strcasecmp(temp, ".ppm"))
Packit Service b05338
			return saveppm(filename, buf, w, h, f, srcpitch, srcbottomup);
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	_unix(fd=open(filename, flags, mode));
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	bh.bfReserved1=0;  bh.bfReserved2=0;
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	bh.biWidth=w;  bh.biHeight=h;
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	bh.biPlanes=0;  bh.biBitCount=24;
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	bh.biCompression=BI_RGB;  bh.biSizeImage=0;
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	bh.biXPelsPerMeter=0;  bh.biYPelsPerMeter=0;
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	bh.biClrUsed=0;  bh.biClrImportant=0;
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Packit Service b05338
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	writeme(fd, &bh.bfType, sizeof(unsigned short));
Packit Service b05338
	writeme(fd, &bh.bfSize, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.bfReserved1, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.bfReserved2, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.bfOffBits, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biSize, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biWidth, sizeof(int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biHeight, sizeof(int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biPlanes, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biBitCount, sizeof(unsigned short));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biCompression, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biSizeImage, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biXPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biYPelsPerMeter, sizeof(int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biClrUsed, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	writeme(fd, &bh.biClrImportant, sizeof(unsigned int));
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	if((tempbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(dstpitch*h))==NULL)
Packit Service b05338
		_throw("Memory allocation error");
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Packit Service b05338
	pixelconvert(buf, f, srcpitch, tempbuf, BMP_BGR, dstpitch, w, h, 
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
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	if((byteswritten=write(fd, tempbuf, dstpitch*h))!=dstpitch*h)
Packit Service b05338
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	if(tempbuf) free(tempbuf);
Packit Service b05338
	if(fd!=-1) close(fd);
Packit Service b05338
	return retcode;
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const char *bmpgeterr(void)
Packit Service b05338
Packit Service b05338
	return __bmperr;
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