Blame doc/bugs.html

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	Bug Reporting
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	<META NAME="Author"      CONTENT="Erik de Castro Lopo (erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com)">
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Reporting Bugs in libsndfile

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	Before even attempting to report a bug in libsndfile please make sure you have
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	read the
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		Frequently Asked Questions.
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	If you are having a problem writing code using libsndfile make sure you read
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		Application Programming Interface
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	That said, I am interested in finding and fixing all genuine bugs in libsndfile.
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	Bugs I want to fix include any of the following problems (and probably others) :
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  • Compilation problems on new platforms.
  • Packit 4aff17
  • Errors being detected during the `make check' process.
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  • Segmentation faults occuring inside libsndfile.
  • Packit 4aff17
  • libsndfile hanging when opening a file.
  • Packit 4aff17
  • Supported sound file types being incorrectly read or written.
  • Packit 4aff17
  • Omissions, errors or spelling mistakes in the documentation.
  • Packit 4aff17
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    	When submitting a bug report you must include :
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    • Your system (CPU and memory size should be enough).
    • Packit 4aff17
    • The operating system you are using.
    • Packit 4aff17
    • Whether you are using a package provided by your distribution or you
    • Packit 4aff17
      			compiled it youself.
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    • If you compiled it yourself, the compiler you are using. (Also make
    • Packit 4aff17
      			sure to run 'make check'.)
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    • A description of the problem.
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    • Information generated by the sndfile-info program (see next paragraph).
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    • If you are having problems with sndfile-play and ALSA on Linux, I will
    • Packit 4aff17
      			need information about your kernel, ALSA version, compiler version,
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      			whether you compiled the kernel/ALSA your self or installed from a
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      			package etc.
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      	If libsndfile compiles and installs correctly but has difficulty reading a particular
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      	file or type of file you should run the sndfile-info program (from the examples
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      	directory of the libsndfile distribution) on the file. See
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      	for an example of the use of the sndfile-info program.
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      	Please do not send me a sound file which fails to open under libsndfile unless I
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      	specifically ask you to. The above information should usually suffice for most
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      	Once you have the above information you should submit a ticket on the libsnfile
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      		github issue tracker.
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