Blame talloc_guide.txt

rpm-build 95f51c
Using talloc in Samba4
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.. contents::
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Andrew Tridgell
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August 2009
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The most current version of this document is available at
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If you are used to the "old" talloc from Samba3 before 3.0.20 then please read
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this carefully, as talloc has changed a lot. With 3.0.20 (or 3.0.14?) the
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Samba4 talloc has been ported back to Samba3, so this guide applies to both.
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The new talloc is a hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system
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with destructors. Quite a mouthful really, but not too bad once you
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get used to it.
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Perhaps the biggest change from Samba3 is that there is no distinction
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between a "talloc context" and a "talloc pointer". Any pointer
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returned from talloc() is itself a valid talloc context. This means
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you can do this::
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  struct foo *X = talloc(mem_ctx, struct foo);
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  X->name = talloc_strdup(X, "foo");
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and the pointer X->name would be a "child" of the talloc context "X"
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which is itself a child of "mem_ctx". So if you do talloc_free(mem_ctx)
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then it is all destroyed, whereas if you do talloc_free(X) then just X
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and X->name are destroyed, and if you do talloc_free(X->name) then
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just the name element of X is destroyed.
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If you think about this, then what this effectively gives you is an
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n-ary tree, where you can free any part of the tree with
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If you find this confusing, then I suggest you run the testsuite to
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watch talloc in action. You may also like to add your own tests to
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testsuite.c to clarify how some particular situation is handled.
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All the additional features of talloc() over malloc() do come at a
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price. We have a simple performance test in Samba4 that measures
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talloc() versus malloc() performance, and it seems that talloc() is
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about 4% slower than malloc() on my x86 Debian Linux box. For Samba,
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the great reduction in code complexity that we get by using talloc
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makes this worthwhile, especially as the total overhead of
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talloc/malloc in Samba is already quite small.
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talloc API
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The following is a complete guide to the talloc API. Read it all at
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least twice.
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talloc itself does not deal with threads. It is thread-safe (assuming  
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the underlying "malloc" is), as long as each thread uses different  
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memory contexts.
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If two threads use the same context then they need to synchronize in
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order to be safe. In particular:
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- when using talloc_enable_leak_report(), giving directly NULL as a  
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parent context implicitly refers to a hidden "null context" global  
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variable, so this should not be used in a multi-threaded environment  
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without proper synchronization. In threaded code turn off null tracking using
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talloc_disable_null_tracking(). ;
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- the context returned by talloc_autofree_context() is also global so  
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shouldn't be used by several threads simultaneously without  
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talloc and shared objects
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talloc can be used in shared objects. Special care needs to be taken
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to never use talloc_autofree_context() in code that might be loaded
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with dlopen() and unloaded with dlclose(), as talloc_autofree_context()
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internally uses atexit(3). Some platforms like modern Linux handles
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this fine, but for example FreeBSD does not deal well with dlopen()
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and atexit() used simultaneously: dlclose() does not clean up the list
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of atexit-handlers, so when the program exits the code that was
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registered from within talloc_autofree_context() is gone, the program
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crashes at exit.
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(type *)talloc(const void *context, type);
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The talloc() macro is the core of the talloc library. It takes a
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memory context and a type, and returns a pointer to a new area of
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memory of the given type.
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The returned pointer is itself a talloc context, so you can use it as
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the context argument to more calls to talloc if you wish.
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The returned pointer is a "child" of the supplied context. This means
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that if you talloc_free() the context then the new child disappears as
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well. Alternatively you can free just the child.
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The context argument to talloc() can be NULL, in which case a new top
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level context is created. 
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void *talloc_size(const void *context, size_t size);
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The function talloc_size() should be used when you don't have a
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convenient type to pass to talloc(). Unlike talloc(), it is not type
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safe (as it returns a void *), so you are on your own for type checking.
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(typeof(ptr)) talloc_ptrtype(const void *ctx, ptr);
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The talloc_ptrtype() macro should be used when you have a pointer and
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want to allocate memory to point at with this pointer. When compiling
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with gcc >= 3 it is typesafe. Note this is a wrapper of talloc_size()
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and talloc_get_name() will return the current location in the source file.
