SLS-NEGOTIATION-PIB PIB-DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ibrpib FROM TUBS-SMI Integer32, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM COPS-PR-SPPI InstanceId, Prid, TagId, TagReferenceId FROM COPS-PR-SPPI-TC zeroDotZero FROM SNMPv2-SMI ExtUTCTime FROM SNMPv2-SMI InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB DscpOrAny FROM DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC; slsPolicyPib MODULE-IDENTITY SUBJECT-CATEGORIES { all } -- COPS-SLS Client Type, to be done LAST-UPDATED "200202281200Z" ORGANIZATION "Alcatel, ENST Paris and University of Paris 6" CONTACT-INFO " Thi Mai Trang Nguyen INFRES-ENST 46 Rue Barrault 75013 Paris - France Phone: +33 1 45 81 74 61 Email: Nadia Boukhatem INFRES-ENST 46 Rue Barrault 75013 Paris - France Phone: +33 1 45 81 82 16 Email: Yacine El Mghazli Alcatel R&I Route de Nozay F-91460 Marcoussis - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 69 63 41 87 Email: Nathalie Charton Alcatel R&I Route de Nozay F-91460 Marcoussis - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 69 63 14 85 Email: Guy Pujolle RP-LIP6-UPMC 8 Rue du Capitaine Scott 75015 Paris - France Phone: +33 1 44 27 75 14 Email:" DESCRIPTION "The PIB module contains a set of classes describing the policies in SLS negotiation" ::= { ibrpib 11 } slsCapabilityClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slsPolicyPib 1 } slsPolicyClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slsPolicyPib 2 } slsParamClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slsPolicyPib 3 } slsReportClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { slsPolicyPib 4} slsNegoCapsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsNegoCapsEntry PIB-ACCESS notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SLS negotiation capabilities supported by the client" ::= { slsCapabilityClasses 1} slsNegoCapsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsNegoCapsEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of this class describes the SLS negotiation capabilities of a client" PIB-INDEX { slsNegoCapsPrid } ::= { slsNegoCapsTable 1 } SlsNegoCapsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsNegoCapsPrid InstanceId, slsNegoCapsNegoMode BITS, slsNegoCapsNegoInt Unsigned32, slsNegoCapsMaxPredefSls Unsigned32 } slsNegoCapsPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the class" ::= { slsNegoCapsEntry 1 } slsNegoCapsNegoMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { predefSls(1), -- the ability to support predefined SLS mode non-predefinedSls (2) -- the ability to support non-predefined SLS mode" } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SLS negotiation mode supported by the PEP (1) - predefined SLS mode (2) - non-predefined SLS mode" ::= { slsNegoCapsEntry 2 } slsNegoCapsNegoInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired interval before which the client could send another REQ message to modify a negotiated SLS" ::= { slsNegoCapsEntry 3 } slsNegoCapsMaxPredefSls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of predefined SLSs that the PDP can install at the client device. If the client does not support the predefined SLS negotiation mode, this value MUST be 0" ::= { slsNegoCapsEntry 4 } slsNegoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsNegoEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SLS negotiation policies to be installed by the PDP" ::= { slsPolicyClasses 1 } slsNegoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsNegoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of this class describes the policies about SLS negotiation that the PDP installs at the PEP" PIB-INDEX { slsNegoPrid } ::= { slsNegoTable 1 } SlsNegoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsNegoPrid InstanceId, slsNegoMode BITS, slsNegoMaxInt Unsigned32 } slsNegoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the class" ::= { slsNegoEntry 1 } slsNegoMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS{ predefSls(1), -- predefined SLS mode non-predefinedSls (2) -- non-predefined SLS mode" } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The negotiation mode used by the client. - indicates the predefined SLS mode. - indicates the non-predefined SLS mode" ::= { slsNegoEntry 2 } slsNegoMaxInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum interval during which the client cannot issue a REQ message to change a negotiated SLS" ::= { slsNegoEntry 3 } slsSlsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsSlsEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represent an SLS" ::= { slsPolicyClasses 2 } slsSlsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsSlsEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of this class specifies an SLS" PIB-INDEX { slsSlsPrid } ::= { slsSlsTable 1 } SlsSlsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsSlsPrid InstanceId, slsSlsScope Prid, slsSlsFlowId Prid, slsSlsTrafficConformance Prid, slsSlsExcessTreatment Prid, slsSlsPerformance Prid, slsSlsServiceSchedule Prid } slsSlsPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the class" ::= { slsSlsEntry 1} slsSlsScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute uniquely indicates where the QoS policy for that specific service is to be enforced. The value must point to a valid instance of one of these classes: slsScopeParamEntry" ::= { slsSlsEntry 2 } slsSlsFlowId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute specifies the identification of a flow. It indentifies a stream of IP packets sharing at least one common characteristic. The value must point to a valid instance of one of these classes: slsFlowIdParamEntry" ::= { slsSlsEntry 3 } slsSlsTrafficConformance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute specifies the traffic conformance of the flow identified in slsSlsFlowId. The traffic conformance parameters describes how the packet stream should look like to get the guarantees indicated by the perfomance parameters. The value must point to a valid instance of one of these classes: slsConformParamEntry" ::= { slsSlsEntry 4 } slsSlsExcessTreatment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the excess treatment applied to the flow identified by slsSlsFlowId if it does not conform to parameters specified in slsSlsTrafficConformance. Excess