Blame test_pytalloc.c

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   Samba Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
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   C utilities for the pytalloc test suite.
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   Provides the "_test_pytalloc" Python module.
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   NOTE: Please read talloc_guide.txt for full documentation
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   Copyright (C) Petr Viktorin 2015
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     ** NOTE! The following LGPL license applies to the talloc
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     ** library. This does NOT imply that all of Samba is released
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     ** under the LGPL
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   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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   version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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   Lesser General Public License for more details.
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   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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   License along with this library; if not, see <>.
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#include <Python.h>
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#include <talloc.h>
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#include <pytalloc.h>
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static PyObject *testpytalloc_new(PyTypeObject *mod,
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		PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
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	char *obj = talloc_strdup(NULL, "This is a test string");;
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	return pytalloc_steal(pytalloc_GetObjectType(), obj);
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static PyObject *testpytalloc_get_object_type(PyObject *mod,
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		PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
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	PyObject *type = (PyObject *)pytalloc_GetObjectType();
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	return type;
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static PyObject *testpytalloc_base_new(PyTypeObject *mod,
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		PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
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	char *obj = talloc_strdup(NULL, "This is a test string for a BaseObject");;
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	return pytalloc_steal(pytalloc_GetBaseObjectType(), obj);
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static PyObject *testpytalloc_base_get_object_type(PyObject *mod,
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		PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
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	PyObject *type = (PyObject *)pytalloc_GetBaseObjectType();
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	return type;
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static PyObject *testpytalloc_reference(PyObject *mod, PyObject *args) {
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	PyObject *source = NULL;
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	void *ptr;
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	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", pytalloc_GetObjectType(), &source))
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		return NULL;
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	ptr = pytalloc_get_ptr(source);
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	return pytalloc_reference_ex(pytalloc_GetObjectType(), ptr, ptr);
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static PyObject *testpytalloc_base_reference(PyObject *mod, PyObject *args) {
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	PyObject *source = NULL;
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	void *mem_ctx;
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	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", pytalloc_GetBaseObjectType(), &source)) {
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		return NULL;
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	mem_ctx = pytalloc_get_mem_ctx(source);
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	return pytalloc_reference_ex(pytalloc_GetBaseObjectType(), mem_ctx, mem_ctx);
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static PyMethodDef test_talloc_methods[] = {
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	{ "new", (PyCFunction)testpytalloc_new, METH_NOARGS,
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		"create a talloc Object with a testing string"},
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	{ "get_object_type", (PyCFunction)testpytalloc_get_object_type, METH_NOARGS,
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		"call pytalloc_GetObjectType"},
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	{ "base_new", (PyCFunction)testpytalloc_base_new, METH_NOARGS,
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		"create a talloc BaseObject with a testing string"},
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	{ "base_get_object_type", (PyCFunction)testpytalloc_base_get_object_type, METH_NOARGS,
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		"call pytalloc_GetBaseObjectType"},
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	{ "reference", (PyCFunction)testpytalloc_reference, METH_VARARGS,
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		"call pytalloc_reference_ex"},
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	{ "base_reference", (PyCFunction)testpytalloc_base_reference, METH_VARARGS,
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		"call pytalloc_reference_ex"},
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	{ NULL }
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static PyTypeObject DObject_Type;
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static int dobject_destructor(void *ptr)
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	PyObject *destructor_func = *talloc_get_type(ptr, PyObject*);
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	PyObject *ret;
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	ret = PyObject_CallObject(destructor_func, NULL);
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	if (ret == NULL) {
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	} else {
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	return 0;
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static PyObject *dobject_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
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	PyObject *destructor_func = NULL;
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	PyObject **obj;
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	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &destructor_func))
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		return NULL;
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	obj = talloc(NULL, PyObject*);
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	*obj = destructor_func;
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	talloc_set_destructor((void*)obj, dobject_destructor);
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	return pytalloc_steal(&DObject_Type, obj);
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static PyTypeObject DObject_Type = {
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	.tp_name = "_test_pytalloc.DObject",
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	.tp_basicsize = sizeof(pytalloc_Object),
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	.tp_methods = NULL,
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	.tp_new = dobject_new,
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	.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
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	.tp_doc = "test talloc object that calls a function when underlying data is freed\n",
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static PyTypeObject DBaseObject_Type;
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static int d_base_object_destructor(void *ptr)
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	PyObject *destructor_func = *talloc_get_type(ptr, PyObject*);
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	PyObject *ret;
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	ret = PyObject_CallObject(destructor_func, NULL);
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	if (ret == NULL) {
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	} else {
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	return 0;
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static PyObject *d_base_object_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
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	PyObject *destructor_func = NULL;
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	PyObject **obj;
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	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &destructor_func))
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		return NULL;
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	obj = talloc(NULL, PyObject*);
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	*obj = destructor_func;
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	talloc_set_destructor((void*)obj, d_base_object_destructor);
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	return pytalloc_steal(&DBaseObject_Type, obj);
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static PyTypeObject DBaseObject_Type = {
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	.tp_name = "_test_pytalloc.DBaseObject",
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	.tp_methods = NULL,
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	.tp_new = d_base_object_new,
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	.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,
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	.tp_doc = "test talloc object that calls a function when underlying data is freed\n",
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#define MODULE_DOC PyDoc_STR("Test utility module for pytalloc")
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static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
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    .m_name = "_test_pytalloc",
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    .m_doc = PyDoc_STR("Test utility module for pytalloc"),
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    .m_size = -1,
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    .m_methods = test_talloc_methods,
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static PyObject *module_init(void);
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static PyObject *module_init(void)
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	PyObject *m;
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	DObject_Type.tp_base = pytalloc_GetObjectType();
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	if (PyType_Ready(&DObject_Type) < 0) {
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		return NULL;
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	DBaseObject_Type.tp_basicsize = pytalloc_BaseObject_size();
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	DBaseObject_Type.tp_base = pytalloc_GetBaseObjectType();
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	if (PyType_Ready(&DBaseObject_Type) < 0) {
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		return NULL;
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	m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
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	m = Py_InitModule3("_test_pytalloc", test_talloc_methods, MODULE_DOC);
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	if (m == NULL) {
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		return NULL;
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	PyModule_AddObject(m, "DObject", (PyObject *)&DObject_Type);
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	PyModule_AddObject(m, "DBaseObject", (PyObject *)&DBaseObject_Type);
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	return m;
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PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__test_pytalloc(void);
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PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__test_pytalloc(void)
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	return module_init();
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void init_test_pytalloc(void);
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void init_test_pytalloc(void)
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