Blame docs/src/migration_010_100.rst

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.. _migration_010_100:
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libuv 0.10 -> 1.0.0 migration guide
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Some APIs changed quite a bit throughout the 1.0.0 development process. Here
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is a migration guide for the most significant changes that happened after 0.10
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was released.
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Loop initialization and closing
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In libuv 0.10 (and previous versions), loops were created with `uv_loop_new`, which
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allocated memory for a new loop and initialized it; and destroyed with `uv_loop_delete`,
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which destroyed the loop and freed the memory. Starting with 1.0, those are deprecated
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and the user is responsible for allocating the memory and then initializing the loop.
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libuv 0.10
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    uv_loop_t* loop = uv_loop_new();
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libuv 1.0
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    uv_loop_t* loop = malloc(sizeof *loop);
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.. note::
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    Error handling was omitted for brevity. Check the documentation for :c:func:`uv_loop_init`
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    and :c:func:`uv_loop_close`.
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Error handling
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Error handling had a major overhaul in libuv 1.0. In general, functions and status parameters
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would get 0 for success and -1 for failure on libuv 0.10, and the user had to use `uv_last_error`
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to fetch the error code, which was a positive number.
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In 1.0, functions and status parameters contain the actual error code, which is 0 for success, or
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a negative number in case of error.
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libuv 0.10
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    ... assume 'server' is a TCP server which is already listening
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    r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*) server, 511, NULL);
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    if (r == -1) {
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      uv_err_t err = uv_last_error(uv_default_loop());
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      /* err.code contains UV_EADDRINUSE */
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libuv 1.0
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    ... assume 'server' is a TCP server which is already listening
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    r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*) server, 511, NULL);
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    if (r < 0) {
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      /* r contains UV_EADDRINUSE */
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Threadpool changes
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In libuv 0.10 Unix used a threadpool which defaulted to 4 threads, while Windows used the
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`QueueUserWorkItem` API, which uses a Windows internal threadpool, which defaults to 512
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threads per process.
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In 1.0, we unified both implementations, so Windows now uses the same implementation Unix
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does. The threadpool size can be set by exporting the ``UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE`` environment
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variable. See :c:ref:`threadpool`.
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Allocation callback API change
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In libuv 0.10 the callback had to return a filled :c:type:`uv_buf_t` by value:
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    uv_buf_t alloc_cb(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t size) {
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        return uv_buf_init(malloc(size), size);
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In libuv 1.0 a pointer to a buffer is passed to the callback, which the user
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needs to fill:
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    void alloc_cb(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t size, uv_buf_t* buf) {
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        buf->base = malloc(size);
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        buf->len = size;
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Unification of IPv4 / IPv6 APIs
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libuv 1.0 unified the IPv4 and IPv6 APIS. There is no longer a `uv_tcp_bind` and `uv_tcp_bind6`
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duality, there is only :c:func:`uv_tcp_bind` now.
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IPv4 functions took ``struct sockaddr_in`` structures by value, and IPv6 functions took
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``struct sockaddr_in6``. Now functions take a ``struct sockaddr*`` (note it's a pointer).
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It can be stack allocated.
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libuv 0.10
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    struct sockaddr_in addr = uv_ip4_addr("", 1234);
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    uv_tcp_bind(&server, addr)
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libuv 1.0
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    struct sockaddr_in addr;
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    uv_ip4_addr("", 1234, &addr)
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    uv_tcp_bind(&server, (const struct sockaddr*) &addr, 0);
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The IPv4 and IPv6 struct creating functions (:c:func:`uv_ip4_addr` and :c:func:`uv_ip6_addr`)
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have also changed, make sure you check the documentation.
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    This change applies to all functions that made a distinction between IPv4 and IPv6
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Streams / UDP  data receive callback API change
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The streams and UDP data receive callbacks now get a pointer to a :c:type:`uv_buf_t` buffer,
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not a structure by value.
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libuv 0.10
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    void on_read(uv_stream_t* handle,
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                 ssize_t nread,
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                 uv_buf_t buf) {
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    void recv_cb(uv_udp_t* handle,
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                 ssize_t nread,
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                 uv_buf_t buf,
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                 struct sockaddr* addr,
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                 unsigned flags) {
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libuv 1.0
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    void on_read(uv_stream_t* handle,
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                 ssize_t nread,
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                 const uv_buf_t* buf) {
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    void recv_cb(uv_udp_t* handle,
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                 ssize_t nread,
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                 const uv_buf_t* buf,
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                 const struct sockaddr* addr,
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                 unsigned flags) {
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Receiving handles over pipes API change
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In libuv 0.10 (and earlier versions) the `uv_read2_start` function was used to start reading
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data on a pipe, which could also result in the reception of handles over it. The callback
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for such function looked like this:
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    void on_read(uv_pipe_t* pipe,
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                 ssize_t nread,
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                 uv_buf_t buf,
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                 uv_handle_type pending) {
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In libuv 1.0, `uv_read2_start` was removed, and the user needs to check if there are pending
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handles using :c:func:`uv_pipe_pending_count` and :c:func:`uv_pipe_pending_type` while in
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the read callback:
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    void on_read(uv_stream_t* handle,
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                 ssize_t nread,
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                 const uv_buf_t* buf) {
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        while (uv_pipe_pending_count((uv_pipe_t*) handle) != 0) {
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            pending = uv_pipe_pending_type((uv_pipe_t*) handle);
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Extracting the file descriptor out of a handle
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While it wasn't supported by the API, users often accessed the libuv internals in
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order to get access to the file descriptor of a TCP handle, for example.
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    fd = handle->io_watcher.fd;
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This is now properly exposed through the :c:func:`uv_fileno` function.
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uv_fs_readdir rename and API change
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`uv_fs_readdir` returned a list of strings in the `req->ptr` field upon completion in
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libuv 0.10. In 1.0, this function got renamed to :c:func:`uv_fs_scandir`, since it's
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actually implemented using ``scandir(3)``.
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In addition, instead of allocating a full list strings, the user is able to get one
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result at a time by using the :c:func:`uv_fs_scandir_next` function. This function
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does not need to make a roundtrip to the threadpool, because libuv will keep the
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list of *dents* returned by ``scandir(3)`` around.