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and not the type.
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int talloc_free(void *ptr);
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The talloc_free() function frees a piece of talloc memory, and all its
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children. You can call talloc_free() on any pointer returned by
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The return value of talloc_free() indicates success or failure, with 0
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returned for success and -1 for failure. A possible failure condition
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is if the pointer had a destructor attached to it and the destructor
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returned -1. See talloc_set_destructor() for details on
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destructors. Likewise, if "ptr" is NULL, then the function will make
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no modifications and returns -1.
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From version 2.0 and onwards, as a special case, talloc_free() is
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refused on pointers that have more than one parent associated, as talloc
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would have no way of knowing which parent should be removed. This is
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different from older versions in the sense that always the reference to
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the most recently established parent has been destroyed. Hence to free a
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pointer that has more than one parent please use talloc_unlink().
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To help you find problems in your code caused by this behaviour, if
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you do try and free a pointer with more than one parent then the
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talloc logging function will be called to give output like this:
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  ERROR: talloc_free with references at some_dir/source/foo.c:123
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  	reference at some_dir/source/other.c:325
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  	reference at some_dir/source/third.c:121
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Please see the documentation for talloc_set_log_fn() and
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talloc_set_log_stderr() for more information on talloc logging
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talloc_free() operates recursively on its children.
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void talloc_free_children(void *ptr);
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The talloc_free_children() walks along the list of all children of a
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talloc context and talloc_free()s only the children, not the context
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A NULL argument is handled as no-op.
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void *talloc_reference(const void *context, const void *ptr);
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The talloc_reference() function makes "context" an additional parent
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of "ptr".
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The return value of talloc_reference() is always the original pointer
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"ptr", unless talloc ran out of memory in creating the reference in
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which case it will return NULL (each additional reference consumes
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around 48 bytes of memory on intel x86 platforms).
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If "ptr" is NULL, then the function is a no-op, and simply returns NULL.
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After creating a reference you can free it in one of the following
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  - you can talloc_free() any parent of the original pointer. That
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    will reduce the number of parents of this pointer by 1, and will
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    cause this pointer to be freed if it runs out of parents.
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  - you can talloc_free() the pointer itself if it has at maximum one
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    parent. This behaviour has been changed since the release of version
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    2.0. Further information in the description of "talloc_free".
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For more control on which parent to remove, see talloc_unlink()
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int talloc_unlink(const void *context, void *ptr);
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The talloc_unlink() function removes a specific parent from ptr. The
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context passed must either be a context used in talloc_reference()
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with this pointer, or must be a direct parent of ptr. 
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Note that if the parent has already been removed using talloc_free()
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then this function will fail and will return -1.  Likewise, if "ptr"
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is NULL, then the function will make no modifications and return -1.
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You can just use talloc_free() instead of talloc_unlink() if there
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is at maximum one parent. This behaviour has been changed since the
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release of version 2.0. Further information in the description of
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void talloc_set_destructor(const void *ptr, int (*destructor)(void *));
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The function talloc_set_destructor() sets the "destructor" for the
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pointer "ptr". A destructor is a function that is called when the
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memory used by a pointer is about to be released. The destructor
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receives the pointer as an argument, and should return 0 for success
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and -1 for failure.
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The destructor can do anything it wants to, including freeing other
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pieces of memory. A common use for destructors is to clean up
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operating system resources (such as open file descriptors) contained
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in the structure the destructor is placed on.
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You can only place one destructor on a pointer. If you need more than
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one destructor then you can create a zero-length child of the pointer
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and place an additional destructor on that.
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To remove a destructor call talloc_set_destructor() with NULL for the
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If your destructor attempts to talloc_free() the pointer that it is
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the destructor for then talloc_free() will return -1 and the free will
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be ignored. This would be a pointless operation anyway, as the
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destructor is only called when the memory is just about to go away.
