Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
* This module has been generated by smidump 0.4.5:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
* smidump -f yang SNMPv2-MIB
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
* Do not edit. Edit the source file instead!
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
module SNMPv2-MIB {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:smiv2:SNMPv2-MIB";
Packit |
022b05 |
prefix "snmpv2-mib";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
import SNMPv2-TC { prefix "smiv2"; }
Packit |
022b05 |
import yang-types { prefix "yang"; }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"IETF SNMPv3 Working Group";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"WG-EMail: snmpv3@lists.tislabs.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Subscribe: snmpv3-request@lists.tislabs.com
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Co-Chair: Russ Mundy
Packit |
022b05 |
Network Associates Laboratories
Packit |
022b05 |
postal: 15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
Packit |
022b05 |
Rockville, MD 20850-4601
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
EMail: mundy@tislabs.com
Packit |
022b05 |
phone: +1 301 947-7107
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Co-Chair: David Harrington
Packit |
022b05 |
Enterasys Networks
Packit |
022b05 |
postal: 35 Industrial Way
Packit |
022b05 |
P. O. Box 5005
Packit |
022b05 |
Rochester, NH 03866-5005
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
EMail: dbh@enterasys.com
Packit |
022b05 |
phone: +1 603 337-2614
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Editor: Randy Presuhn
Packit |
022b05 |
BMC Software, Inc.
Packit |
022b05 |
postal: 2141 North First Street
Packit |
022b05 |
San Jose, CA 95131
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
EMail: randy_presuhn@bmc.com
Packit |
022b05 |
phone: +1 408 546-1006";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The MIB module for SNMP entities.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
Packit |
022b05 |
version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3418;
Packit |
022b05 |
see the RFC itself for full legal notices.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
revision "2002-10-16" {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This revision of this MIB module was published as
Packit |
022b05 |
RFC 3418.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
revision "1995-11-09" {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"This revision of this MIB module was published as
Packit |
022b05 |
RFC 1907.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
revision "1993-04-01" {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The initial revision of this MIB module was published
Packit |
022b05 |
as RFC 1450.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
container system {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysDescr {
Packit |
022b05 |
type smiv2:DisplayString {
Packit |
022b05 |
length "0..255";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A textual description of the entity. This value should
Packit |
022b05 |
include the full name and version identification of
Packit |
022b05 |
the system's hardware type, software operating-system,
Packit |
022b05 |
and networking software.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysObjectID {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:object-identifier;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The vendor's authoritative identification of the
Packit |
022b05 |
network management subsystem contained in the entity.
Packit |
022b05 |
This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises
Packit |
022b05 |
subtree ( and provides an easy and
Packit |
022b05 |
unambiguous means for determining `what kind of box' is
Packit |
022b05 |
being managed. For example, if vendor `Flintstones,
Packit |
022b05 |
Inc.' was assigned the subtree,
Packit |
022b05 |
it could assign the identifier
Packit |
022b05 |
to its `Fred Router'.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysUpTime {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:timeticks;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The time (in hundredths of a second) since the
Packit |
022b05 |
network management portion of the system was last
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysContact {
Packit |
022b05 |
type smiv2:DisplayString {
Packit |
022b05 |
length "0..255";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config true;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The textual identification of the contact person for
Packit |
022b05 |
this managed node, together with information on how
Packit |
022b05 |
to contact this person. If no contact information is
Packit |
022b05 |
known, the value is the zero-length string.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysName {
Packit |
022b05 |
type smiv2:DisplayString {
Packit |
022b05 |
length "0..255";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config true;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An administratively-assigned name for this managed
Packit |
022b05 |
node. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified
Packit |
022b05 |
domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is
Packit |
022b05 |
the zero-length string.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysLocation {
Packit |
022b05 |
type smiv2:DisplayString {
Packit |
022b05 |
length "0..255";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config true;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The physical location of this node (e.g., 'telephone
Packit |
022b05 |
closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the
Packit |
022b05 |
value is the zero-length string.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysServices {
Packit |
022b05 |
type int32 {
Packit |
022b05 |
range "0..127";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A value which indicates the set of services that this
Packit |
022b05 |
entity may potentially offer. The value is a sum.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This sum initially takes the value zero. Then, for
Packit |
022b05 |
each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node
Packit |
022b05 |
performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added
Packit |
022b05 |
to the sum. For example, a node which performs only
Packit |
022b05 |
routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)).
Packit |
022b05 |
In contrast, a node which is a host offering application
Packit |
022b05 |
services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)).