traffic may be dropped, shaped and/or remarked. The value must point to a valid instance of one of these classes: slsExcTreatParamEntry" ::= { slsSlsEntry 5 } slsSlsPerformance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the performance guarantees the network offers to the customer for the flow identified by slsSlsFlowId. The value must point to an instance of one of these classes: slsPerformanceParamEntry " ::= { slsSlsEntry 6 } slsSlsServiceSchedule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute indicates the start time and end time of the service, i.e. when the service is available. The value must point to an valid instance of one of these classes: slsScheduleParamEntry zeroDotZero (non specified)" ::= { slsSlsEntry 7 } slsScopeParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsScopeParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class specifies the scope parameters" ::= { slsParamClasses 1} slsScopeParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsScopeParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This PRC uniquely identifies the geographical/topological region over which the QoS is to be enforced by indicating the boundaries of that region." PIB-INDEX { slsScopeParamPrid } ::= { slsScopeParamTable 1 } SlsScopeParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsScopeParamPrid InstanceId, slsScopeParamId TagReferenceId } slsScopeParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the class." ::= { slsScopeParamEntry 1 } slsScopeParamId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TagReferenceId PIB-TAG {slsScopeIfParamId} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies an SLS Scope." ::= { slsScopeParamEntry 2 } slsScopeIfParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsScopeIfParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry points (interfaces) of the IP packets relative to the region (network)." ::= { slsParamClasses 2 } slsScopeIfParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsScopeIfParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the scope interface table describes a single interface of the scope." PIB-INDEX { slsScopeIfParamPrid } ::= { slsScopeIfParamTable 1 } SlsScopeIfParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsScopeIfParamPrid InstanceId, slsScopeIfParamId TagId, slsScopeIfParamIfIndex InterfaceIndex, slsScopeIfParamDirection BITS } slsScopeIfParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the class." ::= { slsScopeIfParamEntry 1 } slsScopeIfParamId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TagId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An SLS Scope is composed of one or more entry/exit points. Each interface belonging to the same scope uses the same Scope ID. Hence, A scope Id identifies which scope this interface is a part of. This needs to be the value of slsScopeParamId attribute for an existing instance of slsScopeParamEntry." ::= { slsScopeIfParamEntry 2 } slsScopeIfParamIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This value contains the interface index of the entry/exit interface." ::= { slsScopeIfParamEntry 3 } slsScopeIfParamDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS{ ingress (0), egress (1) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute specifies whether the interface is an entry point (ingress) or an exit point (egress) of thez SLS scope." ::= { slsScopeIfParamEntry 4 } slsFlowIdParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsFlowIdParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class specifies parameters identifying a traffic stream" ::= { slsParamClasses 3 } slsFlowIdParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsFlowIdParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instance of this class identifies a traffic stream" PIB-INDEX { slsFlowIdParamPrid } ::= { slsFlowIdParamTable 1 } SlsFlowIdParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ slsFlowIdParamPrid InstanceId, slsFlowIdParamAddrType InetAddressType, slsFlowIdParamDstAddr InetAddress, slsFlowIdParamDstPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength, slsFlowIdParamSrcAddr InetAddress, slsFlowIdParamSrcPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength, slsFlowIdParamDscp DscpOrAny, slsFlowIdParamFlowLable Unsigned32, slsFlowIdParamProtocol Integer32, slsFlowIdParamDstL4PortMin InetPortNumber, slsFlowIdParamDstL4PortMax InetPortNumber, slsFlowIdParamSrcL4PortMin InetPortNumber, slsFlowIdParamSrcL4PortMax InetPortNumber } slsFlowIdParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the class" ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 1 } slsFlowIdParamAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the type of packet's IP address." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 2 } slsFlowIdParamDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the packet's destination." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 3 } slsFlowIdParamDstPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a mask for the matching of the destination IP address. The value of 0 indicates that the address always matches." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 4 } slsFlowIdParamSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the packet's source." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 5 } slsFlowIdParamSrcPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a mask for the matching of the destination IP address. A value of 0 indicates that the address always matches." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 6 } slsFlowIdParamDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DscpOrAny STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DSCP value of the packet. A value of 1 indicates that DSCP value has not been defined." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 7 } slsFlowIdParamFlowLable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the Flow Label field in IPv6 header." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 8 } slsFlowIdParamProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the Protocol field in IP header." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 9 } slsFlowIdParamDstL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 destination port number can have." