Blame html/tools.html

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"HTML Tidy for Solaris (vers 12 April 2005), see">
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<title>TIFF Tools Overview</title>
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<body bgcolor="white">
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<font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans">

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width="144" height="108" align="left" border="1" hspace="6"> TIFF
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Tools Overview</font>
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This software distribution comes with a small collection of

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programs for converting non-TIFF format images to TIFF and for
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manipulating and interrogating the contents of TIFF images. Several
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of these tools are useful in their own right. Many of them however
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are more intended to serve as programming examples for using the
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TIFF library.

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Device-dependent Programs

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There are two device-dependent programs that serve as simple
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examples for writing programs to display and save TIFF images.
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<tt>tiffgt    </tt>
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Display the contents of one or more TIFF images using OpenGL.
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The software makes extensive use of the <tt>TIFFRGBAImage</tt>
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facilities described elsewhere.
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Device-independent Programs

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The remaining programs should be device-independent:
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Convert a Group 3- or Group 4- compressed TIFF to PostScript
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that is significantly more compressed than is generated by
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<tt>tiff2ps</tt> (unless <tt>tiff2ps</tt> writes PS Level II)
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Convert raw Group 3 or Group 4 facsimile data to TIFF
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Convert a Palette-style image to a full color RGB image by
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applying the colormap
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A quick hack that converts 8-bit PPM format images to TIFF
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Create a TIFF file from raw data
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Convert an RGB, grayscale, or bilevel TIFF image to a YCbCr
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TIFF image; it's mainly provided for testing
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Copy a bilevel TIFF to one that includes 8-bit greyscale
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"thumbnail images" for each page; it is provided as an example of
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how one might use the <tt>SubIFD</tt> tag (and the library support
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for it)
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A simple program to convert a color image to grayscale
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Convert TIFF images to PDF
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Convert TIFF images to PostScript
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Convert a TIFF image to RGBA color space
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Compare the contents of two TIFF files (it does not check all
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the directory information, but does check all the data)
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Copy, concatenate, and convert TIFF images (e.g. switching from
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Compression=5 to Compression=1)
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Provides selection of images from within one or more multi-image
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TIFF files, with orthogonal rotation, mirroring, cropping, and
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extraction of multiple sections and exporting to one or more files.
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It extends the functionality of tiffcp to support additional bit
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depths in strips and tiles and enhances the selection capabilities of
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tiffsplit. Bilevel images can be inverted and images may be split into
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segments to fit on multiple /pages/ (standard paper sizes), plus other
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functions described in the tiffcrop man page
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Dither a b&w image into a bilevel image (suitable for use
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in creating fax files)
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Display the verbatim contents of the TIFF directory in a file
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(it's very useful for debugging bogus files that you may get from
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someone that claims they support TIFF)
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Display information about one or more TIFF files.
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A version of Paul Heckbert's median cut program that reads an
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RGB TIFF image, and creates a TIFF palette file as a result
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Set a field in a TIFF header
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Create one or more single-image files from a (possibly)
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multi-image file
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Check out the manual pages for details about the above

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Last updated: $Date: 2016-06-05 19:54:00 $
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