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int talloc_increase_ref_count(const void *ptr);
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The talloc_increase_ref_count(ptr) function is exactly equivalent to:
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  talloc_reference(NULL, ptr);
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You can use either syntax, depending on which you think is clearer in
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your code.
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It returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
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size_t talloc_reference_count(const void *ptr);
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Return the number of references to the pointer.
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void talloc_set_name(const void *ptr, const char *fmt, ...);
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Each talloc pointer has a "name". The name is used principally for
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debugging purposes, although it is also possible to set and get the
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name on a pointer in as a way of "marking" pointers in your code.
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The main use for names on pointer is for "talloc reports". See
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talloc_report() and talloc_report_full() for details. Also see
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talloc_enable_leak_report() and talloc_enable_leak_report_full().
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The talloc_set_name() function allocates memory as a child of the
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pointer. It is logically equivalent to:
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  talloc_set_name_const(ptr, talloc_asprintf(ptr, fmt, ...));
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Note that multiple calls to talloc_set_name() will allocate more
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memory without releasing the name. All of the memory is released when
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the ptr is freed using talloc_free().
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void talloc_set_name_const(const void *ptr, const char *name);
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The function talloc_set_name_const() is just like talloc_set_name(),
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but it takes a string constant, and is much faster. It is extensively
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used by the "auto naming" macros, such as talloc_p().
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This function does not allocate any memory. It just copies the
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supplied pointer into the internal representation of the talloc
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ptr. This means you must not pass a name pointer to memory that will
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disappear before the ptr is freed with talloc_free().
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void *talloc_named(const void *context, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...);
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The talloc_named() function creates a named talloc pointer. It is
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equivalent to:
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   ptr = talloc_size(context, size);
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   talloc_set_name(ptr, fmt, ....);
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void *talloc_named_const(const void *context, size_t size, const char *name);
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This is equivalent to::
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   ptr = talloc_size(context, size);
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   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, name);
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const char *talloc_get_name(const void *ptr);
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This returns the current name for the given talloc pointer. See
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talloc_set_name() for details.
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void *talloc_init(const char *fmt, ...);
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This function creates a zero length named talloc context as a top
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level context. It is equivalent to::
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  talloc_named(NULL, 0, fmt, ...);
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void *talloc_new(void *ctx);
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This is a utility macro that creates a new memory context hanging
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off an exiting context, automatically naming it "talloc_new: __location__"
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where __location__ is the source line it is called from. It is
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particularly useful for creating a new temporary working context.
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(type *)talloc_realloc(const void *context, void *ptr, type, count);
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The talloc_realloc() macro changes the size of a talloc
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pointer. The "count" argument is the number of elements of type "type"
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that you want the resulting pointer to hold. 
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talloc_realloc() has the following equivalences::
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  talloc_realloc(context, NULL, type, 1) ==> talloc(context, type);
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  talloc_realloc(context, NULL, type, N) ==> talloc_array(context, type, N);
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  talloc_realloc(context, ptr, type, 0)  ==> talloc_free(ptr);
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The "context" argument is only used if "ptr" is NULL, otherwise it is
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talloc_realloc() returns the new pointer, or NULL on failure. The call
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will fail either due to a lack of memory, or because the pointer has
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more than one parent (see talloc_reference()).
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void *talloc_realloc_size(const void *context, void *ptr, size_t size);
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the talloc_realloc_size() function is useful when the type is not 
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known so the typesafe talloc_realloc() cannot be used.
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void *talloc_steal(const void *new_ctx, const void *ptr);
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The talloc_steal() function changes the parent context of a talloc
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pointer. It is typically used when the context that the pointer is
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currently a child of is going to be freed and you wish to keep the
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memory for a longer time. 
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The talloc_steal() function returns the pointer that you pass it. It
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does not have any failure modes.
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NOTE: It is possible to produce loops in the parent/child relationship
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if you are not careful with talloc_steal(). No guarantees are provided
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as to your sanity or the safety of your data if you do this.
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talloc_steal (new_ctx, NULL) will return NULL with no sideeffects.