Packit |
022b05 |
Note that in the context of the Internet suite of
Packit |
022b05 |
protocols, values should be calculated accordingly:
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
layer functionality
Packit |
022b05 |
1 physical (e.g., repeaters)
Packit |
022b05 |
2 datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
Packit |
022b05 |
3 internet (e.g., supports the IP)
Packit |
022b05 |
4 end-to-end (e.g., supports the TCP)
Packit |
022b05 |
7 applications (e.g., supports the SMTP)
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6
Packit |
022b05 |
may also be counted.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysORLastChange {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:timestamp;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent
Packit |
022b05 |
change in state or value of any instance of sysORID.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
/* XXX table comments here XXX */
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
list sysOREntry {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
key "sysORIndex";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysORIndex {
Packit |
022b05 |
type int32 {
Packit |
022b05 |
range "1..2147483647";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances
Packit |
022b05 |
of the columnar objects in the sysORTable.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysORID {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:object-identifier;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An authoritative identification of a capabilities
Packit |
022b05 |
statement with respect to various MIB modules supported
Packit |
022b05 |
by the local SNMP application acting as a command
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysORDescr {
Packit |
022b05 |
type smiv2:DisplayString;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A textual description of the capabilities identified
Packit |
022b05 |
by the corresponding instance of sysORID.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf sysORUpTime {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:timestamp;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The value of sysUpTime at the time this conceptual
Packit |
022b05 |
row was last instantiated.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
container snmp {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInPkts {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of messages delivered to the SNMP
Packit |
022b05 |
entity from the transport service.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutPkts {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Messages which were
Packit |
022b05 |
passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the
Packit |
022b05 |
transport service.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInBadVersions {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP messages which were delivered
Packit |
022b05 |
to the SNMP entity and were for an unsupported SNMP
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInBadCommunityNames {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of community-based SNMP messages (for
Packit |
022b05 |
example, SNMPv1) delivered to the SNMP entity which
Packit |
022b05 |
used an SNMP community name not known to said entity.
Packit |
022b05 |
Also, implementations which authenticate community-based
Packit |
022b05 |
SNMP messages using check(s) in addition to matching
Packit |
022b05 |
the community name (for example, by also checking
Packit |
022b05 |
whether the message originated from a transport address
Packit |
022b05 |
allowed to use a specified community name) MAY include
Packit |
022b05 |
in this value the number of messages which failed the
Packit |
022b05 |
additional check(s). It is strongly RECOMMENDED that
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
the documentation for any security model which is used
Packit |
022b05 |
to authenticate community-based SNMP messages specify
Packit |
022b05 |
the precise conditions that contribute to this value.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInBadCommunityUses {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of community-based SNMP messages (for
Packit |
022b05 |
example, SNMPv1) delivered to the SNMP entity which
Packit |
022b05 |
represented an SNMP operation that was not allowed for
Packit |
022b05 |
the SNMP community named in the message. The precise
Packit |
022b05 |
conditions under which this counter is incremented
Packit |
022b05 |
(if at all) depend on how the SNMP entity implements
Packit |
022b05 |
its access control mechanism and how its applications
Packit |
022b05 |
interact with that access control mechanism. It is
Packit |
022b05 |
strongly RECOMMENDED that the documentation for any
Packit |
022b05 |
access control mechanism which is used to control access
Packit |
022b05 |
to and visibility of MIB instrumentation specify the
Packit |
022b05 |
precise conditions that contribute to this value.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInASNParseErrs {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by
Packit |
022b05 |
the SNMP entity when decoding received SNMP messages.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInTooBigs {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
Packit |
022b05 |
delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
Packit |
022b05 |
which the value of the error-status field was
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInNoSuchNames {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
Packit |
022b05 |
delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
Packit |
022b05 |
which the value of the error-status field was
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInBadValues {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were
Packit |
022b05 |
delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
Packit |
022b05 |
which the value of the error-status field was
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInReadOnlys {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were delivered
Packit |
022b05 |
to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
Packit |
022b05 |
of the error-status field was `readOnly'. It should
Packit |
022b05 |
be noted that it is a protocol error to generate an
Packit |
022b05 |
SNMP PDU which contains the value `readOnly' in the
Packit |
022b05 |
error-status field, as such this object is provided
Packit |
022b05 |
as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of
Packit |
022b05 |
the SNMP.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInGenErrs {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered
Packit |
022b05 |
to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
Packit |
022b05 |
of the error-status field was `genErr'.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInTotalReqVars {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of MIB objects which have been
Packit |
022b05 |
retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
Packit |
022b05 |
as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request
Packit |
022b05 |
and Get-Next PDUs.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInTotalSetVars {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of MIB objects which have been
Packit |
022b05 |
altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as
Packit |
022b05 |
the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInGetRequests {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
Packit |
022b05 |
have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
Packit |
022b05 |
protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInGetNexts {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been
