META-POLICY-PIB PIB-DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ibrpib FROM TUBS-SMI Unsigned32, TimeTicks, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM COPS-PR-SPPI InstanceId, ReferenceId, TagId, TagReferenceId, Prid FROM COPS-PR-SPPI-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC; metaPolicyPib MODULE-IDENTITY SUBJECT-CATEGORIES { all } LAST-UPDATED "200104010000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF" CONTACT-INFO " Andreas Polyrakis Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 10 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario,M5S 3G4, Canada. e-mail: Phone: ++1 (416) 978-4837 Fax: ++1 (416) 978 1931 Raouf Boutaba Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada e-mail: Phone: ++1 (519) 888 4567 ext.4820 Fax: ++1 (519) 885 1208" DESCRIPTION "The meta-policy PIB module. It contains the classes that are necessary for the provisioning of meta-policy related information. This module is applicable, but not current, to all subject-categories" ::= { ibrpib 21 } -- The root OID for PRCs in the Meta-Policy PIB --- --- Textual Conventions --- BERValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sequence of octets that encodes a value using BER. The suppoted BER types are (borrowed by SNMPv2): Type | BER identifier --------------------|---------------- INTEGER | 02 BIT STRING | 03 OCTET STRING | 04 NULL | 05 OBJECT IDENTIFIER | 06 IP ADDRESS | 40 COUNTER32 | 41 GAUGE32 | 42 TIMETICKS | 43 OPAQUE | 44 By using this type, the PEP can store values for different types of parameters in the same class (PRC)." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) XMLString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string that contains a logical expression encoded using XML. The semantics of the XML tags are defined in special DTDs, which the PEP declares that supports." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) --- --- End of Textual Conventions --- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- Meta-Policy Capabilities Group metaPolicyCapabilitiesClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { metaPolicyPib 1 } --- --- Meta-Policy Capabilities Table --- xmlDTDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XmlDTDEntry PIB-ACCESS notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class specifies a PRC that identifies an XML DTD supported by the PEP for encoding logical expressions. If this class has no instances, then the PEP supports only expressions that are formed with boolean predicates and operators, and in this case the PDP MUST not attempt to install any XML-encoded expressions in the generalConditionTable." ::= { metaPolicyCapabilitiesClasses 1 } xmlDTDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XmlDTDEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the xmlDTDTable class that determines an XML DTD that can be used to encode a logical expression" PIB-INDEX { xmlDTDPrid } ::= { xmlDTDTable 1 } XmlDTDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xmlDTDPrid InstanceId, xmlDTDURL SnmpAdminString } xmlDTDPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the xmlDTD class." ::= { xmlDTDEntry 1 } xmlDTDURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The XML DTD URL. A string that indicates the URL of an XML DTD that can be used for encoding expressions. These DTDs can be defined either by standardization organizations, such as IETF, or be vendor specific. When the PDP receives a URL that uniquely identifies such a DTD, it knows that it may encode expressions according to this DTD that the PEP will be able to evaluate." ::= { xmlDTDEntry 2 } --End of xmlDTDTable ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- Base Meta-Policy Group metaPolicyClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { metaPolicyPib 2 } --- --- Meta-Policy Table --- metaPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MetaPolicyEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class specifies a PRC that represents a meta-policy. Each meta-policy, apart from a unique identifier and an optional name, it constists of a condition and a group of actions." ::= { metaPolicyClasses 1 } metaPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MetaPolicyEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the metaPolicy Class that represents a meta-policy." PIB-INDEX { metaPolicyPrid } ::= { metaPolicyTable 1 } MetaPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { metaPolicyPrid InstanceId, metaPolicyName SnmpAdminString, metaPolicyCondition ReferenceId, metaPolicyActions TagId } metaPolicyPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the metaPolicy class." ::= { metaPolicyEntry 1 } metaPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A display string that represents the name of the meta-policy. It is reccomented that different meta-policies have different names. However, similar meta-policies may have the same name. Also, an empty string can be used as a name." ::= { metaPolicyEntry 2 } metaPolicyCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { conditionEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute associates the specific meta-policy with a condition in the condition Class. The condition MUST exist when the meta-policy is installed. The meta-policy MUST always be assosiated with one condition (which means that the attribute can never be null/invalid." ::= { metaPolicyEntry 3 } metaPolicyActions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TagId -- PIB-REFERENCES { actionEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tag that maps this instance (meta-policy) to a group of actions in the actions Class. Although the tag should map to at least one action, there might be cases where a meta-policy is associated