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#ifndef _BEZCTX_H
#define _BEZCTX_H
#include "bezctx_intf.h"

struct _bezctx {
    /* Called by spiro to start a contour */
    void (*moveto)(bezctx *bc, double x, double y, int is_open);

    /* Called by spiro to move from the last point to the next one on a straight line */
    void (*lineto)(bezctx *bc, double x, double y);

    /* Called by spiro to move from the last point to the next along a quadratic bezier spline */
    /* (x1,y1) is the quadratic bezier control point and (x2,y2) will be the new end point */
    void (*quadto)(bezctx *bc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);

    /* Called by spiro to move from the last point to the next along a cubic bezier spline */
    /* (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are the two off-curve control point and (x3,y3) will be the new end point */
    void (*curveto)(bezctx *bc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
		    double x3, double y3);

    void (*mark_knot)(bezctx *bc, int knot_idx);