LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC testMib FROM LIBSMI-TEST-MIB; libsmiTest013Mib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200109270000Z" ORGANIZATION "TU Braunschweig" CONTACT-INFO " Frank Strauss Postal: TU Braunschweig Muehlenpfordtstrasse 23 38106 Braunschweig Germany Phone: +49 531 391-3283 EMail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains one or more intentional errors, and/or unusual contents. Its only purpose is to check the abilities of MIB parsers to detect these circumstances. This MIB module is orginally written in SMIv2 format. This module checks for range normalization, thus there are no errors expected for this module. However the parser might complain about ranges not being in ascending order. The libsmi parser is expected to report: LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:70: warning: ranges not in ascending order LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:70: warning: ranges not in ascending order LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:84: warning: ranges not in ascending order LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:91: warning: ranges not in ascending order LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:58: warning: current type `RangeType1' is not referenced in this module LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:58: warning: type `RangeType1' has no format specification LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:65: warning: current type `RangeType2' is not referenced in this module LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:65: warning: type `RangeType2' has no format specification LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:72: warning: current type `RangeType3' is not referenced in this module LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:72: warning: type `RangeType3' has no format specification LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:79: warning: current type `RangeType4' is not referenced in this module LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:79: warning: type `RangeType4' has no format specification LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:86: warning: current type `RangeType5' is not referenced in this module LIBSMI-TEST-013-MIB:86: warning: type `RangeType5' has no format specification " REVISION "200109270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Revision." ::= { testMib 13 } RangeType1 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ranges of this type are expected to be normalized to (1..3|5..6)." SYNTAX Integer32 (1|2|3|5|6) RangeType2 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ranges of this type are expected to be normalized to (1..3)." SYNTAX Integer32 (3|2|1) RangeType3 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ranges of this type are expected to be normalized to (1..5)." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3|4..5) RangeType4 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ranges of this type are expected to be normalized to (1..5)." SYNTAX Integer32 (4..5|1..3) RangeType5 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ranges of this type are expected to be normalized to (1..3|5..6)." SYNTAX Integer32 (5..6|1..3) END