Packit |
022b05 |
accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInSetRequests {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
Packit |
022b05 |
have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInGetResponses {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
Packit |
022b05 |
have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpInTraps {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been
Packit |
022b05 |
accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutTooBigs {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
Packit |
022b05 |
by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
Packit |
022b05 |
of the error-status field was `tooBig.'";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutNoSuchNames {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
Packit |
022b05 |
by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
Packit |
022b05 |
of the error-status was `noSuchName'.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutBadValues {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
Packit |
022b05 |
by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
Packit |
022b05 |
of the error-status field was `badValue'.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutGenErrs {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated
Packit |
022b05 |
by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value
Packit |
022b05 |
of the error-status field was `genErr'.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutGetRequests {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which
Packit |
022b05 |
have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutGetNexts {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have
Packit |
022b05 |
been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutSetRequests {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which
Packit |
022b05 |
have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutGetResponses {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which
Packit |
022b05 |
have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpOutTraps {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
status obsolete;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have
Packit |
022b05 |
been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpEnableAuthenTraps {
Packit |
022b05 |
type enumeration {
Packit |
022b05 |
enum enabled { value 1; }
Packit |
022b05 |
enum disabled { value 2; }
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
config true;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"Indicates whether the SNMP entity is permitted to
Packit |
022b05 |
generate authenticationFailure traps. The value of this
Packit |
022b05 |
object overrides any configuration information; as such,
Packit |
022b05 |
it provides a means whereby all authenticationFailure
Packit |
022b05 |
traps may be disabled.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Note that it is strongly recommended that this object
Packit |
022b05 |
be stored in non-volatile memory so that it remains
Packit |
022b05 |
constant across re-initializations of the network
Packit |
022b05 |
management system.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpSilentDrops {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs (such as
Packit |
022b05 |
GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
Packit |
022b05 |
GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
Packit |
022b05 |
InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
Packit |
022b05 |
were silently dropped because the size of a reply
Packit |
022b05 |
containing an alternate Response Class PDU (such as a
Packit |
022b05 |
Response-PDU) with an empty variable-bindings field
Packit |
022b05 |
was greater than either a local constraint or the
Packit |
022b05 |
maximum message size associated with the originator of
Packit |
022b05 |
the request.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpProxyDrops {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:counter32;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The total number of Confirmed Class PDUs
Packit |
022b05 |
(such as GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs,
Packit |
022b05 |
GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and
Packit |
022b05 |
InformRequest-PDUs) delivered to the SNMP entity which
Packit |
022b05 |
were silently dropped because the transmission of
Packit |
022b05 |
the (possibly translated) message to a proxy target
Packit |
022b05 |
failed in a manner (other than a time-out) such that
Packit |
022b05 |
no Response Class PDU (such as a Response-PDU) could
Packit |
022b05 |
be returned.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
container snmpTrap {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpTrapOID {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:object-identifier;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The authoritative identification of the notification
Packit |
022b05 |
currently being sent. This variable occurs as
Packit |
022b05 |
the second varbind in every SNMPv2-Trap-PDU and
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpTrapEnterprise {
Packit |
022b05 |
type yang:object-identifier;
Packit |
022b05 |
config false;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"The authoritative identification of the enterprise
Packit |
022b05 |
associated with the trap currently being sent. When an
Packit |
022b05 |
SNMP proxy agent is mapping an RFC1157 Trap-PDU
Packit |
022b05 |
into a SNMPv2-Trap-PDU, this variable occurs as the
Packit |
022b05 |
last varbind.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
container snmpSet {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
leaf snmpSetSerialNo {
Packit |
022b05 |
type smiv2:TestAndIncr;
Packit |
022b05 |
config true;
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An advisory lock used to allow several cooperating
Packit |
022b05 |
command generator applications to coordinate their
Packit |
022b05 |
use of the SNMP set operation.
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
This object is used for coarse-grain coordination.
Packit |
022b05 |
To achieve fine-grain coordination, one or more similar
Packit |
022b05 |
objects might be defined within each MIB group, as
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notification coldStart {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A coldStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity,
Packit |
022b05 |
supporting a notification originator application, is
Packit |
022b05 |
reinitializing itself and that its configuration may
Packit |
022b05 |
have been altered.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notification warmStart {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"A warmStart trap signifies that the SNMP entity,
Packit |
022b05 |
supporting a notification originator application,
Packit |
022b05 |
is reinitializing itself such that its configuration
Packit |
022b05 |
is unaltered.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
notification authenticationFailure {
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
"An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMP
Packit |
022b05 |
entity has received a protocol message that is not
Packit |
022b05 |
properly authenticated. While all implementations
Packit |
022b05 |
of SNMP entities MAY be capable of generating this
Packit |
022b05 |
trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object indicates
Packit |
022b05 |
whether this trap will be generated.";
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
Packit |
022b05 |
} /* end of module SNMPv2-MIB */