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 10 } slsFlowIdParamDstL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 destination port number can have." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 11 } slsFlowIdParamSrcL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 source port number can have." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 12 } slsFlowIdParamSrcL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 source port number can have." ::= { slsFlowIdParamEntry 13 } slsConformParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsConformParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class defines the traffic conformance of a traffic stream." ::= { slsParamClasses 4 } slsConformParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsConformParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instance of this class specifies algorithm and profile to verify the conformance of a traffic stream" PIB-INDEX { slsConformParamPrid } ::= { slsConformParamTable 1 } SlsConformParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsConformParamPrid InstanceId, slsConformParamAlgo Unsigned32, slsConformParamRate Unsigned32, slsConformParamBurstSize Unsigned32 } slsConformParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the class." ::= { slsConformParamEntry 1 } slsConformParamAlgo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the algorithm used to verify the conformance of the traffic stream. 1 = Simple Token Bucket" ::= { slsConformParamEntry 2 } slsConformParamRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate value used in Simple Token Bucket algorithm." ::= { slsConformParamEntry 3 } slsConformParamBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The burst size value used in Simple Token Bucket algorithm." ::= { slsConformParamEntry 4 } slsExcTreatParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsExcTreatParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class specifies parameters of schedule of service" ::= { slsParamClasses 5 } slsExcTreatParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsExcTreatParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The instance of this class identifies a traffic stream" PIB-INDEX { slsExcTreatParamPrid } ::= { slsExcTreatParamTable 1 } SlsExcTreatParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsExcTreatParamPrid InstanceId, slsExcTreatParamAction BITS } slsExcTreatParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the class." ::= { slsExcTreatParamEntry 1 } slsExcTreatParamAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS{ shapping(1), -- traffic exceeding the conformance parameters -- negotiated will be shaped. dropping (2) -- traffic exceeding the conformance parameters -- negotiated will be dropped } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the treatment applied to the packet out of the data stream's conformance negotiated (1) shapping exceeding traffic (2) dropping exceeding traffic" ::= { slsExcTreatParamEntry 2 } slsPerformanceParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsPerformanceParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class specifies parameters of performance of a flow" ::= { slsParamClasses 6 } slsPerformanceParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsPerformanceParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes performance parameters of a flow" PIB-INDEX { slsPerformanceParamPrid } ::= { slsPerformanceParamTable 1 } SlsPerformanceParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsPerformanceParamPrid InstanceId, slsPerformanceParamDelay Unsigned32, slsPerformanceParamJitter Unsigned32, slsPerformanceParamPacketLoss Unsigned32 } slsPerformanceParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the class." ::= { slsPerformanceParamEntry 1 } slsPerformanceParamDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the delay value in milisecond" ::= { slsPerformanceParamEntry 2 } slsPerformanceParamJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the jitter value in milisecond" ::= { slsPerformanceParamEntry 3 } slsPerformanceParamPacketLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the packet loss ratio in %" ::= { slsPerformanceParamEntry 4 } slsScheduleParamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsScheduleParamEntry PIB-ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class specifies parameters of schedule of service" ::= { slsParamClasses 7} slsScheduleParamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsScheduleParamEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies a service schedule" PIB-INDEX { slsScheduleParamPrid } ::= { slsScheduleParamTable 1 } SlsScheduleParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsScheduleParamPrid InstanceId, slsScheduleParamStartTime ExtUTCTime, slsScheduleParamStopTime ExtUTCTime } slsScheduleParamPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the class." ::= { slsScheduleParamEntry 1 } slsScheduleParamStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtUTCTime STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time the service starts" ::= { slsScheduleParamEntry 2 } slsScheduleParamStopTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtUTCTime STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time the service terminate" ::= { slsScheduleParamEntry 3 } slsNegoRptTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SlsNegoRptEntry PIB-ACCESS report-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class is used by the PEP to convey negotiation information in RPT message" ::= { slsReportClasses 1 } slsNegoRptEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlsNegoRptEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of this class reports on the SLS negotiation" PIB-INDEX { slsNegoRptPrid } ::= { slsNegoRptTable 1 } SlsNegoRptEntry ::= SEQUENCE { slsNegoRptPrid InstanceId, slsNegoRptFailRea BITS } slsNegoRptPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the class" ::= { slsNegoRptEntry 1 } slsNegoRptFailRea OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { slsNonAccepted (1) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the reason by which the PEP sends a 'failure' report (1) the PEP does not accept the SLS suggested" ::= { slsNegoRptEntry 2 } END