to no actions. However such cases should be avoided and only be temporal." ::= { metaPolicyEntry 4 } --End of metaPolicyTable -- -- Meta-Policy Status Table -- metaPolicyStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MetaPolicyStatusEntry PIB-ACCESS report-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class augments the metaPolicy class. Each instance of this class defines a PRC that is used in order to report to the PDP the status of the meta-policies. Also, information form this table can be used as a parameter to another meta-policy, as an alternative way to ensure that two priorities cannot be activated at the same time." ::= { metaPolicyClasses 2 } metaPolicyStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MetaPolicyStatusEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the metaPolicyStatus class that reports the status of the corresponding meta-policy in the metaPolicy class." AUGMENTS { metaPolicyEntry } ::= { metaPolicyStatusTable 1 } MetaPolicyStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { metaPolicyActive TruthValue, metaPolicySuppressed TruthValue } metaPolicyActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue STATUS current DESCRIPTION "True while the meta-policy is active" ::= { metaPolicyStatusEntry 1 } metaPolicySuppressed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this meta-policy is prevented from being active by an other meta-policy (but its conditions are met), this attribute is set to true. If this meta-policy prevents another meta-policy from being active, then this attribute is true. In other words: Active | Suppr.| -------------------------------- true | true | meta-policy active, | it suppresses another one true | false | meta-policy active, | does not suppress another one false | true | meta-policy inactive | because it is suppressed by another one false | false | meta-policy inactive because | the conditions are not met " ::= { metaPolicyStatusEntry 2 } --End of metaPolicyStatusTable --- --- Meta-Policy Priority Table --- metaPolicyPriorityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MetaPolicyPriorityEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports conflicting meta-policies. When a meta-policy needs to be activated, the PEP MUST check if it is conflicting with another meta-policy, which is already active or needs to be activated at the same time. If so, the one that is referenced in the higherPriority attribute is activated and the other one is deactivated or remains deactivated. Similarly, when a meta-policy is deactivated, the PEP must check if a lower-priority meta-policy must now be activated." ::= { metaPolicyClasses 3 } metaPolicyPriorityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MetaPolicyPriorityEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the metaPolicyPriority Class that identifies the relative priority between two meta-policies." PIB-INDEX { metaPolicyPriorityPrid } ::= { metaPolicyPriorityTable 1 } MetaPolicyPriorityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { metaPolicyPriorityPrid InstanceId, higherPriority ReferenceId, lowerPriority ReferenceId } metaPolicyPriorityPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the metaPolicyPriority class." ::= { metaPolicyPriorityEntry 1 } higherPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { metaPolicyEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute references to the meta-policy that has higher priority than the one referenced by the lowerPriority attribute" ::= { metaPolicyPriorityEntry 2 } lowerPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { metaPolicyEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute references to the meta-policy that has lower priority than the one referenced by the higherPriority attribute" ::= { metaPolicyPriorityEntry 3 } --End of metaPolicyPriorityTable ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -- Condition Group conditionClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { metaPolicyPib 3 } -- -- Condition Table -- conditionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ConditionEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this PRC represents a boolean expression. The conditionss of the meta-policies are instances of this class. However, if the condition of a meta-policy contains more than one predicate, the predicates are also instances of this PRC. For instance, Suppose that we want to encode a condition A, which is evaluated as ( B OR C ), where B and C some other boolean expressions. In this case, A, B and C are instances of this PRC. All instances of this PRC MUST be extended by an instance of one of the rest PRCs of this group, in order to denote if this condition should be evaluated based on simpler conditions, if it is a boolean operand or an other logical expression." ::= { conditionClasses 1 } conditionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConditionEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the condition Class that defines a boolean condition" PIB-INDEX { conditionPrid } ::= { conditionTable 1 } ConditionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { conditionPrid InstanceId, conditionReverse TruthValue } conditionPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the condition class." ::= { conditionEntry 1 } conditionReverse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue STATUS current DESCRIPTION "if true, the negation of the logical expression is evaluated, instead." ::= { conditionEntry 2 } -- END OF conditionTable -- -- Complex Condition Table -- complexConditionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ComplexConditionEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this PRC represents a complex condition. It consists of two simplier