Blame libsoup/soup-auth-domain.c

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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
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 * soup-auth-domain.c: HTTP Authentication Domain (server-side)
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 * Copyright (C) 2007 Novell, Inc.
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#include <config.h>
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#include <string.h>
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#include "soup-auth-domain.h"
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#include "soup.h"
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#include "soup-path-map.h"
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 * SECTION:soup-auth-domain
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 * @short_description: Server-side authentication
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 * @see_also: #SoupServer
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 * A #SoupAuthDomain manages authentication for all or part of a
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 * #SoupServer. To make a server require authentication, first create
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 * an appropriate subclass of #SoupAuthDomain, and then add it to the
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 * server with soup_server_add_auth_domain().
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 * In order for an auth domain to have any effect, you must add one or
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 * more paths to it (via soup_auth_domain_add_path() or the
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 * %SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH property). To require authentication for
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 * all ordinary requests, add the path "/". (Note that this does not
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 * include the special "*" URI (eg, "OPTIONS *"), which must be added
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 * as a separate path if you want to cover it.)
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 * If you need greater control over which requests should and
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 * shouldn't be authenticated, add paths covering everything you
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 * <emphasis>might</emphasis> want authenticated, and then use a
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 * filter (soup_auth_domain_set_filter()) to bypass authentication for
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 * those requests that don't need it.
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enum {
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typedef struct {
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	char *realm;
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	gboolean proxy;
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	SoupPathMap *paths;
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	SoupAuthDomainFilter filter;
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	gpointer filter_data;
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	GDestroyNotify filter_dnotify;
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	SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback auth_callback;
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	gpointer auth_data;
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	GDestroyNotify auth_dnotify;
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} SoupAuthDomainPrivate;
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static void
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soup_auth_domain_init (SoupAuthDomain *domain)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	priv->paths = soup_path_map_new (NULL);
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static void
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soup_auth_domain_finalize (GObject *object)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN (object));
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	g_free (priv->realm);
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	soup_path_map_free (priv->paths);
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	if (priv->filter_dnotify)
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		priv->filter_dnotify (priv->filter_data);
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	if (priv->auth_dnotify)
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		priv->auth_dnotify (priv->auth_data);
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	G_OBJECT_CLASS (soup_auth_domain_parent_class)->finalize (object);
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static void
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soup_auth_domain_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id,
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			       const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
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	SoupAuthDomain *auth_domain = SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN (object);
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (auth_domain);
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	switch (prop_id) {
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		g_free (priv->realm);
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		priv->realm = g_value_dup_string (value);
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		priv->proxy = g_value_get_boolean (value);
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		soup_auth_domain_add_path (auth_domain,
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					   g_value_get_string (value));
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		soup_auth_domain_remove_path (auth_domain,
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					      g_value_get_string (value));
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		priv->filter = g_value_get_pointer (value);
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		if (priv->filter_dnotify) {
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			priv->filter_dnotify (priv->filter_data);
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			priv->filter_dnotify = NULL;
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		priv->filter_data = g_value_get_pointer (value);
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		priv->auth_callback = g_value_get_pointer (value);
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		if (priv->auth_dnotify) {
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			priv->auth_dnotify (priv->auth_data);
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			priv->auth_dnotify = NULL;
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		priv->auth_data = g_value_get_pointer (value);
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		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
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static void
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soup_auth_domain_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id,
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			       GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN (object));
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	switch (prop_id) {
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		g_value_set_string (value, priv->realm);
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		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->proxy);
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		g_value_set_pointer (value, priv->filter);
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		g_value_set_pointer (value, priv->filter_data);
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		g_value_set_pointer (value, priv->auth_callback);
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		g_value_set_pointer (value, priv->auth_data);
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		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
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static void
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soup_auth_domain_class_init (SoupAuthDomainClass *auth_domain_class)
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	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (auth_domain_class);
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	object_class->finalize = soup_auth_domain_finalize;
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	object_class->set_property = soup_auth_domain_set_property;
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	object_class->get_property = soup_auth_domain_get_property;
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:realm property. (The realm of
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	 * this auth domain.)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_REALM,
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		g_param_spec_string (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REALM,
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				     "The realm of this auth domain",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:proxy property. (Whether or
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	 * not this is a proxy auth domain.)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_PROXY,
rpm-build 4f3c61
		g_param_spec_boolean (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_PROXY,
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				      "Whether or not this is a proxy auth domain",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:add-path property. (Shortcut
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	 * for calling soup_auth_domain_add_path().)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_ADD_PATH,
rpm-build 4f3c61
		g_param_spec_string (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				     "Add a path",
rpm-build 4f3c61
				     "Add a path covered by this auth domain",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:remove-path property.