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Note that if you try and call talloc_steal() on a pointer that has
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more than one parent then the result is ambiguous. Talloc will choose
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to remove the parent that is currently indicated by talloc_parent()
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and replace it with the chosen parent. You will also get a message
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like this via the talloc logging functions:
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  WARNING: talloc_steal with references at some_dir/source/foo.c:123
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  	reference at some_dir/source/other.c:325
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  	reference at some_dir/source/third.c:121
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To unambiguously change the parent of a pointer please see the
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function talloc_reparent(). See the talloc_set_log_fn() documentation
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for more information on talloc logging.
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void *talloc_reparent(const void *old_parent, const void *new_parent, const void *ptr);
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The talloc_reparent() function changes the parent context of a talloc
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pointer. It is typically used when the context that the pointer is
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currently a child of is going to be freed and you wish to keep the
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memory for a longer time.
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The talloc_reparent() function returns the pointer that you pass it. It
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does not have any failure modes.
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The difference between talloc_reparent() and talloc_steal() is that
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talloc_reparent() can specify which parent you wish to change. This is
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useful when a pointer has multiple parents via references.
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void *talloc_parent(const void *ptr);
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The talloc_parent() function returns the current talloc parent. This
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is usually the pointer under which this memory was originally created,
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but it may have changed due to a talloc_steal() or talloc_reparent()
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size_t talloc_total_size(const void *ptr);
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The talloc_total_size() function returns the total size in bytes used
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by this pointer and all child pointers. Mostly useful for debugging.
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Passing NULL is allowed, but it will only give a meaningful result if
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talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
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been called.
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size_t talloc_total_blocks(const void *ptr);
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The talloc_total_blocks() function returns the total memory block
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count used by this pointer and all child pointers. Mostly useful for
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Passing NULL is allowed, but it will only give a meaningful result if
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talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
rpm-build 95f51c
been called.
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void talloc_report_depth_cb(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth,
rpm-build 95f51c
			    void (*callback)(const void *ptr,
rpm-build 95f51c
			    		     int depth, int max_depth,
rpm-build 95f51c
					     int is_ref,
rpm-build 95f51c
					     void *priv),
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			    void *priv);
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This provides a more flexible reports than talloc_report(). It
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will recursively call the callback for the entire tree of memory
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referenced by the pointer. References in the tree are passed with
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is_ref = 1 and the pointer that is referenced.
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You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is
rpm-build 95f51c
printed for the top level memory context, but only if
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talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full()
rpm-build 95f51c
has been called.
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The recursion is stopped when depth >= max_depth.
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max_depth = -1 means only stop at leaf nodes.
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void talloc_report_depth_file(const void *ptr, int depth, int max_depth, FILE *f);
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This provides a more flexible reports than talloc_report(). It
rpm-build 95f51c
will let you specify the depth and max_depth.
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void talloc_report(const void *ptr, FILE *f);
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The talloc_report() function prints a summary report of all memory
rpm-build 95f51c
used by ptr. One line of report is printed for each immediate child of
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ptr, showing the total memory and number of blocks used by that child.
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You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is printed
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for the top level memory context, but only if
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talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
rpm-build 95f51c
been called.
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rpm-build 95f51c
void talloc_report_full(const void *ptr, FILE *f);
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This provides a more detailed report than talloc_report(). It will
rpm-build 95f51c
recursively print the entire tree of memory referenced by the
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pointer. References in the tree are shown by giving the name of the
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pointer that is referenced.
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You can pass NULL for the pointer, in which case a report is printed
rpm-build 95f51c
for the top level memory context, but only if
rpm-build 95f51c
talloc_enable_leak_report() or talloc_enable_leak_report_full() has
rpm-build 95f51c
been called.
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void talloc_enable_leak_report(void);
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This enables calling of talloc_report(NULL, stderr) when the program
rpm-build 95f51c
exits. In Samba4 this is enabled by using the --leak-report command
rpm-build 95f51c
line option.
