/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2020 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "utils/bullseye.h" #include "vlogger/vlogger.h" #include "ib_ctx_handler_collection.h" #include "vma/ib/base/verbs_extra.h" #include "vma/util/utils.h" #include "vma/event/event_handler_manager.h" #define MODULE_NAME "ib_ctx_collection" #define ibchc_logpanic __log_panic #define ibchc_logerr __log_err #define ibchc_logwarn __log_warn #define ibchc_loginfo __log_info #define ibchc_logdbg __log_info_dbg #define ibchc_logfunc __log_info_func #define ibchc_logfuncall __log_info_funcall ib_ctx_handler_collection* g_p_ib_ctx_handler_collection = NULL; void check_flow_steering_log_num_mgm_entry_size() { static bool checked_mlx4_steering = false; if (checked_mlx4_steering) { return; } checked_mlx4_steering = true; char flow_steering_val[4] = {0}; if (priv_safe_try_read_file((const char*)FLOW_STEERING_MGM_ENTRY_SIZE_PARAM_FILE, flow_steering_val, sizeof(flow_steering_val)) == -1) { vlog_printf(VLOG_DEBUG, "Flow steering option for mlx4 driver does not exist in current OFED version\n"); } else if (flow_steering_val[0] != '-' || (strtol(&flow_steering_val[1], NULL, 0) % 2) == 0) { char module_info[3] = {0}; if (!run_and_retreive_system_command("modinfo mlx4_core > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?", module_info, sizeof(module_info)) && (strlen(module_info) > 0)) { if (module_info[0] == '0') { vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "***************************************************************************************\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* VMA will not operate properly while flow steering option is disabled *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* In order to enable flow steering please restart your VMA applications after running *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* the following: *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* For your information the following steps will restart your network interface *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* 1. \"echo options mlx4_core log_num_mgm_entry_size=-1 > /etc/modprobe.d/mlnx.conf\" *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* 2. Restart openibd or rdma service depending on your system configuration *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "* Read more about the Flow Steering support in the VMA's User Manual *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_WARNING, "***************************************************************************************\n"); } else { vlog_printf(VLOG_DEBUG, "***************************************************************************************\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_DEBUG, "* VMA will not operate properly while flow steering option is disabled *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_DEBUG, "* Read more about the Flow Steering support in the VMA's User Manual *\n"); vlog_printf(VLOG_DEBUG, "***************************************************************************************\n"); } } } } ib_ctx_handler_collection::ib_ctx_handler_collection() { ibchc_logdbg(""); /* Read ib table from kernel and save it in local variable. */ update_tbl(); //Print table print_val_tbl(); ibchc_logdbg("Done"); } ib_ctx_handler_collection::~ib_ctx_handler_collection() { ibchc_logdbg(""); ib_context_map_t::iterator ib_ctx_iter; while ((ib_ctx_iter = m_ib_ctx_map.begin()) != m_ib_ctx_map.end()) { ib_ctx_handler* p_ib_ctx_handler = ib_ctx_iter->second; delete p_ib_ctx_handler; m_ib_ctx_map.erase(ib_ctx_iter); } ibchc_logdbg("Done"); } void ib_ctx_handler_collection::update_tbl(const char *ifa_name) { struct ibv_device **dev_list = NULL; ib_ctx_handler * p_ib_ctx_handler = NULL; int num_devices = 0; int i; ibchc_logdbg("Checking for offload capable IB devices..."); dev_list = vma_ibv_get_device_list(&num_devices); BULLSEYE_EXCLUDE_BLOCK_START if (!dev_list) { ibchc_logerr("Failure in vma_ibv_get_device_list() (error=%d %m)", errno); ibchc_logerr("Please check rdma configuration"); throw_vma_exception("No IB capable devices found!"); } if (!num_devices) { vlog_levels_t _level = ifa_name ? VLOG_DEBUG : VLOG_ERROR; // Print an error only during initialization. vlog_printf(_level, "VMA does not detect IB capable devices\n"); vlog_printf(_level, "No performance gain is expected in current configuration\n"); } BULLSEYE_EXCLUDE_BLOCK_END for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) { struct ib_ctx_handler::ib_ctx_handler_desc desc = {dev_list[i]}; /* 2. Skip existing devices (compare by name) */ if (ifa_name && !check_device_name_ib_name(ifa_name, dev_list[i]->name)) { continue; } if (ib_ctx_handler::is_mlx4(dev_list[i]->name)) { // Note: mlx4 does not support this capability. if(safe_mce_sys().enable_socketxtreme) { ibchc_logdbg("Blocking offload: mlx4 interfaces in socketxtreme mode"); continue; } // Check if mlx4 steering creation is supported. check_flow_steering_log_num_mgm_entry_size(); } /* 3. Add new ib devices */ p_ib_ctx_handler = new ib_ctx_handler(&desc); if (!p_ib_ctx_handler) { ibchc_logerr("failed allocating new ib_ctx_handler (errno=%d %m)", errno); continue; } m_ib_ctx_map[p_ib_ctx_handler->get_ibv_device()] = p_ib_ctx_handler; } ibchc_logdbg("Check completed. Found %d offload capable IB devices", m_ib_ctx_map.size()); if (dev_list) { ibv_free_device_list(dev_list); } } void ib_ctx_handler_collection::print_val_tbl() { ib_context_map_t::iterator itr; for (itr = m_ib_ctx_map.begin(); itr != m_ib_ctx_map.end(); itr++) { ib_ctx_handler* p_ib_ctx_handler = itr->second; p_ib_ctx_handler->print_val(); } } ib_ctx_handler* ib_ctx_handler_collection::get_ib_ctx(const char *ifa_name) { char active_slave[IFNAMSIZ] = {0}; unsigned int slave_flags = 0; ib_context_map_t::iterator ib_ctx_iter; if (check_netvsc_device_exist(ifa_name)) { if (!get_netvsc_slave(ifa_name, active_slave, slave_flags)) { return NULL; } ifa_name = (const char *)active_slave; } else if (check_device_exist(ifa_name, BOND_DEVICE_FILE)) { /* active/backup: return active slave */ if (!get_bond_active_slave_name(ifa_name, active_slave, sizeof(active_slave))) { char slaves[IFNAMSIZ * 16] = {0}; char* slave_name; char* save_ptr; /* active/active: return the first slave */ if (!get_bond_slaves_name_list(ifa_name, slaves, sizeof(slaves))) { return NULL; } slave_name = strtok_r(slaves, " ", &save_ptr); if (NULL == slave_name) { return NULL; } save_ptr = strchr(slave_name, '\n'); if (save_ptr) *save_ptr = '\0'; // Remove the tailing 'new line" char strncpy(active_slave, slave_name, sizeof(active_slave) - 1); } ifa_name = (const char *)active_slave; } for (ib_ctx_iter = m_ib_ctx_map.begin(); ib_ctx_iter != m_ib_ctx_map.end(); ib_ctx_iter++) { if (check_device_name_ib_name(ifa_name, ib_ctx_iter->second->get_ibname())) { return ib_ctx_iter->second; } } return NULL; } void ib_ctx_handler_collection::del_ib_ctx(ib_ctx_handler* ib_ctx) { if (ib_ctx) { ib_context_map_t::iterator ib_ctx_iter = m_ib_ctx_map.find(ib_ctx->get_ibv_device()); if (ib_ctx_iter != m_ib_ctx_map.end()) { delete ib_ctx_iter->second; m_ib_ctx_map.erase(ib_ctx_iter); } } }