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	 * (Shortcut for calling soup_auth_domain_remove_path().)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_REMOVE_PATH,
rpm-build 4f3c61
		g_param_spec_string (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REMOVE_PATH,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				     "Remove a path",
rpm-build 4f3c61
				     "Remove a path covered by this auth domain",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:filter property. (The
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	 * #SoupAuthDomainFilter for the domain.)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_FILTER,
rpm-build 4f3c61
		g_param_spec_pointer (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER,
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				      "A filter for deciding whether or not to require authentication",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:filter-data property. (Data
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	 * to pass to the #SoupAuthDomainFilter.)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_FILTER_DATA,
rpm-build 4f3c61
		g_param_spec_pointer (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				      "Filter data",
rpm-build 4f3c61
				      "Data to pass to filter",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:generic-auth-callback property.
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	 * (The #SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.)
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
				      "Generic authentication callback",
rpm-build 4f3c61
				      "An authentication callback that can be used with any SoupAuthDomain subclass",
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	 * Alias for the #SoupAuthDomain:generic-auth-data property.
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	 * (The data to pass to the #SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.)
rpm-build 4f3c61
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	g_object_class_install_property (
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		object_class, PROP_GENERIC_AUTH_DATA,
rpm-build 4f3c61
		g_param_spec_pointer (SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GENERIC_AUTH_DATA,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				      "Authentication callback data",
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				      "Data to pass to auth callback",
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 * soup_auth_domain_add_path:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
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 * @path: the path to add to @domain
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 * Adds @path to @domain, such that requests under @path on @domain's
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 * server will require authentication (unless overridden by
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 * soup_auth_domain_remove_path() or soup_auth_domain_set_filter()).
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 * You can also add paths by setting the %SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH
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 * property, which can also be used to add one or more paths at
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 * construct time.
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soup_auth_domain_add_path (SoupAuthDomain *domain, const char *path)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	/* "" should not match "*" */
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	if (!*path)
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		path = "/";
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	soup_path_map_add (priv->paths, path, GINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE));
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 * soup_auth_domain_remove_path:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
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 * @path: the path to remove from @domain
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 * Removes @path from @domain, such that requests under @path on
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 * @domain's server will NOT require authentication.
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 * This is not simply an undo-er for soup_auth_domain_add_path(); it
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 * can be used to "carve out" a subtree that does not require
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 * authentication inside a hierarchy that does. Note also that unlike
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 * with soup_auth_domain_add_path(), this cannot be overridden by
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 * adding a filter, as filters can only bypass authentication that
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 * would otherwise be required, not require it where it would
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 * otherwise be unnecessary.
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 * You can also remove paths by setting the
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 * %SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REMOVE_PATH property, which can also be used to
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 * remove one or more paths at construct time.
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soup_auth_domain_remove_path (SoupAuthDomain *domain, const char *path)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	/* "" should not match "*" */
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	if (!*path)
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		path = "/";
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	soup_path_map_add (priv->paths, path, GINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE));
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 * SoupAuthDomainFilter:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
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 * @msg: a #SoupMessage
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 * @user_data: the data passed to soup_auth_domain_set_filter()
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 * The prototype for a #SoupAuthDomain filter; see
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 * soup_auth_domain_set_filter() for details.
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 * Return value: %TRUE if @msg requires authentication, %FALSE if not.