conditions, and a logical operator that determines how the two terms are assosiated to compose the more complicated condition" ::= { conditionClasses 2 } complexConditionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ComplexConditionEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the complexCondition class that breaks a complex condition into two simpler ones." EXTENDS { conditionEntry } ::= { complexConditionTable 1 } ComplexConditionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { operator INTEGER, leftTerm ReferenceId, rightTerm ReferenceId } operator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { and (0), or (1) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The logical operator in the complex condition" ::= { complexConditionEntry 1 } leftTerm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { conditionEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the first simpler condition." ::= { complexConditionEntry 2 } rightTerm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { conditionEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the second simpler condition." ::= { complexConditionEntry 3 } -- END OF complexConditionTable -- -- Boolean Condition Expression Table -- booleanConditionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BooleanConditionEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class extends the condition class and represents a boolean parameter from which the condition is evaluated." ::= { metaPolicyCapabilitiesClasses 2 } booleanConditionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanConditionEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the booleanCondition class that defines the boolean parameter that gives values to the corresponding condition." EXTENDS { conditionEntry } ::= { booleanConditionTable 1 } BooleanConditionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { parameterReference ReferenceId } parameterReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { parameterEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to a parameter from where the condition is evaluated. This condition MUST be of type boolean (TruthValue)." ::= { booleanConditionEntry 1 } -- End of booleanConditionTable -- -- Generic Condition Table -- genericConditionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenericConditionEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class extends the condition class and assosiates the corresponding condition with a complex logical expression, from where the condition is evaluated." ::= { conditionClasses 3 } genericConditionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenericConditionEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the generalCondition class that defines the logical expression for the corresponding condition of the condition class." PIB-INDEX { xmlDTDID } ::= { genericConditionTable 1 } GenericConditionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xmlDTDID InstanceId, xmlDTDRef ReferenceId, xmlCondition XMLString } xmlDTDID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "unique ID" ::= { genericConditionEntry 1 } xmlDTDRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { xmlDTDEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to the xmlDTD class that deternies which of the XML DTDs that this PEP supports is used in order to encode the expression." ::= { genericConditionEntry 2 } xmlCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XMLString STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The XML-encoded expression." ::={ genericConditionEntry 3 } -- End of genericConditionTable ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- Actions Group actionClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { metaPolicyPib 4 } -- -- Actions Table -- actionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ActionEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class stores an action of a meta-policy." ::= { actionClasses 1 } actionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActionEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the action class that stores an action of a meta-policy." PIB-INDEX { actionPrid } ::= { actionTable 1 } ActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { actionPrid InstanceId, actionRefTag TagReferenceId, actionTargetPrid Prid } actionPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the action class." ::= { actionEntry 1 } actionRefTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TagReferenceId PIB-TAG { metaPolicyActions } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An attribute that defines a Tag Group of actions. All actions with the same tag are grouped as the actions of a single meta-policy." ::={ actionEntry 2 } actionTargetPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PRID of the PRI to be installed/updated. The PRID must point to a single PRI." ::={ actionEntry 3 } -- END OF actionTable -- -- Action Value table -- actionValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ActionValueEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class extends the corresponding instance of the action class. It provides the BER-encoded value that will be installed at the corresponding PRI." ::= { actionClasses 2 } actionValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActionValueEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An insance of the actionValue class. It provides the value (encoded with BER) that will be installed at the PRI denoted by the corresponding instance of the action class." EXTENDS { actionEntry } ::= { actionValueTable 1 } ActionValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { actionValueEpd BERValue } actionValueEpd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BERValue STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the BER-encoded value of the PRI to be installed/updated." ::={ actionValueEntry 1 } -- END OF actionValueTable -- -- Action Parametric Value Table -- actionParametricValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ActionParametricValueEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class that extends the corresponding instance of the action class. It provides with the parametric value that will be installed at the corresponding PRI." ::= { actionClasses 3 } actionParametricValueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActionParametricValueEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An insance of the actionValue class. It provides with the parametric value that will be installed at the PRI denoted by the corresponding instance of the action class." EXTENDS { actionEntry } ::= { actionParametricValueTable 1 } ActionParametricValueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { parameterRef ReferenceId } parameterRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReferenceId PIB-REFERENCES { parameterEntry } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to a the parameter, from where the value of the installed PRI should be obtained. Whenever the value of the parameter changes, the installed PRI MUST be updated." ::={ actionParametricValueEntry 1 } -- END OF actionParametricValueTable ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- Parameter Group parameterClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { metaPolicyPib 5 } -- -- Parameter Table -- parameterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParameterEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each instance of this class defines a parameter that has been installed on the PEP. This class MUST be extended by a class that defines how the value of the parameter will be evaluated." ::= { parameterClasses 1} parameterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ParameterEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the parameter class that installs a parameter into the PEP." PIB-INDEX { parameterPrid } ::= { parameterTable 1 } ParameterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { parameterPrid InstanceId, parameterName SnmpAdminString, parameterType INTEGER } parameterPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the parameter class." ::= { parameterEntry 1 } parameterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A string that represents the name of the parameter. It is reccomented that different parameter have different names. However, similar parameter may have the same name. Also, an empty string can be used as a name." ::= { parameterEntry 2 } parameterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { integer(2), bitstring (3), octetstring (4), null (5), objectidentifier (6), ipaddress (40) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BER type of the parameter. The suppoted BER types are: Type | BER identifier --------------------|---------------- INTEGER | 02 BIT STRING | 03 OCTET STRING | 04 NULL | 05 OBJECT IDENTIFIER | 06 IP ADDRESS | 40" ::= { parameterEntry 3 } -- END OF parameterTable -- -- MIBPIB Parameter Table -- mibPibParameterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MibPibParameterEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class extends the parameter class. Each instance of this class assosiates to the corresponding parameter a MIB or PIB variable, from where the parameter is evaluated" ::= { parameterClasses 2 } mibPibParameterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MibPibParameterEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the mibPibParameter class that provides the identifier of the MIB/PIB variable from where the corresponding parameter is evaluated." EXTENDS { parameterEntry } ::= { mibPibParameterTable 1 } MibPibParameterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { targetOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, evaluationFrequency TimeTicks } targetOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object identifier of the MIB/PIB variable. The MIB/PIB variable MUST exist in the MIB/PIB of the device. Also, the type of the target variable MUST be compatible with the type of the corresponding PRI of the parameter Class." ::={ mibPibParameterEntry 1 } evaluationFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency of updating the parameter in milliseconds" ::={ mibPibParameterEntry 2 } -- END of mibPibParameterTable -- -- PDP Parameter Table -- pdpParameterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PdpParameterEntry PIB-ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This class extends the parameter class. Each instance of this class contains the value of the corresponding paramter. This value is send by the PDP and updated whenever necessary." ::= { parameterClasses 3 } pdpParameterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PdpParameterEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the pdpParameter class that stores the value, sent by the PDP, for the corresponding parameter." PIB-INDEX { pdpParameterPrid } ::= { pdpParameterTable 1 } PdpParameterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pdpParameterPrid InstanceId, lastValue BERValue } lastValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BERValue STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest value of the parameter, encoded with BER. The BER-encoded value must be of the same type as the corresponding PRI of the parameter class." ::={ pdpParameterEntry 1 } pdpParameterPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index to uniquely identify this parameter." ::= { pdpParameterEntry 2 } -- END OF pdpParameterTable END