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For it to be useful, this function must be called before any other
rpm-build 95f51c
talloc function as it establishes a "null context" that acts as the
rpm-build 95f51c
top of the tree. If you don't call this function first then passing
rpm-build 95f51c
NULL to talloc_report() or talloc_report_full() won't give you the
rpm-build 95f51c
full tree printout.
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Here is a typical talloc report:
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rpm-build 95f51c
talloc report on 'null_context' (total 267 bytes in 15 blocks)
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        libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55  contains     31 bytes in   2 blocks
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        libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55  contains     31 bytes in   2 blocks
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        iconv(UTF8,CP850)              contains     42 bytes in   2 blocks
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        libcli/auth/spnego_parse.c:55  contains     31 bytes in   2 blocks
rpm-build 95f51c
        iconv(CP850,UTF8)              contains     42 bytes in   2 blocks
rpm-build 95f51c
        iconv(UTF8,UTF-16LE)           contains     45 bytes in   2 blocks
rpm-build 95f51c
        iconv(UTF-16LE,UTF8)           contains     45 bytes in   2 blocks
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void talloc_enable_leak_report_full(void);
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
This enables calling of talloc_report_full(NULL, stderr) when the
rpm-build 95f51c
program exits. In Samba4 this is enabled by using the
rpm-build 95f51c
--leak-report-full command line option.
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
For it to be useful, this function must be called before any other
rpm-build 95f51c
talloc function as it establishes a "null context" that acts as the
rpm-build 95f51c
top of the tree. If you don't call this function first then passing
rpm-build 95f51c
NULL to talloc_report() or talloc_report_full() won't give you the
rpm-build 95f51c
full tree printout.
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Here is a typical full report:
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rpm-build 95f51c
full talloc report on 'root' (total 18 bytes in 8 blocks)
rpm-build 95f51c
    p1                             contains     18 bytes in   7 blocks (ref 0)
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        r1                             contains     13 bytes in   2 blocks (ref 0)
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            reference to: p2
rpm-build 95f51c
        p2                             contains      1 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 1)
rpm-build 95f51c
        x3                             contains      1 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0)
rpm-build 95f51c
        x2                             contains      1 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0)
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        x1                             contains      1 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0)
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void talloc_enable_null_tracking(void);
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This enables tracking of the NULL memory context without enabling leak
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reporting on exit. Useful for when you want to do your own leak
rpm-build 95f51c
reporting call via talloc_report_null_full();
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void talloc_disable_null_tracking(void);
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This disables tracking of the NULL memory context.
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(type *)talloc_zero(const void *ctx, type);
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The talloc_zero() macro is equivalent to::
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  ptr = talloc(ctx, type);
rpm-build 95f51c
  if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(type));
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rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
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void *talloc_zero_size(const void *ctx, size_t size)
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The talloc_zero_size() function is useful when you don't have a known type
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void *talloc_memdup(const void *ctx, const void *p, size_t size);
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The talloc_memdup() function is equivalent to::
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rpm-build 95f51c
  ptr = talloc_size(ctx, size);
rpm-build 95f51c
  if (ptr) memcpy(ptr, p, size);
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char *talloc_strdup(const void *ctx, const char *p);
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The talloc_strdup() function is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
  ptr = talloc_size(ctx, strlen(p)+1);
rpm-build 95f51c
  if (ptr) memcpy(ptr, p, strlen(p)+1);
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rpm-build 95f51c
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
char *talloc_strndup(const void *t, const char *p, size_t n);
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The talloc_strndup() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
rpm-build 95f51c
library function strndup()
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rpm-build 95f51c
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the passed
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to:
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
char *talloc_append_string(const void *t, char *orig, const char *append);
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The talloc_append_string() function appends the given formatted
rpm-build 95f51c
string to the given string.
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
This function sets the name of the new pointer to the new
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
char *talloc_vasprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
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rpm-build 95f51c
The talloc_vasprintf() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
rpm-build 95f51c
library function vasprintf()
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
char *talloc_asprintf(const void *t, const char *fmt, ...);
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The talloc_asprintf() function is the talloc equivalent of the C
rpm-build 95f51c
library function asprintf()
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
char *talloc_asprintf_append(char *s, const char *fmt, ...);
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rpm-build 95f51c
The talloc_asprintf_append() function appends the given formatted
rpm-build 95f51c
string to the given string.
rpm-build 95f51c
Use this variant when the string in the current talloc buffer may
rpm-build 95f51c
have been truncated in length.
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rpm-build 95f51c
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
char *talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(char *s, const char *fmt, ...);
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rpm-build 95f51c
The talloc_asprintf_append() function appends the given formatted 
rpm-build 95f51c
string to the end of the currently allocated talloc buffer.
rpm-build 95f51c
Use this variant when the string in the current talloc buffer has
rpm-build 95f51c
not been changed.
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
This functions sets the name of the new pointer to the new
rpm-build 95f51c
string. This is equivalent to::
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, ptr)
rpm-build 95f51c
rpm-build 95f51c
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((type *)talloc_array(const void *ctx, type, unsigned int count);
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The talloc_array() macro is equivalent to::
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  (type *)talloc_size(ctx, sizeof(type) * count);
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except that it provides integer overflow protection for the multiply,
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returning NULL if the multiply overflows.
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rpm-build 95f51c
void *talloc_array_size(const void *ctx, size_t size, unsigned int count);
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The talloc_array_size() function is useful when the type is not
rpm-build 95f51c
known. It operates in the same way as talloc_array(), but takes a size
rpm-build 95f51c
instead of a type.
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rpm-build 95f51c
(typeof(ptr)) talloc_array_ptrtype(const void *ctx, ptr, unsigned int count);
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The talloc_ptrtype() macro should be used when you have a pointer to an array
rpm-build 95f51c
and want to allocate memory of an array to point at with this pointer. When compiling
rpm-build 95f51c
with gcc >= 3 it is typesafe. Note this is a wrapper of talloc_array_size()
rpm-build 95f51c
and talloc_get_name() will return the current location in the source file.
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and not the type.
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void *talloc_realloc_fn(const void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size);
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This is a non-macro version of talloc_realloc(), which is useful 
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as libraries sometimes want a ralloc function pointer. A realloc()
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implementation encapsulates the functionality of malloc(), free() and
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realloc() in one call, which is why it is useful to be able to pass
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around a single function pointer.
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void *talloc_autofree_context(void);
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This is a handy utility function that returns a talloc context
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which will be automatically freed on program exit. This can be used
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to reduce the noise in memory leak reports.
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void *talloc_check_name(const void *ptr, const char *name);
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This function checks if a pointer has the specified name. If it does
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then the pointer is returned. It it doesn't then NULL is returned.
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(type *)talloc_get_type(const void *ptr, type);
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This macro allows you to do type checking on talloc pointers. It is
rpm-build 95f51c
particularly useful for void* private pointers. It is equivalent to
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   (type *)talloc_check_name(ptr, #type)
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talloc_set_type(const void *ptr, type);
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rpm-build 95f51c
This macro allows you to force the name of a pointer to be of a
rpm-build 95f51c
particular type. This can be used in conjunction with
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talloc_get_type() to do type checking on void* pointers.
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rpm-build 95f51c
It is equivalent to this::
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   talloc_set_name_const(ptr, #type)
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talloc_get_size(const void *ctx);
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This function lets you know the amount of memory allocated so far by
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this context. It does NOT account for subcontext memory.
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This can be used to calculate the size of an array.
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void *talloc_find_parent_byname(const void *ctx, const char *name);
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rpm-build 95f51c
Find a parent memory context of the current context that has the given
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name. This can be very useful in complex programs where it may be
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difficult to pass all information down to the level you need, but you
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know the structure you want is a parent of another context.
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(type *)talloc_find_parent_bytype(ctx, type);
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Like talloc_find_parent_byname() but takes a type, making it typesafe.
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void talloc_set_log_fn(void (*log_fn)(const char *message));
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This function sets a logging function that talloc will use for
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warnings and errors. By default talloc will not print any warnings or
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void talloc_set_log_stderr(void)
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This sets the talloc log function to write log messages to stderr.