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 * soup_auth_domain_set_filter:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
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 * @filter: the auth filter for @domain
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 * @filter_data: data to pass to @filter
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 * @dnotify: destroy notifier to free @filter_data when @domain
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 * is destroyed
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 * Adds @filter as an authentication filter to @domain. The filter
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 * gets a chance to bypass authentication for certain requests that
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 * would otherwise require it. Eg, it might check the message's path
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 * in some way that is too complicated to do via the other methods, or
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 * it might check the message's method, and allow GETs but not PUTs.
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 * The filter function returns %TRUE if the request should still
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 * require authentication, or %FALSE if authentication is unnecessary
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 * for this request.
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 * To help prevent security holes, your filter should return %TRUE by
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 * default, and only return %FALSE under specifically-tested
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 * circumstances, rather than the other way around. Eg, in the example
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 * above, where you want to authenticate PUTs but not GETs, you should
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 * check if the method is GET and return %FALSE in that case, and then
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 * return %TRUE for all other methods (rather than returning %TRUE for
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 * PUT and %FALSE for all other methods). This way if it turned out
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 * (now or later) that some paths supported additional methods besides
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 * GET and PUT, those methods would default to being NOT allowed for
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 * unauthenticated users.
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 * You can also set the filter by setting the %SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER
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 * and %SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA properties, which can also be
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 * used to set the filter at construct time.
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soup_auth_domain_set_filter (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
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			     SoupAuthDomainFilter filter,
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			     gpointer        filter_data,
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			     GDestroyNotify  dnotify)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	if (priv->filter_dnotify)
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		priv->filter_dnotify (priv->filter_data);
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	priv->filter = filter;
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	priv->filter_data = filter_data;
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	priv->filter_dnotify = dnotify;
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	g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (domain), SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER);
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	g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (domain), SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA);
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 * soup_auth_domain_get_realm:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
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 * Gets the realm name associated with @domain
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 * Return value: @domain's realm
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const char *
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soup_auth_domain_get_realm (SoupAuthDomain *domain)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	return priv->realm;
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 * SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
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 * @msg: the #SoupMessage being authenticated
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 * @username: the username from @msg
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 * @user_data: the data passed to
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 * soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback()
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 * The prototype for a #SoupAuthDomain generic authentication callback.
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 * The callback should look up the user's password, call
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 * soup_auth_domain_check_password(), and use the return value from
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 * that method as its own return value.
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 * In general, for security reasons, it is preferable to use the
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 * auth-domain-specific auth callbacks (eg,
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * #SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback and
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 * #SoupAuthDomainDigestAuthCallback), because they don't require
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 * keeping a cleartext password database. Most users will use the same
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 * password for many different sites, meaning if any site with a
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 * cleartext password database is compromised, accounts on other
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 * servers might be compromised as well. For many of the cases where
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 * #SoupServer is used, this is not really relevant, but it may still
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * be worth considering.
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 * Return value: %TRUE if @msg is authenticated, %FALSE if not.
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rpm-build 4f3c61
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 * soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback:
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @auth_callback: the auth callback
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @auth_data: data to pass to @auth_callback
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @dnotify: destroy notifier to free @auth_data when @domain
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * is destroyed
rpm-build 4f3c61
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 * Sets @auth_callback as an authentication-handling callback for
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 * @domain. Whenever a request comes in to @domain which cannot be
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 * authenticated via a domain-specific auth callback (eg,
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 * #SoupAuthDomainDigestAuthCallback), the generic auth callback
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * will be invoked. See #SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback for information
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 * on what the callback should do.
