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The libuv project welcomes new contributors. This document will guide you
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through the process.
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### FORK
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Fork the project [on GitHub]( and check out
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your copy.
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$ git clone
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$ cd libuv
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$ git remote add upstream
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Now decide if you want your feature or bug fix to go into the master branch
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or the stable branch.  As a rule of thumb, bug fixes go into the stable branch
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while new features go into the master branch.
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The stable branch is effectively frozen; patches that change the libuv
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API/ABI or affect the run-time behavior of applications get rejected.
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In case of doubt, open an issue in the [issue tracker][], post your question
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to the [libuv mailing list], or contact one of [project maintainers][] on [IRC][].
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Especially do so if you plan to work on something big.  Nothing is more
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frustrating than seeing your hard work go to waste because your vision
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does not align with that of a project maintainers.
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Okay, so you have decided on the proper branch.  Create a feature branch
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and start hacking:
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$ git checkout -b my-feature-branch -t origin/v1.x
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(Where v1.x is the latest stable branch as of this writing.)
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### CODE
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Please adhere to libuv's code style. In general it follows the conventions from
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the [Google C/C++ style guide]. Some of the key points, as well as some
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additional guidelines, are enumerated below.
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* Code that is specific to unix-y platforms should be placed in `src/unix`, and
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  declarations go into `include/uv/unix.h`.
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* Source code that is Windows-specific goes into `src/win`, and related
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  publicly exported types, functions and macro declarations should generally
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  be declared in `include/uv/win.h`.
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* Names should be descriptive and concise.
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* All the symbols and types that libuv makes available publicly should be
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  prefixed with `uv_` (or `UV_` in case of macros).
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* Internal, non-static functions should be prefixed with `uv__`.
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* Use two spaces and no tabs.
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* Lines should be wrapped at 80 characters.
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* Ensure that lines have no trailing whitespace, and use unix-style (LF) line
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* Use C89-compliant syntax. In other words, variables can only be declared at
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  the top of a scope (function, if/for/while-block).
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* When writing comments, use properly constructed sentences, including
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* When documenting APIs and/or source code, don't make assumptions or make
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  implications about race, gender, religion, political orientation or anything
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  else that isn't relevant to the project.
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* Remember that source code usually gets written once and read often: ensure
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  the reader doesn't have to make guesses. Make sure that the purpose and inner
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  logic are either obvious to a reasonably skilled professional, or add a
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  comment that explains it.
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Make sure git knows your name and email address:
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$ git config --global "J. Random User"
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$ git config --global ""
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Writing good commit logs is important.  A commit log should describe what
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changed and why.  Follow these guidelines when writing one:
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1. The first line should be 50 characters or less and contain a short
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   description of the change prefixed with the name of the changed
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   subsystem (e.g. "net: add localAddress and localPort to Socket").
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2. Keep the second line blank.
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3. Wrap all other lines at 72 columns.
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A good commit log looks like this:
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subsystem: explaining the commit in one line
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Body of commit message is a few lines of text, explaining things
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in more detail, possibly giving some background about the issue
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being fixed, etc etc.
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The body of the commit message can be several paragraphs, and
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please do proper word-wrap and keep columns shorter than about
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72 characters or so. That way `git log` will show things
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nicely even when it is indented.
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The header line should be meaningful; it is what other people see when they
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run `git shortlog` or `git log --oneline`.
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Check the output of `git log --oneline files_that_you_changed` to find out
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what subsystem (or subsystems) your changes touch.
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Use `git rebase` (not `git merge`) to sync your work from time to time.
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$ git fetch upstream
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$ git rebase upstream/v1.x  # or upstream/master
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### TEST
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Bug fixes and features should come with tests.  Add your tests in the
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`test/` directory. Each new test needs to be registered in `test/test-list.h`.
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If you add a new test file, it needs to be registered in three places:
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- `CMakeLists.txt`: add the file's name to the `uv_test_sources` list.
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- ``: add the file's name to the `test_run_tests_SOURCES` list.
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Look at other tests to see how they should be structured (license boilerplate,
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the way entry points are declared, etc.).
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Check file to find out how to run the test suite and make sure that
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there are no test regressions.
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### PUSH
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$ git push origin my-feature-branch
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Go to and select your feature branch.  Click
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the 'Pull Request' button and fill out the form.
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Pull requests are usually reviewed within a few days.  If there are comments
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to address, apply your changes in a separate commit and push that to your
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feature branch.  Post a comment in the pull request afterwards; GitHub does
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not send out notifications when you add commits.
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[issue tracker]:
Packit Service 7c31a4
[libuv mailing list]:
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Packit Service 7c31a4
[Google C/C++ style guide]:
Packit Service 7c31a4
[project maintainers]: