Blame docs/README

rpm-build ca8475
tdb - a trivial database system
rpm-build ca8475 December 1999
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This is a simple database API. It was inspired by the realisation that
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in Samba we have several ad-hoc bits of code that essentially
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implement small databases for sharing structures between parts of
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Samba. As I was about to add another I realised that a generic
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database module was called for to replace all the ad-hoc bits.
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I based the interface on gdbm. I couldn't use gdbm as we need to be
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able to have multiple writers to the databases at one time.
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add HAVE_MMAP=1 to use mmap instead of read/write
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add NOLOCK=1 to disable locking code
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Compile tdbtest.c and link with gdbm for testing. tdbtest will perform
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identical operations via tdb and gdbm then make sure the result is the
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Also included is tdbtool, which allows simple database manipulation
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on the commandline.
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tdbtest and tdbtool are not built as part of Samba, but are included
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for completeness.
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The interface is very similar to gdbm except for the following:
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- different open interface. The tdb_open call is more similar to a
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  traditional open()
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- no tdbm_reorganise() function
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- no tdbm_sync() function. No operations are cached in the library anyway
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- added a tdb_traverse() function for traversing the whole database
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- added transactions support
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A general rule for using tdb is that the caller frees any returned
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TDB_DATA structures. Just call free(p.dptr) to free a TDB_DATA
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return value called p. This is the same as gdbm.
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here is a full list of tdb functions with brief descriptions.
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TDB_CONTEXT *tdb_open(char *name, int hash_size, int tdb_flags,
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		      int open_flags, mode_t mode)
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   open the database, creating it if necessary 
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   The open_flags and mode are passed straight to the open call on the database
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   file. A flags value of O_WRONLY is invalid
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   The hash size is advisory, use zero for a default value. 
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   return is NULL on error
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   possible tdb_flags are:
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    TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST - clear database if we are the only one with it open
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    TDB_INTERNAL - don't use a file, instead store the data in
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                   memory. The filename is ignored in this case.
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    TDB_NOLOCK - don't do any locking
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    TDB_NOMMAP - don't use mmap
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    TDB_NOSYNC - don't synchronise transactions to disk
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    TDB_SEQNUM - maintain a sequence number
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    TDB_VOLATILE - activate the per-hashchain freelist, default 5
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    TDB_ALLOW_NESTING - allow transactions to nest
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    TDB_DISALLOW_NESTING - disallow transactions to nest
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TDB_CONTEXT *tdb_open_ex(char *name, int hash_size, int tdb_flags,
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		         int open_flags, mode_t mode,
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			 const struct tdb_logging_context *log_ctx,
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			 tdb_hash_func hash_fn)
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This is like tdb_open(), but allows you to pass an initial logging and
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hash function. Be careful when passing a hash function - all users of
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the database must use the same hash function or you will get data
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char *tdb_error(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb);
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     return a error string for the last tdb error
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int tdb_close(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb);
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   close a database
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TDB_DATA tdb_fetch(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key);
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   fetch an entry in the database given a key 
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   if the return value has a null dptr then a error occurred
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   caller must free the resulting data
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int tdb_parse_record(struct tdb_context *tdb, TDB_DATA key,
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		     int (*parser)(TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA data,
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				   void *private_data),
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		     void *private_data);
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   Hand a record to a parser function without allocating it.
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   This function is meant as a fast tdb_fetch alternative for large records
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   that are frequently read. The "key" and "data" arguments point directly
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   into the tdb shared memory, they are not aligned at any boundary.
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   WARNING: The parser is called while tdb holds a lock on the record. DO NOT
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   call other tdb routines from within the parser. Also, for good performance
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   you should make the parser fast to allow parallel operations.
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   tdb_parse_record returns -1 if the record was not found.  If the record was
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   found, the return value of "parser" is passed up to the caller.
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int tdb_exists(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key);
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   check if an entry in the database exists 
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   note that 1 is returned if the key is found and 0 is returned if not found
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   this doesn't match the conventions in the rest of this module, but is
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   compatible with gdbm
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int tdb_traverse(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, int (*fn)(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb,
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                 TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA dbuf, void *state), void *state);
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   traverse the entire database - calling fn(tdb, key, data, state) on each 
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   return -1 on error or the record count traversed
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   if fn is NULL then it is not called
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   a non-zero return value from fn() indicates that the traversal
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   should stop. Traversal callbacks may not start transactions.
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   WARNING: The data buffer given to the callback fn does NOT meet the
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   alignment restrictions malloc gives you.
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int tdb_traverse_read(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, int (*fn)(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb,
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                     TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA dbuf, void *state), void *state);
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   traverse the entire database - calling fn(tdb, key, data, state) on
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   each element, but marking the database read only during the
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   traversal, so any write operations will fail. This allows tdb to
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   use read locks, which increases the parallelism possible during the
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   return -1 on error or the record count traversed
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   if fn is NULL then it is not called
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   a non-zero return value from fn() indicates that the traversal
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   should stop. Traversal callbacks may not start transactions.
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TDB_DATA tdb_firstkey(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb);
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   find the first entry in the database and return its key
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   the caller must free the returned data
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TDB_DATA tdb_nextkey(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key);
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   find the next entry in the database, returning its key
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   the caller must free the returned data
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int tdb_delete(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key);
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   delete an entry in the database given a key
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int tdb_store(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA dbuf, int flag);
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   store an element in the database, replacing any existing element
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   with the same key 
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   If flag==TDB_INSERT then don't overwrite an existing entry
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   If flag==TDB_MODIFY then don't create a new entry
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   return 0 on success, -1 on failure
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int tdb_writelock(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb);
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   lock the database. If we already have it locked then don't do anything
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int tdb_writeunlock(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb);
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   unlock the database
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int tdb_chainlock(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key);
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   lock one hash chain. This is meant to be used to reduce locking
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   contention - it cannot guarantee how many records will be locked
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int tdb_chainunlock(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb, TDB_DATA key);
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   unlock one hash chain
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int tdb_transaction_start(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb)
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   start a transaction. All operations after the transaction start can
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   either be committed with tdb_transaction_commit() or cancelled with
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   If you call tdb_transaction_start() again on the same tdb context
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   while a transaction is in progress, then the same transaction
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   buffer is re-used. The number of tdb_transaction_{commit,cancel}
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   operations must match the number of successful
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   tdb_transaction_start() calls.
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   Note that transactions are by default disk synchronous, and use a
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   recover area in the database to automatically recover the database
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   on the next open if the system crashes during a transaction. You
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   can disable the synchronous transaction recovery setup using the
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   TDB_NOSYNC flag, which will greatly speed up operations at the risk
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   of corrupting your database if the system crashes.
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   Operations made within a transaction are not visible to other users
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   of the database until a successful commit.
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int tdb_transaction_cancel(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb)
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   cancel a current transaction, discarding all write and lock
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   operations that have been made since the transaction started.
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int tdb_transaction_commit(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb)
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   commit a current transaction, updating the database and releasing
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   the transaction locks.
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int tdb_transaction_prepare_commit(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb)
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   prepare to commit a current transaction, for two-phase commits.
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   Once prepared for commit, the only allowed calls are
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   tdb_transaction_commit() or tdb_transaction_cancel(). Preparing
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   allocates disk space for the pending updates, so a subsequent
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   commit should succeed (barring any hardware failures).
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int tdb_check(TDB_CONTEXT *tdb,
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	      int (*check)(TDB_DATA key, TDB_DATA data, void *private_data),
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	      void *private_data);)
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   check the consistency of the database, calling back the check function
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   (if non-NULL) with each record.  If some consistency check fails, or
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   the supplied check function returns -1, tdb_check returns -1, otherwise
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   0.  Note that logging function (if set) will be called with additional
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   information on the corruption found.