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soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
rpm-build 4f3c61
					    SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback auth_callback,
rpm-build 4f3c61
					    gpointer        auth_data,
rpm-build 4f3c61
					    GDestroyNotify  dnotify)
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	if (priv->auth_dnotify)
rpm-build 4f3c61
		priv->auth_dnotify (priv->auth_data);
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	priv->auth_callback = auth_callback;
rpm-build 4f3c61
	priv->auth_data = auth_data;
rpm-build 4f3c61
	priv->auth_dnotify = dnotify;
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
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	g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (domain), SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GENERIC_AUTH_DATA);
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soup_auth_domain_try_generic_auth_callback (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
rpm-build 4f3c61
					    SoupMessage    *msg,
rpm-build 4f3c61
					    const char     *username)
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	if (priv->auth_callback)
rpm-build 4f3c61
		return priv->auth_callback (domain, msg, username, priv->auth_data);
rpm-build 4f3c61
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		return FALSE;
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rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
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 * soup_auth_domain_check_password:
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @msg: a #SoupMessage
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @username: a username
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @password: a password
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * Checks if @msg authenticates to @domain via @username and
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @password. This would normally be called from a
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 * #SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.
rpm-build 4f3c61
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 * Return value: whether or not the message is authenticated
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
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soup_auth_domain_check_password (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				 SoupMessage    *msg,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				 const char     *username,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				 const char     *password)
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	return SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GET_CLASS (domain)->check_password (domain, msg,
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 * soup_auth_domain_covers:
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @msg: a #SoupMessage
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * Checks if @domain requires @msg to be authenticated (according to
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * its paths and filter function). This does not actually look at
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 * whether @msg <emphasis>is</emphasis> authenticated, merely whether
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 * or not it needs to be.
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * This is used by #SoupServer internally and is probably of no use to
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * anyone else.
rpm-build 4f3c61
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 * Return value: %TRUE if @domain requires @msg to be authenticated
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rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
soup_auth_domain_covers (SoupAuthDomain *domain, SoupMessage *msg)
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
rpm-build 4f3c61
	const char *path;
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rpm-build 4f3c61
	if (!priv->proxy) {
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		path = soup_message_get_uri (msg)->path;
rpm-build 4f3c61
		if (!soup_path_map_lookup (priv->paths, path))
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			return FALSE;
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	if (priv->filter && !priv->filter (domain, msg, priv->filter_data))
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		return FALSE;
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		return TRUE;
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 * soup_auth_domain_accepts:
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 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @msg: a #SoupMessage
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * Checks if @msg contains appropriate authorization for @domain to
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 * accept it. Mirroring soup_auth_domain_covers(), this does not check
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 * whether or not @domain <emphasis>cares</emphasis> if @msg is
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 * authorized.
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rpm-build 4f3c61
 * This is used by #SoupServer internally and is probably of no use to
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * anyone else.
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 * Return value: (nullable): the username that @msg has authenticated
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 * as, if in fact it has authenticated. %NULL otherwise.
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char *
rpm-build 4f3c61
soup_auth_domain_accepts (SoupAuthDomain *domain, SoupMessage *msg)
rpm-build 4f3c61
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	const char *header;
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	header = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->request_headers,
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					       priv->proxy ?
rpm-build 4f3c61
					       "Proxy-Authorization" :
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
	if (!header)
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		return NULL;
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	return SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GET_CLASS (domain)->accepts (domain, msg, header);
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 * soup_auth_domain_challenge:
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @domain: a #SoupAuthDomain
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * @msg: a #SoupMessage
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * Adds a "WWW-Authenticate" or "Proxy-Authenticate" header to @msg,
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 * requesting that the client authenticate, and sets @msg's status
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 * accordingly.
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rpm-build 4f3c61
 * This is used by #SoupServer internally and is probably of no use to
rpm-build 4f3c61
 * anyone else.
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soup_auth_domain_challenge (SoupAuthDomain *domain, SoupMessage *msg)
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	SoupAuthDomainPrivate *priv = soup_auth_domain_get_instance_private (domain);
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	char *challenge;
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	challenge = SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GET_CLASS (domain)->challenge (domain, msg);
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	soup_message_set_status (msg, priv->proxy ?
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rpm-build 4f3c61
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	soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers,
rpm-build 4f3c61
				     priv->proxy ?
rpm-build 4f3c61
				     "Proxy-Authenticate" :
rpm-build 4f3c61
rpm-build 4f3c61
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	g_free (challenge);
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